An Author's Authority

Look, I know I shouldn't be starting yet another story, but I have this idea and want to share it. I have yet to see a PyrrhaxPercy fic, even though that's the perfect ship. I will have more at the bottom, just let me get this crap out of my head.

I don't own PJO or RWBY.


Percy Jackson, Hero of Olympus, son of Poseidon, slayer of Titan and Giant, one of the seven chosen heroes, and all around badass dork, was getting his ass kicked by the Arai. No matter how hard he fought, the pain was too much. Each curse hit like a truck and only increased his exhaustion. Percy glanced over at Annabeth, who was just about to fall over, he apologized silently to her, looks like they weren't going to make it out. His sword, Riptide, felt as if it weighed a ton in his hand. Feeling as if it was all over, he collapsed to his knees as the creatures stalked over to him.

"This is your end, Perseus Jackson," one of the Arai croaked out. "You have lost." Percy closes his eyes, awaiting death. Just as the monster was about to make the final swing, everything froze. Percy felt a tug at his mind, and everything went black.

Ozpin's Office

A man, with silver hair, bespectacled brown eyes, and a black and green suit stared out his large tower window, casting his gaze over the empty courtyard, and sighed. This was Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy. The school year had yet to start and there was already so much on his mind.

Amber had just been attacked and half her power stolen and placed in a coma, with no recovery in sight for her, they must find a new candidate for her powers. What's worse, his contacts knew very little of who attacked her. Then there was the issue with the young girl he had let in two years early, young Ruby Rose.

He rubbed his temple and thought on what to do, only to be interrupted by a large purple and silver portal that appeared before his desk. Fearing the worst, he grasps his cane firmly, holding it in preparation of what may come from the other side.

A single man in a long black hooded coat with silver chains and zippers walked out. His face was entirely concealed by the deep hood. "Hello, cursed one," he greets, only setting off even more alarm bells in the Headmaster's mind, very few knew of that information. "I know of your predicament, but I may have a solution to your worries. I come in peace."

"Who are you?" Ozpin asks.


Percy groaned as he awoke. Noticing he's not dead, he quickly sits up, and, casting his eyes around, he discovered he was in a blinding white room with light coming from everywhere, and nowhere. There seemed to be no exit or entrance to this place. How did he get here?

"Easy there, demigod. Best not to be so hasty, you are safe here." A voice said from behind him.

Turning around, Percy saw a man in a black coat leaning with one foot on what he assumed was a wall. "Where am I?" He asked. "Who are you? Is Annabeth safe?"

He holds up a hand in a placating gesture. "She is well, for now." The man said. "But your decision here will decide her fate from then on." He snaps a finger and a still scene appears before the two. It's Percy fighting the Arai, with Annabeth on her knees in pain and exhaustion. Percy unconsciously tightens his fist. "Currently, you are in my mindscape, and the real you is about to be slain. But I have a proposition for you. If you accept, this you will survive and finish his fight; but the you here, will be cast on a new adventure."

"I don't understand," the demigod says. "How can I be at two places at once, and I'll say it again, who are you?"

The man laughs. "Well sure you can, with reality bending powers," he suggests, like he wasn't speaking of ludicrous power, but rather, saying that it might rain. "As for who I am..."

Ozpin's Office

The coated man gives a bow. "Forgive my interruption Wonderful Wizard Ozpin, but I can assure you, I am not one of the Queen's pawns," He states. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am simply, the other guy. I am the one taking the picture, I am the one behind the scenes, I direct fate, I am the writer of destiny, I am... the Author. Do use that, it'll be easier."

Ozpin's eyes widen at the unsaid suggestion of what this... Author was. "While what you say is cryptic, I can only assume you are not of this plane of existence. As very few are privy to my curse and my personal troubles, let alone the existence of Salem."

The Author nods. "Correct," the man says. "I am an inter-dimensional traveler who wishes to observe the realities, and if it does not suit me, to change it. What I have seen of the future here concerns me. You need a champion of light to fight the coming darkness: you need a hero. And I know just the person."

He snaps his fingers, and the image of a tall boy, seventeen years of age, with black hair, radiant sea-green eyes, and a bronze sword on his shoulder appears. "This is Perseus Jackson," Author introduces. "In his world, Mythology and magic are very much real. Son of a human woman and the God of the Seas, Poseidon, Percy is a demigod who has saved an entire pantheon from destruction more than once. With powers beyond this world, he can be your world's savior; he can be the key to finally bringing peace to this world."

The Author's Mindscape

Percy blinks at the idea of this man. A man who, apparently, watches over worlds and dimensions, can copy a person, and send that person to be a hero in a realm that is not his own. He paces back and forth, partly to comprehend this, partly because of his ADHD. "I can't believe this."

"This can't be the hardest thing to take in," Author groans. "You deal with actual mythological creatures daily." Percy shrugs at that. He's got a point.

"So, what do you want me to do exactly?" Percy asks.

"There is a world, a dimension more like, known as Remnant. A land where monsters are common knowledge, and darkness encroaches. I want you to save it. I'll give you all you need, knowledge, gear, and the like, if it is in my power. In exchange, this you and Annabeth will survive this encounter with Arai with my help, and defeat the giants. If you succeed, I will give you a choice to merge with your other self, or to stay in Remnant as you wish."

He snaps his fingers, the image of a boy about his age, with golden blond hair, white armor, over a black and orange hoodie appears."You will take the place of this man, Jaune Arc, at a combat school he was not ready to attend and will try to cheat his way in. He will see his dream to be a Huntsman, the guardians of this world, realized however, but will be privately tutored to fight." The boy's image shifts, now being clad in a black duster with armor plates, before disappearing.

"My real self is already speaking to the headmaster of your deeds and life, he will surely agree. Do YOU agree however?"

Percy looks down, thinking. "Well, looks like it's go to a new realm, or die. So yeah, guess I'm in. But I need a few things."

"I will get what I can, but none of your friends may come along, the rules of time and space are already being bent dangerously."

"I want my shield, the one Tyson made." Author snapped his fingers, and a watch dropped into his outstretched hand. He then tossed it to Percy. Putting it on and tapping the screen, a large, engraved shield with countless adventures told on it, unfolds. He nods. "Could I bring Blackjack?"

"Call for him and he will come." Author agrees. "But be careful, he may be mistaken as one of the bloodthirsty monsters of this world. Anything else?"

"You said you'd give me knowledge on this place?" Author nods. "Do you think YOU could help out?"

Author shakes his hand in an iffy way. "I can be there, but interacting with the physical plane is difficult, which is why I use a champion. I can be around to give you extra insight, be your mentor, but I cannot promise I can fight." Percy sighs in agreement. Figures, he's dealt with beings with phenomenal cosmic powers but itty bitty presence before.

"If I need anything else, can you get while I'm there?"

Author shrugs. "I will try, but my powers may be strained while I'm there."

"Alright. Hit me with the books then, buddy."

Author stands up straight, and walks over to Percy. He lifts his hood, revealing a young man who couldn't be more than three years his senior, with bleached white hair and brown eyes. He had on a perpetual smirk on his lips. Putting two fingers on the middle of his forehead, he casts into Percy's mind all that he needs to know. The Grimm, Huntsman and Huntresses, the academies, the Faunus and their plights, the history of the world, Dust, Aura, Semblances, even fairy tales and religions.

"Now, I believe you need your Aura unlocked," the Author suggested. "Allow me." He places his hands on either side of Percy's shoulders. "For it is in self-sacrifice that we achieve legend. Through this, we break our mortal chains and become the beacon of hope to those around us. Infinite in inspiration and abounding in brotherhood, I release your soul and by thy hand, save them all." He chants.

A glow, the same color as Percy's eyes, surrounds him. He feels as if everything that comforts him is happening at once: as if he's back at Camp Half-Blood, eating blue food, with his mom, as the ocean surrounds him.

Ozpin's Office

The professor listens intently to the Author's tale of the lad he is inviting to this world. More and more, this young man sounds like he could be exactly what Remnant needs.

"Are we in agreement professor?" Author asks.

"I believe so," the master Huntsman approves. "But please, do be careful around my school, it would not do well if the rumors start that a ghost wanders the halls. When will I see mister Jackson?"

"He has agreed to his quest, and is being informed of your world now, he will be here soon after I give him one last parting gift. For now, I believe there is a young Arc who needs some news broken to him." As the Headmaster arranges for Jaune's private training, a portal opens beside the Author not a minute later, and the hero himself enters Remnant for the very first time.

"Ah, mister Jackson, I presume?"

"You must be Professor Ozpin," Percy raises his hand to shake, the Headmaster returning. "Guess I'm your student now?"

"It appears so. I do hope you can be of help to my world. Thank you for volunteering on such a dangerous task."

And with that shake, the very reality shakes, as destiny warps to this new arrival.

Yes, I know I have several unfinished stories. Yes, I know I just inserted myself into this fic. No, I won't be too major of a character. I just wanted to get this on paper, if I do manage to keep on it, so be it. But it would be best if I get a person to adopt it, just in case. I don't want to neglect any story, but I've hit a wall with the others for now.

This will be a Percy x Pyrrha, two Greek style champions who have unbelievable power, but are never shipped.

Well, read and review what you think.

This is Theothergy (The-Other-Guy) signing out!