I don't own Ducktales!
(A/N: I updated this chapter slightly to accommodate an inconsistency I had forgotten about Haha xD)
Hey, it's been quite a while. Don't know why I decided to continue writing about all the events in a new notebook but I guess it has become a story that needs a conclusion.
Oh boy, where to begin. Good news, we found my mom! :D bad news...well I mean, we were all bruised, beaten, etc. All of us found that we had broken something. Webby re-broke her ankle, Uncle Scrooge had 3 fractured ribs and a crack in his ankle, I had fractured ribs near the bone in the middle of the ribs, whatever that's called, along with multiple bruises and other minor fractures. Louie had second degree burns on his hands and apparently acquired some form of asthma that was unheard of. Thankfully it's not severe and he doesn't need the inhale thingy much. Huey had a small crack in his skull, and uncle Donald, well, surprisingly, he had nothing wrong with him. But he is always getting hurt, so he was probably strong enough.
Mom ended up being in worse shape than all of us combined. She also had broken ribs and a broken leg that didn't heal correctly. She was malnutritioned and dehydrated, and also was in a coma for almost 2 weeks before she woke up. I can only imagine how exhausted she mist have been. Fighting for 10 years. Geez. I'm surprised she didn't sleep for another 10 years haha.
Apparently, Scrooge tried to heal everyone with that one thing Webby and I used that one time, but it shattered instantly. Guess it was only good for a couple of uses, so we all had to suffer through our pain.
I don't remember much of that, mostly because I was asleep. Yeah. I ended up being in ANOTHER short coma for about a week. It's because of that that I don't remember the ride back home, and honestly, I don't remember what happened back at that moon. All I remember is being hyped for the trip and that's it! According to Louie, I was a total hero and stabbed myself? I don't understand how that saved us all, but I'll take it, as long as I looked cool!
When mom finally woke up it was such a happy moment. It was full of tears, crying, hugs, apologies, and oh my gosh I'm getting teary eyed just remembering! We caught up on EVERYTHING. from what had happened in the past years on our side, and on her side, and what happened on our side back on the caves, and what happened on Louie and Scrooge's end. It's too bad I don't remember what happened after I became a hero, cause, Louie says I disappeared and then they blacked out.
Huey had a lot of trouble telling his part. He said he saw a very sinister version of me and it told him a lot of stuff he didn't want to hear. He defended himself when it attacked him and next thing he knew he had a spear in his hand and said I was suddenly in front of him. Donald butt in at this point and said that he didn't recall when any of this happened. All he remembered was turning around after a heated discussion with his uncle and they found Huey mentally breaking down over me. They couldn't calm him down. Then they got attacked by something, and then they just remember waking up at the dark cave.
My mind hurts just from thinking of all this.
Uncle Scrooge also told us the reason I had dreams and feelings of where she was is because the spear was projecting them to me. Why only me, we don't know. But it was trying to lure us to it so it could finish its business it couldn't before. Yikes that is scary. Turns out mom was unconsciously using that power as well, and that's the reason why I could see certain visions that had nothing to do with her whereabouts. Gosh that woman is powerful.
Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed that the dreams and feelings I had weren't because I had superpowers. Oh well.
It's been a couple of weeks and things are sort of back to normal. Well, as normal as things can get by having a family member that's been assumed dead for over 10 years living with you from then on.
It's been a tough road for us all, but in the end, I feel it was worth it. Uncle Donald and Uncle Scrooge seem a lot happier now. Webby is ecstatic that mom treats her like a child of her own. Sometimes she has called my mom "mom". I don't know if accidentally or I intentionally but her eyes light up when she says the word.
Huey and Louie tease me and say it's going to be so weird when Webby and I get together, to have the same mom, even if not biologically. I like Webby, but not in THAT way. So, I tell them it won't because we won't get together. I don't know how they think I really like her. She's fun, sweet, amazing, cool, and sure we do hang out about 80 the time, but that doesn't mean anything!
...but, I mean if we ever did (NOT SAYING WE ARE BUT ONLY IF) that would maybe be kinda weird….*shudder*
ANYWAYS I do wonder what happened to her own parents though. I hope she'll be able to meet them in the future.
Huey and Louie are very happy. Louie tends to cling to mom the most, but I'm glad he's getting the attention he requires. Huey is glad to share everything he knows with someone new.
Turns out mom used to be quite the pilot back then. She is the one that would fly the planes when my uncles would go on adventures. I'm guessing Launchpad was her replacement once she was gone.
Speaking of the guy, he was somewhat worried he was being replaced when he learned of my mom's piloting skills. Though mom was a safer pilot, she said she would be delighted if he continued to be the main pilot, as she was "injured and in no condition to pilot". I think that was a lie to just make him feel better. She did say she could give him some pointers on flying as well. Launchpad was excited. I don't think Scrooge would have kicked him out though. He's part of the family.
As for me, I am more than happy to have mom with us. I longed for this moment for the longest time ever. There were times I thought we would not succeed, but I'm glad it all worked out in the end. I haven't had anymore dreams of mom, of course, just the norm.
Well, we are about to go to our first family adventure with mom! Wish I could write more, but I can hear everyone calling my name. I don't know what I will do with this journal cause I don't need one anymore…now that I think about it I don't think I ever really even needed any journal in the first place….I just thought it was important at the time. I'll just keep it for now and see what I do in the future.
So...until next time?
-Dewey Duck
That's it! More than a year later and I have finished! Thank you to everyone so sooooo much that favorited/followed, reviewed, and those of you that simply read this story. Thank you for supporting my very first DuckTales story here on Fanfiction! ^.^ Y'all are so amazing. Wish I could provide more, but for now enjoy some virtual cookies and refreshments!
I do plan to keep writing more DuckTales stories, just not as long as this one. Maybe in the future but not for now haha. So be on the lookout for that!
I still have plans to animate this story. Yeah, it's gonna be a loooooong time before the product comes out, but well, I hope it's worth it in the end! :3 If for some reason animation doesn't work I'll make it in the form of a comic and make it an animated comic or something XD
Maybe I'll post an update chapter in the future about where I would be posting that project, and where I might upload test animations. I'll check FanFiction's rules and guidelines and see how I can provide that info lol.
See you guys around and take care! :D