The funeral home was packed between family and friends. Naomi stood in a line that seemed endless. She looked over the slideshow of pictures of Peyton. Everywhere you looked there was a flower arrangement. And at the end of the line sat a casket that Roman stood next to. His hair pulled back in a bun perfectly, a designer suit. His eyes red from tear. Jimmy said he had been inconsolable.

Roman's mother stood with a group of her friends. Always watching Roman. Naomi noticed she was dry eyed. Nerves hit her as she got closer to the casket. It seemed the whispers around her where getting louder. "So sad."

"She was young."

"Shame she never got help." Naomi waited as Nikki and John paid their respects. She listened as in John Cena's way he tried to give words of hope to Roman. Nikki could only hug him telling her how sorry she was. And what a sweet girl Peyton had been.

Naomi stood in front of the casket, she looked in focusing on the white linen Peyton laid in, the light pink nail polish they used. Her wedding band still on her finger. But Naomi could bring herself to look her in the face.

Naomi couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. Guilt she didn't ask more questions. Guilt she didn't become closer to Peyton, guilt she justified everything. Guilt she made it easier for herself. She stayed in line, not to rock the boat. Not to start family issues and not to effect their work.

"Sorry," Naomi hugged Roman. "You know we are here for you." That is what you are supposed to say. But Naomi wonder who was ever there for Peyton. She stepped aside, her husband had been busy with family all day. She took a seat and waited.

That question kept playing in Naomi's mind who was there for Peyton. As she looked around the room, she noticed these people where all in Roman's life. Yes people from the WWE knew Peyton. But she wasn't friends with them.

Naomi crossed her legs looking over the program. "Hey," Naomi felt her shoulder being squeezed by Randy Ortin. Naomi gave a smile. His wife sat next to him. She looked broad and ready to leave. Naomi wondered why she came.

"Well she hadn't been right for weeks," Roman's mother stood in a circle of people. "Roman tried with her. Oh what he had to live with." Naomi stood not able to listen to any more. This was some show for Roman. He was the poor windower. The man that found his wife, dead in their bed.


Renee stood with Dean in line. "It was nice so many people came." Renee looked around. She noticed Naomi and gave a wave. Naomi didn't seem to see her and kept walking. "I am going yo check in her," she patted Dean's arm.

Naomi stood over a sink. "Hey," Renee walked up her. Naomi wiped her eyes.

"I couldn't sit out there," Naomi shook her head.

"It is hard, and so sad," Renee rubbed her arm.

"Renee," Naomi looked up, "this isn't right."

"No, I mean how sad that she," Renee said wide eyed.

"No," Naomi stopped her. "I just can't help thinking. There is more to this, I mean. How well did you know Peyton?"

"Well just she was Roman's wife. I mean she wasn't easy to get to know."

"No one is here for her," Naomi blinked tears away. "It is Roman's family Roman's co workers. Did you know he wouldn't ever let her best friend in? He give a list of people who were not allowed." Renee stood quiet. "I just don't believe she was just depressed. I don't believe Baron took her away."

"People have affairs," Renee said.

"I should have asked more, spoke up," Naomi said.

"About what?"

"Renee," Naomi looked her in the eye, "come on." Renee looked away. Naomi was right. There were plenty if time Renee should asked questions said something, pushed to get to know Peyton more. Maybe Peyton was depressed but it didn't come from an illness. "I just have a lot of guilt. And now there nothing anyone can do."

"We were always nice to her," Renee's voice sounded searching. "I mean she knew she had people. She could have talked to someone." Naomi knew Renee was trying to make her feel better.

"I said nothing Renee, nothing because I didn't want to upset my husband, his cousin, his aunt. I didn't want to start things at work. And if I was really honest I didn't want to know."

"He show," Roman asked Seth.

"No, didn't think he would," Seth knew Baron was not welcomed. Seth understood, and was sure Baron wouldn't try. It would cause a sense, and this was not the place for it.

He was upset Tracy was not allowed, it seemed unfair. Seth even asked if she could come before Roman that way they didn't have to see each other. Roman refused, and Seth didn't feel it was his place to push.

He had the misfortune of telling Tracy about Peyton's death. "That son of a bitch," Tracy howled.

"Tracy he didn't kill her," Seth argued.

"The hell he didn't," Tracy cried, "she was gone long before this." Her words hunted Seth.

Lots of things hunted Seth. He replayed talks, thing Roman said, things he saw between him and Peyton. It seemed there was more going on in their relationship. Now it was too late to find out. Seth was Roman friend, and had no reason to lie. Peyton did seem sad and withdrawn, it seemed she was forcing a smile. Trying to be social, but not really happy.

Roman was heart broke, Seth saw it. If Roman didn't love her wouldn't be this upset. If you are abustive you don't love the person. That person wouldn't stay. There have been more signs, not just doubt. A thing like could ruin a person. You don't accuse someone of such a thing, without proof.


"Naomi ok," Dean asked as Renee sat next to him.

"Hard day," Renee answered. "How is Roman holding up?"

"Comes and goes."

"Did Peyton have any family," Renee looked around, remembering Naomi's words.

"Her parent had been dead for years," Dean answered.

"Any of her friends show," Renee stomach knotted.

"I mean WWE people she knew," Dean looked at Renee, he could tell she was searching for an answer.

"I mean friends."

"Renee," Dean's voice was low, "what is wrong."

"Just seems weird," Renee smiled

"Look today is not the day. It is over." Renee looked at Dean wide eyed. "You suck at being sneaky."

"Dean did you," Renee asked quietly.

"Look it is over, yeah I saw things. I heard him yell call her names. I saw less and less of her friends." He stopped, "life is just not black and white. There are two side to every story. Peyton just wrote her own ending."


Everyone sat listing to the peacher talk of forgiveness and love. Roman stood giving a moving speech about the love of his life. He retold the story of their lives, there were tears and even some laughs. In the end he talked of how he wish he did more. He wasn't the only one with that wish.

Tracy sat across from Baron in a dinner. "I can't believe he gets the last word." Baron shook his head. "Everyone thinks she was some depressed sad mess."

"Wasn't she," Tracy said with a chuckle. Baron narrowed his eyes at her. "I listened to that message a thousand time." Tracy paused, "she knew, she knew better than all of us."

"I don't follow," Baron said, "how can her." He didn't finish his sentence, he still hadn't said if out loud.

"It was her only way out, it was everyone's out. Roman wasn't going to let her go. I mean did you think that Roman was going to wish you well. That you two would live happily ever after." Tracy put her hand in her head.

"I knew that," Baron couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Peyton had to take care of people," Tracy smiled, "that is how her and Roman met. She helped him with school. If it the truth came out, if people found out what Roman and her marriage was," Tracy closed her eyes, "it would ruin him. And Peyton couldn't live with that. And if he kept after you, which he would have. She couldn't handle that. So she settled it. Took out what she saw was the problem." Tracy stopped at the word. "She believed she was fixing the problem. Everyone moves on."

"How can I move on," Baron could imagine having to face Roman now. How could he?

"I don't know," Tracy tucked her lips in.

"I just wish she would have let me help her," Baron ribbed her forehead.

"That the thing I think you did. I am not blaming you. But I think she saw clearly how there just was no way out."

"She did, and it wasn't this," Baron was shocked.

"There wasn't in her mind, there just wasn't," Tracy took Barons hand. "Not without taking everyone with her." Baron sat trying to take in what Tracy said. It seemed so simple when it was put that way. Life just was that way sometime. It wasn't simple and happy endings. Wrongs were not always righted.

Baron had to believe that at some point Roman would get his. He would somehow would pay for what he put Peyton through. Baron would have to live with the fact he didn't say anything, he was sure he wasn't the only one on that list.

"Cheesecake," a waitress placed a plate down.

"Thank you," Tracy said, "it was her favor." Baron smiled, he remember their night in the cabin. "To Peyton," Tracy handed him a piece, "may she finally find some peace."

The End