Original story author SnowieBearSnarl. Gifted to me to continue as they downsize their stories.
"Summer…" A voice whispered from the darkness, its uncomfortable tone pulling her begrudgingly out of comfortable sleep. Still, her sleepy eyes were too tired to open, so she let herself slip back into the peaceful darkness of unconsciousness, hoping that she would not be disturbed again.
"Summer come on, wake up… I have a situation, I could use your help!" The hushed but frantic voice combined with hand shaking her roughly by her shoulder finally persuaded her to open her eyes despite her exhaustion and deep desire for more rest.
"Mhm… sleep…" Summer mumbled flopping over onto her back, blinking away the cloudiness from her bleary eyes. Their bedroom was lit up with a dim orange light, the open window beside her let in a gentle late spring breeze waft over her as she stared at the ceiling, her tired mind begging to go back to sleep.
"Please help, I don't know what I'm supposed to do here." Summer felt another firm shake, bringing her into full alertness. With a groan Summer rolled her head to the side and looked at her partner.
Beside her sat a beautiful young woman with long, lustrous black hair wearing a dark gray tank-top stared down at her lap, her stunning crimson eyes glowed in the low light, their intensity contrasting with the nervous, uncomfortable look on her face. For a moment, Summer was puzzled as she sleepily sat herself up… but then she understood everything as she followed her lover's gaze.
"Aww, that's adorable!" Summer beamed as she looked down at the tiny little girl passed out in Raven's lap, snoring comfortably, her black, red tipped bangs covering her eyes as she slept. Little Ruby Rose, Summer's biological daughter was snuggled up to Raven, her head resting on her belly as she lay curled in a ball looking like the safest, most comfortable creature in all of creation. Which was more than Summer could say for the woman Ruby slept on.
"She came in here, said she had a nightmare, I didn't know what to do so I just held her and now she's asleep and I don't know what to do?!" Raven was visibly panicking as she barely shifted underneath that sleeping child, treating her like a bomb that could go off at any moment should she move too fast.
"Well step one would be calming down, she's a child not a high explosive." Summer giggled at her lover's expense as she sat up, wearing a white t-shirt several sizes too large for her. With a tender, loving touch she brushed aside her sleeping daughter's bangs, looking at her peaceful face. You wouldn't have guessed she just had a nightmare with how content she looked.
"I mean, should I try and move her? Should I wake her up? She just fell asleep and she's got a busy day, I'm pretty sure she needs lots of sleep right? That's a thing kids need right? I can feel my ass falling asleep but I don't want to wake her up, and what if me moving too much makes her have a nightmare? Summer save me!" Her deep crimson eyes looked pleadingly to her partner, shifting ever so slightly beneath Ruby.
"Ruby's not the lightest sleeper, if you want I can take her and bring her back to her room." Summer could barely contain her amusement as she gently rubbed Ruby's back.
"No!" Raven blurted out before her brain even had time to process how embarrassing that was. A hot blush tinted her cheeks as she looked bashfully away from her partner. "I- I mean, if she was having nightmares it's probably best for her to stay here, just for tonight. She's already comfortable and I just need to move a little bit so I can be comfortable too. She doesn't have to go… just, help me move her a little?"
"I think I can do that." Summer smiled warmly, putting her arms around her sleeping daughter, slowly and carefully working them under her until she held most of her small weight, and little Ruby didn't stir for even a moment.
"Thanks." Raven sighed as she made herself more comfortable, scooting closer to her girlfriend until they were touching, she could feel Summer's warmth and the softness of her skin as she rested against her. "Okay, I'm good."
"Here you go." With a sing song voice she gently dropped Ruby back into Raven's lap. "It's almost morning, I can go start some coffee if you want. Qrow will be here to pick up the girls at around noon, then we'll have the entire day to ourselves, we can even nap if we want to."
"Coffee sounds good, thank you Summer." Raven smiled gratefully as she cautiously but gently stroked Ruby's head, her fingers running through her silky soft hair as she watched the small child breathing.
"I'll be back in a min- whoa!" Summer immediately felt herself being pulled back the instant she began to get up. A strong arm wrapped around her from behind and pulled her close, Raven holding her love and their child, resting her head on Summer's shoulder before closing her eyes.
"Can we stay like this… for just a little while longer?" Raven whispered softly as she imbibed the scent of the woman beside her, the scent of fruit from her shampoo mingled with her sweat, her skin was soft and warm and Raven, though she wouldn't admit it, felt safe… and she liked that.
"Of course we can. I love you Raven." Summer closed her eyes, resting her cheek on top of the head of soft black hair at her shoulder. As she felt the pull of sleep making her mind hazy, she listened to the sounds of breathing, all calm, soft and steady and they enjoyed the peace of the night, snuggled up in their bed together, warm, happy and loved.
Then, all together… the three of them slept.