Update (Sneak Peek)

[Hey everyone, just wanted to give a update for you because it's been pretty hectic this last months and I feel bad for not giving you guys an update for a while. But I am working on it right now, so wanted to give you guys a sneak peek of the next chapter to show that I am indeed still working on it. So enjoy and if you guys want, I can do this everytime I take awhile.]

Noire was currently preparing for their next battle since Robin was with Chrom to come up with strategies for their upcoming battle, Mark went to go talk to Severa and Morgan went to go talk to Henry and try to talk to Tharja. But while she was preparing; she started thinking about what happened today especially Morgan. From what she said about her adventures, Noire could figure out that Morgan was basically her psychotic side but energetic and happy. And that she was caring to everyone who wasn't an enemy but to them, she was vicious and murderous.

"Hey, Noire!"

"Eep!" Hearing the yelling brings her out of her thoughts and she turns towards her, "Oh, hello Lissa...I didn't hear you walking here."

Lissa chuckles, "Sorry about that, I thought you heard me coming! Lon'qu and Owain are practicing. So I came to see how you're doing!"

"Well I was thinking about what happened today and how my future daughter is."

Lissa smiles, "Oh yeah! I still can't believe you have two kids!"

Noire nods and smiles, "I still couldn't believe it when I heard it either. Though I wasn't expecting her to act like she does..."

"I wouldn't doubt it; she did kind of sound like she was psychotic but she seems like a nice and smart person though. Actually, she almost sounds like Robin and Henry fused together."

Noire shivers from thinking that, "Please don't say that...it almost sounds like I'm with my father and it doesn't help that they have the same hair and color..."

She starts laughing hysterically, "You are right! They almost do look the same!" She sees Noire sigh in annoyance, "Okay, okay, I'll stop!"

"Thank you..."

Lissa wipes the tears from her eyes, "Anyway, so how are you and Robin doing? Did you guys makeout?" She smiles mischievously at the last part

She blushes lightly, "Well...um yes! It was as great as you and Sumia said it was but sadly, Chrom had to stop it..."

When she mentions Chrom stopping her, Lissa scowls, "Ugh! He always ruin love moments! You know how many times that he ruined those moments between me and Lon'qu!? Half of me wanted to convince Lon'qu to do it in front of him!"

Noire jumps a little from hearing her rant, "Um...I'm sorry to hear that...?"

Lissa shakes her head and sighs, "Sorry about that. I get so annoyed with him when he does that." She smiles again, "Forget it! So what would have happened if he didn't stop you?"

"Um...well, I honestly don't know...But I was starting to feel hot all around my body, my heart was beating fast but I wasn't scared or nervous and all I could think about was nothing but the pleasure from the kiss...Is that normal?"

Lissa smirks, "That means you were starting to get aroused!"

Noire looks at her confused, "I was getting aroused...?"

"Yeah! It basically means that your body was getting ready to do the nasty!" Noire still looks at her confused, "Geez, Noire! It means your body is getting ready for sex!"

Once she said 'sex', Noire blushes bright red, "O-Oh...! But I'm not ready for that yet...! I'm waiting till we're married..."

Lissa nods, "I should've figured! Anyway, that's just how our bodies react when we feel stimulated; it doesn't mean that you actually have to do it. Haven't you felt this when you think about Robin?"

Noire looks down, "Well no...I never thought about Robin physically...But, to be honest, ever since we met Mark, I've been thinking about him physically...but when we kissed; that was the first time that I actually felt what I told you...and I think that was the reason why I said that I wanted to rip off his clothes so easily."

Lissa smiles big, "Is that so!? Well I think you're ready for the next step! Hold on, I'm going to grab Sumia!" She leaves.

Noire sighs, "This is going to be embarrassing..." But she did want to do something more physical with Robin; especially after almost dying making her afraid that she wouldn't get to experience that, "But I wonder if it feels as good as kissing him?" That's when she hears Lissa and what she assumed was Sumia, "Hello, Sumia...I'm sorry that Lissa brought you here when you were with Cynthia..."

Sumia chuckles, "It's okay. She went to go reunite her little hero group but we talked a lot. So Lissa said that you are getting to the point of wanting to be more physical with Robin?"

"Yes...But what is the next step that Lissa is talking about?"

Lissa smiles, "Well I was talking about light petting and even heavy petting!"

Noire looks at them confused, "Light and heavy petting? Like when you pat a animals head...?"

Sumia chuckles, "Well no..." She and Lissa then explain everything of what it involves and throughout the whole thing, Noire was blushing bright red, "I know that it's a lot to take in but that's why you need to start with light petting first and it will start to get easier."

She nods slowly, "O-Okay...Um, so how do I start it then...I know he's ready for it but do I just ask him?"

Lissa giggles, "Well you can either do that or...to make things interesting, you can make up an excuse!"

"An excuse?"

"Yep!" She starts thinking looking Noire up and down then she soon smiles, "I've got a perfect one! It involves how disproportionate your body is! Which isn't a bad thing! But you can use it to your advantage!"

"Huh...?" She looks at her body, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well dear, your body is really skinny but yet, you're well endowed. Even bigger than your mother."

She blushes, "Oh...Well I don't understand it myself..."

Lissa laughs, "Hey! Don't think about it, just be thankful for it! Anyway, doesn't your back hurt at all from it?"

She nods, "It used to...But I just got used to the aching."

"No! Don't say that! Act like your chest makes your back hurt and ask Robin if he can give you a massage!

Usually she would be blushing but she knew that something like this was coming, "Well...I guess I can do that...I just hope I don't get too nervous and pass out..."

Sumia smiles, "Well I was the same way with Chrom. So, the way I do it, is remembering that I have no reason to be nervous. Because I want to show how much I love him by showing him all of me and that's he's the only one who gets to. Maybe that can work for you."

Noire smiles hearing her advice, "I think that could work...I did tell him that I wasn't afraid to show my love for him and I want to keep proving that to him."

Lissa smiles, "Well go get him girl! And don't forget to tell us how it was!"

Sumia nods, "And we will distract Morgan and Mark."

"Okay I will and thank you." She goes to wait for Robin but stops, "Oh! I forget to mention this...But Mark said that he was going to look for dresses with Lucina..."

Lissa's eyes light up, "Alright, first I'm going to bug Lucina about this! And second; you can thank me for that!"

Sumina looks at her, "Why didn't you tell me this? I would like to know about my daughters love life..."

"Well don't blame me! I just thought they were just going to talk! I didn't expect Lucina to actually invite him to go out to look at dresses."

She rolls her eyes at her but then looks at Noire, "I would love if Lucina and Mark were together but what about Severa? It honestly sounds like what me and Cordelia went through with Chrom..."

Noire nods, "It does...I know it's our children but...maybe we shouldn't be involved with it."

Lissa looks at both of them, "Why don't you just help them? Noire can talk with Severa since they're friends and Sumia will just help Lucina. I'm sure that they'll ask you at some point if they do develop feelings for him."

Sumia and Noire nod, "That sounds fine." "I think so too..."

Lissa smiles, "Great!" She then smiles mischievously at Noire, "Speaking of our children! Does Owain have anyone he's interested in?"

"Owain?" She says and starts thinking, "Oh...I think he always trying to make Nah not act seriously all the time."

"Oh really?" Lissa smiles big, "Well then! I'll be seeing you two. I'm going to play matchmaker for my son. Good luck!" She walks off.

Noire smiles seeing Lissa walk away and then turns to Sumia, "Thank you for helping me with everything...I don't know how to repay you both."

She smiles, "If you really want to repay us; just have us be your bridesmaids."

"Really…? That's all?"

Sumia chuckles, "Yes dear. All we want is for you and Robin to be happy together; that's all."

"Thank you…" In her mind, she had wished that she could have Sumia as a mother or mote like she wished that her mother was as kind and caring as Sumia.

"You're welcome dear. Now go wait in the tent and I'll make Chrom let Robin go. Remember there is no reason to be nervous. Just enjoy these moments because you'll never know what could happen. Now go and wait while I get Robin." She then leaves.

Noire nods because she was right, she had almost died and it could happen anytime. So now with a little bit more courage, she goes back to her tent and waits for him.

[End Note: Oh yeah, this is toward the end of the next chapter.]