Be Mine

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

When he gives her the big heart pillow that screams 'BE MINE' in huge bolded white letters, she honestly wants to take it and smack him across the room with it. It's super cheesy and cliche. Stupid, really. At least one part of her wants to do that. The other part wants to tie him down and ride him within an inch of his life. So really, she's torn. She settles on a safe middle ground, rolling her eyes, smirking and pressing her lips to his briefly. She drags her lips towards his ear.

"You are mine," she whispers harshly.

His goofy grin as she pulls away says it all. She shakes her head at him and struts away, pillow in hand. He stares after her and she pauses and inclines her head towards her bedroom door, raising her eyebrows. He smiles again, bigger then before. He was hers and though she'd never admit it, she was his, too.

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