(disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter, True Blood, vampire diaries or twilight. they belong to their original owners. but this story idea is solely mine. Also, this chapter is based off The Truth of Blood By Rokkis and Masters of His Soul By lynnwiley. Please note that this story is yaoi based you have been warned. also, criticize reviews are always welcome to help me improve this fanfic. Please note I will not hold the story hostage for those. also for who leave negative reviews to the story or just plain out heaters. If you don't like the story. Then don't fucking read it. no one wants to hear your negative comments. it just shows that you have little talent in writing or imagination or your just jealous of someone else's creativity. that is all I have to say. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter)

After lunch, Raven waved goodbye to Teddy and Draco who had to get back home sighing Raven as he felt Jasper and Edward walked up to him with a nod of his the three of them left the cafeteria a huge burst of noise followed them, what was going on between Raven, Jasper, and Edward? And if the rumors were true that Edward and Bella had broken up? now it was just a matter of figuring out what the hell was going on. They knew that nothing would be said at least until the end of the day when Bella had free reign of the parking lot where everyone was certain There were so many things that had no answers and the end of school couldn't come fast enough for those that wanted and needed to know.

Raven sighed walked to his next class which happened to be Math walking to an empty table at the back of the room.

Raven pulled out another notebook and a pen when a maths book was set in front of him, flipped open the notebook to a clean page and listened to the teacher, as he began to teach, about halfway through the lesson Raven, felt heart-stabbing pain in his chest quickly placing his hand where the pain was coming from as Raven tries to focus while rubbing circles to ease the pain Raven sighed as he turned back to the lesson, he glanced at the clock and saw there was only ten minutes. He could last a little bit longer need to get home and pull out his journal and see what's the mean of this sudden pain.

- Ten minutes later -

The bell rang, and the students began packing up their stuff

"Work through the questions of page 145, write your answers and full workout methods on a separate piece of paper, due in the next lesson." Mr. Rudy's voice rang out and several groans followed. Once the final bell rang, letting the students out for the day, Raven immediately headed towards his ride back home.

Meanwhile at the Cullens

Carlisle Cullen stared at his two sons, Jasper and Edward, in shock when they described what had occurred at school. "Both of your vampires recognized this boy Raven as your mate?"

When they nodded he shook his head in shock. "Never in all of my centuries of walking this earth have I seen two vampires share one mate!" The two eternal teens before him shared a despondent look with each other. Edward sighed. "No, he's not a vampire, but we don't know exactly what he is. He's able to absorb a person's history, their darkest fear, what they want the most in life, and lastly their death through touch, though."

The blonde doctor frowned. "That sounds eerily similar to Aro's gift."

"Yeah," Jasper interjected, "but, unlike Aro, Raven doesn't like to use his ability. It hurts him to receive the information and he's not able to turn it on or off. Edward heard through his mind about an incident a few years back where too many touches at once caused him to have a seizure."

Esme gasped from her studio upstairs. "Oh, the poor boy! It's too bad gloves are only fashionable in the winter months… it sounds like he could benefit from wearing them in public."

Emmett chuckled from the living room as he played his new game. "He could always get a job as a bellhop in a fancy hotel!"

Jasper rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Emmett. I'm sure that's what he aspires to be in life."

"I must say, I'm completely flabbergasted by this, boys," Carlisle said. "Perhaps we should all pay him a visit at the end of the week so we can welcome him to Forks and find out more about him and his family.

Raven may need more than one mate to thrive. I've heard of this happening in some beings of exceptional power." He placed a hand on both of their shoulders. "If that's the case, you may have to share him."

Edward and Jasper both scowled at the other. Neither were too thrilled with that prospect.

The bronze-haired vampire shook his head. "Are you sure some creatures need two mates, Carlisle?"

The doctor chuckled. "Yes, Edward… and some need more than that."

Once again the eternal teens were left floored.

Back with Raven

Raven was lounging on his couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table, while his family was doing their own thing. Reading one of his journals trying to find out what could be the cause of his sudden pain. Though his green eyes were glued to the pages. That's when his eyes widen as he found the page he was looking for. According to the Vampire Bible, (who came up with that name.) Raven thought as he continued to read. That the Father of vampires, no one knows his name created the first vampire, Lilith, followed by the creation of the first humans, Adam and Eve. They were said to have been created as sustenance for Lilith, but the truth of this statement is unknown. Members of human religious groups, such as the Fellowship of the Sun, have their own theories of the first vampire, including Jesus (who rose from the dead), Lazarus (who also rose from the dead), and Cain (the son of Adam and Eve, who committed the first murder). However, most humans from among the right-wing Christians believe that vampires were created by the Devil and that they have no souls. A common theory among vampires is that they "evolved" from humans.

Raven rolled his eyes as he read that part of his journal why did he write that. Oh, right self-writing quill. You have to love them or hate them. Raven sighed as he continued reading his journal. Ah ha, here it is Raven thought as he began to read.

A maker has a deep connection with his or her progeny, something that humans cannot fully understand or experience. During the transformation from human to vampire, the maker, and soon-to-be progeny "share their essence" whilst buried in the ground, a supernatural process that not even vampires understand.

Maker-progeny relationships vary between individuals. Vampires Rosalyn Harris and Bill Compton treat their progeny like humans treat children, and have an exclusively parental relationship. On the other hand, vampires Lorena Krasiki and Russell Edgington create progeny to prolong romantic and sexual relationships and have spousal relationships with their progeny.

Raven wanted to gag when he was reading about those certain vampires who create progeny to prolong romantic and sexual relationships. Russell Edgington is one sick son of a bitch. Thank god he doesn't have that kind of Relationship with living Progeny Lilith was a disappointment the only one of his progenies that seemed to continue to be alive, to say the least, is Godric. He really needed to check on him to see if Godric hasn't gotten himself into trouble.

Most vampires do not take becoming a maker lightly, as evidenced by Eric Northman, who has only produced two progeny in millennia, and Bill Compton, who has produced one in 175 years. However, Pamela Swynford de Beaufort has admitted to creating a progeny out of curiosity, and Rosalyn Harris has created 204 progeny in 211 years. Eddie's maker turned him for the asking, though he did not take his responsibilities as a maker seriously and left Eddie to fend for himself.

A progeny may turn a vampire and become a maker themselves while still under the influence of their own maker. The grandparent/grandmaker has no control over the grandchild/grandprogeny.

Maker Abilities

A maker has a a certain amount of control over their progeny due to the maker-progeny bond. Calling: a maker can "call" their progeny by saying their name out loud, causing the progeny to become aware their maker is calling out for them. The progeny experiences a shiver and may be able to tell where their maker is.

Commanding: a maker can force their progeny to do anything they want, as long as they say "as your maker, I command you", given that the progeny hasn't been released.

Strength: as strength increases with age, most makers are stronger than their progeny. However, if a vampire has slain their makers: Macklyn Warlow, is only one to date. Empathic link: a maker can sense any pain or duress the progeny undergoes, and know when a progeny has died. It is unknown if a progeny can sense these in their maker. Releasing: if a maker says "as your maker, I release you", their progeny will be released from the maker-progeny bond, and cannot be controlled anymore. Following the release, a maker can still call their progeny, but the progeny will not be compelled to answer the call.

After reading the page Raven closing his journal and sighed now he Definitely needed to check on Godric he had to make sure he's ok. There was no doubt in his mind that pain, that he felt during class it was Godric's pain something happened to his, progeny he needed to get to Dallas Texas.

With his mind made up Raven ran to find Severus and tell him the situation about his progeny and hoping that his family will allow him to leave for a few weeks to see what's the situation. "umm...Severus." Raven said as he knocked on the Potions lab door.

"come In Harry," Severus said as the Potions lab doors opened, walking in Raven saw the potions master reading one of his many potions journals. Raven sighed this was going to take a while.

After Explaining everything to Severus, they were too deep in their conversation because the sound of the doorbell ringing startled them. Both Severus and Raven looked at each other and wondered who could be at the door. So they stood up and went to answer the door. Both wizards were shocked to see six vegetarian vampires piled on their porch, all of them familiar to Raven except for the two older-looking blondes. Raven just smiled and invited them inside, accepting the plate of delicious-smelling cookies from who he assumed to be Esme Cullen.

"Hey Raven," Jasper said as they all piled into the living room, "I hope you don't mind an impromptu visit, but the parents were dying to meet you."

Edward smiled and motioned for him to sit beside him on the sofa. As soon as Raven looked at Severus who just nodded as he walked to take a seat in his favorite armchair. Raven just sighed as he walked over towards Edward and sat down, Jasper quickly took the spot directly to his left.

He smiled hesitantly at the both of them before setting the plate of cookies down on the coffee table. The remaining vampires all found seats of their own.

Raven chuckled. "No, I don't mind at all. I'm sorry but most of my family isn't at home at the moment. It's just me and my Adopted father Severus Grey. " Raven said as he looked at the Cullens. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Grey, Raven," Edward smiled and gestured to the unfamiliar couple, "we would like you to meet our parents Esme and Carlisle."

The handsome doctor smiled. "It's so wonderful to finally meet the young man that my children can't stop talking about."

Green eyes sparkled with joy as they turned to the handsome doctor. He knew all about Carlisle's reputation as the best physician in town from the various people he'd come in physical contact with since his arrival. "The pleasure is all mine," Raven said.

Time skip after the Cullen's leave

After taking a relaxing shower, Raven dressed in a blood red button down shirt He wears high black boots and black jeans once more, yet has a single belt wrapped around each thigh. A belt featuring a skull themed buckle wraps around his waist, and he wears black, gauntlet shaped gloves with three buckled straps on each one. along with his leather black trench coat, with two coattails, yet the coat has a more pronounced buckled collar, and a black strap going over his right shoulder wrapping around his chest, with two golden studs on the front. Not before using his Metamorphmagus abilities. Raven had changed his appearance. There stood a handsome, muscular man of medium stature with shoulder-length black hair, Emerald green eyes, and lightly tanned skin. He's a sophisticated man. He appears to be in his mid-late 30s, but In reality, he's much older than he looks. Nodding his head in satisfaction, Raven then used the knowledge he had gained through touch to create a portkey powerful enough to take him all the way to Dallas Texas. Saying the password Raven was no longer in Forks Washington, now he was standing in a dark alley in Dallas Texas.

Looking up to the sky, it was already lighting with the approaching dawn he needed to hurry and find his wayward progeny. Running through the rooftops, Raven looked around only to hear a door on the other side suddenly banged open and before Raven could even recognize the blur of movement for what it was, another vampire was standing beside the first.

This too was a man, but much taller than the first.

"Please Godric. Please don't do this," the pale blond was apparently pleading. Raven's eyes widen 'oh Godric when did you become suicidal.' Raven thought as he realized what was about to happen.

"Would you deny me, Eric?" Godric replied.

The door opened again and Raven heard the heels of stilettos coming up the stairs this time. A rather short and pretty blond appeared in a summer dress and to his surprise it was Sookie. "I have walked in this everlasting night with my maker Salazar before we went on our separate ways, for a long time I've seen the humans evolve and become civilized the same can't be said for vampires"

Godric turned and faced the blond.

"I don't think I can even remember the taste of food or the feel of the sun on my skin," Godric said so quietly and with such wistfulness that Raven had to swallow hard he didn't know how Godric felt being a vampire and what he lost the day he was turned. "Why did you let yourself be taken in by the Church of the Sun? What did you think would happen?" The blond was obviously very frustrated and started to pace angrily to and stood in front of Godric.

"I thought that perhaps it would make them see. That the war would end even before it started."

Raven hadn't really paid that much attention in the local media news, and though he had heard of the anti-vampire movements he hadn't realized it was apparently leading to war.

"It was stupid, Godric."

The laugh that followed was empty and self-deprecating.

"I know."

The room was silent and Raven twisted to the horizon again. It couldn't be more than twenty minutes even. What were they still doing out here?! They had to get back inside! Turning back Raven was just in time to see the blond man fall to his knees in front of Godric whiling grabbing his hand. "Please! Snella, Godric, snella." The heart-wrenching sobs that followed broke Raven's heart. As the blond raised his head to look up at Godric, Raven could clearly see the bloody tears falling down the pale cheeks. It was a heart-breaking but beautiful image.

Godric placed his hand on the blonde's cheek and Raven almost turned away from the display of intimacy almost.

Raven had understood that last statement correctly the blond was his childe! Godric was going to kill himself in front of his childe! his grand-childe, huh, never thought he'll become a grandfather? Just before Godric could say as your maker. Raven had enough he quickly jumped on the roof and landed just behind Godric. Shocking the others in seeing him there, Raven just looked at them with cold indifference and said in his most commanding and cold voice. "Godric as your maker I command you to stop this foolishness."

This shocked Godric as he quickly turned around only to flinch as he saw the disappointed look in his maker's eyes. As he whispered out his maker's name. "Salazar". Raven just glared at Godric coldly making the vampire flinch once again. "Godric I'm truly disappointed in you, after 2000 years of being apart, I never gave up on the promise I made to you all those years ago. That one day you and I will be able to feel the sun's rays on our skin once more." " in all those years I was able to find a way for us to do so, but to find out that my own childe is trying to kill himself," Raven said as he slowly walked up to Godric and handed him a small vial that contains a silvery blue liquid. "Drink it and you see all this time I kept my promise," Raven said as Godric Drinking the unknown substance trusting his maker with all his heart. It was just in time as well it seemed as the sun rose and shot bright orange, red and yellow rays onto the roof and its occupants.

Raven held up his hand to shield his eyes from the sun only to flinch when he heard "Godric!" the human rushed over.

"Why?... How?... Godric the sun! You're not burnin'!" Raven just knew that the rather obvious statement could be attributed to shock. All things considering Raven himself was rather glad that it had worked as he didn't want to lose his favorite childe. Godric himself also seemed to be in shock as he held up his arms and looked himself over as if trying to see if he would combust suddenly or not.

"It only lasts about five minutes Godric, so we really should get down from this roof," Raven said as he ignored the vampires and the woman focus were suddenly on him. Godric lowered his arms, squinted at the sun before walking slowly over towards his maker.

Catching the dark eyes with his own, Raven noticed that yes Godric is still the same, Godric seemed awed and disbelieving as he looked at his maker.

Stopping well within what Raven would consider his personal space Godric raised his arm and actually placed his cold hand on Salazar's cheek. Anticipating it Raven didn't even flinch at the sudden coldness he was, use to this by now.

"Thank you, my maker." It was said quietly and reverently and Raven still with Godric's hand on his cheek found he couldn't respond so he settled for just dipping his head a bit in acknowledgment.

Suddenly Godric leaned in further and Raven had no time to think of a reaction as cold lips covered his own. It lasted only a few seconds but Raven eyes widen in shock in what just happened. Godric stepped back before turning towards the sun and raising his arms and closing his eyes. Raven still rooted to his spot smiled a bit. A vampire enjoying the sun. The gratification and reward were standing just a few feet from him, enjoying the feel of the sun touching his skin for the first time in two thousand years.

Clearing his throat a bit, Raven felt it wise to repeat his earlier warning despite not wanting to disturb Godric.

"As I said, it only lasts for about five minutes so far. I'm still working on it, but I do have hopes that one day it will become permanent or find a different outcome that will allow us to be in the sun."