My name is Harrison James Potter, But people seem to know me by my titles. Master of death, The devil, a demon, a monster, Dracula, the father and the king of all vampires or better known as (the Father). Harry had seen the birth and the death of the world countless times. Sighing once more Harry looked at the horizon thinking about what has happened over these past millenniums. Harry knew that there were three different types of vampires in the world and he is the reason for all three different type of vampires. there were the undead ones. the undead Vampires are a supernatural species of sentient reanimated corpses that drink blood to survive and maintain their powers. They were originally humans or other living beings converted into a vampire by a "maker."

In order to create an undead vampire, a human must be drained of their blood by a vampire and the blood loss needs to be replaced by some of the vampire's blood. The vampire and human must then sleep in the ground (this is presumably the point where they technically die) until the newborn rises as a vampire the following night. The newborn and the maker will subsequently have a maker-progeny bond unless the maker deserts or releases their progeny.

Harry knew all too well about the maker-progeny bond. the reason is that he still has his bond to one of his progenies and his name is Godric, Godric was born in the 1st Century BC and was turned at the age of 16. Godric's story is a sad one he was captured as a small boy by the Roman army during one of Julius Caesar's invasions of Gaul which historically took place between 58 B.C. and 52 B.C. He was brought back to Rome and sold as a slave to a roman master, His new master was cruel and sadistic. He branded Godric, as well as physically and sexually abusing him as he grew into a teenager.

That's where Harry had found Godric the teen was about to be sexually abused. seeing Red Harry had killed Godric's Master, needless to say, Godric stood by Harry side ever since that day. during that time Harry had gone by a different name, it was Salazar it was funny in how Harry took up the name of one of the founders of his beloved school Hogwarts. When Godric reached the age of 16 Harry had turned him, knowing all too well that ever since Godric had been captured by the Roman army as a child, Godric had been fascinated with armies, and as a vampire, often followed them on campaign, watching or even taking part in night time battles or raids for fun, and feeding on and killing the wounded. it was this time that Harry had let Godric go and explore the world. At first, Godric, didn't want to leave his maker but he knew that his maker wanted him to have the chance to explore the world and do different things so Godric agreed.

It was some time in the early 10th century A.D., Godric was in Britannia and saw the Viking Eric Northman taking part in a nighttime coastal raid. Extremely impressed with Eric's skill on the battlefield, Godric followed and caught up with him the following night, killing his two surviving comrades, and offering the fatally wounded Viking immortality as a vampire, turning him. After that Harry always kept tabs on his progeny as the years went on.

There are The Originals made by the blood of the father in an ancient ritual done by a Wiccan witch believing that she could take the powers of the father of all vampires. the originals or better known as the warm ones still have their human sent and a beating heart. to come a warm one In order to complete the transition into a vampire, the person must then consume a significant amount of human blood, at least a sip's worth, within the next twenty-four hours, or else they will die. Vampires can only feed on human blood in order to complete their transformation- animal blood or vampire blood is not sufficient to finish the transformation from human to vampire. A vampire in transition is neither truly living nor truly dead until they make their choice to either complete their transition or to abstain from feeding and ultimately die. This puts the semi-vampire in a strange liminal space between the two states that can affect them in different ways. That's how the Sirelines were made and again Harry knew all too well about the Sirelines just like the maker-progeny bond the sirelines are a bit different Due to this link in sireline, the death of an Original vampire A.K.A. Harry will result in this connection being severed, and every vampire in the deceased Original's bloodline will follow them in death within an hour. and that's how the warm ones were made. it happened in the 11th century, the Mikaelson family once again was stricken by the loss of one of their children when their youngest son Henrik was accidentally killed on a full moon after he and Klaus sneaked out of their home to watch the men from their village transform into wolves.

Mikael eventually convinced Esther that they needed to protect their family using an adapted version of Silas and Qetsiyah's immortality spell, which they were sure would make them more powerful than the werewolves. Esther performed the spell that will allow her to take the powers from the master of death and the blood of the father of vampires for the ancient ritual. But she didn't know that both the master of death and the father of vampires was the same person as the consequences of her ritual thrown off the balance of nature making her children link to the father of all vampires and the master of death by doing so she is in prison to watch The Suffering that her children will bring to the world for many centuries to come.

and lastly, there are the cold ones They are also incredibly strong, able to bite through almost any solid substance, including vampire skin. Their teeth are also venomous, affected by the vampire venom that flows in their mouths. When a vampire catches his prey, he bites into its neck and injects his venom into its bloodstream while feeding. This serves as a way to immobilize his prey while also initiating the conversion from human to vampire, allowing the predator to feed on his prey without it trying to resist, even though it would not have done any good.

just like the first two, Harry had bitten and saved the lives of Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the three of them wanted their sire to stay after all it was their sire who made The Volturi the largest and most powerful coven of vampires. They enforce the laws of the cold vampire world. they didn't know that they're sire made two different type of vampires believing that they were the first.

Harry hated the curse that is his Immortal Life. Harry had seen the horrors and the ugly truth of the world only wishing that death will set him free of this nightmare. But, his wish will never be granted he was forever trapped, stuck at the age of 18 for all eternity. But fate wasn't so cruel to him Harry still had his magic. Harry found out that he was able to perform more magic without the need for either a wand or an incantation. and unlocking his metamorphmagus abilities he was able to change his body to a 30-year-old during the time when he first met Godric not wanting to be stuck as an 18-year-old for all eternity thank God for Magic.

Throughout the years Harry used his metamorphmagus abilities to change his appearance when he moved around the world it's a very useful skill and helps him blend in with Society. money wasn't an issue for him the reason is that his, fortune has accumulated throughout the centuries. Harry is one of the wealthiest men on the planet. But his fortune does not lie in the vaults of Gringotts. no longer wishing to be part of the Magical World all his fortune was sealed into a trunk that was now sealed tightly in the runes that were carved on his skin all those years ago. from the base of his neck to his toes. There were a few lacerations and scars he got from the previous battles he was in.

Harry is an extremely handsome young man with a height of 5'10', a well-toned body. and his hair was once the darkest shade of brown. But now it was a lovely shade of midnight black that reaches down to the nape of his neck.

Harry sighed, and looked away from the horizon as he stood in front of his manor that was just built a few days ago thanks to his magic. (Think of The Mikaelson's Mansion). Even though his manor was extravagant. But maybe his Manor was a bit too extravagant for this dinky little town but after years of wearing his cousins cast-offs, the master of death found himself wanting the best of everything. And he could easily afford it, so why not? Stepping inside the manor Harry walked over to where he thought the kitchen was at. he let out a gasp in seeing his new kitchen and it seems that mother magic always has a way to surprise him. Inside was a beautiful kitchen. The island had a sink to wash vegetables with enough room on both sides for anyone to cook at it. It had a nice stainless steel refrigerator and a matching dishwasher and stove, two ovens stacked on top of each other and a breakfast bar.

Walking towards the living room, that had a huge fireplace, a flat-screen TV, and pretty black leather couch, with two bean bags off to the side in red. The floors were carpeted, and on the sides of the TV were shelves full of DVDs. Next, there was the music room. Harry learns how to play a lot of different instruments. The violin, the piano, the cello, the guitar. The music room had a grand piano in a pretty white, and his violin was black with red roses painted on the side, along with his black cello with a red rose carved in and his dark blue guitar. Across the hall from the music room, was a door leading down to the basement. turned on the lights to reveal the ultimate teen hang out. There was an old-time pinball machine and a few of the older video game box type games around it as well as the latest Dance Dance Revelation box, in the far end. At the other end was three flat screen TVs with a play station 3 hooked up to one, a WII hooked up to the second, and an Xbox hooked up to the last one. It had six bean bags placed all around the TVs as well as four shelves, two on each side, filled with different games. In the middle of the two were a pool table, a foosball table, and dart board. There were posters covering the walls from peace signs to star Quidditch players. All around the room, there were white Christmas lights spread out and a few black lights in different colors to entertain the others.

Its seem that this time he'll be take the role of a 16-year-old teenage boy. Harry smiled as he hit the lights on the way out. Walking down a hall filled with photos of each of his parents and lives he lived, walking to an amazing library at the end. Books from each family library were charmed with muggle proof protection, but every muggle book least bit interested littered the walls and in the middle was a large fireplace with a soft rug in the middle. The books ranged from manga to romantic novels, fantasy to science fiction, history to biology and poetry to art and music to drama. Walking out of the library and back down the hall into a room that was all windows and looked over the garden outside. There were a few shelves around with art supplies on it, and the room was littered with sketches and beautiful paintings of birds in trees and sunsets on the beach, as well as a portrait of all of his loved ones. In the middle of the room, was a black easel with a stool.

Now let's see the outside." Harry said to himself, opening the back door to reveal a large pool with an awesome waterslide and diving board and inside the pool were different tubes and other things. Harry walked past the pool and to the side of the house, was a beautiful garden full of flowers and different fruit trees and other things stood. Behind it was a shed full of tools and off to the side, was a greenhouse full of magical plants. Hey, Harry didn't want to be part of the wizarding world doesn't mean he'll stop being a wizard.

Harry decided to check out his bedroom the walls were painted a dark blood red and black. The bed was circular shaped with a shade lighter red, sheets and blankets. The bed had a canopy of black that wrapped around his bed as well as curtains the same color. All around the room were shelves that had white candles on them. Harry clapped his hands and the candles immediately lit and started to shin in different colors, each of them having been charmed so the flame changes color.

On the wall were two posters. One was a poster of Harry's favorite and sexy actor. Jensen Ackles who plays as Dean Winchester in the popular TV show: Supernatural and the other was a vampire knight holding his sword that was covered in blood standing in the middle of a battlefield that was covered by hundreds of dead bodies.

On one side of the room was a killer stereo system with a shelf full of CDs ranging from Nox Arcana to classical composers. Near it was also a desk of black with a dark purple chair and on the desk, was a laptop in dark purple with a skull in the middle. On the shelf next to it were books ranging from Poetry by Edgar Allen Poe and Oscar Wilde to Jane Austin. Harry walked in and almost squealed like a girl that he will deny throughout his entire eternity. he immediately walked around and started to explore. Then he found the closet and opened the door and stared at it wide-eyed. It was like another room. Off to one side was all his gothic, emo, steampunk, punk, rocker, the bad boy look, high class formal, and casual outfits and on the other were all his pants, t-shirts and his leather jackets, hoodies, sweaters, and vest. On each side was also a shelf full of shoes that went with each outfit. Each side rotated for the max amount of room for shoes and clothes. Down the middle was a row of shelves filled with accessories for each type of outfit.

Harry sighed and looked at the time it was late knowing that it was late and he has no choice but to attend Forks High tomorrow morning oh joy.