Dragons in Remnant-53

It was a beautiful starry night as Blake was looking out over the horizon of the city, Gajeel standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her shoulders. Blake looked a bit upset, and Gajeel knew why that was.

"Hey Blake, Gajeel. You ready to go?" Sun asked from the closed balcony door.

"I swear I'm going to roar him back to Mantle." Gajeel growled as Blake chuckled.

"We'll be right there." Blake called back putting her hand on the ledge of the wooden railing to the balcony, finding a note.

"What's this?" Gajeel questioned. "Ilia is asking for you to meet up with her, and come alone. I smell a trap."

"I'm sure it is, but I still gotta go, I owe it to her, she's an old friend of mine." Blake sighed. "I'll be fine, just as long as I stick to the shadows."

"Alright." Gajeel exclaimed. "I'll explain to Monkey boy where you went."

"Thanks." Blake smiled before heading off.

~Back ally several blocks from home~

Blake stepped around the corner, looking around for Ilia, as she had promised to find her, and talk things out.

"Ilia?" Blake asked.

"I'm here." Ilia exclaimed walking towards Blake with her hands up, out of the shadows.

"Ilia, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be." Blake began, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "My family and I we can keep you safe."

"I'm sorry." Ilia exclaimed turning her head away.

"You can make it up to me by helping to stop Corsac and Fennec." Blake exclaimed.

"No. I'm sorry." Ilia said, before clenching her right fist, signaling someone.

Running could be heard, and Blake gasped, looking up as Yuma came down on her, planting her flat on the ground, with her weapon sliding to Ilia's feet. Yuma jumped off, as a spider Faunus came strolling forward, and wrapped Blake up in webbing.

"I've got her." Tarifa exclaimed.

"Well done, sister Tarifa, and to you, Ilia." Yuma exclaimed tossing Ilia's weapon back to her.

"Ilia." Blake called out. "What are you doing?"

"I tried to warn you Blake. I'm sorry." Ilia stated.

"Don't tell me you're sorry." Blake shouted.

"But I am. I am sorry it has to be this way." Ilia exclaimed. "But you and your family are holding the Faunus back."

"Because we're trying to protect people?" Blake questioned. "In what world do you live in, where attacking the innocent is the right thing to do?"

"The same one as you." Ilia barked. "There's no such thing as innocent. There's no right thing to do; only what's best for us. There's the humans that still hate the Faunus, and there's the others who stand by and let the hate happen. But you know what snaps out hate?" Ilia asked pointing her weapon at Blake's throat. "Fear. I don't like hurting people, but I'll tell you this: it's gotten us results."

"Yeah, look where it's gotten you." Blake stated.

"We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good. No matter how much it hurts." Ilia stated.

"And you think killing me, is really for the greater good?" Blake asked. "I'm a Guardian. I protect people, human and Faunus alike. You know who started us, our group? A man who walks in both worlds. A man who's both human and Faunus, a half-blood."

"No." Ilia exclaimed, ignoring what Blake had said. "Killing you is not for the greater good. But getting rid of your family is."

"Good luck with that." Blake laughed. "Gajeel, is there, and he's a trained fighter who could put the most seasoned, ruthless, heartless, Huntsmen and Huntresses to shame."

"Give up with the bluffs Blake. The lightning Dust damaged his heart remember?" Ilia growled.

"That's right you weren't aware." Blake stated. "His heart was fixed, better than new. You know those earthquakes we've been feeling for the past couple months? Those weren't earthquakes, those were Gajeel, clearing out the desert for us to have more space to live in Menagerie."

Tarifa and Yuma looked at one another worried expressions on their faces, before looking back to Ilia.

"So go ahead, try to march up to my house, and kill my family, because once you step foot through the front door. Gajeel is going to beat all of you, and the others who are part of your assassination attempt, to a bloody pulp so bad, you'll need DNA recognition to just to identify who you are." Blake continued. "But I know this isn't you Ilia."

"Yes it is." Ilia said regaining her confidence. "But I guess back then you were too busy falling for Adam to notice. I was always jealous of the way you looked at him. I wanted you to look at me that way. But we can't always get what we want. Yuma with me, you two, get her to the docks."

"It's not going to work you know." Blake exclaimed as Ilia began to walk away.

"You already warned us about your boyfriend."

"I'm not talking about killing my family, even though that will fail to, I'm talking about invading and destroying Haven Academy." Blake stated. "By now, Lilly has already delivered the warning to the council."

"Your messenger is dead. Yuma assassinated him." Ilia stated turning to look back at Blake.

"Yes, Lilly did mention that attempt on his life in the message he sent to us, along with the confession of why Yuma was there, and who had sent him." Blake exclaimed. "But Lily is stronger than he looks, and can hold his breath for ten minutes. Which is how he fooled Yuma into thinking he had completed his mission. He's just been recovering. I'm sure that warning got to the council by now."

"No. That cannot be, I pierced his lung." Yuma exclaimed.

"Not according to the X-Rays Lilly sent. You almost did, but not quite." Blake sighed.

Without saying another word, Yuma and Ilia ran off, to join Fennec and Corsac in attempting to slay Blake's parents.

"Alright, let's go traitor." Tarifa exclaimed pulling on the webbing.

"You know." Blake began. "I've gained power since I left the White Fang, and I've been training that power, and you know what I think."

Tarifa and the other Faunus looked at each other as a black and purple aura surrounded Blake.

"I think it's high time I show you just how strong I've become." Blake stated disappearing into the shadows, the webbing falling to the ground.

Tarifa and her accomplice were shocked and began looking around, trying to find where she might come from.

"Poison-Shadow Dragon…" Blake shouted.

The duo looked up to see Blake falling towards them from the sky.

"ROAR." Blake shouted, hitting them with the dual element roar, which sent her higher into the air.

Upon descending again, Blake merged with the shadows, and calmly popped back up, without making so much as a sound until she put Gambol Shroud on her back again.

"Sorry you two. But I've gotta be there to make sure Gajeel doesn't actually kill them." Blake sighed merging with the shadows again.

~The Branwen Tribe Camp~

Raven was alone, sitting in her hut, sharpening her blade with a wet stone. Contemplating what she did wrong in trying to get her daughter to join her side.

"Raven, we have a problem." Vernal exclaimed.

"What is it?" Raven questioned.

"Salem's found us." Vernal stated.

"Salem. Okay."

"Five of her followers are waiting to speak with you."

"Right. We planned for this. Bring me my helmet." Raven exclaimed.

Out in the yard, waiting for Raven, stood Adam, Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Strife with her father's swords at her sides. Raven came walking out of the tent, wearing her helmet, hoping it would intimidate them.

"I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home." Raven stated. "Either I'm losing my memory, or you've all lost your spines."

"Don't be too upset with them Aunt Raven." Strife smirked.

"Your men simply recognize the power of a Maiden when they see it." Cinder added her fire seeping from her eye.

"Not to mention an Etherion Dragonslayer like me." Strife added. "Which is why we'd like to have a word with you."

"Leave us. Pack your things, then break down camp. We're moving." Raven instructed her tribe.

"A little late to run and hide. You've been on our masters list for some time, so you must understand that we cannot allow you to slip away." Adam exclaimed. "The only reason we haven't killed you or your Tribe yet is because our master is being courteous to the wishes of young Strife. You are her Great Aunt, after all."

"I know all about your master, and I know all about Scarlet's downward spiral into Strife during the Fall of Beacon, but I don't believe we've met." Raven said coming down the steps of her tent.

"We're the guys you should be afraid of." Mercury exclaimed.

"I doubt anyone should be afraid of you." Raven stated in a mocking tone.

"Oh yeah, tell that to—"

"Quiet." Cinder said.

"That's what I thought." Raven said, bemused at the little spectacle.

"I'm Cinder Fall. This is my associate, Arthur Watts, and my disciples, Emerald, Mercury, and I believe you're already familiar with Strife." Cinder exclaimed.

"Three children you've tricked into following you, one of which is the disowned daughter of the man known to Remnant as a hero, as well as a walking apocalypse, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania. Is that about right?"

"Ahem. Uh, technically I was also a doctor, but I must say the rest was spot on." Adam stated.

"Aren't you perceptive?" Cinder smiled.

"Well she isn't the leader of the Branwen Tribe for nothing." Strife laughed. "But there was one more thing you missed Aunty Raven. I wasn't tricked into joining Salem's side, I volunteered."

"Perception is what's kept me alive."

"I'm afraid the reason you're still alive is because you have something our master wants." Cinder exclaimed. "Of course, if I'm wrong-" Cinder stated lighting up some fire.

"Vernal." Raven called.

Vernal stepped out of the tent, and came up to Raven's side.

"So, this is the long-lost Spring Maiden. Prove it." Cinder exclaimed.

Raven looked to Vernal, giving her the okay. Vernal closed her eyes in concentration as the wind began to pick up speed, dark thunder clouds swirling and forming in the sky above. Adam, Mercury, and Emerald shielded their eyes and thunder cracked around them. Strife and Cinder only smiled.

"Vernal has done well under my guidance. I'd take that into consideration before you try anything." Raven stated as the wind died down.

"Raven I won't underestimate you, so please don't insult my intelligence." Cinder exclaimed.

"I mean, him you can insult his intelligence all you want, there's hardly anything there." Strife smiled pointing her thumb at Mercury.

"Hey." Mercury growled as Emerald chuckled.

"There is a slim chance you and your maiden could escape here today." Cinder continued. "But if you know our master as well as you claim to, then you know you could never truly escape her."

"But we come bearing an olive branch." Strife added.

"The maidens are merely a means to an end." Adam began. "Salem's true desires are the relics locked within the Huntsmen Academies. Come with us. Allow Vernal here to unlock the Relic of Knowledge, and all previous acts in defiance against Salem will be forgiven. It's the best deal either of you are going to get."

"You talk as if walking straight into Haven will be easy." Raven exclaimed.

"That's because it will be Aunty Raven." Strife smiled.

"Headmaster Lionheart is loyal to Salem now. All we need is the key to the vault. You're not the only one to turn your back on Oz, Raven." Cinder exclaimed.

"I'm not helping Salem. I'm not helping Oz. I don't want a part in any of this." Raven declared.

"That ship sailed when you chose to harbor a Maiden, but if you come with us to Haven, we'll leave you, your tribe, and your little secret to live out the rest of your days squabbling in the wilderness." Cinder exclaimed.

"We just need the relic." Strife added.

"I need time to think this over." Raven stated.

"You don't have time. In two days, Haven Academy will be destroyed by the White Fang. You're going to choose now." Adam exclaimed.

"Backed me into a corner huh?" Raven scoffed.

"So, are you with us, or against us?" Cinder questioned.

Everything was silent for a few moments, before Raven acted and removed her helmet.

"Agreements like these are built on trust, and forgive me for saying, but I don't trust a single one of you. You're doing to need to give me more." Raven stated.

"You are in a poor position to negotiate." Adam declared.

"Now hold on, let's hear her demands first then we'll decide if the position is a poor one." Strife smiled.

"I want my brother dead." Raven said simply.

"Qrow?" Cinder asked.

"That's right. He knows I have Spring, and if I help you get your relic, he's going to become a problem. I have enough problems to deal with. Qrow doesn't trust me, but he does trust Ozpin's other lieutenants. If Leo really is loyal to you, then you can order him to invite Qrow right into an ambush. He arrives at Haven, we take him down, you get your relic, and we all leave happy."

"Now this is a proposition I can get behind." Cinder smiled.

"Ditto." Strife chuckled.

"All right ladies let's pause for a moment." Adam exclaimed. "We have one objective: retrieving the Relic of Knowledge. Now Qrow Branwen may be on our list of individuals we would very much like dead, but he's not doing to go down without a fight, and he's not going to fight quietly. Our advantage here is just as you said. We walk straight into Haven. No resistance, no one the wiser. A battle with your brother throws that all out the window."

"He's good, but not that good." Raven exclaimed. "All of us against him… It'll be over in a heartbeat."

"Um, there is one thing you don't know about Uncle Qrow Aunt Raven." Strife said, speaking up.

"What is that Strife?"

"He's not just some regular old Huntsmen who's the best of the best anymore." Strife began. "He's a poison Demonslayer."

"So that's what those green markings on his arms were." Raven exclaimed.

"Also, it's not just him. He has the students with him. He has Ruby. He has Scythe." Emerald stated.

"He certainly does." Cinder exclaimed.

"If we leave that school a bloody mess, it will draw the attention of the authorities. The Kingdom will be on high alert, and the White Fang's attack will be ruined." Adam stated.

"Then we wait." Cinder exclaimed. "We wait until the full moon. Leo invites Qrow and his little fighters to Haven the same night Hazel and Adam arrive with the White Fang. As soon as the battle is won, the White Fang demolishes Haven, and any evidence we may have left behind is lost along with the school."

"Then Salem leaves my people alone for good." Raven added.

"You have yourself a deal." Cinder exclaimed.

"Wait." Adam said, stopping Cinder from shaking Raven's hand. "Don't think I don't see what you're after. If this falls to pieces over both Strife's your grudges with her parents, I will not be taking the blame."

"Then what are you worried about?" Cinder asked, flames spewing from her eye, as Adam removed his hand from her wrist in pain as she burned it. "Fly back home and tinker with your machines, and tell Salem she'll get what she wants, and more."

Raven took Cinders hand and shook it.

~At the Belladonna household~

The sound of gunshots rang out through the air, as a conflict was going on, inside the chieftain's house.

"Get down." A Faunus guard shouted, flipping a table over to provide cover for himself and Kali.

The guard popped his head out and fired several times at the two White Fang grunts firing at them. He took one of them out, but the other one shot him in the arm, depleting his Aura and knocking him out.

Kali took his weapon and began firing at the home invaders, and an angered look on her face.

"Get out of my house." She shouted. "Ghira?" She questioned before having to duck down again.

In the front, Ghira was fighting with the guards to push back the White Fang members that were surrounding them.

"Gajeel, now would be a good time for some of that Dragon strength you have." Ghira exclaimed.

"You read my mind." Gajeel's voice echoed as a shadow swallowed up all the White Fang grunts.

Moments later they all came of a shadow on the ceiling, groaning in pain, and looking like they just received the worst beating of their lives.

"Go find my wife." Ghira instructed one of his guards as more grunts came rushing in.

He chopped the neck of a grunt coming to strike him, and tossed him to the side before catching the falling body of a fox Faunus that had worked for him for a few years now.

Seeing all this bloodshed, and fighting, was beginning to stir up something inside him that Ghira has not felt in a long time as he stared at Fennec and Corsac.

"I believe it's time our dear chieftain step down, brother." Corsac exclaimed.

"Yes brother, I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree." Fennec stated.

Ghira's clenched fists opened suddenly, revealing his nails grew into claws, as his pupils and irises were small in anger. He tore off his cloak, and glared at the brothers with a predatory growled emanating from his voice, before giving off a feral animalistic roar.

"Oh boy. You two are dead now." Gajeel smirked knocking out another grunt. "From what Blake's told me, this only happens when Ghira is pushed past his limit, since he's normally a pacifist, and if I'm not mistaken, a Faunus whose animalistic traits only appear when they're pissed off are ones you definitely want to avoid angering, especially if they're of a predatory species."

Ghira leapt forward, before using his agility to leap from the ground onto a pillar, and striking a White Fang grunt down, before another came lunging a spear at him, only for Ghira to grab it and lift the spear, while effortlessly lifting the grunt with it, sending her flying into Fennec, both of them falling to the ground, before Corsac aimed his weapon at him, and fired, just as Ghira threw the spear.

Corsac's attack struck Ghira in the chest, while the spear strike Corsac in the hood, pinning him to the wall.

"Brother." Fennec called out.

The attack on Ghira vanished as Fennec switched the dust to use the element of wind, attacking Ghira with it, Ghira held his ground against the attack, as Gajeel was supporting him, both unaware of the White Fang grunt ready to strike, and would have taken them down if Sun hadn't burst through the window, knocking him down and out.

"It's about time you got back from the store Monkey-boy." Gajeel growled.

"Hey, I just saved your butt, give me a little respect." Sun exclaimed.

Corsac tore his hood from the rest of his uniform, and marched over to Fennec, who stopped and performed a double team up of fire and wind, swirling towards Sun like a drill.

"Not good." Gajeel stated grabbing Ghira, and disappearing into the shadows.

Sun began spinning his weapon in a fan motion, fending off the attack, before the sound of a clip clicking echoed, and alerted the brothers of their unexpected guest. They pointed up to the balcony, and fired as Blake jumped up and down, wielding Gambol Shroud's dual function, landing in front of the brothers.

As they raised their weapons to strike, Blake pressed the trigger on the main half of Gambol Shroud and locked them in an Ice-Clone of herself, similar to what she did with Torchwhick.

After trapping them, Blake leapt forward, joining side by side, with Sun, Gajeel, and Ghira as they reappeared from the shadows.

"Dad, where's mom?" Blake questioned.

"I'm not sure, I got ambushed right away." Ghira stated.

"Judging from the scent, she's still in the house." Gajeel stated.

"Once we take down Corsac and Fennec-"

"Blake, as much as it pains me to say this, take Monkey-boy with you and go find your mom." Gajeel stated.

"He's right, take Sun with you and go find your mother. We can handle these two." Ghira stated.


"You keep assuring us your friend isn't a complete waste of space. Let's see him prove it." Ghira stated. "Gajeel and I can hold them off."

"We've got this Blake, I've wanted to sock these bozo's since they day I met them." Gajeel stated as Corsac and Fennec began melting their icy prison.

"You'll have to get in line my boy. Blake, go." Ghira ordered.

Blake closed her eyes, and ran off, with Sun, telling him to look in a different direction as she went in the direction of her father's study, just as the two White Fang Priests broke free.

Gajeel and Ghira looked at one another, before Gajeel smiled, and gave a slight nod. Ghira got the message and cracked his neck before grabbing Gajeel by the wrist and spinning around, gaining momentum, before he threw Gajeel at the brothers, pinning them to the ground.

"You're going to pay for trespassing on a Dragon's territory." Gajeel growled his eyes glowing white, as his body was covered in his scales.

~In the family Study~

Ilia was sitting on the ledge to the upper levels of the study, waiting for Ghira, of Kali to rush through the doors for safety, only to be shocked to find Blake marching through them confidently, and glaring up at her.

Ilia stood up and grabbed her weapon, pulling it out as Blake removed Gambol Shroud from her back, ready to fight if she has to.

~In the Dining room~

Kali was firing her borrowed weapon at the intruders of her home, hitting several objects, and her marks, eventually though she ran out of ammunition. Throwing the gun away, Kali grabbed a tray and began using it as a shield, noticing one of the guards looking at her with a questioning look.

"Do you have a better idea?" Kali questioned.

A second later, Yuma flew in and began strangling one of the guards who were still able to fight.

"Quiet now." Yuma stated.

Kali began to yell and ran to Yuma, with the tray raised.

"Ma'am, no." The guard shouted as Kali was still rushing to strike Yuma.

~In the study~

"Did you come in here to hide?" Blake questioned as she and Ilia stared each other down.

"I told you, I didn't want this." Ilia stated.

"But you're still here." Blake stated.

"I don't have a choice."

"Of course you do." Blake stated, causing Ilia to turn away. "Just stay out of my way."

As Blake began to walk to the doors leading to the dining room, Ilia lunged at Blake, aiming to skewer her through the head, only for it to disappear as it was a shadow-copy.

(Que Music… Catch fire: Jenix)

Blake stood between the desks of the study behind Ilia, before the chameleon Faunus lengthened her weapon, and flicked it like a whip, missing Blake as she jumped out of the way, running along the top of the furniture. Jumping from one desk, to another, blocking Ilia's strikes, now and again, before she leapt up in the air, and used her ribbon to wrap around Ilia's wrist, before she used it to both reel herself to Ilia, and pull the chameleon Faunus towards her, creating double the pressure of the impact when she landed her feet on Ilia's stomach and chest.

Ilia hit the ground with a thud, while Blake landed on her feet; quickly getting up, Ilia blocked Blake's blade pushing against it.

"Why do you feel like we have to hurt people to get our way?" Blake questioned.

"Because it works." Ilia stated.

"That doesn't make it right." Blake stated.

Ilia pulled the trigger on her weapon, sending a jolt of electricity through her weapon and Blake's, forcing Blake throw her weapon away in a reflexive to the electricity. Ilia jumped onto one of the desks, and twisted in mid-air before kicking Blake in the side, knocking her over another desk, skidding on her hands and feet.

Quickly jumped out of the way, Blake barely avoided another strike from Ilia's whip, leaving her shadow-copy to take the hit, as she rolled out of the way.

"Stop lecturing me." Ilia shouted.

Blake turned the corner to see Ilia left her mask on the ground, before the lights went out.

'She's seriously going to regret doing that. She thinks I can't see her in the dark as she camouflages with it. I can see her easily.' Blake thought as she stood up and ran for her weapon.

Ilia stepped on a creaky plank before Blake turned in her direction, and evaded the strike Ilia sent her way, surprising the camouflaged Faunus.

Taking her weapon, Blake fired at Ilia as she ran away, ran around the room, confused as to how Blake could tell she was there.

"Why couldn't you just leave?" Ilia questioned.

"Because I run away too much." Blake stated, switching her weapon to its sword form.

Using her senses, Blake saw Ilia on the second level, before jumping away to evade the electrical attack Ilia sent at her. She jumped behind one of the desks, and pulled out two magazines of Dust ammunition. Fire and ice, were all she had left on her.

"Sorry dad." Blake stated loading the fire Dust magazine into the chamber, and firing at the houseplants, lighting them up, and lighting up the room. 'At least now I can conserve my magic for when it's needed.'

Ilia leapt at Blake, removing her camouflage as she leapt through the air, and struck Blake's weapon out of her hands, before Blake spun around and grabbed the hilt, just in time to block an attack from her former friend, and grab her wrist, twisting her around, before jumping back leaving a Shadow-Copy to take Ilia's strike.

Blake and Ilia continued to strike their weapons against one another's, before Blake twisted Ilia to the ground, slamming her weapon down, and quickly swinging Gambol Shroud, only for Ilia to evade it and swing her own weapon at Blake.

Back-flipping away from Ilia, Blake landed a safe distance, as Ilia began to spin around, and whip at the cat Faunus with every strike she had.

Taking a stance, Blake jumped to the side, as a Shadow-Copy took the hit, before firing at Ilia once again, who blocked them.

"Quit taking potshots and fight me like you mean it." Ilia stated.

Jumping back, Blake landed on the second floor of the study, hiding behind the railing.

"You used to see thing the way I did! The way Adam did! If no one's going to do anything to stop the humans that attack us, then the only choice we have left… is to attack back." Ilia shouted.

"What the hell do you think the Guardians do? We protect both humans and Faunus alike, because the team is comprised of both humans and Faunus, who completely trust one another. The Guardians are a family." Blake stated as she loaded the Ice Magazine into the chamber.

Firing at Ilia, Blake knew she had to do something that would actually get through to her old friend, keeping her distracted while Ilia just knocked the shots away. She raised her weapon to strike, only to find it was frozen solid.

Blake threw Gambol Shroud in its chained-sickle form, and wrapped it around Ilia's weapon, before pulling it out of her hands. Blake jumped from the ledge and landed on top of Ilia, pinning her to the ground as she restrained her.

(End Song…)

"You're wrong. There's always another choice." Blake stated holding Ilia down. "Ilia… Please. You're a good person, but you're making all the wrong decisions."

"SHUT UP." Ilia shouted.

"Is this really what your parents would've wanted?" Blake questioned.

"I don't know what else to do." Ilia stated, sounding on the brink of breaking down. "I don't know what else to do…"

Just as Ilia began to let herself feel her emotions, Gajeel and Ghira came rushing through the wall, breaking it down while Fennec and Corsac's weapons lay strewn on the ground.

"Blake." Ghira shouted, seeing his daughter.

"Look out." Gajeel shouted pushing Ghira out of the way, in time for Fennec to stab him in the back instead of Ghira.

"Gajeel." Blake shouted before Ilia threw her off.

"Get off my son-in-law." Ghira shouted throwing Fennec at Corsac, who stepped to the side so he wouldn't be hit by his flying brother.

Gajeel tore the weapon from his shoulder and ran for Corsac, the jackal Faunus seemed surprisingly strong, as he managed to meet Gajeel, fist for fist as they clashed before they locked their hands together in a competition of strength, Gajeel proving to be the superior being.

Ilia stood there, confused on what to do as she stared at the fighting pairs, with Ghira fighting against Fennec.

"Ilia. What are you doing? Fight." Fennec shouted as he swung his weapon at Ghira again.

Ghira and Fennec were locked in combat until Ghira grabbed the Dust charged attack and sent it towards Corsac, freeing Gajeel to help Blake.

"Brother." Fennec shouted jumping back before he went after Ghira again, only for Sun to come swinging in, hitting him in the face, and knocking him over.

Gajeel pulled out his batons, and merged them to their bow-staff form, spinning it around before he jumped up, evading Ilia's swing from her frozen weapon she had back in her hand. The constant blows and impacts from both weapons clashing ended with the ice breaking, and freeing Ilia's weapon. She tried to use the Lightning Dust in her weapon, but the ice that had covered it, and left the Lightning Dust soaked. Due to this disadvantage, Gajeel pinned Ilia down against a support pillar.

"Stop." Blake shouted.

Gajeel and Ilia looked to her to see she was crying, as she didn't want any of this.

"Please." Blake pleaded.

Ilia pushed against Gajeel's weapon and slid out before allowing Gajeel to slam into the support pillar, worsening the damage beyond a repairable stage.

A portion of the second floor fell and Ilia was right under it, and was about to be crushed before the sound of a large impact was heard, and Ghira was grunting as he was the one who caught it, much to her surprise.

"Go." Ghira exclaimed, allowing Ilia a chance to escape.

Ghira began having trouble holding the portion of floor, up, before Gajeel took action and took his place, lifting it higher than Ghira could currently extend his reach, covered in steel dragon scales.

"I got this, now get going." Gajeel stated holding it tight, wincing in pain as he felt his shoulder throb from where he was stabbed.

Fennec got up and looked to where his brother lay unconscious, grabbing his brother's weapon, and changing the dust cartridge from wind to fire, running for Gajeel.

Blake saw this, and used Gambol Shroud around Gajeel's waist, pulling him out from under the portion of floor, mere seconds before Fennec lunged at him, landing where he was before the detached building piece landed on him, destroying the weapons and causing an explosion to occur, killing Fennec in the process.

The doors opened to reveal Kali dragging in an unconscious Yuma.

"Mom." Blake exclaimed.

"Where were you, I searched practically everywhere I could before I had to help with the fighting." Sun questioned.

Blake ran over to her mother and they hugged each other, happy to see neither of them were significantly hurt.

"What have you done?" Corsac questioned getting up. "You've ruined everything. EVERYTHING."

Blake turned around and picked up her weapon as she stood guard in front of Gajeel and Ghira with Sun by her side to aid in the fight.

Just as Corsac was about to attack them, Ilia's whip came and wrapped around his torso, electrocuting him to unconsciousness.

After the ordeal, Ilia broke down into tears, not known what she was supposed to do anymore, as she fell to her knees.

~Later outside~

Outside, a crowd had gathered around the front steps to the Belladonna house, concerned for what was going on as one of the Faunus standing guard was doing crowd control.

"Back! Everyone, stay back." She exclaimed. "We've got people inside doing their best."

"Look." An aquatic Faunus exclaimed pointing to the front entrance.

Ghira came marching out, with both a White Fang grunt, and a noble soldier, over his shoulders, Gajeel carrying out the rest of the survivors who couldn't walk on their own, as Corsac was being escorted out of the building.

"Get in there, search for any stragglers." A guard shouted as Ghira put the two unconscious Faunus down. "We came as soon as we got the call." The guard stated.

Corsac was pushed to his knees by two guards, as he was detained for multiple charges that would put him away for a long time. Seeing this, the guard turned to Ghira.

"And Fennec?" He asked.

Ghira simply shook his head in sadness as he felt sorry for the brother who had been lost in the battle. The guard walked up Corsac and leaned down glaring at him.

"Was it worth it?" The guard asked.

Corsac simply bowed his head in shame, as he knew none of this was worth losing his brother.

Blake simply stood at the entrance, Gajeel by her side, with a comforting hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at Sun, who was sitting off to the side, catching his breath. She turned to Ilia who was sitting opposite of Sun, as the Chameleon Faunus had a look of complete and utter defeat on her face, as she turned her head, not having the courage to face Blake.

Blake turned to the crowd that had gathered, and took a deep breath, before heading off to face the crowd, Gajeel following closely behind, and try to convince more of them to join the cause.

"Blake, Gajeel." Ghira called seeing where they were going.

As he tried to advance, Kali put her arm out to stop him, letting him know she was confident that they knew what they were doing.

Walking half way down the steps, Blake looked to Gajeel, who gave a confident nod, and turned back to the crowd, taking in a deep breath before she began.

"Humans didn't do this." Blake began pointing to the damage done at the house. "We did this. Faunus." She stated, a scowl growing on her face before it became softer. "We did this to ourselves. We're just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?" Blake questioned her ears flattening in anger.

"By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place; and if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him." Gajeel added, joining in on the speech.

"You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers, to a very complicated problem, and we can't give that to you." Blake exclaimed. "We don't know, how to make hate go away. We don't! But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution. We understand that to ask to leave your homes, and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk… But that's what's at stake."

"So we're going, and we'll stand by ourselves if we have to." Gajeel stated.

"I'll stand with you." Ilia called out as she made her presence known. "If… if you'd have me." Ilia finished, still feeling guilty about what she had done.

"Isn't that the White Fang girl?" One of the citizens questioned.

"I thought she hated the Belladonnas." Another exclaimed.

"You're not going anywhere." The head guard stated grabbing Ilia by the arm as she tried to walk towards them.

"Let her come." Blake stated surprising the guard.

"You're just going to forgive her?" The guard asked. "After everything she did?"

"I am." Blake stated.

"There's one thing you have to understand about us Guardians pal." Gajeel stated, marching up the steps. "We are the forgiving type. Sure we may hold grudges about serious things that are truly horrendous. But Ilia was misguided, and her weak state of mind when her parents died, is what allowed Adam's state of mind to crawl in and take over. So yeah, we forgive her, for being weak while grieving over loved ones she's lost. That ain't a crime, even if it was, I wouldn't arrest her for it, and neither should you." Gajeel exclaimed, standing tall in front of the guard. "If you wanna test me, then go ahead, but Ilia is coming with us to save Haven Academy, whether you like it or not. So let her go."

The guard turned to Ghira who had a proud smile on his face, and simply nodded, letting the guard know to do what they said. Once the guard had let Ilia go, the Chameleon Faunus walked down the steps towards Blake.

"What do they think they're doing?" The guard asked.

"They've learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older." Ghira explained. "That there is strength in forgiveness."

Ilia stood beside Blake, with a soft smile on her face, before someone interrupted the moment.

"I'll go." A goat Faunus exclaimed walking up through the crowd.

"I'll go to." An aquatic Faunus called out raising her hand.

After that, multiple Faunus began to volunteer to go and fight alongside them, wanting to stand up and fight for their home, and prove they can be so much more, as Gajeel and Sun began to descend the stairs, joining Ilia and Blake.

"Looks like we've got work to do." Sun smiled.

"Thank you." Blake smiled as Gajeel put his arm around her.

"You stabbed me, and stopped my heart." Gajeel said looking at Ilia.

"I… Ow!" Ilia began before Gajeel pinched her shoulder.

"There. Now we're even." Gajeel smiled as Ghira and Kali came down and joined the four of them.

"We have about two weeks before Adam's attack on Haven." Ghira stated.

"We're going to need shields, training, whatever we can do to protect as many people as possible." Ghira stated.

"We'll need transport too." Kali added. "For everyone."

"Relax, I got the armor, weapons, shields, and training covered." Gajeel smirked.

"I think we know a ship captain who owes us a favor." Blake smiled.