Chapter 1

The officiating septon began by reciting several prayers to the few present, including reading from the Holy Text, The Seven-Pointed Star. During these initial prayers, Rhaegar Targaryen waited with the septon while Lyanna Stark, soon to be Targaryen, waited farther back, and behind a tree.

Once the prayers were finished, Lyanna, with her arm wrapped around Eddard's, came from behind the tree, and began walking towards the septon and the groom. Rhaegar's heart stopped and skipped a beat. She was so beautiful. Her lengthy brown hair and stunning eyes added a nature of "Wild beauty" to her entire demeanor.

Ned walked her down the Aisle, and presented her to Rhaegar, giving her hand a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek, before backing up, and acting as a witness. Both Lyanna and Rhaegar smiled to each other, and faced the septon.

"You may nor cloak the bride, and bring her under your protection." The septon states.

Rhaegar took the cloak displaying the Stark sigil off of Lyanna's shoulders, and draped her in one displaying the Targaryen sigil, and symbolically, brought her under his protection, and into his family.

"My Lords, my lady, we stand here in the sight of the gods and men, to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." The Septon proclaimed.

Lyanna and Rhaegar held hands, and continued to stand side by side. The septon proceeded to tie a ribbon and a knot around their conjoined hands, solidifying their union.

While tying the ribbon, the septon says, "Let it be known that Rhaegar of house Targaryen and Lyanna of house Stark, are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.

"In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity." And the septon undoes the ribbon, their lives, and fate sealed for eternity.

"Look upon each other, and say the words," The septon commands.

Lyanna and Rhaegar turned to each other, now holding both hands, and recited, "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am hers/his, and she/he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

"With this kiss," Rhaegar says, "I pledge my love." And leans in to kiss Lyanna.

Ned watches and smiles when he sees the happiness in his sister's eyes as the kiss breaks. All he's ever wanted for Lyanna is a happy life, a good husband, and as many children as she could want. Rhaegar sealed each of those things with that kiss, and Ned waste no time in walking up to Rhaegar, and hugging him.

"We are true family now brother," Rhaegar said coming out of the hug, happy as could be, even for such a small ceremony in Dorne.

"Indeed, we are." Ned said as he went over to hug transitioned to hugging his sister in her beautiful white dress.

His sister married brought as much dread into Ned, as it did joy. Robert was not going to be happy about this at all. He had loved Lyanna. Even as children, he said it time and time again, "One day, I'm going to marry your sister Ned, and by blood, you and I will be brothers."

Ned always had his doubts about Robert. He always knew Lyanna never loved him the way he loved her, but that was one of his closets and oldest friends.

"Will you come back with us to Dragonstone with us for a while?" Lyanna asked hopefully, "Or are you going back home?"

"I need to return home. Catelyn will be having our second baby soon, so I must be on my way. You look lovely Lyanna, and I will bring the family to Dragonstone soon."

And with that, Ned shook Rhaegar's hand, and kissed his sister's temple, and left, to charter a ship back home.

Rhaegar and Lyanna Saw him off with a farewell, and continued to enjoy each other for the rest of the day and night.


It wasn't long at all before the two of them were back in Dragonstone and Lyanna was pregnant. Lyanna gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.

Rhaegar entered the chamber Lyanna gave birth in. She was currently breathing heavily from the almost impossible task of giving birth to her children. She was sweating, but Rhaegar couldn't remember a time he had seen her more beautiful.

"My mighty Dragon," Lyanna said as Rhaegar approached her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked kneeling and planting a kiss to her forehead.

"It was well worth it Rhaegar. Wait until you see them, they are so beautiful."

"They?" He asked stunned, but not discouraged in the slightest. He became twice as excited.

"Yes," Lyanna said smiling and crying, "Two Dragon Wolves. A boy and a Girl."

Rhaegar smiled at his wife, took her hands, kissed them for a long time and said, "I'm so proud of you Lyanna."

The swam in their loving moment, the sound of two infants wailing while being cleaned in the background.

"My lord," a maester and his assistant, also his daughter, said from behind Rhaegar.

He turned at the sound, and laid eyes on his beautiful children in their arms. The maester who was holding the boy, and the heir to Dragonstone, handed him over to Rhaegar. The maester's daughter handed the girl to Lyanna who felt magnetically pulled to her children.

Lyanna got a much better look at her daughter, who was the younger of the twins by a minute and thirteen seconds. Her daughter was breathtaking. She had very little hair, but what hair she did have, was silvery blonde. Her eyes were brown like hers.

Rhaegar held the bundle in his hands close to him as he surveyed his son. The boy had brown blackish hair. He was a bit lengthier than his twin sister. No doubt he'd be a few inches taller than her in the future. His eyes however, were Rhaegars. The boy held deep purple or indigo eyes. Even as a baby, they were completely hypnotizing.

Rhaegar shed a single tear, and kissed his heir on the forehead. Lyanna was rocking and bouncing her daughter in her arms. Rhaegar turned back around to Lyanna, and got back on his knees, holding their twins side by side.

"Daenerys," Lyanna said looking at her daughter, "She looks like a Daenerys. Dany for short."

"Daenerys, it is," Rhaegar said back to her, still looking into the eyes of his heir, stuck between two names for the boy.

"What will we name him?" Lyanna asked looking to her son with as much love as she had her daughter.

Rhaegar had finally decided on a name he liked.

"Jaegon. Jon for short." Rhaegar decided.

"Prince Jaegon Targaryen and Princess Daenerys Targaryen. The twin Dragon Wolves." Lyanna confirmed, letting it roll right off of her tongue. It sounded perfect.