"Goddammit, Kiba, if you drop the dango I made I swear I will infest you with kikaichu until you are a furry husk." Shino was carrying the sake they had brought for their dinner with Naruto and his family. Shino had worked very hard on that dango and had no intentions of seeing his culinary masterpiece destroyed.

"Yeah yeah, I got it. Don't get your ants in your pants in a bunch."

Shino looked at him. "What the fuck does that even mean?"

Kiba shrugged. "You called me furry, I thought I should insult you with something bug related."

Shino sighed and trudged into the house with Kiba and Akamaru following along behind him.

Hinata answered the door with a smile. Her eyes fell on the sake and dango. "Oh Shino, you didn't have to bring anything."

Kiba pouted. "Why do you assume he brought it?"

Hinata looked at him. "Because I've known you for over twenty years, Kiba." She moved aside to let them in.

"'Because I've known you for over twenty years, I'm so smart and cool, nyeh.'" Kiba grumbled to himself as they went inside.

Shino smiled and kissed his cheek. "She's technically wrong. The sake came out of your paycheck."

Kiba stuck out his tongue. "You just love me for my money."

Shino smirked. "I'm from one of konoha's noble clans, Kiba. My finances are perfectly stable with or without you. I came for the boyish charm, and I stay because you've managed to grow on me after all these years." He shrugged. "Also the beard looks really good on you."

Kiba grinned. "Yeah? You like the scruff?"

Shino snorted and put the sake in the fridge. "Just put the dango on the counter and get your scruffy ass to the dining room."

And Kiba would have happily done that had Himawari not spotted him. Kiba barely managed to set it on the counter before she ran screaming at him and clamped onto his leg.

"Uncle Kiba!" She giggled.

Kiba smiled. "Sup kiddo...you're grip has gotten stronger." He tried to walk with her on his leg, but it wasn't happening.

Shino had, over the years, taken to laughing more easily. It was hard not to with Kiba around. But unfortunately that laugh had evolved from a quiet snort to a slightly louder series of snorts. Right now Shino was like a very quiet pig.

Hinata came over to them, smiling. "Boruto said you wore star shaped sunglasses last week in class."

Shino cleared his throat. "I uh...have been trying to get more creative in reaching my students."

Hinata raised a brow. "And clearly that meant star shaped sunglasses."

Shino frowned. "I was trying to throw a party. I should look festive if I am the host of a party."

Hinata nodded. "So you're gonna wear them at your wedding then too?"

Shino froze. The W word and M word weren't really tossed around by Shino and Kiba. Konoha didn't really have great policy when it came to same-sex marriage.

Hinata shrugged. "We could just do a little ceremony ourselves. Have it be something symbolic, yknow?"

Shino sighed. "Honestly, I'm not really sure how Kiba feels about marriage. From what I understand, it's an almost alien concept to the Inuzuka. I think it would only make him nervous and uncomfortable."

"You're scared?"

"I am not scared, because-"

"You're scared he'll leave if you ask."

Shino looked down.

Hinata sighed. "Shino, you guys have been together for over ten years now. Don't you think that's enough proof that he won't abandon you?"

Shino shook his head. "Just..." He went to walk back to Kiba.

"You do realize I have heightened hearing right?" Kiba smirked a bit.

Shino felt his heart sink. "You heard everything?"

Kiba nodded. "Shino, I love you. I think having a little celebration to commit to that is a good idea." He shrugged. "You're right about how my clan is, but...I don't really wanna follow in my parents footsteps." He moved to wrap his arms around Shino but was still unable to move because of Himawari. He sighed. "Shino, I understand what it's like to feel abandoned. My dad left when I was just a little kid, and I barely remember anything about him. My mom is great, but...I kinda wish I had known him. I'm not gonna leave you like that." He smiled.

Shino swallowed hard. "Well, if you want this to be as real as possible, you're going to have to propose to me. With an actual ring."

Kiba grinned and nodded.