A sequel, of sorts, to In Love & Passion:

Gomez sat in the den, waiting for the arrival of his lawyer of nine years, Tully and Tully's wife, Margaret.

He missed his querida terribly, with all his being. He longed for her since the day she left, and today, she was coming home.

He looked his very best for her today. His cologne mixed with the fact that he had showered just this morning gave off a strong, sexy scent. His black hair was slicked back, as usual and he had polished his gold wedding ring with his nickname, Mon Amour, engraved on the inside. He wore black pants with a black dress shirt. Over the shirt, was a suit-vest that was black with blood-coloured, gothic designs. The red reminded him of the way his darling one's nails would scratch across his washboard-like stomach and chest, full of muscle and years of dueling and physical activity. His dress shoes and socks were black, as well. Gomez's mustache, that was more like two alluring lines across his face, completed his aesthetic. Today, he embodied the French nickname Morticia would call him, mon diable, meaning my devil.

Gomez leaned against the mantle, and smoked his expensive, hundred-dollar cigar.

Thing, the disembodied hand that had full capability of human emotion and senses, hopped from the mantle and onto Gomez's shoulder.

Gomez looked at Thing, and smiled. "Think of it, Thing." Gomez spoke with a Spanish-Italian, perfectly accented voice that could arouse the dead. "It feels like an eternity, I have been away from my Tish. And finally, she is coming home."

Thing patted Gomez on the shoulder.

"Thank you, old man." Gomez paused, and took a puff of his cigar.

"Has Tully arrived yet?"

Thing gave a thumb down.

Gomez nodded. "Thank you, Thing."

Thing gave a thumb up and hopped off of Gomez.

Gomez sighed, and waited.

Tully, the Addams' lawyer, walked toward the entrance of the Addams' mansion once again, with Margaret. They were collecting the donation for this year's charity auction, and the monthly expenses.

Tully was a man of average height. He was not a large man, but he was indeed... puffy. His facial features were more than likely handsome at one point. But, the years had not been kind to him, nor had he been very kind to himself. His dark eyes looked like they had witnessed a war, and his long, black hair already had a few greys, at forty. Gomez was thirty-seven and had not one. His suits were old, cheap and torn, from the brutal years of being Gomez's lawyer. Mr. Addams was not unkind to him, but he was an eccentric, active man and Tully was the complete opposite. Boring, passionless, and as Margaret put it, a bum. He would like to say he tried to be better for his wife and child, but he had not tried at all since 1974.

He wrestled with gate, a gate with pet-like senses that often grabbed at his coat, like a child, begging for attention. Like his child used to do, until he gave up.

"Stop it!" He yelled. "I'm warning you!"

Margaret rolled her eyes and marched over to Tully.

She was a woman of broken elegance. She had a rectangular figure, and she tried to be classy but she was jaded from her passionless marriage, and flustered from their financial situation, or their mockery of a financial situation. Thirty-seven-year-old Margaret's red hair was always in a big up-do. She tried to keep up with the latest fashions, but she was too tired and half-assed her way through all of them. She was the queen of miserable, tired housewife hacks. She wore a pastel pink pencil skirt and a white blouse with a blazer to match her skirt. The blazer had a thin, white lining. Her nails were painted white, and she wore tan pantyhose that had a large run at the top, where nobody could see. She wore these with white, short heels. She painted over the wear and tear with her nail polish. Her wedding ring's gleam had quite literally worn off, and the small, cheap, golden band just sat on her finger... a reminder of the worst best day of her life.

"Would you straighten up?" She asked. "Please, these are one of five, of your last. Paying. Clients."

"Must you remind me?" Tully half-listened to the woman as he struggled against the gate's hold on him.

"Yes." Margaret grabbed him and pulled, trying to get him away from gate. "But, sometimes I wonder..." She yanked again, groaning. "Why bother?"

"Right! I never listen to you, anyway!" Tully rolled his eyes.

"God, why-" After another yank, gate released them and set the couple propelling backward.

Margaret's white, old purse flew out of her hand and Tully rammed into her.

Margaret got on the ground and picked up her purse. She straightened up and walked after Tully, whom was already halfway to the door.

"Why did I marry you?" Margaret scoffed.

"We have been over this one hundred times, Margaret. I'm gonna give the same damn answer."

"Because you said yes?" Margaret asked. "You haven't said yes in eleven years! All I wanted for Christmas was a new car because ours had squirrels in it but no-"

"Yes! There! Does that make you happy?"

"Something has to!" Margaret shot at him. "Like a decent coat."

Tully rolled his eyes and made a mocking puppet hand motion as his wife talked.

"Something dressy, for evening..." Her voice trailed off as she realized nobody was listening to her, but her.

Meanwhile, Gomez heard Lurch get the door and watched as Tully and Margaret walked into the den.

Gomez looked up, and took the cigar out of his mouth. "Tully, Margaret! What a pleasure it is to see you both again."

He shook Tully's hand and kissed Margaret's, and the pair sat on the couch.

Gomez spoke when they didn't. "I should apologize for the unusual meeting arrangements. Morticia and I have decided to have the office redone. Besides which, I cannot bare to be very far away from that door right now."

Neither of them asked why.

"It's quite alright, Gomez." Tully waved his hand.

Gomez nodded. "Cigar, Tully? Margaret?"

They shook their heads.

Gomez shrugged and sat on the couch across from them. "Morticia should be in any minute. She has been gone for so long, it's been agony. A friend in Denver needed help moving somebody."

Margaret gulped. "What?"

"Poor Ruby's second cousin passed on." He explained.

Margaret shook her head, then made the connection. "I... I see, I..." She looked around. "Excuse me."

She shot up but Tully grabbed her and forcefully sat her back in the chair.

Gomez would not be walking on two legs if he grabbed Morticia like that. Then again, he wouldn't anyway.

Tully looked at Gomez, I can explain this written all over his face. "She gets jumpy."

Margaret nodded. "Yes, Gomez, I... I'm sorry."

Gomez nodded. "It's quite alright, Margaret. Tea?"

"Yes, thank you."

Gomez took the pocket-sized gong off of the coffee table and rang for Lurch.

Lurch came in, four cups of tea and a teapot on a tray.

Margaret was afraid that she would be the next body they had to move at this point.

Lurch set the tea down on the table and looked at Margaret. "Cream, sugar, arsenic, or cyan-"

"C-cream, please, thank you." Margaret watched Lurch put cream, sugar, arsenic, belladonna and cyanide neatly on the table, and then pour the cream into her tea.

"Thank you, Lurch." Gomez said. "You may go."

Lurch left, groaning and Gomez noticed their car pull into the driveway. Máma had agreed to drive Morticia home.

Gomez leapt up from his seat, and sprinted to the door.

Margaret and Tully shared a look of confusion.

Gomez looked back at them, briefly. "She's home!" He called, enthusiastically.

Gomez watched as lighting cracked across the sky.

All of the sudden, thunder sounded.

It began to pour and Morticia put her cloak on. She walked out into the rain, and the sky appeared purple. She looked as though she were a witch-like apparition, taming the rain and wind that was not so much as disheveling her slightly.

Morticia walked up to the door of the mansion and before she could even ring, Gomez opened it.

The gothic enchantress was breathtaking. She was five foot nine, with legs that stretched on for miles. Her figure was glorious. Even after two kids, her measurements were 37"-23"-37". Her skin was paler than that of the corpse she had recently seen. Her eyes were of a dark brown shade, and her long, silky hair was as black as the night she and her husband both adored. Her dark, gothic smoky eyes went beautifully with her lips and nails, that were painted the same shade as the designs on her husband's vest. She wore a long, black, gothic gown that swept the floor. It was tight, and low-cut, accentuating her curves. It has fishnet cut-outs in the long sleeves, and lace-up shoulders. It had an elegant chain above her hips. She wore it to parties quite a lot, and she wore it today. Morticia's shoes were three-and-a-half inches, and black, gothic heels. They had silver crosses dangling off of the back by spiked chains. She wanted to look her best for her husband that she hadn't seen in what they both considered far, far too long.

Morticia barely had time to close the door before Gomez scooped her up in his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. Gomez gripped her waist, squeezing the hell out of her but neither caring at all.

Morticia cupped his cheeks. "I've missed you, mon amour."

God, Gomez adored the sound of her voice. It was like that of a mysterious, seductive, black angel.

"And I you, cara mia." He captured her lips and tongue for a passionate kiss, and set her down, not letting go of her.

Margaret and Tully grew increasingly uncomfortable as Gomez unfastened her cloak and it was discarded on the floor.

"Mmm... it felt like years, miserable, passionless, painless years." Morticia said between breaths and affectionate kisses.

"Never again will you do that to me." Gomez drew her closer and pinned her against the wall near the door, her wrists above her head in his firm grasp. He looked her in her eyes, a feral passion, burning in his own.

Morticia sighed, in ecstasy. How she missed him. "I promise."

Gomez breathed a sigh of passion and relief. "Eres divina..." He groaned and began to kiss her neck.

"Mon sauvage..." She moaned, relishing in his kisses and adoration.

"Oh, Tish, you've the complexion of an apparition." He kissed her down to her partially exposed cleavage.

"And you have the lips of an angelic demon that I am happy to be enraptured by." She replied, breathless.

Máma walked in and rolled her eyes. "I'm goin' upstairs!" She told everyone and walked away.

The couple noticed her, not.

"Kiss me." Morticia commanded.

They grabbed onto each other, and Gomez immediately made out with her. His tongue tangoed with hers, and his hands moved, sensually across her body.

"I didn't know what to do with myself, Tish. It was miserable, in that bed, being unable to hold you like always."

"Oh, darling, I was so cold. I didn't have the heat of your body or those..." She ran her icy hands across his perfect arms, full of muscle. "Strong arms wrapped around me. Mon diable, I was so lonely."

"I am so sorry, querida. All alone. In Denver, of all places..." He kissed her.

"Just hold me and don't ever, ever let me go." Morticia's long, red nails dug into his skin.

He squeezed her waist, and bent her back, devouring her.

Margaret did not know whether to fume with jealousy or avert her eyes. This was more intense than anything she had seen in the pornos she watched behind her stiff husband's back. She decided to do both.

Tully, disturbed and sickened, cleared his throat.

Morticia's eyes shifted toward the noise, and she noticed the couple that Gomez had forgotten about.

Morticia played with his tie and looked, briefly at her gorgeous wedding ring. It was eleven million dollars of pure silver, and had her nickname, Cara Mia engraved in black on the inside, like her husband's. "Darling, we have company."

"Hmm?" He asked, enthralled with his gothic bride.

She laughed. "Tully and Margaret. The monthly expenses are due. Remember, mon cher?"

"I can't remember anything except how much I missed you terribly." He kissed her. "And how happy I am that your back."

"I've missed you too, mon amour." Arms around his neck, she leaned in and whispered. "Gomez, I'll let you punish me for leaving later."

"Only if I can fuck you so hard, we break the bedpost." He replied.

"Only if you take me to the dungeon tonight."

Gomez squeezed her ass. "Well, I suppose we'll pick this up in two hours?"

"I suppose we will." Morticia's voice had a slow, seductive edge. "You know how rough I like to play."

Gomez nipped the air and Morticia bit right back. Then, arm in arm, they walked back to the couch and Gomez sat down. He reached out his arms and Morticia sat in his lap.

Tully rolled his eyes. "Are you ready to talk, Mr. Addams?" He asked, impatiently.

Gomez had his arms around Morticia's waist, embracing her from behind. "Yes." Quickly, he kissed her. Gomez then turned to Tully. "Forgive me, she was gone for so long."

"Yes, we just can't bear to be separated like that." Morticia explained.

Tully nodded, and pretended to understand.

Margaret rolled her eyes at this, but said nothing. "How long was she away?" She asked.

"Oh," The couple looked at each other, like it was too painful to talk about.

"An entire, miserable, passionless, painless..." Morticia closed her eyes.

Gomez finished and squeezed her. "Day."

Margaret and Tully shared a look of confusion.

"A whole day?" Tully gasped, sarcastically.

Morticia nodded. "Yes. It was terrible." She placed her hands atop her husband's and he did one of the things she liked best, moving them back and forth. She felt her muscles tighten.

Margaret was in envious disbelief. "Well, Morticia..." She cleared her throat. "I'm here to speak to you about the charity auction."

Morticia nodded. "Of course, Margaret. I happen to have our donation with me. Allow me to-" she was going to get up, but Gomez held her tightly, refusing to allow her to do so. Morticia smiled at how passionately possessive he was being. Still, she tried. "Allow me to-" She could not even get an inch off of her seat. She leaned back.

Gomez kissed her neck. "I find it adorable how you think you're going anywhere." He said to her and stroked her hair.

"I find it adorable that you think you can stop me." She replied, toying with his emotions.

Margaret gulped and tried to look anywhere but directly in front of her.

"I don't think, I know." Gomez responded. "I hope you realize that you will not be alone for a long, long time."

"I'm looking forward to it." Morticia turned her head and he kissed her again.

Tully was just uncomfortable. Morticia was quite the seductress and sometimes he could not even help but stare at her.

Gomez had Thing ring for Lurch, as he could not keep his eyes or his hands off of his darling one.

"Lurch, would you please fetch the donation for the charity auction?"

Lurch nodded and walked away, not even needing to hear where it was located. He would find it.

Gomez's lips captured Morticia's hand.

Tully spoke, breaking the awkwardness between his wife and he for the time being. "So, Morticia? How was Denver?"

"Oh, dreadful without Gomez with me. And, before you ask, not the good kind."

Weirded out but unsurprised, Tully said nothing. He just smiled and nodded.

"However, Ruby was delighted I could come. Her second cousin weighed three hundred pounds. Transporting him to a body bag, then to the morgue is not an easy job." Morticia said, matter-of-factly.

Margaret was repulsed at the grim statement. "Well, that's..." She gulped. "Morose."

"Isn't it?" Morticia nodded, in agreement.

"Three hundred pounds?" Gomez sighed. "Tish, you must be exhausted."

"Well, Ruby is almost destitute and refuses charity. We had to move him ourselves, she couldn't afford movers." Morticia paused. "Besides, for some odd reason, they wouldn't do it."

Tully scoffed. "Gee, wonder why?" His tone was dripping with sarcasm.

"So did we. We think it has something to do with her being suspect in the poisoning." Morticia shook her head, sadly. "What has this world come to?"

"Sore, cara mia?" Gomez asked. He cracked his knuckles.

Morticia knew exactly what that sound meant. "Terribly." Her tone was seductive.

Gomez began to rub her shoulders.

"Thank you, mon cher." She kissed him. "I've missed you." Morticia sipped her tea and got comfortable as he continued.

Margaret wanted so badly to roll her eyes, but before she could speak, Lurch handed the ruby encrusted, 4.5-million-dollar necklace for the auction to her.

He groaned, then, and walked away.

Margaret was speechless. "Is this for the auction?"

Margaret and Tully winced as Morticia moaned at her husband's touch.

"Yes, dear. I heard that they were donating to widows and orphans this year." Morticia sipped her tea. "We need more of them."

"Uh-huh." Margaret nodded, trying to convince herself everything was normal. She examined the necklace and showed it to Tully. Now, he paid attention to her.

"It's absolutely extravagant. Wherever did you get it?" Margaret inquired.

"Oh, Gomez and I found it while staying at Le Rubis Noir, in Paris." Morticia explained. "We bought it for the auction."

Gomez planted a kiss on her neck. "Tish, that French." He looked at a stunned Tully and Margaret. "Yes, it was like Morticia to think of others when she saw it." He gave her shoulders another good squeeze and wrapped his hands back around her waist.

"Merci, mon amour." She smiled.

"Must you?" Gomez devoured her fingers.

"Always." Morticia captured her husband's lips, and Tully had just about had enough.

"Gomez, monthly expenses. Not to rush but I have... a lunch to go to."

Margaret looked shocked. "You're taking me to lunch?"

Tully laughed, nervously. "Hey, pumpkin, why don't you wait in the car with that pretty necklace? I won't take too long."

Margaret humphed. "Fine." She got up and shook Morticia's hand. "Thank you again, Morticia. It's beautiful." Margaret then walked out of the house.

Gomez was going to get up, but Lurch walked over to him with the phone.

"Lurch, old man, this isn't exactly a good time." Gomez sighed. "Who is it?"

Lurch shook his head, and groaned. "Telephone call for Mrs. Addams."

Morticia gracefully took the phone from Lurch. "Thank you, Lurch." She nodded. "Hello, Mrs. Addams speaking."

"Morticia?" That voice, she recognized it. It was too... not perky but... snooty.

"Pardon me, who-" It then dawned on her and she stood up, upset but maintaining her composure.

Gomez looked up and watched his wife's eyes enlarge.


Gomez was fuming but Morticia held up a hand, and he stayed put.

"Yes, dear sister, it's me." Ophelia replied. "I have news for you."

Morticia had not seen nor spoken to her since Ophelia tried to ruin her life, and kill her nearly twenty years ago.

"Ophelia, unless you are terminally ill, I don't want to hear it." Ophelia was dead to her, Morticia wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.

But, fate, could not allow that.

"My, my... we are rude." Ophelia sighed. "I just wanted to check up on you. It isn't like you to hold a grudge."

"It isn't like you to care about me." Morticia was not about to play this game.

Tully looked up, confused.

Gomez flashed him a look that commanded he stay put and wait.

"You're right. And maybe I don't. But, father did."

Morticia did not want to, in fact she vomited at the sight of it, but she took the bait. "What about my father?" Morticia asked. She did not even want to remember that her father was also Ophelia's father, and she had a good feeling that he wouldn't want to, either.

"Our father," Ophelia corrected. "Had a weird little trinket that he wanted you to have. I have no use for it, so I need you to come to Fareigndale so I can give it to you."

Morticia shook her head. "You're expecting me to believe that you are just finding this, now?"

Ophelia sighed. "Yes, I am. And I can't send it. I don't want to spend money mailing this thing to you."

"I see we're going for brutal honesty?" Morticia asked.

"Somewhat." Ophelia replied.

Morticia sighed. "Ophelia, you would never care if I had this unless something was in it for you. What do you want?"

"Well, just a small sum of cash. $5,000 seems fair."

Morticia raised an eyebrow. "Why on earth do you deserve any portion of my money?"

Gomez was about to stand but Morticia held up her hand again. He kissed it.

"Because, then you can have this box. That's what it is. It's some old, wooden box that has To Morticia, Love Father engraved in it on top. It comes with a key."

"Well, what's in it?"

"I don't know, it isn't like you consume my thoughts. All I did was find it and use it as leverage to call you."

Morticia shook her head. "Ophelia, are you really suggesting we come up to Fareigndale?"

Gomez's eyes now enlarged and he looked at Morticia, shaking his head, no.

"Yes, only for the day. If you must bring everybody else, by all means, go right ahead."

"Ophelia, it is the sunniest part of California. It's hot, and you know my photosensitivity acts up."

"Boo-hoo." Ophelia had no sympathy. "Lather on the sunscreen, then, Morticia. I don't want to be a bitch, -"

Morticia rolled her eyes. "It's a bit late for that, dear."

"But," Ophelia continued. "You won't get this thing until you walk up to my door and get it yourself."

"I cannot give you a definite answer. Gomez and I have to talk about this."

Ophelia scoffed. "No you don't. He does whatever you want anyways."

"No, Ophelia. I will call you back by the end of the night." Morticia hung up.

Ophelia scoffed, and slammed the white phone on her small, pink wooden nightstand.

Gomez looked at his darling one with concerned eyes. "Tish, why did that wretch call you?"

"She... my father, left something for me. A box. He wanted me to have it, before he died. Ophelia found it."

"I don't believe her." Gomez stood. "Why would she just be calling you now? He has been gone more than twenty years."

"I know." Morticia nodded. "I know. But what if she does have it?" She looked at Gomez, with a wounded look in her black eyes. "All I had left of him was a pair of shoes, a picture, and Kitty. It's one more thing I would have to remember him by."

Gomez hesitated but held her from behind, comfortingly. "I understand, my darling. I do. But we cannot just fly out to Fareigndale. I will pay her any sum of money but I do not trust her enough to come and see her. After what Ophelia did to you... she doesn't deserve to see you, or know our children."

"Who's Ophelia?" Tully had awkwardly been listening for quite some time now.

Gomez and Morticia turned toward him. They had both forgotten he was even there.

"My older sister." Morticia said. "She tried steal Gomez away from me and tried to have me jailed when she found out we were in love. It's quite a wild story, really."

Gomez shook his head and took some of Morticia's hair, gently in his hand. He looked at Tully, with vehement rage directed at Ophelia in his eyes, and she was not even here. "She tried to kill her before having her arrested."

Tully gulped. "What an interesting family you people have."

"That woman is not family." Gomez spit fire.

Morticia shook her head and pressed into him. She sighed, conflicted.

There was a long, two-minute break of silence.

Tully then spokes. "Perhaps we should reschedule, Gomez."

Gomez nodded and held his wife, close. "Yes, Tully. I believe that would be best."

"I apologize for all of this." Morticia said. "If I had known she would call us, I would have gotten rid of the phone."

Tully nodded, though upset. "It's alright. I'll just... go to the car. Good luck with everything." He then grabbed his briefcase, and walked out of the house, back to the old, tired grind.

Morticia figured Tully meant well by his odd statement. She sighed, then, after having been deep in thought. "We have to do this, Gomez."

Gomez looked into her eyes. "Tish... please, there has to be another way."

Morticia closed her eyes, in thought. "Ophelia said I was not going to receive that box unless I came over, with around five thousand dollars. I do not want to put the children in harm's way, however. Not like this." Morticia said. "The children shouldn't go, I don't want to put them in danger." She paused. "Come with me?"

Gomez sighed and ran his fingers through her hair. "Querida, I will not let you go alone. But I am still not convinced that we should go at all."

"I know, mon cher. But this is my father. What if they found a lead on Fester, hmm? Or simply something he desperately wanted you to have?" Gomez's dark goddess asked him.

"I'd go to the ends of the earth to get it." Gomez said, through gritted teeth.

Morticia stroked his cheek, briefly. "And all I have to do is go to California."

"Oh, is that all?" Gomez asked, sarcastically.

"Yes. That's all." Morticia nodded, definitively.

"Morticia..." Gomez drew out her name, and his tone had a concerned edge.

Morticia looked into his eyes, sadly.

"Tish, really. I..."

She looked down for a moment, then back at her husband.

Gomez bit his lip. "Cara mia..."

Morticia looked away a bit longer, shrinking.

Gomez sighed, turned his head. "Lurch, please book a flight to Fareigndale, California!" He called.

Morticia's face lit up and she turned to her husband, kissing him. "Thank you, mon amour."

Gomez traced her lip with his finger. "How can I ever say no to you?"

"You can't." Morticia sighed, happily and leaned against his chest. She then grew serious once more. "Darling, I hope you know how much this means to me, really. I know what a big risk it is and at the first sign of trouble, we'll leave."

Gomez rubbed her back. "We like trouble."

"Not that kind of trouble."

A devious smile played on Gomez's lips. "Well, then..." He let his fingers trace down to her rear end and grabbed it. He pressed into her and sucked her neck. "How about this kind of trouble?"

Morticia moaned. "I like this kind of trouble."

"Speaking of trouble..." Gomez picked her up. "Guess what you're in?"

Morticia kissed him, roughly, and blood was drawn. "Punish me."