Disclaimer: I own nothing

Superboy was on his hands and knees bleeding internally. Wonder Girl, Starfire, Red Robin, and Superman surround him. "I am sorry Kon…" Superman said. He didn't want to hurt him, but Superboy gave him no choice. Wonder Girl was angrier than ever at Superman, in fact, Starfire and Red Robin both felt that way as well.

"What did you do to him?" Wonder Girl both shouted and asked.

"He is… bleeding internally… his sternum is broken and one of his ribs has punctured his heart. He's bleeding out."

"Please… you got to help us get him to a hospital." Wonder Girl said with tears pouring down her face.

"He won't make it." Superman replied.

"So that's it?" Red Robin said. "You're going to let him die."

"No. There's only one way to save his life—by sending him into the Phantom Zone, which exists outside of time and space. He will become a psychic phantasm and his fate will not be tied to his physical form."

"So he'll live?" Red Robin asked.

"Yes, but I'll only do this under one condition… I can't have you working against what I must do, so you ALL have to go with him. That said, I promise to bring you all back when my work is done. Do you agree to my terms?" There was a bit of silence, but only for a moment.

"Do it." Wonder Girl said.

"I AM sorry." Superman pulls them into the Phantom Zone. "But I have a world to save. For Lois."

Two years later, in another universe, the Teen Titans have just gotten back from Paris after defeating the Brotherhood of Evil for good. Note: These are the Teen Titans from the original 2003-2007 animated series. They were having a pizza party in the tower. "So, no more enemy left to fight." Beast Boy said. "Things are going to get boring real quick."

"Frankly, I could use a vacation." Raven stated. Then an alarm went off. "Spoke too soon." The screen showed Doctor Light robbing a bank.

"Alright Titans, looks like vacation is going to have to wait. Titans, GO!" A few minutes later the team consisting of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, cornered Doctor Light in an abandoned movie theater. "It's over doc." Just then a blue light surrounds all five of them. The next minute they find themselves in New York City, only the skies were much more red and the screens that usually have advertisements only have a symbol of a circle then six lines coming out of it, side by side, and making it look divided into thirds.

"Okay, where are we?" Cyborg asked.

"I don't know," Robin replied. "But I don't like it at all."

"I don't expect you to." A mysterious yet very familiar voice said. "I brought you here to help the insurgency." The Titans see a man with one side of his face as clear as day, and the other side of his face, pitch black.

"Slade!" Robin shouted. "I can guess you were the one who did this to the world."

"Stand down Titans. I know what this looks like but…"

"Deathstroke!" Someone in a military uniform said.

"Kill him!" Another soldier said. They all pointed their guns at Deathstroke.

"Titans, I am going to need you to run."

"No way, Slade. Give us one good reason why we should leave."

"Look at the symbol on their uniforms." They saw what looked like an "S".

"But that makes no sense."

"Ready, Aim!" A soldier shouted.

"Hold it." Another mysterious voice, but familiar to Robin said. The figure reveals himself.

"Robin," Starfire whispered in Robin's ear, "He looks a lot like the Nightwing I saw in the future."

"That can't be me."

"Wait a minute. Starfire? Beast Boy? You're here? Dick? But that's not possible."

"Who are you?" Raven asked.

"Oh of course. More duplicates. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Damian Wayne. And you, all of you are under arrest under the authority of the High Councilor."

"And who is the High Councilor?" Beast Boy asked.


"Okay this still doesn't make any sense, Superman's a good guy. He wouldn't be ruling the world."

"He didn't use to, but that was five years ago." Deathstroke replied. "And we're not going anywhere." He throws out a few gas bombs and fills the place with smoke. "Titans, with me!" They run. The smoke clears a few moments later.

"Wonder Woman, I would like to have a talk with the High Councilor."

A little while in an underground facility in Gotham, Deathstroke sits the Teen Titans down. "All right, Slade. Talk. Explain how Superman did all of this." Robin demanded.

"Joker." Deathstroke replied. Robin's eyes widened, the very image of that clown sent shivers down his spine.

"Alright you got my full attention, what did Joker do?"

"Superman's wife, Lois Lane, was pregnant with a son. Joker kidnapped her. He took Scarecrow's fear toxin and added a hint of Kryptonite so it would take effect on Superman. When Superman was exposed to it, he thought he saw Doomsday."

"Doomsday?" Beast Boy asked.

"Must not have happened in your world yet. Anyway, Superman took Doomsday into space to kill him, but in reality, it was Lois Lane."

"No." Starfire said, the very thought of it filled Starfire with sadness.

"Yes. But the Joker had one last trick up his sleeve. He cut her open and linked a nuclear detonator to her heartbeat. So when she died, the nuclear bomb Joker had in Metropolis went off. Millions died. Superman blamed himself for it all. The Joker used him as a gun against Metropolis. Superman broke into the prison cell where Batman was interrogating Joker, and punched his hand through Joker's chest. I guess Joker had the last laugh after all. Superman then created a Regime that threatened the world to stop all of the conflicts it had. Apart from Damian Wayne, the Regime also consisted of Wonder Woman, Flash, Shazam, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Hawkgirl. Batman formed an Insurgency to stop Superman. Green Arrow was on the Insurgency, and he tried to calm Superman down, it cost Oliver Queen his life." The idea of Superman killing Green Arrow horrified them. "Soon, the Green Lantern Corps invaded the Earth to overthrow the One-Earth government. They would've succeeded, but Sinestro intervened. He persuaded Hal Jordan that fear was stronger than willpower, and Hal became a Yellow Lantern, as did Superman. The invading Green Lantern Corps was forced to retreat." Starfire was hen filled with fear. "Then came John Constantine. He exploited Superman's vulnerability to magic. He kidnapped Raven to draw Trigon here, Trigon would then destroy Superman and his Regime, but Mr. Mxyzptlk intervened. The two of them fought until reality was on the brink of destruction, until the powers of Shazam, amplified by Doctor Fate stopped them." A shiver was sent down Raven's spine. "Then the gods of Olympus came. They demanded that Superman leave Earth. It turns out Darkseid and Ares were behind it all. Eventually the Highfather of New Genesis came and put an end to it. Then there was the whole business with the Superman clone. All the while, one person has never stopped trying to defeat Superman. And here he is now." The figure revealed himself to be Batman.

"Bruce Wayne." Robin said.

"Hello, Dick. I see the universe Deathstroke pulled you from was before you became Nightwing."

"So why call us here?" Raven asked. "Surely the Titans of this world could…"

"No longer an option." Batman replied. "Before Metropolis, there were many Titans, Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, and Superboy, a successful clone-son of Superman. Damian Wayne, he ran off with the Regime. He is not my son. Cyborg and Raven, same thing, except Raven also became a servant of Trigon. Beast Boy and Kid Flash, they died in Metropolis. Nightwing, my true son, Damian killed him. Superboy tried to stop Superman, along with Wonder Girl, Starfire, and Tim Drake, but Superboy was badly injured. To save his life for the time being, Superman banished the four of them into the Phantom Zone. If you bring the Phantom Zone projector here, I can heal Superboy and bring Tim Drake, Starfire, and Wonder Girl back here. I have already called another dimension's Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and Aquaman here. They are busy helping me out."

"Let me discuss it over with the other Titans." Batman and Deathstroke leave the room.

"I can't believe I died." Beast Boy said.

"I can't believe I ran off with Superman." Cyborg said.

"I can't believe I became a servant of Trigon." Raven said.

"I can't believe the Batman's own son would kill you Robin." Starfire said.

"All the more reason to stay and help." Robin said. "If Slade is right and this has been going on for five years, and if Sinestro is helping out, then the people of Earth are living in fear. We need to do something. So let us put it to a vote. All in favor of staying and helping." Robin and Starfire raised their hands first. Beast Boy raises his hand next. "All oppose." Cyborg and Raven raise their hands.

"We can't stay here and help Robin." Cyborg said.

"There is just too much at stake here." Raven said.

"We're only here to free this world's Titans. We have to help. The expansion of our reach does not stop at our world. So are you in?"

"Sure." Cyborg said.

"If my other self is a servant of Trigon, she must be stopped."

"Have you reached a decision yet?" Batman asked.

"We'll help. What is the plan Bruce?"

"I am afraid that is not so simple." Lex Luthor came out and said.


"What is he doing here?" Beast Boy asked.

"Why is here?" Raven asked.

"That man is a criminal!" Starfire said.

"I am not like your Lex. Unlike your Lex Luthor, I never indulged in criminal activity. Superman does not suspect that his best friend is funding the Insurgency. Anyway, Superman's Regime has Titans of its own, Damian Wayne, Cyborg, Raven, and even Backfire are part of the Regime Titans."

"My sister?"

"Yes. And if you want to help the Titans trapped in the Phantom Zone, you are going to need the four keys from the Regime Titans."

"And I got a score to settle with Damian." A figure in a red helmet brown leather jacket bearing a red batman symbol and two guns walks in.

"I recognize that voice." Robin said.

"I see you haven't taken up the name Nightwing yet, Dickward."

"Hello, Jason. And yes, we already settled on that matter."

"Jason here is an Insurgency agent undercover in the Regime." Batman pointed out.

"Superman doesn't suspect me at all. I am a guy who shares his point of view on criminals, but I am with Bruce because I am not in favor of the dictatorial variety. I have been working in the Fortress of Solitude trying to find a way of bringing back the Titans."

"So, where do we start?" Robin asked.