Prologue: A passing of the powers.

Earth, Six months after Rita Repulsa and Goldar's attack and failed attempt to rip the Zeo Crystal from the planet...

Angel Grove; a peaceful maritime town along the North American coast, seemed like a place of little importance. This was a small community of fishermen, miners, and other blue collar workers, along with a smattering of wealthy families who called this town home. Angel Grove was almost like some kind of time capsule from the early 1990's, with still-usable payphones on every corner, and vintage cars parked in most garages, an outsider would almost think they had stepped into a time warp.

That sense of being an old-fashioned American town is what brought the few tourists to this small community. With several streets filled with old-style red-brick and brownstone buildings, the sea bordering the front of the town, and the high peaks of a pristine mountain range at it's back, Angel Grove was the perfect place for families who enjoyed that small-town feel, as well as the wonderful bounties of nature.

But it was certainly not the perfect place for many teenagers, at least ones who felt they had no place within this community. Several such teens were gathering at Angel Grove High school on this fine Saturday morning, a bunch of so-called troublemakers who needed to take Saturday school just to graduate. As Mrs Appleby, the bespectacled middle-aged teacher, who had taken over the weekend classes from the previous instructor.

"Okay class, settle down." The gray-haired teacher in a white cardigan called out, sitting down at her desk. "Time for roll call. Jason Scott?"

"Here." The brown haired ex-football player replied, pulling out his text books. "Happy to be here, Mrs. Appleby."

"Thank you, Jason." The teacher replied, before looking back to her notebook. "Kimberly Hart?"

"Like, totally here!" The former cheerleader replied, filling her nails. "Though I'd, like, much rather be at cheerleader practice."

"I'm sure you would" The teacher agreed, raising an eyebrow. "Billy Cranston?"

"Oh, uhhh... here, Miss Appleby." Billy responded, looking up from organizing his textbooks in alphabetical order. "I man, I'm here this time, but I lamppost didn't make it, because I was busy cleaning out the basement, and I couldn't find my pencil collection. Then I misplaced my book bag, and o it was kind of hard to-"

"That will be all, Billy. Thank You." Mrs. Appleby replied, a bewildered tone in her voice. "Zack Taylor?"

"Yo!" Zack replied, rapping on his desk with two of her pencils. "I'm here, and ready to go! Let's do this thing!"

"Ok, then..." Mrs. Appleby replied, shaking her head. "Trini Kwan?"

"Yeah." The young woman replied, chewing on her bubble gum. "I'm here."

"Very good." The Teacher stated, looking back down at her notebook. "Farkus Bulkmier?"

As Mrs. Appleby continued to go through the roll call, the five teens shared a knowing look with each other. The other students and faculty were dumbfounded over the changes that had occurred with these five screw ups in the past several months. No one could understand how a bunch of troublemakers, who didn't even seem to know each other beforehand, had managed to become friends, and so miraculously turn their lives around. Only the teens themselves were aware of the miraculous events that had just occurred to the five of them, and how it had changed their lives forever.

"Tommy Oliver?" Mrs. Appleby called out, startling the five back to reality. After a few moments of silence, she called out again. "Tommy Oliver?"

There was silence for a few minutes, before a deep voice in the back replied. "Here."

Everyone turned back in surprise, to see a heavily muscular teenager, in a green t-shirt and Jeans. The mysterious loner stared back at all the other students, with an iron gaze that many all the other students look away nervously.

"Well, glad you could finally make it, Mister Oliver." The teacher shook her head, before calling out the next name. "Eugene Skullovitch?"

"Ohhh, look at that guy." Kimberly whispered to Trini, staring at the angry looking teen with long dark hair. "He looks really yummy."

"Eh, he's all right." Trini shrugged, not really interested. "Who is that guy, anyway? He's missed a whole lot of Saturday classes."

"I've heard he's from the Native American reservation near Angel Grove." Billy whispered to the two girls, having overheard their conversation. "His parents moved in Town, so his dad could work in the mines."

"He looks just like that David Frank guy from MMA fighters, only younger." Zack whispered, chiming in. "And from what I've heard, he's supposed to be really damn good at martial arts."

"Hmph, he doesn't look like anything special." Jason grumbled, annoyed at how Kimberly was looking at Tommy Oliver. "Bet I could take him on in a fight."

Their conversation was cut short, when a small explosion from outside rocked the school. The whole room shook, and all of the students began to panic as books and pencils were sent flying off the desks.

"What was that?!" One student cried in terror.

"What's going on!?" Another shrieked.

"Now, just stay calm, class!" Miss Appleby got up from her desk, motioning for the students to follow her. "Please get up from your desks, and proceed to the door in an orderly fashion!"

"Hey guys, that didn't feel like an earthquake." Zach whispered to the others, as the students. "You all don't think that Rita's back?"

"No way, we knocked Rita into space without her staff or Power Coin, and she froze to death." Billy shook his head. "Zordon and Alpha saw her body burn up on reentry on the command center's scanners. It's probably just another random monster attack."

"Well, whatever it is, we'd better get out there, and check it out." Jason finished, motioning them all towards the door.

And as Mrs Appleby escorted the other students out, everyone failed to notice Jason and his friends had mysteriously disappeared from the classroom...

As the five teenagers raced out of the school building, they noticed a plume of smoke emerging from the downtown area, along with police sirens filling the air.

"Awww, no! It is another monster attack!" Zack groaned, rolling his eyes. "Angel Grove just got done being rebuilt!"

"All right guys,"Jason called out as the five students ran towards the downtown area. "it's morphing time!"

Pulling out the special belt buckle-like morphers Billy and Alpha 5 had constructed to house their power coins (a portable means to Morph without standing on the platforms in the command center) each of the five teens cried out the command phrase to trigger their morphers;




"Saber-tooth tiger!"


Their ranger suits crystallized around them, as they arrived in the downtown area. The five teenagers morphed into the Power Rangers, the heroic defenders of Angel Grove, and stood ready to face whatever threat was endangering their home this time.

What they found... was actually extremely ridiculous. First, the five saw a morbidly obese anthropomorphic pig in a roman helmet, terrorizing a hot dog vendor, and devouring his entire cart. Next, they spotted a freakish pale creature with his entire body covered in eyeballs, zapping cars with his eye beams and blowing them up. And a massive, frog-like monster was hopping around, grabbing anything valuable with his tongue, and pulling them into his mouth.

"Oh, great... another trio of monsters, spawned by leftover Goldar goop." The yellow ranger rolled her eyes, as they closed in on the monsters. "First Mighty Minotaur, then Chunky Chicken, then Pineoctopus. We've already fought a dozen of these monsters since we fried Rita and Goldar, how do these creeps keep popping up?!"

"Goldar's gold was enchanted by Rita's magic to respond and take shape based on the thoughts of the living beings around them." The blue ranger explained, as they all took fighting stances. "With Rita dead, they're taking the freakish forms they sense in the unconscious of people passing by, and going on violent rampages!" The blue ranger shook his head. "Don't worry though. According to Alpha and I's calculations about how little of the gold is left now, these three should be the last of the monsters to spawn

"All right Home boy, your turn to name these things." Kimberly added, as the trio of beasts noticed the rangers, and started closing in on them. "What're we gonna call these freaks?"

"Uhhh, let's see... the swine will be Pudgy Pig, the all-seeing dude will be Eye Guy, and the frog will be Terror Toad." The black ranger quipped, as the three monsters began to circle them. "Pretty comic-booky names, huh?"

"Okay, now that we know what to call these creatures," The red ranger replied, as the five charged the monsters. "Let's kick their tails in!"

The five Rangers entered combat against the three monsters; punching, kicking, avoiding blows, and fancy martial arts moves Zach and Trini had taught the others. It was amazing just how agile three oversized, freakish monsters could actually be, as they dodged many of the ranger's attacks. Anyone watching the fight would've assumed they were watching some kind of sci-fi kung-fu film... if everyone hadn't already fled in terror, that is.

Zach and Billy jumped towards the Pudgy Pig, both perfuming a simultaneous spin kick to knock him backwards.

"Take that, ya giant pork rind!" Zach joked, as the fat slob fell back on his rump. "Guess you better lay off the cheeseburgers, huh?"

"Ohhh, I am sooo hungry!" Pudgy Pig oinked, opening his massive mouth, and you two look really tasty!"

"Ugh, I don't want to end up as a snack!" Billy exclaimed, as he and Zach jumped out of the way of the giant swine's bite. "You look like you've had too much to eat, anyway!"

"Pah, you ranger punks are just an appetizer!" Pudgy Pig declared. The swine monster then began to inhale, drawing the two rangers towards his massive mouth. "Oh, this is gonna be sooo delicious!"

"Gross! No way, I'm getting eaten by a side of pork!" Zach declared, as he and the black ranger were pulled in by the pig's breath. "Come on, Billy! Let's try out those weapons you made for all of us!"

Billy materialized his lance, and Zach his axe. The two sliced away at the pig as they were drawn in, cutting him across his soft pink flesh.
"Agrahhh, you stupid kids!" Pudgy pig growled. "I'm gonna mess you up, good!"

The rangers and the pig-monster exchanged several punches, kicks, and heavy blows, each managing to avoid their opponent's most damaging blows. The giant swine jumped right on top of them, flattening the two rangers under his massive weight. The two rangers screamed in pain, as they were squashed under all of that weight.



Struggling against the morbidly obese creature, Billy managed to split his lance in half, and stab the two sharp ends right into Pudgy Pig's hide. The beast howled, as he deflated like a balloon. Zach then slashed upward with his axe, cutting Pudgy Pig in half. The swine monster squealed as he died, turning back into melted gold before evaporating.

Meanwhile, the red and pink rangers jumped at eye guy, hitting the bizarre creature with a series of punches and kicks, causing the ocular horror to stumble backwards. Eye Guy then launched several dozen eyes as the two rangers like missiles, forcing the two rangers backwards.

"Ugh, it's like being hit by a thousand ping pong balls at once!" Jason complained, raising his arms to block the projectiles. "His attack is so fast, I can't get a clear shot."

"Yeah, you're telling me!" Kimberly groaned, as she jumped and flipped to avoid the shots. "My, what big eyes this dude has!"

"All the better to see you with, my dear!" Eye Guy replied, increasing his attack. "I'm going to give you ranjerks a case of pink eye!"

Jumping past the eyes, the two rangers delivered a double punch, then followed up with a series of fierce kicks, breaking the creature apart into several scattered eyeballs. But then, the eyes all reassembled themselves, re-forming eye guy once more.

"Silly little rangers! I can see everything you're going to hit me with!" Eye Guy boasted. "I've got my eyes on YOU!"

Eye Guy opened fire, hitting Jason and Kimberly with a barrage of eye lasers. The two rangers were forced to take cover behind a smashed-up car, as the optical laser blasts showered the ground all around them.

"He's got us pinned down!" Jason exclaimed. "We can't get a clear shot in!"

"Wait, I've got an idea," Kimberly exclaimed, materializing her bow. "I'll hit him from a distance, and you get in close, and take him out!"

jumping out from behind the car, Kimberly flipped through the air, hitting all of eye guy's eyes with a barrage of arrows.

"Agrahhhhh!" The monster howled in pain, clutching the now-bleeding eyes all over his body.

"HI-YA!" Jason drew his sword, charging straight at the monster, and slicing eye guy clean in half. The ocular horror then cried out, falling over and exploding into a shower of sparks.

"Huh, looks like I made him turn a blind eye." Jason quipped, as Eye Guy melted away. Kimberly just stared at him. "What, too cheesy a joke?"

"You really need to work on your one-liners, Jason." The pink ranger just shook her head, looking away. "When it comes to being rangers, we all have a long way to go."

At the same time the other rangers were doing battle, The yellow ranger was busy fighting the Terror Toad by herself. Trini jumped and flipped around to avoid the Terror Toad's slimy yellow ranger cut and slashed away at the toad's stomach with her daggers, causing him terrible pain, but not seeming to slow him down.

"You are one disgusting amphibian!" Trini spat angrily, spin kicking the giant toad, and smashing him with several punches. "I'm gonna fry you into frog's legs!"

"No way you're gonna stop me, little girl!" Terror Toad chortled, leaping at Trini, and knocking her back. "You shouldn't have taken me on alone, ribbit!"

The toad caught Trini's leg, wrapping his tongue around her foot, and smashing her back and fourth into the walls of two opposite buildings. finally, when the yellow ranger's form went limp, and the oversized amphibian let her drop to the ground.

"What's the matter, Yellow Ranger? Got a frog in your throat?" Terror Toad chuckled, slowly closing in on the unconscious Trini. "It's time for me to make you croak!"

"That's what you think, toad boy!" Trini replied, staggering back to her feet, and clenching her daggers tightly. "I'm going to turn you into roadkill!"

The yellow ranger went back on the offensive, stabbing and kicking away at the giant toad, and slowly driving him backwards.

As Trini and the monster continued to fight, a nearby civilian spectator had stopped running away, in order to watch the battle. She was a young woman in her late teens, her slightly darker hair and complexion somewhat standing out from among many of the other teens in Angel Grove. As the two combatants moved closer, Aisha Campbell couldn't help but admire the Yellow Ranger; strong, fast, powerful, and easily able to take care of herself. Not like Aisha, who seemed to get carried along by whatever was happening around her. She had had little say when her mother had taken her and left India when she was a child, and even here in Angel Grove the timid teen felt she was powerless. Oh, how she wished she could be like that brave woman in the yellow armor, instead of the weakling she felt she was.

"Help! Somebody, please help me!"

Aisha heard the voice cry out, and saw a young boy tapped under some ruble, right in the path of the two warriors intense battle.

"Do not worry, little one! I shall help you!" Aisha called out, rushing over, and struggling to slowly lift up the debris to free the kid's leg. "Now hurry up, and get away from here!"

But as the child nodded and ran away, the Terror Toad's tongue lashed out, and grabbed the surprised Aisha. The evil amphibian pulled her right in front of the monster... and right into the path of the Yellow Ranger's attack. Trini accidentally stabbed Aisha though the chest, causing her to collapse to the ground.

"Nooooo!" Trini cried out, lunging at the Terror Toad again. As Aisha lay there dying, she had the satisfaction of watching the Yellow Ranger furiously attack the toad with a series of powerful blows, before finally gutting him like a fish. Aisha lay her head back to rest, and soon found all five rangers standing over her, and could barely make out what each of them were saying.

"Is there something we can do for her?! Please tell me we can do something for her!" Blue pleaded

"We've finally destroyed the last of the gold, and ended Rita's dark legacy, but I never thought it would feel like this..." Red lamented.

"She's dying... she's dying, and it's all my fault!" Yellow lamented.

"Now, calm down, Trini! We'll think of someway to save her!" Pink chimed in.

"Yes, there is a way." Yellow replied grimly. "Zordon told me, that one member of a ranger team can transfer their powers to another person one time. I could save her life, by giving her my power coin."

"Trini, no!" The black ranger protested. "If you pass the powers onto her, Zordon said you can never take them back!"

The yellow ranger placed a strange yellow coin into Aisha's hand, and the dying woman suddenly felt a new strength pour into her.

"Oh well, maybe it's for the best. I did want to go to that peace conference to represent Angel Grove." Yellow laughed, as her armor dissolved. "Sorry guys, but I just can't let her die." Trini frowned. "Looks like I'm off of the team..."