Hey guys its Misha here. I'm so sorry for this late update. I was just soooo busy and when I thought to write some then my Microsoft got expired so after handling that which took a long time , I faced writers block XD.
so here is the last chapter for you guys only, who are willing to read my stories. I'm not going to hang you up cause I know the feeling XD. I tried my best seeing I didn't know what to do with it. Lol. So if it isn't to your satisfaction I apologize.
To those guys who reviewed, followed/favorite this story thank you. You guys are the only reason I'm willing to complete it.
So without further ado let's get on with this chapter.

Akihito opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying on a single bed in a cell. He groaned and tried to sit but couldn't. His muscles protested every single movement. He knew he overused his powers constantly. The dark energy surrounding the atmosphere weakening him more. He breathed in deeply, feeling his eyelids getting heavier.

He heard the door open and after a minute felt a little lighter, like he could breathe easily. When he opened his eyes he saw a man who was chanting and sticking papers on his cell's wall. When he finished he turned toward Akihito,

"You know we are curious about you. You use light magic and fire as far as we know. And dark magic seems to weaken you. These papers will ward off the dark energy enough to keep you conscious. Boss is interested in you now and wants to try some things. Good luck kid".

And then promptly left him alone.

Aki could tell the man was telling the truth. He was staying conscious after all but any further trying resulted in him breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

He turned on his back and faced the ceiling. Damn, he was stuck here huh.

Suddenly his eyes widened as his brain registered something.

Shit..! Kou. How could he forget about him..! What if they got him too? I've to see for myself.
"H-Hey..." Nope that didn't come out right. He swallowed and took a deep breath and called loudly "Hey. Is someone there?"Better.

"What is it" a gruff voice answered.

Startled he turned towards the voice.

"How long have I've been here?"

"...why does it matter? It's not like you are leaving anytime soon."

"What about my friend? Is he here? Is he hurt...!"

"Calm down kid. Your Friend is fine. He wasn't any use to us. But you, you are something else." Smirked the man.

"What do you mean? What are you going to do?" Akihito narrowed his eyes.

"That's for us to know and you to find out isn't it. Now shut up. You aren't going to get anything out of me." Answered the man irritated at being asked so many questions.

"Fine asshole" muttered Akihito.

Even he know when something is impossible. He can't try to escape either, seeing as he can barely move let alone run for his life. But he can't wait for Asami. Which he is absolutely sure will come. These people are dangerous. His human life and body won't stand a chance. He maybe the king of business world and underground but even he is helpless when it comes to super-natural beings.

Akihito have to think about something and soon too. May be he could try something when they take him somewhere else away from this dark cell to do whatever they want. Yeah this seems like an idea. Worth a try at least.


Asami was pissed. All the search didn't get him anywhere. It's been five hours since Akihito has been kidnapped. And he has no idea how to deal with 'beings' explained by Akihito's friend kou. If it was any human he could think like them and guess where Akihito has been taken. But where could super-natural beings reside exactly?

These questions were frustrating him to no end. Just when things were going a bit differently in their relationship, the brat would have to get in trouble. Did he get tired of the adrenaline he feel chasing by human mafia bosses that he now looked for trouble in those beings? Asami felt like rolling his eyes. Only Akihito, his lover could manage that feat. Trust him to do unexpected things.

There was a knock on his office door and he gave permission to enter knowing it could only be Kirishima.

Kirishima bowed and said "Sir, we just found this letter addressed to you".

"Who is it from?"

"…We don't know sir" hesitated Kirishima.

Asami rose an eyebrow and nodded to Kirishima to give him the letter. He fetched it from his breast pocket and gave it to his boss. Asami had a feeling it was from Akihito's captor. If the strange seal on the letter was any indication. He opened it and begin reading,

Asami Ryuichi,

I expect you are missing something important of yours? Pretty careless aren't we. And here I thought it would be quite difficult getting that treasure. You sure are careless for a big bad yakuza and king of underworld. Or maybe you are nothing but a human pest that we can kill anytime. Remember you can't do anything to us. ANYTHING. If you want your boy meet us at the mentioned place and time. I am a bit curious you see. And I've a feeling you'll do anything for the boy and the same could be said for the boy I hope, he'll explain everything to us for you. You better come Asami or Takaba will get punishment.

Oh and here's a little something for motivation.

There was that strange seal again at the bottom of the letter. He brushed it with his thumb which got cut and his blood activated it. The letter dropped to the floor in his surprise. Then suddenly all the letters on the page removed themselves from the page and made the image in the air. It only took him a few seconds to see it was Akihito. His Akihito was lying on his side and unconscious. He could see how pale the boy was, could see him breathing heavily like he was in pain, and could see him sweating profusely.

Kirishima was shocked to see the boy's image. He could feel the air around them change tremendously when Asami-sama saw the boy. He saw how his boss clenched his fists. There was no guessing that the boss was seething inside. The image soon evaporated in the air leaving Asami and Kirishima in the office.

Asami took a deep breath to regain his composure. "Kirishima you and Suoh are coming with me. Nobody else."

"Is that wise Asami-sama? We don't have any idea how powerful the enemy is. I'm sure you know it as well as me that it's a trap to get you."

"You think I fucking care Kirishima? Akihito is there alone facing whatnot. I'm going there with or without you."

The cold voice which desperately commanded now had Kirishima shut his lips. His boss rarely swear. Seems like he is about to explode with Akihito not by his side. Kirishima sighed and nodded to his boss leaving him alone. All hell is about to break loose it seems.


Asami arrived at the location with his best men Kirishima and Suoh. The people at the door let them in without checking and giving much thought, making them feel how much of control are they in? They arrived at the basement of the warehouse. Which is transformed into something occult like. Giving the creepy vibes to all the three men.

Their examination of the room is halted when a man walks into the room.

"Welcome Asami Ryuichi. I gather my men welcomed you fine?" he grinned.

"Yes. Though I must say you have been quite rude seeing you haven't introduced yourself once". Asami replied coolly.

"Ah forgive my manners. My name is Asura. It's a pleasure to finally meet you" the man grinned sinisterly offering his hand for a shake which Asami promptly ignored. The man didn't seem to mind though and laughed.

"Very arrogant. But you won't have much of that pride left when we are done with you. Bring the boy here". He ordered his men who left to do as asked.

Asami immediately stiffened, so did Kirishima and Suoh.

The silence was broken by the entrance of the two men with Akihito. Who were practically dragging him with them and made him sit on his knees and pulled his hair back to force him to see in front of him. Akihito whimpered and Asami could feel his blood boiling by the rough treatment the boy received and immediately pulled his gun at the man holding Akihito's hair. Kirishima and Suoh doing the same with the other two people in the room.

"Release him this instant".

"That, we cannot do Asami-san. You see this boy doesn't seem like an ordinary human like yourself. So we are curious to find out what he is. Won't you join us in the fun?" The man laughed and motioned his man for something.

"Don't you dare move or my bullet will be resting between your eyes" Asami threatened.

"And I should be worried? Why? Those petty weapons won't do anything to us Asami, and here I thought you were the intelligent one."

Without waiting further Asami fired, so did Kirishima and Suoh. The man was getting on his nerves so it's best to see the result himself than hear his rambling. The bullets did struck the target but that was it. The bullets fell on the ground bended and men unharmed smiling evilly.

"Told you" a heavy and disgusting voice said. That was all the warning they got in their shocked states. Kirishima and Suoh fell on their knees both being shot in the leg. How the hell did our guns get in their hands? That was the question on the three men minds.

"Now that I've your attention Asami-san. Let's talk business. If you want your boy alive you have to give your entire empire to me. Both legal and illegal. But ofcourse after we are done experimenting with him." The man grinned and looked like the cat who got cream.

"And you think I'll do as you say? First tell me who the hell are you?"

"Ah of course. I can grant your wish seeing I'm about to ruin you". Black miasma filled the room and the heavy atmosphere had Akihito falling on his side, barely keeping his eyes open. The barely there energy depleting from him. Asami was at his side in an instant and watching the men change into something completely bizarre and terrifying. Their figure were grotesque and horns were on their heads. Soon a tail and pairs of black wings followed each man.

Asami was watching with his eyes but still having the hard time believing it. Demons. They were up against demons. No wonder the man was so full of himself. He tightened his hold on Akihito.

"A-asami" the boy whispered.

"It's alright Akihito. I'm here. We'll leave soon." He brushed Akihito's bangs from his sweating forehead and realized that the boy was burning.

"No, … leave Asami. They'll kill y-you" Akihito's voice was so weak. Asami had to strain to hear it.

"We are both going to get out of this alive Akihito and then you have some explaining to do. You better not leave my side". Determination was in Asami's voice. Akihito was both dreading those words and happy about it. Asami could die here but the old man was still staying by his side.

Papers suddenly appeared in front of Asami "Here sign these if you want to get out of here alive"

"You know as well as me that you won't let me leave alive so why don't you stop pretending".

"Fair enough" replied Asura and with a flick of his wrist sent Asami across the floor.

"Asami… please you have me. Stop it. Don't hurt him" pleaded Akihito.

"Patience boy. You'll get your turn too. Grab him" he motioned to his two men who immediately grabbed Asami. Their elongated fingernails on his neck.

Asura walked to Akihito lying and grabbed his arm injecting red substance "that's my blood boy. Let's see how you react to it. Hopefully you'll turn like us".

"Don't you dare. Don't touch him" Asami growled and elbowed the person behind him. Taking his other gun out he fired continuously on the two individuals, who didn't seem perturbed at all.

Suddenly one demon was behind Asami "NO….." Akihito shout registered in his mind a bit late when pain pierced through his shoulder. The bastard has bit him. And quite hard too if the blood and crunching of the broken bones was anything to go by not to mention the immense pain.

Asami fell on his knees clutching his shoulder and breathing heavily.

"You are good Asami. I expected screams. Let's see how much you can take until you break" said Asura devilishly.

Akihito tried to stand and he almost succeeded too when suddenly pain ripped through his body and he screamed. God it hurts. It hurts so soo much. He fell on his hands and knees.

"Oh it seems my blood is taking effect. Never said the process will be painless" Akihito heard Asura say.

But again the agony that went through his body had him gasping and screaming again.

Asami wanted to go to Akihito. To hear him screaming like this tore his heart in more ways than he can imagine. By sheer will only he got up and started walking towards Akihito clutching his shoulder.

"oh, well done Asami-san. I thought I couldn't play with you more. Let's make that walking a bit difficult shall we?" and promptly fired a miasma shot with the flick of his wrist.

Asami grunted and fell on the ground clenching his jaw to bear the pain. Leg at different angle midway. Definitely broken. His breathing heavy. Asami has never felt so helpless in his life. His Akihito was in agony in front of him and he couldn't help. He really wanted to kill the bastard. But fuck, he don't know how super-natural beings work.

"I-I'll do a-anything you say. Let him go. P-please." Akihito cried breathless. Asami was in this situation because of him. He can't bear to see the man die in front of him. He is already in so much pain. He know he will live. But Asami, he is only human.

"That you will definitely do boy. But where the fun's in that if I let him go. I like to play with humans who think they are oh so tough. Love to break their bones, hope and soul" Asura grinned.

Akihito could feel Asura's voice slipping. Fading in the background. He can't let Asami get hurt. His heart will shatter. He love this man. So so much. That it hurts. He could feel the burning in his body getting worse, almost enveloping him. His eyes open suddenly. Almost blank. No emotions present.

"Shit" it was a croaked whisper but nonetheless heard by everyone in the otherwise silent room. Asura raised an eyebrow in question but quickly decided that maybe the boy has accepted his fate and is about to give up. Victory, soon will be his.

But the bright golden light shone in the room blinding everyone. The center of it was Akihito, whose figure seems to be getting up.

"What? What the hell is happening?"

"Boss it seems we can finally know what the boy is.."

"Gather all our men. Immediately" ordered Asura. Preparing in case the situation arise.

"Already on it sir."

Suddenly the light burst and sparks flew everywhere. The golden light diminishing. Akihito stood proud with his white wings unfolded. His whole figure glowing. The sight was ethereal. The wings were rather large for his slim and petite figure. But suited him nonetheless. His gray-blond hair past his waist like silk unfolding. The boy was breathtaking. A fragile beauty. A rarity. But His eyes. Those hazel eyes that Asami loved soo much were blank. The fire nowhere to be found. It scared Asami to see Akihito so emotionless. His face always showed expressions. But to see it blank. Like the person standing there was not his Akihito but a shallow shell. The boy didn't move just stood there.

"I can't believe my luck. Guys we have an angel in us. Just when I thought things couldn't get more interesting." Asura laughed while his gang members grinned. "Come on boy show us what you can do"

But the boy didn't move. It was like he wasn't here. Asura kept trying to get a response but when he didn't get any, he became frustrated and sent a powerful miasma force. But it got expelled five meter near Akihito but Asami wasn't so lucky and took a hit. The force had him hit the wall and he grunted, having the wind knocked out of him. His head bleeding from the hit. His vision went black for a second then came back blurry. Everything hurt damn it. He couldn't move and slumped on the ground watching Akihito with lidded eyes. His boy. His Akihito. He wants him back.

"A-Akihito" his barely whispered name of the boy had his attention. If the twitch in Akihito's wings said something. Which turned in his direction. Which was noticed by Asura as well who smirked.

"Interesting. It was nice meeting you Asami. Never had this much fun in a century" and fired a shot in his direction. Asami could see it coming his way and tried to move but his limbs wouldn't listen to him. He gave his last look to his boy. The adoration and love shinning in his eyes. Barely smile on the lips and closed his eyes. That's it.

A brush of air came but nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see the hazel one in front of him. The boy was kneeling and the best part was there was recognition in his eyes. They weren't blank anymore but there was that fire he loved so much. Akihito helped him sit and he grunted in pain.

Akihito's eyes hardened even more. "You'll pay….. You all will pay" the growl had left everyone speechless. They could only see as the golden light surrounded the boy again but this time the black miasma was sucked in there too. Aki's wings turned hazel at the edges and sides but the beginning few inches turned black. His long and flowy hair had highlights of black in them now. The petite and fragile angel looked murderous right now. But still devilishly beautiful.

"W-what the hell are you?" came the man's voice who was left in charge of aki in fear of the power surrounding the atmosphere.

"That's for me to know and you to find out isn't it?" Akihito replied using the man words against him.

He put both his hands on Asami's cheeks and kissed his forehead. Asami's eyes widened. A first for them both. Usually it was the other way around. And smiled. That beautiful, alluring smile. And Asami's breath was taken. Akihito's lips moved and soon a soothing but heartbroken melody can be heard.

Si deus me relinquit,
Ego deum relinquo

Asami's injuries started to heal itself. He could feel the warmth flowing through his body. It was comforting. To feel needed and loved. His Akihito was amazing. His lover had again managed to surprise him and go speechless. A feat in itself. Only his Akihito could.

Solus oppressus nigram clavem habere potest

Omnias ianuas praecludo,
Sic omnias precationes obsigno

AlthoughAsami was fine and healing the same could not be said for his captors. All demons were on their knees, their dark powers being sucked out of them. Their screams of pain were horrifying even to Asami's ear who has heard his fair share of people's screams. It seemed they were trying to get away from this place clutching their ears. But the barrier he didn't know when came didn't let them out. Akihito's song was doing something to them. Asami caught some words and realized it was Latin.

Qui me defendet
Ab me terribilissimo ipse?

Soon being sucked dry of their dark energy, their bodies starting deteriorating and bleeding. Asami was fully healed and had his full attention to Akihito and the demons. Who were pleading and asking for mercy. Which surprisingly the boy didn't give. Akihito was letting him see his side of darkness. To let him and them know he could protect his own. Soon there was nothing to be found. Their remaining parts being burned. Somehow the last verse had Asami hug Akihito. To let him know he was there with him NOW. And he will forever.

Akihito hugged him back and slumped. A few moments went by like this.

"I'm tired"

"I bet. After all the work you did all by yourself. Considering you have low stamina you did well. I'm proud of you kitten. Or should I say my angel? I can just imagine all the new positions I can have you in. I bet you'll look most delightful" Asami seriously looked thoughtful and that had Akihito laughing at him.

"Only you Asami, only you" said the boy resting with his head on Asami's shoulder, the older man running his fingers through his long silver-blond hair. The wings disappearing. Asami accepted him and that was plenty enough for Akihito.

Authors note. So how was it guys? i hope I met all of your expectations. I kept getting stuck. And some parts were soo over whelming. But I completed it thank fully.

The song Akihito sang is not mine. It's from kuroshitsuji. I just love this song. It gives me all these alone, heartbroken, needy, depress feeling. It pierces my soul. So I couldn't help but add it to this.

Translation for aki's song:

If God has forsaken me,

Then I shall forsake God too,

Only the oppressed may possess a black key,

I close all doors,

Thus I seal away all prayers,


Who protects me

From the me who is most terrible?