Percy was not having a very nice day. It started out like any other, however when you're talking to Artemis without getting turned into a jackelope, and a weird purple looking portal appears and then have to save said goddess and get sucked in yourself?! Yah, NOT a good day at all.

"GREY! What the hell are you doing?!" shouted Natsu.

"It's the only way to stop Deltona, Natsu, and I'm the only one that can do this" Grey calmly stated as he got ready to cast Ice shell.

"Sorry Grey, but I can't let my friends get hurt. Others are waiting back home for us to return." Says Natsu as he knocks Grey out.

He gets ready to fight Deliora when out of nowhere a person falls out of the sky and lands on Deliora and flattens it. Then all of a suddenly you hear a groan, followed by a grunt, then a sudden string of curses, some in English, others in what sounds like two other languages that Matsui can't understand.

Just then Deliora gets up with a roar and flings the person away into the wall next to Natsu. As he gets a closer look, he see's that it is a male teenager around the same age, 6', well muscled and has a bronze tan.

"Dude, you okay?!" Nasty ask worriedly.

As Percy is falling he looks down and sees a world that looks nothing like his own. For one there is to much nature for it to be earth and two it looks like he's about to fall into a volcano, again.

Inside he crashes onto a ,demon?, he thinks. Percy groans out and then unleashes a string of curses that would have left a sailor blushing up a storm, but all things must come to an end and he's curses were stopped with being back-handed into a wall of the cave.

"Dude you okay?!"

Percy looks up at one of the most surprising hair colors on a dude that looks around Percy's age.

"It's pink" he says dumbly.

"God damn it! It's salmon not pink!" shouts Natsu.

"Sorry?" Percy apologizes uncertainly. He shakes his head to clear thoughts and asks."Uh, hey man can you tell me where the hell I am?"

As Natsu looks at him and says" You're on Galuna Island, near Hargeon"

"Well, at least I now know I ain't on earth anymore."