Hi Everyone, Ace here, again.

This is just a quick update on everything as I know I haven't posted anything in some time now, yet again.

Firstly, I don't have covid, thank God for that. I am healthy and I can say that I am doing good because of God.

Secondly, I never intended to have my storied be like this. To go without updates for so long. For that, I apologies from the bottom of my heart. I love writing so much and I really really want to continue, but I am having some of my own troubles in this time. God helps me so so much and for that I will be grateful for all eternity.

The reason for me being unable to update in so long yet again, is because when a person writes, or maybe just me as I can't speak for all writers, but one needs to feel it and almost like be one with the story, if I can put it like that. Bacically, I go to work each day (with that stupid mask on xD ) and afterwards, I don't have that feeling of wanting to write. I do however, have the stories in my mind and I continue to plan ahead to make them better. I know that sounds really stupid, but that is the truth.

I am, however, working on doing better so that I can continue my stories as I really love them. I hope to one day become a published writer, yet I don't know how many people would like to see that. I'll still try though.

Lastly, about my country, South Africa, they aren't handling this good at all and so many people are losing their jobs. I am thankful that I still have mine, but I have been looking for a way to make some more money to try and help my family and everyone else I can some more. I for one, hope and pray that I can become a writer one day, but before then these stories of mine will be finished.

I wanted to say more, but I don't know who would have liked that as it has a lot to do with this country. The infected is getting more, but I know God will stop this as nothing can stand against Him.

With that, I pray for you all and for your families. Know that God loves you all so much and He will never leave you, all you have to do is reach out to the hand that is reaching out to you to grab it. God bless you all and stay safe and healthy.