Chapter 23: Volturi Castle

Nessie's POV

I lifted my head slowly and took in the surrounding scene. The cellar that I had been locked in was the very same one that I been locked in the first time I was hear 12 years ago. Or at least it looked the same as it did all those years ago.

I felt a tiny kick in my lower stomach area. The first movement that I'd felt this entire pregnancy. Despite my current circumstances I couldn't help but smile and gently caress my stomach in the spot where I felt my little EJ kick. I hoped that was a sign that the drug that had been used to knock me out wouldn't affect his development in any way. Hopefully that meant that he would be okay.

I looked around for any possible means of escape and felt my panic rise a little when I found none. There was no way to escape. If I couldn't escape when I was little, back when my vampire genes were the dominant genes, I really didn't have any hope of escaping now. Even if there had been a way to escape I remembered that I was still paralyzed. My rotten luck had doomed me from the start.

I felt another kick. My baby. My son who would never even get a chance to live. I rubbed the small bump soothingly. The tears fell from my eyes as I realized that I had absolutely no chance of escaping. That I was going to die. That my son would never even get the chance to live. For what chance did my paralyzed human self have of escaping a palace full of all powerful vampires?

The answer was simple. The answer was none. However, that didn't mean that I was not going to at least try. There was always the slim .00000000009% chance that I could get lucky and find a way to escape the Volturi. Even if I was just human and didn't know my way around the castle, city, or even country. There was still that slim chance, right?

I sighed. Even though I had broken the two conditions set for me all those years ago I wouldn't do anything different. I loved my family and they loved me. Fate had brought me back to them and I had never been happier in my entire life. Except for maybe the beginning of my life when I was still with my real family. I couldn't regret the decisions that landed me right back here in the Volturi castle because they had led me to the greatest happiness that I'd ever known. My mom, my dad, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, and of course my Jacob.

I wondered if my family had discovered me missing already. How long had I been missing? There was no way for me to be sure. I wondered if they would ever find out that I was here in Italy. How they would react when and if they ever found out the Volturi were the reason I was never able to return in the first place. To bad I wouldn't be around much longer to find out.

I screamed when I suddenly felt an odd burning sensation in my legs. I fought the urge to scream again. My legs were burning. On the outside nothing looked different but on the inside it felt like my bones were on fire. After what felt like an eternity I began to feel the fire leaving my legs. It began with my toes and slowly worked it's way up. Leaving an odd coolness in it's place.

I lifted my leg slowly-and wait a second I lifted my leg?! I shook my head. Certain that I was dreaming. Maybe I was still knocked out by that drug and hadn't awoken yet and this was just some dream. So when I lifted my right let again I was just as shocked by it as I was the first time. Then I moved my other leg. I was surprised that I didn't just die of shock right then and there. Because there was no way I could suddenly be able to move my legs again after all these years. There was just no way. Then I remembered those odd moments from the past few weeks where I would feel a little bit of sensation here and there. Where I would be able to move just a little. I hadn't told my grandfather about those moments because I was almost certain that I had imagined them. Now I knew for sure that was not the case. Because now I could move my legs without any difficulties whatsoever. The only questions left were why and how? Why was I suddenly able to move my legs again after all this time? How was this possible when I never had any surgery to fix the problem? It didn't make any sense to me at all.

I decided to test my limits and try standing up. My legs wobbled a little as I stood but I was able to stand. I even managed to take a few steps before I collapsed onto the hard cold floor. Just the fact that I could even stand and walk a few steps amazed me.

I heard my heart stop beating when I heard footsteps approaching fast.

"Good you're awake," the man cloaked man said as he unlocked my cell and grabbed me before I could even try to fight.

My heart was nearly beating out of my chest as I was forced to walk. When my knees buckled under my weight the man forced me up and kept forcing me to walk down the hall.

I didn't dare ask where were going because I didn't want to hear him confirm it. I wasn't stupid. I knew I was walking right into my own execution.

I was forced into another bigger room. I recognized this part of the castle immediately. I saw the three thrones and recognized their occupants immediately. Aro, Caius, and Marcus if I remembered correctly. They were just as intimidating now as they were when I was little.

EJ started kicking violently as if he could sense that his life was in danger as well. I fought to keep it together.

I was suddenly forced into a kneeling position. My knees throbbed painfully when they hit the floor. I didn't dare scream or show any signs of weakness.

Aro stood up and walked toward me.

"Young Renesmee," he said in a tone of voice that sent chills down my spine. "I remember you. Young hybrid. What a marvelous creature you've grown into,"

I didn't say a word.

"Is it true that you've violated the two conditions you were given to live?

Before I could answer he grabbed my hand against my will and held onto it for about thirty seconds. What he was doing though I had no idea.

"Oh my," he remarked. "What a life you've lived. It's just to bad the allegations against you are true,"

"You're going to kill me," I was surprised by the calmness that was in my voice despite the panic within me.

"I would've been willing to forgive you had you been remorseful but it seems that's not the case,"

"No it isn't," I spat. "I don't regret anything nor would I change anything,"

"Such a shame,"

Next thing I know his arms around my neck ready to snap it like a twig.

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