A Friend of Time
Summary: It seemed to Kagome that "Time" would always play a big part in her life. This becomes apparent more than ever when she returns home after her travels to find that the world she's come home to is not the same one she left behind before the final battle. She is no longer the only Hero in the world.
Anime: InuYasha/Boku no Hero Academia
Genre: Action/Romance
Pairing: Undecided
Rated: M
Chapter One
I won't bore you with the details of my past travels down the magical well on my Shrine. Those travels are done and over with, the Shikon was gone...and even more...so was the world that I came from to begin with. After my travels, I had made a wish to end the cycle with the Jewel and to free the souls within the Jewel. The wish was pure, that wasn't the problem. No, the problem was that the wish altered the reality of my own time.
Yes, perhaps the wish I thoughtlessly made could have better been phrased, but in the end…
"I wish for there always to be someone to protect the world from evil."
...in the end...the wish was made, and my world was forever changed.
I bade farewell to my friends, and hopped the lip of the well, ready to return home for good. Knowing I'd most likely never see my friends from the past again. The second gravity took hold of me, so too did the familiar blue glow that had so many times before guided me home. This time however, it began to change. The gentle blue began to bleed into a vibrant violet with sparks of silver flashing around me. Finally, my feet touched down on the ground, the well was lit by the suns brightly shining rays, and I knew something was off. There was no well-house...a small difference, but a difference all the same. My family shrine was still where it always was, and at the familiar sound of my brothers laughter, I allowed myself to believe that perhaps I was simply over thinking things. That is, until my brother, and my brother...and my brother again...and one more brother...ran from behind the shrine.
With so many Souta's playing soccer right before my eyes, I learned quickly that my world had completely changed.
Kagome listened to her mother go on and on about the Quirk high schools for Hero's. Her brow furrowed in her confusion and consternation, 'What is she going on about!?'
'Which one?!' Kagome looked back at her brother, or…"brothers", plural.
"Only one in the house! How many times must I tell you that?"
Souta grinned sheepishly, "at least one more time, mama." Each of his copies completely vanishing before her eyes. In there place...a strand of hair.
Kagome watched her mother glare at the short black strands that floated lifelessly to the floor. "Souta, maybe you should vacuum for mama."
"Yeah, yeah~" He ran into the kitchen and came back with a small handheld vacuum.
Rai watched her son approvingly as he cleaned up the hairs on her floor. Sighing, she turned away before speaking loud enough for her son to hear her, "mama has such a rowdy son with such a high maintenance quirk...so messy. If it wasn't for Kagome's quirk, mama wouldn't have enough hours in the day to finish all of her cleaning."
"Sorry mama~" Souta called as he put the vacuum back up before heading upstairs.
'I've got a "quirk" too...what...what is it?' Kagome looked curiously down at her hands and wondered how she should go about using her quirk, "Mama...what would you say my quirk is?"
"Hm?" Rai tilted her head thoughtfully, "certainly its not an offensive quirk, I feel like it's more defensive. The ability to pause time, rewind it...fast-forward even...though certainly it's a useful quirk, it should never be used alone. I think if coupled with the right type of offensive quirk, it'd be far more effective. Well...that's what I think. You might find a way to manipulate time so that it's used in offense."
'Fast-forward? Pause and rewind...? My quirk is TIME?!'
End Flashback
'It took me nearly two months to figure out the control over my quirk. The first time I paused my surroundings...I couldn't figure out how to undo it. That was harsh on my body, as I passed out as soon as I resumed everything around me. In these last two months, not only have I learned how to use my powers...or, my "quirk"...I also learned quickly what my limitations were, and I have many limitations...those limitations need to be quickly overcome.'
"You ready for tomorrow?"
Kagome glanced back behind her from where she sat down at her desk, a notebook in her hand filled with notes on her own quirk. "That's like asking if the sun is ready to rise. Whether I'm ready or not...I'm going...now, isn't it time for you to be going to bed?"
"It's not even seven."
"Really?" Kagome glanced at the clock and lifted her finger, tapping it on the desk two times, the ground around her, then the room, then further even still...glowed.
As the glow disappeared, Kagome grinned cheekily as their mother yelled up the stairs for her brother to brush his teeth and go to bed.
"I don't think U.A high is a good school for you Kagome."
She laughed at the pout on her brothers face, "why is that?"
"Like you don't know..." he scoffed, "U.A high is a prestigious that trains Heroes in-training...not Villains!"
"Haha, so funny." The sarcasm practically poured from her mouth, "now go to bed before I put you to sleep permanently!"
"I wonder if I could get away with a couple of "five more minutes"."
"Not a chance," Rai walked into Kagome's room and found her sitting on her bed, dressed in her middle school uniform, her shoes on the bed next to her. "It took me years to break you out of that ghastly habit. The problem is, I don't know if you ever really stopped or if you really just got better at hiding your use of your quirk around me."
Kagome smiled, "morning mama."
"Good morning, baby girl. Are you ready for the exam?"
"Yes ma'am. Just trying to put my thoughts all in order, I guess." Kagome leaned her head against her mother's shoulder as she sat down beside her.
"Don't worry so much, Kagome. You will do great. I know my daughter, you excel in anything that you put your mind to. Just don't forget...who you are...in your trek to being the Hero you want to be."
"The...hero I want to be?"
Rai laughed, "oh goodness, don't tell me you've forgotten."
"Well," Rai glanced at the clock, "when you were little, well before you got your quirk over Time. You and your father had been out walking through the neighborhood and I guess a villain was attacking nearby?"
Kagome shrugged at the curious look her mother gave her.
"Well, you got separated from papa at that time, and were put in immediate danger...when a Hero saved your life...after that you would watch the news every day, every night...to see the hero who always worked at night in the cover of the darkness. Oh kami, what was his name?" She brought a fist down on her palm as she recalled the name. "Eraserhead!"
"...eraser...head?" Kagome smiled.
"Don't laugh, I don't know how you've forgotten, but you would come running into the kitchen yelling, "mama, mama, Eraserhead did it again!" and then you'd run back to the living room to continue watching whatever it was that he just did...again. Now that I think of it, he wasn't one for publicity, so you'd only really get to see him once in a blue moon. He was kind of out shined by All Might and Endeavor. Back then, they were actively competing for the first and second place among Pro Heroes...well, Eraserhead, not so much. Likely, the man didn't care too much for the spotlight, or that's the feeling I got from watching him on the news. I mean, he only ever came out at night." Rai stood back up and stretched before winking at Kagome, "hurry and come down stairs, breakfast is ready!"
The door shut and Kagome made her way to her computer, sitting down she started typing on her keyboard as she played with her toes through her socks, eyes glued to the screen in front of her.
"I started receiving memories from this world as things happened, flashes here and there...I wonder if I'll get flashes of my Heroic rescue from back then..." She trailed her eyes over the links that popped up, pictures and video footage of Eraserhead was as obscure as her mother made him sound. However, he came up a lot back then, back when she was little. "He may not have been on the TV every night, but according to these articles and pictures, he was always there, in the shadows. I get it...yeah...that is the kind of here, I'd want to be. I don't need fame, or glory, or even recognition...I want to keep people safe...without media propaganda."
"So lame."
Kagome looked back at her brother and glared, "what kind of hero do you want to be then?"
"...I want to be the type that everyone see's. The type that is everywhere, and even villains think twice at the thought of my name! I want to be like...like All Might!"
Kagome laughed, "I see we are different, I want to be the type that...even though you can't see them, the fear of what I can do...is always there. Even though you think I'm not around, I'll always be there when I'm needed most."
Souta fidgeted before running out of her doorway where he'd opened the door moments ago to peek in and see his sister.
"...what a silly younger brother." She sighed, "oh well, whatever type of hero he becomes, I'm certain he'll protect the people of this world to the best of his abilities."
"Kagome~! Come eat!"
"Coming mama!"
Me: Here is chapter one of A Friend of Time. I'm working on chapter two right now~!