Barry's never been on a team before. Even in school, he was always picked last and so while technically he was on a team, he's pretty sure it doesn't count when there was the mutual decision that he would just stand as far away as allowed, not getting in the way and only participating when coach literally threw the ball at him.
This time though, Barry's participating. This time, he was actually asked to join. If only Johnny Kleinman could see him now, fighting alongside a Goddess and the recently reincarnated Superman He'd definitely regret throwing him in that dumpster.
So yeah, Barry's on a team and it's awesome. Not only that, but his team has an awesome, inspiring name, has saved the world and huh…maybe they'll get action figures. At the very least posters. What if they got made into a cartoon? Barry has a secret fondness for those. Maybe they'd give him his superhero name. He's been thinking The Scarlet Speedster but maybe The Flash would-
It's probably a good job Clark (he gets to call Superman Clark) punched him when he did otherwise all that might have come out of Barry's mouth. Things tend to, if lest to fester too long in his brain, and it's not his fault, really it's not, it's just that he has a hundred thoughts flitting through his head before a single transmission has crossed nerves in someone else's and sometimes he just needs to let it out-
"You need to keep focused Barry," Clark tells him, the hint of apology in his tone, and Barry quickly nods even though ouch that really does not help his reeling head.
"Sorry, sorry I know. Just…what if they made toys of us? And a TV show. I hope they get my nose right."
Barry would like to blame the incredibly likely concussion he has for that.
"How the hell did you survive Steppenwolf?" Arthur asks, rolling his shoulder. It looked like he's fared better against Diana than Barry had against Clark.
"You know. I don't think I'm gonna answer that."
"Oh, now you decide not to talk?"
Someone without a concussion would have said 'I am not going to answer that like a mature adult'.
Barry definitely has a concussion.
"Talking's good for the soul, you know. Much better when you're talking to someone else too. And these are important questions you know because publicity is everything these days. What if people suddenly don't like us? What if the government comes after us? I got arrested once you know. Not fun. In fact…"
Barry snaps his mouth shut, teeth biting his bottom lip as he catches the stares everyone's giving him. A mixture of confusion, exasperation and…there it is. Annoyance.
Sometimes it's easy to forget that even though they're a team, they're not friends. They were practically strangers when they saved the world a few weeks ago! Now they're just…acquaintances who hang out sometimes to train and devise strategies?
Barry would like to be friends with them though. He really hadn't been lying to Bruce when he said he needed them. Being shuffled from foster home to foster home, Barry had learnt never to get attached to people. What was the point? Even when he got older he was first just so busy investigating his mother's murder and then both investigating and being a hero (or vigilante, according to the police).
This though, this he can see becoming a permanent thing. The world's always going to need protecting, right? And they need to learn how to fight together, learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. Surely being friends would just make all that easier? And be fun. And nice.
"I'm done for the day," Victor announces and he doesn't even wait before heading off. The others don't bother to stop him and also begin to pack away, leaving Barry standing there helplessly. He doesn't want to give up. Just because they're not friends now doesn't mean they can't still become it.
Before anyone else can escape, Barry blurts out, "So um, who wants to go grab drinks? Or food? I'm always up for food but, uh, you already knew that and…no? No one?"
Somehow, Bruce has already managed to vanish. Arthur is looking amused and both Diana and Clark are looking at him with twin expressions of…sympathy? Pity? His stomach sinks.
"Drinks, kid? Are you even old enough?"
"I'm 22!" Barry protests but it sounds weak, even to his own ears. Arthur runs a critical eye down him that makes him feel uncomfortable exposed.
"Maybe another time," Diana says and though Barry gives her a grateful smile, it does nothing to stop the twisting in his chest.
He knows he should be grateful he's a part of the most badass team ever, and confident that he is an adult who doesn't need to rely on anyone and can take care of himself, but even so, Barry can't help but continue to hold onto that childish desire to have a friend.
So I saw the film last night and it was alright. Barry honestly saved it. While I have seen Batman VS Superman, I nearly fell asleep in it. Wonderwoman, however, was amazing. The point is though, I have no clue about characterisations. So, I will try but I can't promise anything. Hope you like it anyways!