So this was actually supposed to be the original ending to 'My Boy' but ended up getting replaced with the bedtime scene instead. Thought I'd post it anyways! :D

He was going to kill him.

If they made it out of here alive that was, he was going to kill him, and he and Jack needed to have a nice long conversation about who to trust and who not to do things for.

Time stands still as the beast, the shedim howl in rage, Jack was still learning how to control his powers but even then some things come by natural instinct, like when one is scared, his power acts on its own accord. A silent sentry watching out for his son. He got a hit in, a good one, and he can only watch in terror as the beast swings back with a large mighty sword.

Lucifer is not at full power, far from it, and he'd long since given up hope that his missing grace would regenerate on its own. He didn't really have high hopes that it would but he was willing to believe anything over the actual alternative.

He watches as the beast swings on his son.

His boy.

He's only just met him and now here he stands, watching as the Shedim swings around what should be a killing blow. Something rolls under his skin, something cold settles over his chest, and the world seems to slow around him. His fists clench tightly, there's a weight that settles in his hand, balancing out in a second, and he looks down to see a magnificent sword. Silver and shining. Blue jewels decorate the hilt.

His sword.

More then a blade.

This is his grace. His physical grace.

Jack screams, eyes wide as the beasts sword comes crashing around, and he ducks away from the pain he's coming to expect.

But it never passes.

He looks up a breath of a moment later, and his eyes go wide, taking in Luci-his father-standing in front of him. The shedim looks surprised at his sudden appearance. The wind is blowing harshly, whether from the depowered archangel or the child, and his muscles strain under the weight, a flash of light snaps as their blades clash together.

Lucifer looks like a soldier.

A warrior.

Face firm, set, eyes focused, "Big mistake."

The Shedim howls in fury and swings back, Lucifer blocks the blow backing up a step, looking over his shoulder briefly at the young nephilim, taking him in in one look, satisfied that he is otherwise unharmed he turns back. Though he has made it perfectly clear that he was not included in the little family unit the child had created for himself, he can't let harm befall him, that is still his son and he'd rather tear out his own grace then let him get hurt.

Their fight is the fight of titans, swords clashing, they dance around each other. But no matter where he moves, Lucifer always makes sure to keep between the beast and his son. Jack is not going to be injured in the battle. Not while he stands.

"Castiel. Get him out of here."

Lucifer looks over at the panting seraph once, the command that of an archangel no matter how weak, and Castiel nods running into the midst of his fight to pull the boy out of it. Jack stumbles as they run back to the Impala, shooting looks over his shoulder as the fight progresses, there is much he is still learning, about his powers and this world and other people but even he can see that Lucifer is slowing down.

He is tiring out.

The shedim laughs at him mockingly, drawing back for its final blow, Lucifer sucks in a breath and looks back at them once, everything slows to half speed as he turns his sword around. His fingers curl around the blade, blood staining the blade and the grass, and he sucks in a breath as he pulls the blade into his own chest.

He may not have a lot of his grace left, but it will be enough, he stabs the blade smoothly into his core and lets his head fall back as his core explodes.

The explosion is mighty, its powerful, a sign that although Lucifer may have been as depowered as he was that his grace was still just as dangerous. Its bright, blinding, and they have to shy away from it, and their ears ring for a long time afterwards, despite this though Jack watches. Fixated.

Lucifer falls to his knees, and the Shedim combusts on itself, blown away in the wind. Asmodeus is knocked away several feet, crashes into a tree hard, and falls to the ground. He doesn't move.

The depowered archangel falls to the side and Jacks gone. He's running, running across the field, his vision blurring, his throat starts to get sore. He drops next to the fallen archangel, trying to tug him around, its a struggle at first, Lucifer being so much bigger then him, but he manages.

"Lu-father? Father?"

Lucifer doesn't respond and little droplets of water splash down onto his shirt, he touches a hand to his face and looks bewildered when he pulls his hand away and its wet. He doesn't know what to do and he's scared and just wants him to wake up.

His hands shake as he doesn't know what he's supposed to do to help, and he can't focus enough to heal like uncle Raphael had showed him, Uncle Raphael.

"Help! Uncle! Help!"

The ground rumbles, an earthquake, toppling the Winchesters and Castiel over in their foot steps, and there's a loud boom. A mountain moving. The ground shifting. He cries and looks up as a hand reaches down for him. It's dark and there's golden rings around his fingers and he knows who it is.

"Uncle Raphael I am sorry! I trie-I didn'-Help!"

'Hush nestling.'

The tone is rough, Raphael's tone is always rough, he always sounds angry. But Jack knows better. The hand scoops him up and for a moment he wonders, if father is older then uncle Raphael, is he bigger too?

'Your father could carry you around in his palm little one. Yes. He is bigger.'

With his other hand uncle Raphael lifts his father up too. He spares Sam and Dean and Castiel the briefest of looks before leaving them in that field. Jack curls into his uncles hand, wiping at his face, and can't help but feel like this is somehow his fault. They had warned him about Asmodeus, warned him not to trust him, and he didn't listen to them. He got his father hurt.

He'd lost his mother.

And now he surely lost his father.

"Uncle can you help him?"

Bright green eyes peer down at him.

'Yes little nestling.'

He's passed to another when they arrive to where ever they were going, and he doesn't want to go, he struggles, making up a tantrum. His father isn't waking up and he can't see him and he can only panic.

'Hey hey hey little squirt that's enough of that now.'

Jack stills, recognizing the voice, and looks up. Uncle Gabriel smiles down at him and reaches up to set him on his shoulder.

"Uncle where is he taking father? He said he could help him!"

'And he is little guy. Raph knows what he's doing. Come on, Michael wants to see you.'

Jack can't help but shrink in on himself when they walk up to this beautiful looking building and he see's uncle Michael, arms crossed over his chest, his face drawn into something stern. He doesn't know much but he does know when he's about to be scolded for something.

Uncle Michael doesn't look happy to see him.

'Give him to me Gabriel.'

'Mike I know you're mad. I know you are. But he's only young, he's still learning, he doesn't know any better yet.'

Michael holds out a massive hand, 'Gabriel, give me the little one. Do as your told little brother.'

Jack flinches at the tone, and Gabriel ducks slightly, no one can disobey that tone. Even Lucifer thinks twice about whatever he's going to do when Michael uses that tone. He smiles at the nephilim boy encouragingly and hands him over as he was told.

Michael curls him close and dismisses Gabriel with a wave of his other hand, 'Go and aid out brother with Lucifer.'

Jack wants to shrink and hide, he tries to avoid looking up at the face that he knows is going to be cross with him.

'Are you injured little one?"

"No uncle Michael."

'That is good. Now, what on Heaven and Earth were you thinking? You were told to stay away from him.'

Jack looks up pitifully, "I know uncle Michael. I'm sorry."

Michael looks down at him crossly, though his grace aches for the little one, it really does, and he wants nothing more then to comfort him in his upset. But this is not something that can go over looked, he put himself and others in danger in disregarding their warnings.

This is not his place, he was sure it was the fathers, but seeing as he was oldest and Lucifer was currently not in the position, it fell to him.


Jack wailed, kicking in his position over his uncles knee, when the heavy hand landed on his rear again. Harshly. He was being taught a lesson here and it was not one that he liked. He's seen uncle Michael upset before, but never directed at him like this was, and after having seen it he vowed to never let it happen again.

Michael's back was to the door, and Jack was so focused on the hand imprinting on his behind, that neither saw the other come up to the door and grimace at the sight.

The little nephilim sobbed when the hand went up again and he saw it come back down, a moment later the sharp swat landed and he kicked again.

'Why are you being punished little one?'

The poor child hiccuped, squirming, "Because-because I didn't listen."

Michael nodded. There was no telling how long they had been at this, but judging the child's red face and the puffiness to his eyes, it was clear that they had been at this a good while now. Michael was not one to take it easy, not on anyone, when an action that had been warned against had hurt someone else.

Or themselves.

And in this case, someone had been hurt, very badly.

Gabriel stepped forward, laying a hand on his older brothers shoulder, "Mike calm down, he's not going to sit right as it is, but he's only little. He didn't mean to. Let him up."

The older archangel paused, looking over his shoulder at his brother and down to his wailing nephew. Nodding he helped the youth up, Jack bounced, rubbing at his sore bottom and then at his face.

"I-I-I am sorry!"

"I know little one.", Michael stands and opens his arms for a hug, "Come here."

Jack rushes into his arms, hugging him tightly despite his sore bottom, and sniffles, "I-I-Is father going to be okay uncle?"

Michael kissed his temple and turned to look at his brother, "I do believe that your father is the reason Gabriel has come for us."

Gabriel nodded, rubbing his hands together, "Sure is! He's asking for you kiddo, wanna go see him?", he smiled when the boy nodded and sniffled again. Holding a hand out to him, "Come on then."

Jack rushed to take his uncles hand, Michael following slowly behind, and he shook his head at the two's antics smiling to himself.


"Lucifer I am telling you to stay in that bed! You are in no shape to be running around. He is fine. Gabriel is fetching the nestling."

Michael opened to door to their room, and Jack bolted from Gabriel's side as soon as he saw him in his bed, Raphael and Lucifer looked over at their entrance. Neither missed the slightly bounce in the youths step and they both spared Michael a quick look.

He nodded once.

"Father! Father are you okay?"

Lucifer huffed a breath as his arms were suddenly full of concerned nephilim child, he chuckled a moment later, hugging him close.

"I'm gonna be fine little guy. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

The nephilim boy shook his head and hugged him tighter, "No father I am okay. My butt hurts though."

Lucifer chuckled and rubbed his back soothingly, "Trust me, you are not the first nor the last to have a spot over Mike's knee. It'll fade."

"I hope so."

Raphael huffed and moved forward, uncrossing his arms, "You get in that bed too. I can see your grace, it is too thin, under the covers with you."

Jack burrowed under the blankets. Not wanting to let his father go now that he knew he was going to be okay. Lucifer pulled him close and they both settled down. Raphael ushered Michael and Gabriel out of the room so they could both rest, and returned to the desk at the other end, "If your both not out in ten minutes I will put you out."

Lucifer bent to stage whisper, "He will!", Jack giggled and leaned closer.

"I heard that!"

They checked on the pair fifteen minutes later and they were both completely out, Jack curled deep into his fathers side, Lucifer wrapped his arm around him protectively, the other draped over his face.

Gabriel snapped a picture.

Michael smacked him over the head when the flash made them stir.

Lucifer tugged him closer and Jack sighed.

Gabriel was starting a scrapbook.