A year later…

"Brooke is loving being pregnant again. She loves to joke about how kids are a burden and wishes she could have a drink with her friends, but is truly is excited to be able to have the chance to have another child," our source shared. "So far, everything is going smoothly with the pregnancy and they have already started to prepare the room for their baby boy."

"Whoever let this leak is seriously dead!" Brooke Davis-Scott snapped moodily as she read US magazine. "I wanted total privacy!"

"Oh Tigger it's going to be okay." Haley said, taking s she helped an eight month pregnant Brooke sit down in her favorite chair.

This baby came as a complete surprise. They hadn't planned on having any more until Layla was at least in kindergarten. But no. God decided not to listen and planted a baby in her womb.

For a brief time (a mere second) Brooke had thought about going without sex and becoming celibate but then decided not to follow that thought. Why should she deny herself of the pleasure that is Lucas Eugene Scott?

"Is it though?"

"Yes. It's going to be fine! You know how the media can be…they will be onto another story after awhile. Besides it's happy news! Be glad it's not about Lucas having an affair with some other woman and getting her pregnant." Haley said as she slammed down the news magazine.

"Ooh how are you dealing with that?"

Nathan was going through a media scandal at the moment due to a innocent picture but the woman in the photo was far from innocent. She claimed that Nathan slept with her at some party in L.A and that he was the one that got her pregnant. Haley had been devastated at first but then remembered that her husband had changed since she first met him and that he was a wonderful husband and an amazing father. He wouldn't jeopardize everything for a meaningless hook up at a party. Drunk or not.

"Better. Nathan explained that he was kinda drunk when the picture was taken but that nothing happened between him and that lying bitch. I believe him. It's just the media is trying to make it seem as if this woman is some sort of victim. But she's not! She just wants to get her slutty hands on Nathan and his money and to break up our family."

Brooke hugged her best friend then said, "Well we know the truth. He wouldn't do that to you or your hard built family. The truth will come out."

"Anyway…how's little man doing?"

"Kicking away. It's like he never sleeps." Brooke joked, rubbing her baby bump.

"I bet he's going to be a handful."

"He could be a angel like his siblings. Layla is just now throwing fits but that's because she knows her time is up as the baby." Brooke said with a chuckle.

Lucas came in carrying a sleeping Layla, her diaper bag slung over his shoulder. "Out like a light."

"The park wore her out huh?"

"Yeah…she played with the ducks the whole time. Chasing after them until they flew to another location." At the story he noted that his wife still looked a little ticked off. He looked over to his best friend, "Hey Hales. What's going on?"

"You got scooped."


"One of our friends told the media that we're having a boy. Can you believe that?"

Lucas winced then said, "Um I'm going to go lay Layla in her crib."

"Luuucaaasss…you know who did it don't you?"

Lucas shrugged then admitted sheepishly, "I might know who did…"

"Who was it?"

At Brooke's mean expression, he caved. "It was Mouth. He was just excited about the news—"

She muttered to herself then stated, "I'm going to kill him!"

"Pretty girl…calm down…it's not that bad."

"That's what I said."

Brooke glared at Haley then exhaled, "I just wanted this to be private. Just this one thing!"

"Hey calm down. It's okay."

Brooke did calm down. Because looking around her she realized that she had everything she always wanted. A family, great friends and a flourishing fashion line as well as the success of Lucas forth book. Nolan was growing like a weed and was getting incredibly smarter, who was now on the debate team at school.

"You're both right. Everything is perfect…" Brooke said with a beaming smile. Seeing the confusion on their faces, she shrugged, "Hormones."


The end. I hope that you guys enjoyed this last mini chapter and I'm really sorry it took so long to write it. I hope that it doesn't suck but if it does sorry. Okay later y'all.