The Winter Festival was a success despite it being a bit minimal. They could only get so much on such short notice. Despite this, it seemed the children were having a great time with all the snow left to play with.
Kai was able to clear up the roads with ease. People were able to get back into town faster because of her. She watched the festivities, but did not participate. She was exhausted.
Zelda gave her a room at the castle, but she'd be lying if she said didn't notice the amount of soldiers that patrolled the hallway where her room was at.
As much as Kai still like her powers, she enjoyed the fact that she could feel warmth once again. The princess was kind enough to give her a new skirt, new boots, and a new sweater. She even enjoyed curling up in the blanket on her bed to go to sleep.
The morning after the festival, Red invited Kai to go down to the library to see Vio. To their surprise, it had been completely tidied up with Green and Blue's help.
"Such a lovely library…" Kai said, softly.
"Wow, you cleaned up everything!" Red said, happily.
"It was messy before?" said Kai.
"Before the storm, Vio had been busy with a research… of sorts," said Green.
"This… This friend of mine…" said Vio. "He gave himself up to save us and stop Vaati. I ran myself ragged trying to find a way to bring him back, but… I guess there's no point in dwelling on the past…"
Red frown at Vio. He was giving up. It made sense, but it was sad that this was what he decided to do.
"Shadow Link…" said Kai. "That was what he was called, was it not?"
The four of them stared at Kai.
"How do you know that?" said Blue.
Kai held her hands together, tentatively. She seemed almost ashamed of it.
"Wh-When Vaati was still alive… there were times where I could see what he saw through his eyes…" said Kai. "Underestimating you proved to be his downfall. Shadow worked under him and this… 'Ganon', right?"
"Yes," said Vio. "He betrayed Vaati and Ganon in the end. If he were here now, he'd be happy that we defeated them…"
"Are you sure he's gone?" said Kai. "Vaati? It's just… I've seen Vaati be sealed away… but he only comes back."
Vio could sense Kai's anger and caution.
"Of course," said Vio. "Vaati wasn't sealed away this time. He's dead."
"...Show me," said Kai. She sounded purely serious.
With all four Links and Zelda, as well, they went down to the place where the four began. It was where Shadow Link first appeared in their lives. It was the Four Swords Sanctuary. Normally, no one except the royal family, the maidens and the Noble Knights were allowed in the sanctuary, but for the sake of Kai's healing process, the princess made an exception.
"Do we really have to do this…" Blue whined.
"C'mon, Blue," said Red. "This is for Kai."
"Kai will be a useful ally to use now that she's on our side," said Green. "We should do our best to befriend her."
"Fine…" Blue grumbled. He was probably still mad about the whole almost freezing Hyrule thing.
"Everything used in Vaati and Ganon's plans were locked away here," said Zelda. "We don't want anyone else to get their hands on them."
Kai saw the pedestal where the Four Sword was drawn. The trident, once wielded by Ganon was stuck on the wall with the magic of Zelda and the maidens surrounding it with a barrier. Her boot landed against a shard of glass, forcing her to step back a bit. She followed the trail and saw Vio gazing solemnly at the broken mirror.
"So… Is this how your friend defeated Vaati?" said Kai.
"Vaati and Ganon were getting their resources from this mirror," said Vio. "Breaking it was the only way to stop him."
Vio had finished his sentence, but he was still looking at her. His intentions were clear, he just wasn't going through with them.
"...Ask me," said Kai.
"I… shouldn't," said Vio.
"I insist."
"Come on, Vio…" Red said, gently.
"Ask what?" said Blue.
There was a pause of silence.
"I know your powers were given to you by Vaati," said Vio. "It was because of him and Ganon that Shadow Link was able to be in this world. That was what he told me. And so…" His words slowed, for he was afraid of what the answer could be. "Do you… think you can bring him back?"
Vio's words rung in her mind. "This world". She had seen this mirror before… through Vaati's eyes, of course. She knew the true purpose of the mirror… and what exactly it was.
"I… I can't…" said Kai.
Vio sighed heavily.
"I understand…"
"No, you don't," said Kai.
"How can I bring back someone who's still alive?"
Vio froze when she said that.
"Wh… What?"
"I want to thank you for allowing me to meet Red," said Kai. "Despite everything I did, it took so much more for you all to forgive. Vio, I can't give you what you desire, but I can give you something close to it."
"What?" said Vio.
Kai closed her eyes and held out her hand and a gust of cold wind blew through the sanctuary. Her hand shined light blue and the light grew brighter.
A frigid wind whirled around the room. Green did his best to help Zelda keep her balance. Red hid behind Blue, as much as he didn't want him to. The frame of the shattered mirror and the shards on both it and the floor began to glow and crack. The frame and shards exploded, causing everyone to look away except Kai.
Vio was the first to open his eyes. He was shocked to see that none of the pieces had hit the ground or them. They were floating around turning into light blue sparkles of light.
Kai opened her eyes and they were glowing. The pieces began to combine back together… into a new mirror with a light blue frame.
"What?!" said Green.
Red gasped with a smile.
"No way!" said Blue.
It was then Vio finally realized what Kai was talking about. The creatures weren't created by that mirror, they came through the mirror that was a portal to another world. A world where his friend still lived.
"Thank-you, Kai…" Vio could only say. And he, too, was finally happy...
A/N: And, that was the last chapter. I hope you readers enjoyed it, had a good holiday break and Happy New Year! :D
Other stories:
Skyward Bound - Legend of Zelda
Splatoon: A Fresh Spark - Splatoon
The Crystal Gems and Onyx - Steven Universe