"Through our suffering, we will rebuild."

The boy balanced the chair on its back legs as he laid his feet on the desk. His arms crossed behind his neck, acting as a pillow to his head. He wore a headband with the word 'oil' on it.

He looked at a missing person file from a couple years ago. Someone named after the village he resided in, Konohagakure. Most people called it Konoha. The missing boy was the late Third Hokage's son. His age wasn't there, nor was a picture

In front of the boy and on the other side of the room, a tired man opened the double doors. Despite his older age and his long, white hair, he had a built body of a burly forty-year-old. His wore his usual attire, a comfortable outfit of red and green.

The boy looked up from the report. "Yo, Jiraiya."

"Skipping again, Naruto?"

"Left a shadow clone."

Jiraiya rubbed his face and eyes. "I wish you had never looked at that Scroll."

"Maybe you should have locked it somewhere, then I wouldn't have been able to look at it."

"Such a smartass," Jiraiya said as he walked to the cabinet that stood behind the desk. He pulled out a drawer and grabbed a file. "What you looking at?"

"Missing report from a few years ago. Who's this Konohamaru?"

"Him? He grew up as an orphan while his uncle was at the Fire Temple. He had had a hard life, and out of nowhere, he left when he was six."

"Six? Says here his parents died during the nine tails attack!"

Jiraiya furrowed his eyebrow, "That's not right because his parents were Anbu members and died shortly after his birth." Naruto handed him the file.

As he read the file himself, Naruto leaned in the chair and balanced it again. "You knew them?"

"I didn't, that's just what I heard. Where'd you find this, anyway?"

"In the closest. Was looking for... gum."

"Gum? Hm. Well, I will tell you one thing, the kid practically just vanished. Just like the Scroll you were looking for."

Naruto pouted his bottom lip up and ignored his comment. He was only able to learn the one Jutsu before Jiraiya discovered it and took it away.

Jiraiya took the file and placed it in the cabinet he had already opened. Once he pushed it back in, he looked at Naruto, who gave a confused look back. Naruto noticed Jiraiya's gaze was on his hair. He usually kept his hair short, but recently his blonde hair rested just below his eyebrows.

"Growing your hair out? What have I told you about that?"

"It's just a little. I wanted to see how it would look."

"Fine, but don't let it grow out too long. When you're out doing missions, you don't want people attacking you in spite of your father. It's a huge resemblance."

"Yeah, yeah," Naruto said as he tilted his head back. He never met his dad. Both his parents suffered in the same incident that Konohamaru's parents died in.

The window bursted open and let in a massive burst of wind. Naruto eyes abruptly popped open as he tried to reach forward and fell back in the chair.

Jiraiya gave a small smile. "It's just wind."

Naruto hurried and stood up, "Shit. It popped. My Shadow Clone fell asleep, and when its head hit the desk, it dispersed!"

Jiraiya entire face lightened up as his smiled curved, "Then you better run! He'll be up here any minute!"

He jumped to the window's frame. "See you later, Jiraiya!"

"Hopefully, you don't," Jiraiya said as he picked up his 'oil' headband off the floor. Jiraiya gazed at it with a warm smile. It was his old headband when he traveled the country, free as a cloud.

What's the big deal, anyway? He gets all the memories of the Shadow Clone, so it's like he would have been there himself. He quickly let himself fall to the ground, entered through the Academy's door, and

"Hey, Naruto!"

Naruto slowed down to greet the older man waving his arm up. It was Teuchi, the owner of the ramen bar in the village. Great stuff, especially when Jiraiya doesn't have time to eat with him. Recently, that's been often. Not many people go there. It gave Naruto a peace of mind and enjoy the company of Teuchi and Ayame, two people that don't treat him any different for being the son of the Fourth, or "godson" of the Fifth, Jiraiya.

"You coming to my restaurant, later? Ayame has been wanting you to try out the new barbecue flavor."

"Sure thing, I'll drop by after class!" Naruto said as he sped past.

Naruto sprinted through the Academy's door and he raced to the classroom. He looked at the class' shocked and bored faces. Naruto furrowed an eyebrow before he walked up the middle steps between the desk and sat next to the sleeping Kiba.

However, he noticed all eyes were on him. "Why is everyone looking at me?!"

"How'd you do that?" Ino investigated.

"Do what?"

"You disappeared! No log or anything!"

"Oh. Right. Yeah. That was a Shadow Clone."

There were numerous wows but as he caught the glimpse of Sasuke's scowl on the opposite side, he gave a curious look back, to which Sasuke looked away. By him was his girlfriend. Sakura quickly smiled and waved to Naruto.

"Wait, isn't that an advance Jutsu? How'd you managed that?" Shikamaru asked from the back. By him, Choji ate a bag of chips.

Dare he tell them about the scroll he stumbled upon when Jiraiya was out drinking? He found the Scroll of Sealing about a month ago and every time Jiraiya "snuck" out, he'd train with it. Now, on the verge of thirteen, he's learned to nurture the talent for more useful things. Like, skipping class.

"Practiced with the Clone Technique and discovered it myself."

Again, numerous wows. This time, it woke up Kiba. "What's with all the noise?"

"It is a classroom, Kiba," Sakura snarked.

"Whatever, it's such a drag," Shikamaru stated.

"He said it!" Kiba stated as he let his head fall back into his arms.

Naruto glimpsed to the other side of the room but noticed Sasuke's glare. The two of them had a tense eye contact. Naruto wondered what his deal was. Even Sakura looked concerned as she looked at him. However, as the front door opened to for an irritated Iruka to walk in, Naruto faced forward.

Iruka squinted half his face at Naruto before he walked to the board. He picked up the chalk to begin writing, but suddenly he turned around, threw the chalk towards the class, and hit right on Naruto's forehead. Naruto held his head from the sudden pain. Iruka gave a smug grin, "Just gotta make sure you're real."

Naruto rubbed his head as Iruka turned around and picked up another chalk to write with. Once he was finished, Iruka stood to the side for the class to see. An announcement about the graduation exam tomorrow.

Naruto could have taken it early but didn't want to leave the class he's come to like and wanted to know the people he's teamed up with.

During the rest of class, Naruto's mind referred back to the missing Konohamaru. He was the grandson of the Hokage, why was he subdued to the orphanage? Why didn't anyone help him out?

Naruto was lucky to have had Jiraiya around. Who knows what might have happened if he didn't take him in? Even some people now resented him for the Nine-Tails. Some wanted to keep his Jinchuriki status secret but Jiraiya didn't let that happen.

After class, as Naruto headed down the main road of the village, someone placed their hand on his shoulder and made him stop to look. Iruka. "Going to Ichiraku's?" He asked.

"Yeah. Ayame wanted me to try the new barbecue ramen."

"Do you mind if I join?"

"Just don't yell at me for skipping class."

Iruka made a small laugh, "Technically, you weren't. At first, I was a little heated and bolted to the office, but a Shadow Clone! That's amazing!"

"Thanks. Worked hard on it."

"I have a feeling your dad would be proud."

"Really? Think so?" Naruto looked up at Iruka.

"Definitely. Lord Fifth, too."

His face flatlined. "Doesn't show it."

They walked Ichiraku's Ramen bar and sat at the stools. It was a small building. One side didn't have a wall, only short flaps hanging from the ceiling. Ayame leaned to rest her arms on the bar to talk to the two. She was as cheery as she is pretty. "I hope you two are here to try the barbecue," she teased. "If not, don't bother staying."

"In that case, we would like two bowls, please," Iruka said.

"Actually, make that three," another voice said from behind them.

Naruto looked over his shoulder and saw one of his dad's students before he became the Fourth Hokage. Obito Uchiha. His spiky, black hair dangled over his forehead.

"Hey, Obito! You're finally back from your mission!" Iruka greeted.

"Yeah, finally. How's the teaching going, Iruka?"

"It's going great! Sure miss you on the school board ever since you became a Jounin two years ago. Can't believe Jiraiya put you on his secret spy system."

"I miss it, too. But my abilities are the best when it comes to spying and how could I say no to Jiraiya after how nicely he's treated my clan?"

Ever since Jiraiya became the Hokage, he promoted favorable conditions to the Uchiha. It halted a mistrust between them and the village. Jiraiya told him the Uchiha's Sharingan is able to control the Nine-Tails, and after its attack, there were rumors of their involvement. However, using Obito Uchiha as a spy when he was made Hokage, Jiraiya found that they were not involved at all and rebuilt their trust.

But, that leads to how the Nine-Tails escaped in the first place. Jiraiya was absent until two years after the incident and took the title of Hokage within the year. Before Jiraiya came back, Danzo stood in as a temporary Hokage. He was the one who found the Third Hokage at his dying words. Apparently, a masked man was involved.

Of course, most of this is confidential, and Naruto, who had access to pretty much everything Jiraiya lied around, found out. Plus, Jiraiya didn't know when to shut up when he's drunk, which is either really late at night or at the Hokage's Residence, where people won't see him.

As Obito took a seat next to Naruto, he motioned for his attention. He was like a much older big brother or uncle. "Hey, can you tell me more about my dad?" Naruto asked.

Obito rubbed his face and hummed a thought. "I could tell you about the time he saved me from a boulder crushing me?"

"You've told me about that! What about how he and my mom met?"

He smiled, "Actually, I've only met your mom once and it was very brief."

Naruto pouted. "Didn't even bother to meet your teacher's wife more than once?"

Obito made a carefree face as he held his hands in the air and shrugged.

Ayame scooted a bowl in front of Naruto. "Hey, no frowning or it'll be extra."

Naruto turned his pout into a smirk as he split his chopsticks into two.

The sky turned into a vibrant dark blue and dawned down an overcast of the same color. Naruto walked towards the Hokage's Residence. The new flavor Ayame fed him was a little too spicy for his personal taste but smiled and said it was fantastic to satisfy her.

Ahead, he saw Sakura sitting on the steps in front of her house. "Hey, I need to talk to you," she said as he came up to her.

"What is it?"

Sakura and he had always been friends. She never treated him differently because of his upbringing. To her, she was just another, ordinary person, and she was as regular as they came. Her family wasn't a clan, so because they don't have as many responsibilities, Jiraiya had asked her parents to babysit him when they were younger, thus they became playmates.

"I was wondering if you have you seen Sasuke around Ino any? Recently, he's been heading home right after class a lot."

Naruto shook his head. "No. Barely see the guy, except when he glares at me in class."

"I wouldn't take too much offense to that. He always asks me if you're a better fighter than him."

Naruto smiled. "What exactly do you say?"

She smirked and wagged a finger at him. "Just the truth."

"He's not that much better than me."

She gave an innocent smile at him. "No, but it's still a little bit."

Naruto shortened his smile to a grin and begin to turn away, waving as he did. "See you tomorrow, Sakura."

"Bye, come find me after you pass!"

Jiraiya was probably still at the office so it should only be him for a little while. He figured he could read up on some of those secret scrolls if he could find them.

However, as he unlocked and walked into the large house, he noticed it was pitch-black dark. He fumbled for the light switch, but even after he found and flipped it on, the light didn't come on. "Really? Ugh."

He navigated through the dark for the stairs, but as he took the first step, he twisted around at the sudden sound of footsteps. "Who's there?!"

As soon he shouted, he heard the door swing open for someone to run out. "Hey!" Naruto yelled as she ran out of the house. However, as he stood outside, the intruder had already fled. From the dark figure of the person, it was obviously an adult. He locked the door behind him and hurried to tell Jiraiya.

Without a knock, Naruto bursted into Jiraiya's office. The man was writing but halted to look to Naruto. "There was someone in our house!"

"What?! Did you see who they were?"

"No, they killed the power so I couldn't see them, but I'm almost sure it wasn't a kid."

"Alright. Crow, go with Naruto to secure my house. I'll be there momentarily."

"Yes, sir," a man said from behind Naruto. He didn't even realize he was there, and the doors closed as he came in, so he must have already been in the room. He had a porcelain mask that resembled a weasel and wore a grey jacket. An Anbu member.

As they walked back to the house, the Anbu member told him to go on inside while he stuck to the dark. After Naruto found the power box switch to turn the power back on, they both searched the entire house and saw there was no one around. Either Naruto's presence scared the intruder off… or they found what they were looking for. Either way, they didn't come back.

Naruto sighed and sat on the couch. In front of him, he saw the Anbu member. "No one's here, but the scroll storage room is empty."

"Jiraiya hid everything in there better."

"I see. We'll have to wait for him to arrive then," the man said. Naruto thought it would be a few minutes of silence, but the Anbu spoke again. "You're in… Sasuke's class, right?"

Naruto furrowed an eyebrow. "Yeah."

"Are you… his friend?"

"Not really. He glares at me a lot."

"I see. Could you… try to be his friend?"

Naruto smiled. It's obvious who he was. "He better not bite me in the ass."

At that, Jiraiya walked through the door. "I've ordered a guard to look after this place while I'm not here."

"But, what about the scrolls?"

"Safe. They weren't hidden in the house."

"Oh, well-"

"And you better not look for them."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Fine."

Jiraiya nodded for Crow to leave, and left the two alone. However, Naruto stood up and walked up the stairs. "Going to bed. I have graduation tomorrow."

"I'll be seeing ya, then," Jiraiya said as he walked into the kitchen.

Naruto glimpsed at him just before he climbed the rest of the steps. Once he saw the bottle of sake, he shook his head and marched up the stairs.

In the morning, Jiraiya has already left to the Academy and left Naruto alone. It was just a minute walk, anyway. He dressed in black jogging pants, zipped on an orange hooded jacket over his mesh shirt. As he was about to exit his room, he saw the goggles that sat on the drawer. Obito gave them to him when he went on his first solo mission, said he outgrew them.

He took them and wrapped them around his neck and set off to the Academy for the exam. The weather was never too warm, so his thin hoodie shouldn't make him too hot.

Arriving at the class, half the students haven't come yet. it was hard for Naruto to be late when he lived so close. The students minded their own conversations with their friends, except for the loner, Sasuke. Sakura hadn't come, yet.

Naruto remembered what the Anbu said and walked up to the boy. "Ready for the exam, Sasuke?"

There have been moments where Sasuke glared at him with distaste, especially when they did mock battles with each other. It was always a close fight, no matter who won. When Sasuke would win, he'd have an arrogant smile. But, when he lost, he glared at Naruto like he killed his entire clan. The way Naruto understood it, his older brother graduated in just a year, so it must be a heavy burden when you can't represent. Naruto can relate. He will always be overshadowed by his father and Jiraiya and their accomplishments.

"Of course, I am," he sincerely stated.

Naruto made a slight scowl before he crossed his arm and lightened up. "I wondered if you wanted to spar sometime."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto as he placed his locked fingers on his philtrum. "Maybe. But let's see what teams we got on, first."

Naruto smirked and went to his usual seat. Kiba hadn't come yet, either. However, the girl that sat on the other side of him was always early. A shy girl with blue hair, Hinata. He was at least acquaintances with everyone in the class, except for her. Kiba seemed to have an eye out for the girl, though.

As more students followed each other into the classroom, Mizuki came in last. He was another instructor here at the Academy but taught earlier classes. Very friendly dude; always had a great smile.

"Alright, you guys. Line up in the hallway, wait outside the boardroom. Come on, let's get this done with."

With that, the chatter of the students started as they left the room. Kiba must be running late, so that meant the Hinata girl stood behind him in the line. Naruto glimpsed over his shoulder to look at her, she redirected her eyes to the ground.

"Nervous?" He asked.

She rubbed her arm as she looked someplace else "A little."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I sure hope Kiba doesn't miss it, though."

"Right," she quietly said.

One by one, a student went to the room and pass. Finally, it was Naruto's turn. He stood in front of a long, cheap table for Mizuki and Iruka to sit and judge each student.

"Well, Naruto. I already know you can do the Shadow Clone, which is leagues ahead of the Clone Technique," Iruka stated.

"Oh, really?" Mizuki ecstatically asked. "That is just what I'd expect from the Hokage's son."

Naruto confident grin flatlined.

"Still, you need to show us here, Naruto," Iruka said.

Naruto did the tiger seal and made a Shadow Clone right by him.

"Wow, I can say already that you've passed, but just how many of those can you make?" Mizuki inquired.

"Why are you asking, Mizuki? He's already passed."

Mizuki held a hand up, "I'm just a little curious about my former student's progress, that's all."

Naruto thought about what he should say. In the scroll, he learned how to make hundreds of them for the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. But, he'd rather keep that a secret. "Up to four, five if I really try."

"That so?" Mizuki smiled. "That's all."

Naruto furrowed an eyebrow as he walked up to the desk and grabbed a forehead protector.

Once he walked out, he noticed Hinata waiting patiently. "Good job, Naruto."

"Thanks. Your turn. Good luck" He walked past all the other students until he saw Kiba with wet hair and without his heavy, hot jacket. "Idiot. You overslept, didn't you?"

"Hey, it's not my fault Akamaru turned off my alarm! And not all of us live close like you do! Idiot!"

Akamaru is his dog. The clan Kiba belonged to trains and works with dogs, basically inseparable. Naruto held his fist out and let Kiba knock it with his before he walked out.

Outside, he saw Sasuke hold his headband while Sakura had already placed her's on her giant forehead. It's not really that giant but Ino would say otherwise. Ino was probably jealous of the fact they were always together. Naruto placed his headband on his forehead, too.

They both stood by their parents, Sakura a little distance away. Behind Sasuke was his dad, Fugaku. He always gave Naruto a deep stare before initiating a friendly conversation. "Hello, Naruto. How the exam go?"


He placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, "Maybe you and my son will get placed on the same team. What do you think?"

"As if they'd put the two best fighters together," Sasuke said.

"My grades are only average, so who knows?"

As Sasuke shot a glare at Naruto, Fugaku grinned as he looked at his son. "I'm heading back to the compound. How about you hang out with your friends for a while?" He said before he left.

The two boys stared at each other but thankfully Sakura and her mom came closer. "Come on. we're going to Yakiniku for graduation."

Sasuke smirked. "Sure. Why not?"

Sakura smiled at Naruto. He and she haven't talked much after school because she was always with Sasuke. He would hate being a third wheel. Recently, Naruto saw Kiba as his main friend. He was never afraid to bicker and call him names, unlike other people.

"Yeah, I'll come, too."

The restaurant was busy but not enough to overshadow their conversations with the common chatter. They sat in a booth, Sasuke and Naruto sat side by side, while Sakura and her mom sat parallel. In the middle of the table was the built-in grill, which cooks the raw meat.

"So, Naruto! It's been so long. I've heard a rumor about you learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu! How many are you able to summon?" Her mother asked.

He could feel Sasuke's stare from the side of his eyes. "Up to five."

"Five? Really? I can't even get four regular clones," Sakura stated.

"When my older brother was attending his year at the Academy, he went a week using a Shadow Clone to train," Sasuke chimed in.

"A whole week? No wonder he graduated his first year," Naruto stated.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Sasuke's fist clenching on his chopsticks. "And I'm here, graduating on time. I should be better."

"It's no use beating yourself up, Sasuke," Sakura's mother exclaimed. "Itachi was one of the youngest ever to graduate from the academy, only being beaten by Kakashi."

Naruto frowned down. "Kakashi? Obito always talked about him but never told me how he died."

Sakura's mother humbled down, "It's… not something to talk about here."

Whenever Obito told a story, he'd always talk about his best friend, and teammate, Kakashi. He has seen Rin with Obito all the time but when Naruto noticed he hasn't seen his other teammate, he decided to ask. But, Obito said he wished not to speak about it.

Hours later, Naruto walked into the Hokage's Residence and noticed Jiraiya was already home. But, behind the counter in the kitchen.

"Home, already?" Naruto asked.

"Actually, I'm having to work the night with paperwork," he said as he took out a bottle of alcohol.

"I have a question, something I've been curious about."

"Sure, kiddo. What do you need?"

"Obito's squadmate, Kakashi. What exactly happened?"

Jiraiya widened his eyes at Naruto. "I'm not sure you're old enough for that."

Naruto coughed and held up his ninja headband. Jiraiya stared at it before he let his eyes fall and took a deep breath. As he was about to walk into the living room, he doubled back to get another bottle. "Alright. Take a seat." Jiraiya let his ass crash on the opposite side of the couch and crossed his legs to sit on the coffee table.

"Kakashi Hatake. A hero, a true legend. I was a grand-teacher to him, as my student taught him. But first, you should know Sakumo, his father. He chose to abandon an important mission in favor of rescuing his teammates, earning the disrespect of the village. He fell into a deep depression and eventually killed himself. But, as Obito would say, those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

Jiraiya took his first swing at the bottle, a giant gulp. His breaths made it obvious he did not want to tell the story.

"It was in the Third Great Ninja War, after their successful bridge demolition mission, Kakashi and his team went on a mission to booby-trap an area occupied by Mist Ninjas." Another gulp and he had already almost finished the bottle.

"They were ambushed by the very squad they were trying to trap. Kakashi was captured, and made a Jinchuriki with a tempered seal, in hopes that he'll ravish our village. After Obito and Rin saved them, he realized what had happened. Knowing he couldn't ask his teammates, he killed himself to protect the Leaf Village and his friends."

"That's… rough," Naruto frowned as Jiraiya finished his first sake.

"And that's why I got two of these," Jiraiya said as he picked up the other, full bottle.

"I wished you'd stop drinking."

"Come on, I'm highly tolerant. You should see Tsunade. She wouldn't be any different."

"Yeah, yeah."

Jiraiya stood up and headed for the door. "Later, kiddo."

Kakashi killed himself because he was made a jinchuruki with a tempered seal. Were the tailed-beasts really that dangerous? Naruto walked the bathroom. He held up his sweatshirt and saw the seal that kept the Nine-Tails in place. He had become a ninja today, but would he sacrifice himself in order to protect that of what he loved?

He left the bathroom to come to a dark room. He immediately felt the embrace of a kick to his gut and the wall against his back. Immediately, he felt a wet cloth against his nose and mouth.

It was a brutal awakening for Naruto. He saw his hands and fingers tied as they hung toward the ground, but noticed the green flak jacket with the swirl on the back. He was being carried on someone's shoulder, a Leaf Ninja, no less. Could this the intruder from last night, who made the same approach by killing the lights? Or was this a savior and they were on the way back to the village?

He could see the dirt path. No way he was in the village. Slowly, he picked up his head saw the familiar long, white hair of Mizuki. If it weren't for the restraints, Naruto would have mistaken this for the rescue, not the capture.

He'll have to get tired and take a piss break, right? Or, something? Best pretend to be asleep. But, how the hell did he get past all the security? Jiraiya said he tightened it. Unless he somehow knew about all the secret tunnels inside the Hokage Rock that led right into the Hokage's Residence.

A long while has passed since he woke up, and Mizuki had yet to put him down, but he suddenly stopped and stood.

"Hey, I'm here with the kid who knows the Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"I've been waiting for ages," a man with a slight lisp said. "Just put him down by the tree."

"As you wish." Mizuki crouched over and dropped Naruto. Naruto moved his body to sit upright. "Oh, you're awake! Wish ya told me. I was getting pissed carrying you!"

A pale white man with long, brown hair walked near. "So this is the Jinchuriki. Son of the Fourth, Godson of the Fifth. And now, knower of the Shadow Clone."

The man crouched near and placed his hand on Naruto's neck. "Mizuki had no luck finding the Scroll of Sealing, but he realized you somehow knew the Shadow Clone out of nowhere, I figured you must have read the Forbidden Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu from the Scroll."

After all the reassurance he took to not tell people, it was the reason this is happening right now. Hell, he didn't even tell people he knew how to summon hundreds of clones, which was what the scroll taught him. The Scroll taught him both, it was only the Multiple version that was forbidden.

"Where is it? I need its secrets."

"Don't know where it is. Jiraiya hid it after he realized I got to it," Naruto explained.

"Aw, such a pity, and here I was about to let you live."

"What?! If I come up dead, my father will come after you!"

"Your father?" The man laughed, "Oh, you mean Jiraiya. He spent years trying to find me, and now that Jiraiya's Hokage, he has no choice but stay in his little office!"

Naruto eyes widened. There was only one man Jiraiya fixated his entire secret service to find. "You're Orochimaru?"

Orochimaru made a grin as he stood up. A long sword came out of his sleeve.

"Wait, Orochimaru," Mizuki said.

"What is it?" He snarled.

"Shouldn't we keep him alive and ransom him for the scroll?"

Orochimaru hummed as he thought. "I guess you're right, then when we get the scroll, we kill him, anyway."

"Or, better yet... temper with his seal. He is the jinchuruki of the Nine-Tails, after all."

Naruto scowled at him while Orochimaru laughed. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Mizuki reached behind Naruto to grab his restraints.

"Naruto, duck!" Another voice shouted. Naruto did as the shout said and threw himself to the ground. A giant fuma shuriken flew over him and Mizuki and cut down the tree behind them.

Mizuki brushed the dirt off him. "Iruka! So glad you came. I was regretting not being able to kill you."

Iruka jumped down from the trees. "Mizuki. I knew there was something up when you asked Naruto those questions."

"And you came alone?!" Mizuki asked with a giant, eager smile.

Orochimaru smiled. "Iruka. I remember you. A worthless ninja, not even able to become a Jounin. Mizuki here had shown promise, unlike you."

"It doesn't matter what I am, as long as I save Naruto."

Orochimaru threw his head forward. A long tongue aimed a sword at Iruka. However, it passed right through him.

"How?!" Behind Mizuki, Obito appeared and held a kunai to his neck. His eyes were two, bright Sharingan.

Orochimaru retracted his tongue. "Obito Uchiha, Ghost of the Uchiha. You killed four dozens of Mist Ninja when you were just a Chunin."

"Jiraiya knew someone was using the secret tunnels, so he planted me in them to see who was using them. Lo and behold, I saw Mizuki go to the Hokage Rock just as Jiraiya left Naruto alone."

"And you didn't kill Mizuki at that moment and came to see where'd he go? Such a foolish mistake," Orochimaru said. He threw his arm towards Mizuki and Obito and made dozens of snakes come out. Obito used his Kamui to phrase them through, which let Mizuki go.

Mizuki dashed at Iruka with a kunai. "I'm glad Naruto got the Hokage double drunk by asking about Kakashi. It'll make it all the easier to kill you two!"

However, a giant man jumped in front of Iruka and kicked Mizuki away.

Orochimaru scrowled at him, "Jiraiya."

"I knew it had to be you when Iruka expressed his concern," Jiraiya said. "That's why the sake I drank tonight was just water."

"Even if Iruka is lackluster, Obito and Jiraiya will be too much of a problem," Mizuki voiced. "We should leave."

"I agree." Orochimaru placed his hand on Mizuki's neck. At his touch, Mizuki gave a horrified stare. And like that, Orochimaru dispersed into dozens of snakes as Mizuki started to grow huge lumps all over his body.

Jiraiya sprinted to stand in front of Naruto. However, Obito used his Sharingan to transfer Mizuki to his pocket dimension. Jiraiya, who had both of his arms into a guard position, sighed and crossed his arms. "Figures the snake would slither away."

"I'll get those," Iruka said as he got to his knees to untie Naruto's restraints.

Naruto rubbed his wrist and stood up, only for Jiraiya to force him into a hug. "I'm glad you're safe."

As much Naruto wanted to push him away, Jiraiya really pulled through for him. "Was that really water?"

"Not the first one," Jiraiya said, followed by a hearty laugh.

Jiraiya relinquished his arms and let Obito place his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Jiraiya told me he told you about Kakashi." Naruto frowned as he was about to apologize, but Obito kept talking. "And, after a little discussion, he suggested that I should be your team leader."

He looked at Jiraiya, who nodded. "I can't see anyone else besides the student of your father to teach you."

Naruto smiled, or so he wanted to. But, as Mizuki suggested tempering with the Nine-Tails seal, all he could think about was his survival. Although he wanted to be his own legend if the day were to come where he had put others above him, would he actually do it?

Miles and miles away from Konohagakure, a waterfall rashed down violently. Close to the top of it, a girl held her knees as she looked up to the dark sky. This was her favorite place to be. Not many people would come up here unless they sought her out.

The stars were of numerous colors. She wondered just what they were as they glittered up the sky? Were they friends? Could she meet them? Her orange eyes matched some stars, while others matched her mint-green hair. However, not any of them matched her caramel skin.

The giant hill surrounded the village like a crater. Here, it remained Hidden. She doesn't know what she would do if she'd ever lost it or the people in it, even if most did despise her. They see her as misfortune but she always thought herself as lucky. Maybe she'll get lucky and get to see the outside world, soon.

As much she wanted to protect her village, she can't just stay here for the rest of her life. She wants to fly up to the stars, see the world, have an adventure, and make as many friends as there are stars.

And here is the rewrite of Reconstruction. Hopefully, this chapter describes all the changes in the AU. This time, Jiraiya is Hokage after the Third and Fourth die on the same day. Obito is Team 7 captain as Kakashi dies in place of Rin. Sakura and Sasuke are already "together." Sasuke is angry that he can't be like his brother. Uchiha Clan is still around, again. I'm not sure what I'll do with Danzo but I want to make him redeemable, like in the original. Is there anything that I'm missing? There are some other changes, just not present yet. The main villain won't be Madara.

I decided to make Naruto not hated because, well, I didn't even like that in canon. He's keeping everyone safe from the Nine-Tails and you're trying to make him angry? Tf?

The fight was meant to be lackluster. Wanted to explore characterization for the first chapter.

Also, who attacks the Leaf on Naruto's village will be a mystery for some time. As most people knew from the original, Orochimaru was involved.

Fu will be introduced to the main story soon. Don't worry!

5/17/2018: Updated