"Mr Allen? Allen? Barry Allen?"

"I uh what?" Asked Barry sheepishly looking up to see Singh looking at him.

"Have you finished the Melen Report yet?"

"I yeh here it is." Barry handed a folder to Singh.

Singh started flipping through up before giving Barry a disapproving look.

"Barry this is shocking. Do it again?"

"What?" Asked Barry confused as to what was wrong with it.

"It's littered with so many errors. Now do it again. I want it by tonight".

Singh walked off.

Great Barry thought. No lunch for me.

The evening soon came around and Barry still wasn't done. He was about to up and leave before Singh stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to go and pick up something to eat. Then I'll be right back to work."

"No. I said tonight. Now back to work. You can't go until it's done".



Barry sighed and walked upstairs. No dinner either he thought.

The next day followed a similar pattern. Barry was half awake at work. Singh asked him to re do a case file. Barry would go without lunch and then again without dinner.

The day after was the same. Soon his week was the same. Then the month. It wasn't long before he just didn't feel hungry anymore so he didn't really care that much. Eventually Singh started to lay off but even then Barry didn't go back to eating normally. After another month of this he just stopped completely. He wasn't hungry so why should he eat is what he told himself.

"Barry? Barry? Are you there?" Asked Cisco through the coms, "Barry? You're vitals have spiked? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm here," Said Barry. He was leaning on a wall for support after almost fainting. But he was finneee.

"Ok. Good but get back here, I wanna run some test to be sure" said Caitlin through the coms.

Barry was back there in under five seconds.

"Barry…" Started Caitlin but she was quickly cut off by Barry falling to the floor unconscious.

"What have you done to yourself Barry?"

"I wasn't hungry Joe!? I wasn't going to force myself. I didn't feel right okay!"

It hadn't taken long for Caitlin to realise Barry hadn't been eating, so she called Joe. Barry had only been up for an hour and him and Joe were already at it.

"Well you should have!? Why? Why Barry!? What on Earth caused you to do this?"

"I'm not doing this Joe!" Said Barry getting up and un hooking himself from different machines.

"No Barry, you don't get to just walk away" said Iris from the other side of the room.

"Why the heck not Iris!?"

"Because you need help Barry!" Shouted Joe getting frustrated at the younger boy.

"No. No I don't. Joe Iris, I am fine. And if you can't accept that then I can't be around you right now".

Barry started to walk away but Caitlin stopped him.

"Barry you need to lie down. You need help".

"No I don't. Not anymore" Barry ran…. He just ran… He wasn't sure where he was going…. He wasn't sure why… He just ran fast and farr.


I hope you liked this! It's only short and it ends on a cliffhanger of sorts. Thank you for reading.

FlarrowHuntbastian xoxo