Disclaimer: Marvel owns the Avengers.
"Eyes like a car crash
I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away.
Body like a whiplash,
Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way
I feel about you."
"Deathbeds" by Bring Me the Horizon
Kiss Me
"Kiss me," Agent Romanoff suddenly spun to face him on the escalator and demanded.
"What?" Steve Rogers spluttered, but couldn't stop his gaze from dropping to her plump, lush lips.
"Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable," she stated matter of factly, as if she did this everyday.
"Yes they do," Steve agreed and was then cut off as the redhead in front of him swiftly grasped the back of his neck and pulled his lips down to hers.
Steve was stunned and didn't know what to do. He wasn't really one for kissing in public. Heck he wasn't really one to be kissing beautiful dames period.
Then, all too soon it was over and they continued to make their way down the escalator, successfully avoiding the searching strike team.
"You still uncomfortable?" He could hear the smirk in her voice even with her back to him.
"That's not exactly the word I would use," though these hipster pants weren't helping matters.
The two then found themselves driving along in a "borrowed" pick up truck. When Natasha broke the silence.
"Alright, I have a question for you, which you do not have to answer. I feel like if you don't answer it, though, you're kind of answering it, you know?"
"What?" Steve glanced at the petit redhead beside him, wondering what exactly she was about to ask him.
"Was that your first kiss since 1945?"
Steve groaned, "That bad, huh?"
Natasha quickly backtracked, "I didn't say that."
Steve argued from the driver's seat, "Well, it kind of sounds like that's what you're saying."
"No, I didn't. I just wondered how much practice you had." Not that much, there weren't too many dames that wanted to kiss sickly, skinny Steve Rogers back in the day.
"I don't need practice." He defended himself, though he wouldn't mind if she offered to help him practice.
"Everybody needs practice."
"It was not my first kiss since 1945. I'm 95; I'm not dead."
"Nobody special, though?" Why was this woman so interested in his love life?
Steve chuckled, "Believe it or not, it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience."
"Well, that's alright, you just make something up."
"What, like you?" He asked.
"Idon't know. The truth is a matter of circumstances, it's not all things to all people all the time. And neither am I."
Steve looked at her sadly, "That's a tough way to live."
"It's a good way not to die, though."
"You know, it's kind of hard to trust someone when you don't know who that someone really is." And he really wanted to trust Natasha, she was just making it really hard for him with all her lies and deception.
"Yeah. Who do you want me to be?" Natasha questioned him, genuinely curious.
"How about a friend?" Idiot he internally smacked himself, he just friend zoned himself. A term he had just recently learned.
She chuckled, not the usual response she got from men. He certainly was one of a kind. "Well, there's a chance you might be in the wrong business, Rogers."
After the missile struck the bunker, Natasha thought she was dead woman, and she would have been too if not for Steve. He held his shield above them and protected them while she clung on to him, as she feared for her life which was a foreign concept to the Black Widow.
He pushed the rubble off of them and turned to her, and God she was so still he thought she was dead until he saw the almost imperceptible rise and fall of her chest. Scooping her up into his arms he ran as fast as he could away from the scene of destruction.
"Natasha!" His voice sounded so far away, but she could strangely feel the sounds associated with her name.
She slowly opened her eyes and all she saw was blue. She startled when she heard a rapid thump in her ear, and jerked away. But strong arms just tightened their grasp on her and she realized she was safe in Captain America's arms.
"Rogers," she cleared her hoarse throat and tried again, "Steve!" When she still got no response she smacked his chest, "You can put me down now!"
Dipping his head, he looked down at his suddenly alert companion, "Oh sorry." He gently set her on her feet and hovered nearby in case her legs gave out on her.
Already feeling silly, as if the Black Widow was some damsel in distress, she was determined to no longer need his help. "Where to?"
"Follow me," and they sprinted into the night.
Through the mirror Steve saw the spy lost in thought on the bed, "You ok?"
"Yeah," was her automatic response.
But Steve didn't believe her and took a seat, "What's going on?"
At this moment she couldn't even summon the energy to think up a convincing lie and decided to just go with the truth for once in her life. "When I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D., I thought it was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but... I guess I can't tell the difference anymore." No matter how hard she tried, it seemed like she would never be able to turn her life around.
"There's a chance you might be in the wrong business."
Natasha smiled slightly as he threw her own words from earlier back at her, "I owe you."
Steve just shook his head, "It's okay."
Serious green eyes met blue, "If it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, now, you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?"
"I would now. And I'm always honest." He smiled.
Natasha was shocked that someone as good and pure as the man sitting in front of her would trust a killer like her that would always have blood on her hands.
"Well, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing." Time to turn things away from herself.
Steve leaned back in his seat, "Well, I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting."
And she just about kissed him again when Sam Wilson interrupted them.