Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else
Supergirl: Midvale High
chapter 1 school days
I was awoken by mine and Alex's alarm clock going off on our bedside tables. My adoptive mother shouting telling us to get up. It signaled another dreaded day at school. Me and Alex jumped out of bed like we did every morning the race to get to the bathroom first. I would obviously beat her every time.
I am Kara zor el and I'm a refugee on this earth. I was sent to Earth with my cousin when our home world was destroyed. He arrived first I arrive many years later. My cousin brought me to live with the Danvers family Eliza and Jeremiah and their daughter Alex.
Me and Alex never really got along. I can't remember a time where we have. Alex blames me for a lot of stuff since I arrived on this planet. Including Jeremiah being taken and killed. I hope one day we can be real sisters I still have not got used to living on Earth trying to control my powers on a daily basis. I make it to the bathroom like normal. I hear Alex's annoyed voice from the other side of the door.
"Sorry to slow I will be done in a flash," I say my normal line. I hear the groans and Alex hitting the door.
I come out five minutes later Alex huffs again brushing passed me going into the bathroom. I get ready for school and leave for school. I walked to the bus stop. I always get the bus as Alex never liked me getting in Eliza's car as she embarrassed to be seen with me.
I meet my only two friends Winn and Kenny at the school gates we have all classes together which I am so thankful for they get me though school. We head towards our first classes.
We sit at the back of the maths class out of the way of the popular kids. The teacher gives us with our work to do the work don't interest me we spend most of the class talking.
"Is Alex still being a pain," Winn asked. He knows me and Alex don't see eye to eye. He's also the only one that knows that I have powers.
"Yes but what's new? She's way too serious all the time," I replied. "I wish she wouldn't give me such a hard time."
"She'll come around," Winn reassured me.
"I won't hold my breath," I sighed as my shoulders slumped.
Math class was easy for me but that was only because it had been a lot more difficult on Krypton. English class was next and I hated it. I spoke Kryptonian first and foremost. English was my second language and I'd originally had to learn it from a textbook.
Finally the bell rang and I was rushed towards the cafeteria with Winn and Kenny following not far behind. There was one thing that I loved about Earth that we didn't have on Krypton and that was the different kinds of food. Ice cream in particular was something that I wouldn't have been able to stop eating and I'd have probably asked my mom to get some every night.
We got to the cafeteria got our foot and sat down in a corner out the way of everyone. I see Alex coming in with Maggie and Josie. Josie was the mean girl of the school every one wanted to be friends with her just so she would be mean to them. Me, I didn't like her, all the boys fell at her feet. They made their way over to our table my fist clenching under the table.
"Oh it is the geeky freaks," Alex spat our way my fist clenched tighter. I glared at them I as they walked away laughing to there selves.
"Don't listen to them Kara," Kenny smiled "You know what they're like."
"Come on lets go," I said as we finished our lunch we got up and exited. I can feel eyes on me we walk faster out of the building.
We head to the sports pitch the football team out on the field. There is crowd of giggling girls all crowded around. I can tell who is standing in the middle of the crowd.
"Come on Mike!" I heard a shout from one of the football team.
The crowd of girls part and out walks the captain of the football team. Mike Kent yes Kent. Mike is really Mon El frat boy of Daxam the sister world to Krypton. Landed on Earth the same time as me. He stole a Kryptonian ship and left Daxam. When Clark found me he found him to. I was put with the Danvers and Clark took him back to the Kent farm. I love living with Eliza but why did he get Clark's adoptive parent.
He being the captain of the football. He thinks he's the best all the girls adore him. He loves the attention from the girls. Some people may say I'm jealous that I haven't got his attention but that's not true. He landed on Earth and fitted straight in and I'm still struggling. I hate how he makes it look so easy.
He ignored the girls around him and turned his attention towards me. I stared back as he smiled at me. Why does he look at me like that? Never mind I don't want to know. Eventually he turned away and continued playing, throwing the ball long half way down the pitch.
"He's a showoff," Winn spoke up. "But he's not a bad guy."
Maybe Winn is right, maybe I'm misunderstanding. I don't think so. The rest of the day was long and boring I was happy to hear the final bell go. Me, Winn and Kenny made our way to the school bus. We got on the bus we had just taken our seats at the front when Mon El got on. He walked past smiling at me as he made his way to the back of the bus.
"Hello Kara," I heard a voice behind me Mon El made his way down the bus again.
"What do you want," I snapped. "Where your little fan girl."
"I want to know whether you will go to prom with me," he asked I hear gasps from the back of the bus.
"Are you joking?" I half laughed. "Has one of friend dared you to do that to humiliate me."
Luckily the bus came to a stop it was outside of the Danvers. I jumped up followed by Winn and Kenny who walk from here to their houses. I looked at Mon El one more time before getting off the bus he looked somewhat embarrassed probably because his plan of embarrassing me didn't work.
"Eliza I'm home," I shout though the house.
"Hi Kara dinner will be five minutes," Eliza shouts back.
Alex appears out of the another giving me a death stare. We make our way into the kitchen sitting at the table after I put my bag down. Eliza put our food down in front of us and sits down eating her own.
"How was your day at school Kara?" Eliza asked.
"It was alright same old same old," I say non enthusiastic.
"You not going to say you asked to prom," Alex spoke up. "You know he only asked you to prom as a joke."
"Stop being mean Alex," Eliza snapped.
"I'm done I'm going to do my homework," I said getting up washing my plate then picked my bag up and went up stairs. A couple of hours later Alex came upstairs getting into bed. I was already sat in bed readying.
"My mom was never always at my thought before you came here," Alex snapped.
"It nothing to do with me Alex," I snapped back.
"Why did your stupid cousin have to give you to us. I was a lot happier before you arrived," Alex huffed before lying down turning her light off.