Kitten and Masters

Disclaimer: I don't own HP.



Harry stared at the headmaster, the order of Phoenix, and the minister of magic in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were supposed to be good, but what he just overheard wasn't. They left and Harry grabbed the paper that had proof before he ran off.

"Professor Snape!" Harry called out when he saw them and grabbed Snape just as he apparated out to a death eater meeting. "Wait!"

Harry didn't realise that he wasn't at Hogwarts anymore and was at Voldemort's manor. He was focused on showing Snape the paper that he didn't notice. He had to save Malfoy and the other dark family children. He also wanted to save himself for once in his life.

"Mr. Potter?" He looked at him in shock.

"You have to see this." He shoved the paper into his professor's hand. "I...I didn't know who else to go to."

The death eaters and the dark lord watched at the potion master read the letter. His normally pale face turned red in anger. Harry flinched but didn't move. He hoped his professor would believe him.

"How did you come by this?" Severus asked Harry calmly.

"I….I went to the headmaster's office with a problem but I overheard them talking. I couldn't move after what I heard. I quickly hid when they began to leave and when the headmaster left I took one of the copies to show you."

"Thank you." He told Harry sincerely. "Now what problem did you have that you were going to tell the headmaster?"

Harry blushed and removed the glamour. Everyone watched as two cat ears appeared on his head and a tail appeared between his butt and his lower back. Severus was the only one to see his eyes become cat like. His teeth also changed to that of a cat.

"After Lunch I wasn't feeling well and I figured that since it was Saturday and we had no classes then I could take a nap. When I woke up I," Harry coughed, "had these extra appendages and changes."

"You went to go see him so that you knew what was going on." Harry nodded before he doubled over in pain. "Mr. Potter?"

Harry didn't answer. He was in too much pain to and when the pain became too much he passed out. Severus looked at his lord to see what to do.

"What is on the paper?" He asked.

Severus stepped over the boy and gave the letter to his lord. He then went back to the injured child and began looking him over. His lord however became enraged by what he read and looked at the potion master.

"Is he alive?" He asked.


"Put him in the guest bedroom and stay there with him. Check him over and make sure he is alright." He ordered.

"Of course my lord." He picked Harry up and carried him off.


"Yes my lord?"

"Get all dark families in Britain with children. I don't care where they go as long as they fall under our ministry's jurisdiction and bring them here." He ordered causing him to leave. "Narcissa, I want the rest of the dark families here also now that I have finished reading this."

"Alright." She too left.

Soon the room was filled with dark families that had children. All were curious and highly suspicious as to why they were called there. Even the dark families were curious. The death eaters were curious as well. Narcissa brought the rest of the families there. All were wondering why.

"I know that you are all wondering why you are here. Especially since I had Lucius and Narcissa bring most of you here even though some of you don't follow me. You might have realized that you are all dark families." He said.

That caused those who didn't notice to look around the room. The man had been correct and that made their suspicion and curiosity rise even more. Voldemort didn't let anyone have a chance to talk as he began talking once more.

"Well a few moments ago the boy-who-lived came here by accident. He had been attempting to get his teacher's attention and had grabbed said teacher just as he apparated here." He told them

"What did you do to him?" One asked as they interrupted.

"Nothing. He was completely unaware that he was even here. He was more focused on talking to his teacher then he was of looking around. He talked to him before handing over a paper." Voldemort wasn't happy but he didn't do anything.

"What was it?" Another interrupted.

Voldemort ignored this one and continued. "Mr. Potter fainted so I sent him with his teacher to go get him some care. I was handed the paper. I read it and it is the reason why you are here."

"My lord?" Lucius was concerned by the rage that came to his normally expressionless face.

"This paper is a copy of a draft for a new law. It may be a copy but it is dripping in their magic. It also has a list that I am sure you all will be enraged about."

"New law?" Lucius asked.

Voldemort handed the paper to Lucius who proceeded to read it. He handed the paper over to another as he tried to rein in his rage. The others had a hard time doing the same but it was very hard. Considering what was on the paper it was understandable.

"My lord?" One of the light wizard death eaters called out. "What is the draft that has caused you and the other dark wizards to become so angered?"

"No matter if they are loyal to me or not all dark families will be jailed. Their money and belongings will be given to a light family. Half of it will go to the ministry of course. If they have children then they will be given to the light family their money went to and be forced to be a slave to the light family. The list shows whose family gets whose money and child. For example Harry Potter's money and belonging will be given to the Weasley family. He would then become a sex slave to the entire family. Draco Malfoy will be given to the minister as a sex slave and he will receive their money."

The rest of the death eaters exploded with anger. Even they wouldn't do something like this and they were considered evil. Voldemort held up his hand and they went quiet.

"We will make sure that this bill isn't passed. They won't win." He said.

"What about Potter?" One of the non death eaters' asked.

"He will stay here where he can be safe." He said.

"No harm will come to him?" She asked.

"No Lady Zabini there won't. I had stopped hunting him when I regained my sanity. Plus he was being manipulated into fighting." He told her.

"How?" She asked. "How was he manipulated?"

"He was abused then rescued by Dumbledore's loyal half-giant. The half-giant then told him how his parents killer was in Slytherin and how all Slytherins were evil. He paid Weasley and Granger to be his friends. They made sure to play on his guilt to have him fight." He said.

"He was what?!" The non death eaters shouted out in shock.

"Somehow during my rebirth apart of my soul, which was in Potter, returned to me. It gave me back some of my sanity and I set about claiming the rest of my soul so that I can claim the rest of my sanity. Some of Mr. Potter's memory was attached to the soul piece and therefore I saw them. It raised concern so I had sent Lucius to research the boy." The dark lord explained.

"I found him with a muggle family he was related to. There were wards in place so that no wizard except for a select few could enter the property but at the same time Potter couldn't leave without his muggle relatives or without a wizard escort of those who could enter." Lucius explained. "I watched the house when I could but I mostly had Fenrir Greyback watch it."

"I watched as they abused the poor boy. Pissed me off that I couldn't do anything." Fenrir growled.

"I also checked into their financials. They receive money for Harry from one of Harry's vaults." Lucius told them.

"One of the days I was watching Dumbledore went there. I overheard him tell the Dursleys that he would pay them more if they made the abuse worse but not enough to kill him." Fenrir informed them.

"That bastard!" They yelled.

"He is indeed." Voldemort agreed.

"You will take care of him, right?" Lady Zabini asked.

"Yes." He told her.

"Good. What is your plan for the wizarding world?" She asked.

"I want to start with the schools. Hogwarts, since Dumbledore became headmaster, has been labeled the worst in the magical world." He said.

"What!?" Lord David exclaimed.

"With all the restrictions and classes taken away Hogwarts is the worst school to go to. The only reason purebloods are succeeding is that they receive private tutors." He informed them.

"It is?! How come we are just learning this? How do you know?" He was a member or the board and Wizardingnott.

"Yes it is. Dumbledore and the ministry are the cause for no one getting a hold of this information. I only found out when I was travelling." He said.

"I see." Lady Zabini said. "I would like to hear more about your plans for our world."

"I hope you don't mind waiting. I would like to check on my guest and it will be suspicious if you all stay here any longer." He said.

"You are right." She agreed.

"My loyal members can inform you if you like." He said.

"Yes I do. I would also like to be informed about Mr. Potter's condition." She said.

"I will keep you informed." He agreed.

"Thank you."

"You and all the others are most welcome."

The death eaters and dark families left. Voldemort and Lucius, who stayed, went to check on Mr. Potter.