The Ice Queen

A/N : sooo guys I was just studying as always and suddenly I got this idea for a new ff.
For this story to work I am playing with the original time line. So I put the Episode „Never been kissed" before „grilled cheesus". Just to make something clear im not leaving those two episodes as they are but like the main event stays the same with a different outcome. So I wrote this enjoy and let me know what you think about it.

Disclaimer: I own basically nothing besides the idea of this story

Start at never been kissed:

„You are not my type!", he screamed and that was the last thing he remembered before a warm pair of lips landed on his. He couldn't breath. He couldn't react at all. He was frozen. As the other one took a step back from him to look him in the eye he imagined that his fear must have been shown but apparently not because Karofsky went in for another kiss and that is when Kurt reacted.

The only thought of him was that he must protect himself so naturally without thinking his hand was doing the motion and SLAP. Holy shit that was not what he thought he was doing but that one slap distracted Karofsky. But for how long? So Kurt took his chance and run. He ran out of the locker rooms through the whole school and out of it to his car and began to drive. His tears clouding his sight. He should probably pull over and calm down first. Safety comes first, he hears his Dads voice scolding him. But kept on driving.

He pulled up on the graveyard and run to his mothers grave to fall down on his knees. He let everything out he cried so much that in the end there was nothing left but dry sobs. He told his mom everything because who else could he tell?
In that moment his phone vibrated . He got an income text message. Tapping on his screen he checks who it is and froze the second time today. It is just Blaine with a one word message. Courage.
It's unbelieveble how much this word is doing to Kurt. This word, though a good thing to be reminded of brought Kurt to where he is now.
Courage. That was the last word he read before going after Karofsky. Courage. Is what he took and tried to stand up to his bully. Courage is what the closeted case of a bully needs is what Kurt thinks.
One minute he looks expressionless on his phone the next he is furious. What a dumb idea for someone like him to confront someone double his size!

He threw his phone to the ground. And put his head in his hands he gave one frustrated scream. Taking deep breaths Kurt picks up his phone again and goes to Blaines contact. His finger is hovering over the deleting bottom. Shall he do it? He knows that what happened is not Blaines fault. Though he also knows that he can't talk to Blaine. Not now. Not in a long time.
And knowing Blaine he is sure that he won't stop texting him once he realised that Kurt won't answer.
No he won't delete this contact he decided. But still he wants to get some distance between himself and Blaine.
Drafting a message he sits on the ground of the graveyard. Not at all bothered that his clothes are getting dirty. Exhaling he presses send.

Dear Blaine I need to stay away from you for a while you know it's nothing personal. Just us beeing in different glee clubs is bound to cause some drama. Please dont try to contact me Im going to block your number just so that you know that it wouldn't even be worth while texting me. Well talk to you whenever. -Kurt

That's it ! Bringing up glee stuff. I mean he basically told Blaine how crazy his glee club is so he won't expect it all to be a lie.
Happy with what he did he made sure of his Promise and blocked Blaines number.
Going back to his car he made a promise to his mom to come back the next day and bring some flowers.

He prepares himself mentally before he drives to school the following day. He is afraid of what Karofsky might be doing next. Though he tries to be positive about it . Seeing as Karofsky obviously doesn't want anyone to know that he is at least not 100 percent straight he won't be doing anything similar to what he did yestetday. The kiss. It has been his first with a boy. I mean who would count a kiss that you didnt really participate in as their first?

Taking a deep breath he straightens his top and grabs his bag before he exits his car and walks into school. This day ought to be interesting with him being all down.
Well or maybe not as it seems the classes are all the same the people in his classes and teachers are as well and his friends are still to self absorbed to notice his quiet and scared expression whenever he saw a jock pass by.
Well talking of jocks. They are also like always. He doesn't know what he expected but somehow he felt like there must be something different. But nope the bullying was still as bad.

After lunch Karofsky cornered him and made sure that he would not tell anybody about how HE, Kurt, has kissed HIM, Karofsky. He was so scared that he just slided down the lockers where they had been standing and grabbed his legs in an attempt to make himself as small as possible. Yikes here you can see how much the students and teachers care about bullying. Mr Shue himself only strolled by and even Tina and Artie he could see turning their backs on him. Gee thank you guys. He thought sarcastically to himself.

He feels like crying even thought he hates self pity. He just couldn't take it anymore it is just too much. Breathing got harder. He doesn't even know why. Suddenly there is a strong hand on his shoulder that made him jump. Looking up he sees Ms Sylvester. She only grabs his other arm and leads him in her office. Sitting him down and helping him calm down she knees in front of him.

„Better now Porcelain?", she asks.
„Yeah.", he says and his voice breaks. Trying again he adds:"Thank you coach."
„You better tell me what just happened otherwise I cannot help you."
Tell anyone and I will kill you! Seems to repeat itself over and over again in his head. He couldn't. Even though he kind of knew that Karofsky would never follow through with this thread he just can't.
„Nothing Coach. It's just the usual bullying. Slushys and that kind of stuff. I know you can't really do anything about this so…"
„That might be true Porcelain. Nothing will happen if I can only report this and every kid can say that they just tripped. So unless you have anything else to report?", she ends with a lifted eyebrow.
„No. Nothing else sorry for wasting your time. I probably should go to class now.", he stands up to leave but before he reached the door he hears her say something else.
„Well if you won't report them for what ever reason there is only one thing to do."
Turning around the question platered on his face. „Coach?" he asks.
„Grabbing a box underneath her desk she says: „ Welcome to the team Porcelain I expect you to wear the uniform at least three times a week. Preferable more."
„Why would I join the team? I mean thank you but are you just doing this to help protect me from the bullies?", he stutters.
„Non sense. Coach Sylvester does not take pity. And she does not like bullies. Besides Porcelain you are quite flexible and light for a guy. With a little bit of gymnastic training and maybe some vocal coaching you might be singin this years nationals whilst being thrown through the air."
She states and only raises a brow by his gobsmacked expression.
„Well I think I've been clear enough with my expectations so now out of my office and to your class.

A/N: Yes/No? What do you think? I have already got a second chapter sort of ready to go but wanted to make sure that you guys think it might be worth posting it. Lr better said this can go either way a short maye threeshot or so or a longer story. As the idea cam I had sverything planned out already.
Maybe to give a little sneak peek: Sebastian will definetly join this scnerario on one point and there is gonna be a jump in time afte a few Chapters