(After the Halloween party, I wake up and see Rocky and Marshall standing above me)

Me: Whoa!

(Rocky laughs)

Me: Geez, you guys surprised me!

Rocky: Sorry to wake you like that, but we got a bit of a problem.

Me: Don't worry, Skye and Chase can handle it, right?

Rocky: Uh, that's the problem. They're missing!

Me: What?!

Marshall: Ryder sent them to gather some Christmas decorations, but they never came back.

Rocky: We tried calling them earlier, but something's jamming their signal.

Me: Then we better find Ryder fast!

Marshall: He must be in the observation deck right now.

Me: Then let's get there! Marshall, gather the other pups and anyone else you can find! Rocky, you're with me!

(Rocky and I rush out of the main hall towards the observation deck)

Project MV Zone


Earthrealm - Sky Temple
30 days before the Dimensional Convergence

Rain is heard pouring down. Thunder booms across the area. Red lightning strikes into the temple atop the mountain. Screams of agony start growing louder. Inside, the fallen Elder God Shinnok is being electrocuted while chained to the wall. The shocks stop for the moment and he collapses to his knees. He finally musters the strength to speak. "You-You should thank me, Raiden. Our battle changed you. For the better."

A silhouette is seen standing in front of the Jinsei. He looks up at the immortal and red lightning sparks from his eyes, revealing the silhouette as Raiden, who after cleansing the Jinsei adapted a darker persona. He tortures him with his lightning. Shinnok screams as Raiden approaches him slowly.

"Be silent, Shinnok." Raiden barked. Raiden shocks him once more. Though badly injured, Shinnok is still capable of speaking.

"But you wear my amulet. Finally, you embrace the truth the Elder Gods deny. The truth I was cast out for speaking."

"The truth I embrace, Shinnok, is that mercy is wasted on those who defile Earthrealm." Raiden countered. "I will destroy our enemies before they destroy us. Starting with you." He pulls the chains binding Shinnok, forcing the fallen Elder God to his feet. Shinnok chuckles.

"How, Raiden? Not even you can kill an Elder God." Shinnok reminds him. He notices red lightning generating from Raiden's right hand.

"There are fates worse than death." Raiden darkly said as he forms a blade construct. And with just one swift motion, he decapitates Shinnok. The fallen Elder God gagged as his head falls from his body and drops to the stone floor. Raiden picks up the disembodied head and places it on a makeshift table. Raiden pounds his fist on the table.

"I will deliver you to Liu Kang and your NetherRealm minions. You will serve as warning, and an emblem of my wrath."

After he spoke to the severed, albeit still-living head of Shinnok, he teleports out of the damaged chamber. Moments later, a mysterious woman in white walks into the chamber. Around her, the rain freezes, almost like time around her has stopped.

"This was not your destiny, Shinnok. Once again, the Thunder God has upset the balance of history." The woman spoke. "But know this - the arc of the universe bends to my will." When she tightened her fist, Shinnok's blood stopped flowing, just as it began to drip off the table. "For now, I shall restore you, Shinnok." She turns back time around her to the point just before Shinnok's decapitation occurred. Shinnok noticed the woman once his head returned to his body. He uses his dark powers to break his binds.

"Why are you here?" Shinnok spoke.

"As I said, Shinnok, Raiden's actions have tampered with the balance of destiny." She spoke. "If the balance is to be restored, I will need you."

"What is it that I must do?" Shinnok asked.

"You may have lost your power, but you can still manage to create darkness in your path. But even with your restoration, it is beyond even my power to maintain the balance among the universe."

Shinnok pondered for a brief moment, then he smirked with satisfaction. "This universe, perhaps."

"Of course. The balance not just affects our universe, but many others." The woman realized what Shinnok meant. She eyed the Jinsei in the chamber.

"Correct. All I need to do is gather as many of the most notorious, dastardly, and dangerous evildoers in the multiverse." Shinnok theorized. "With our combined efforts, we will spread darkness all over."

"And where there is darkness, there will also be light." The woman spoke.

"Yes. Once Raiden hears of my return, he will surely find a way to interfere, and when he does, I shall destroy him once and for all." Shinnok grinned maliciously. "I should thank you... Kronika."

NetherRealm - Shinnok's Temple
28 days before the Dimensional Convergence

Shinnok has not only gathered many of his world's most ruthless villains, but villains from other worlds as well. He summoned them to his temple using his dark powers. He stands up from his throne.

"Greetings, villains from different worlds. Welcome to the Netherrealm." Shinnok welcomed them. "I am Shinnok. I have gathered you here for one purpose: universal conquest. However, there is one obstacle that stands in our way. The Thunder God, Raiden, is assembling some pathetic heroes from your worlds... and I seek your aid in getting rid of them."

"How will we do that?" Jedah Dohma spoke up.

"Perhaps I can be of aid." Ultron spoke, gaining the other villains' attention.

"Continue, Ultron." The former Elder God allows the machine to speak. He reveals an image of six glowing stones.

"Gemstones? You plan on beating them with gemstones?" Albert Wesker asked, unimpressed. Ultron glanced at the former STARS captain.

"Appearances can be deceiving, Albert Wesker." Ultron said. "These are known as the Infinity Stones, six stone of infinite power that originate from my realm, each one granting whoever holds it control over these aspects of existence: Time, Space, Reality, Soul, Mind, and Power. Together, these Stones form the Infinite Six. Sigma and I used Space and Reality to merge our two worlds together. Once we use these Stones to unite all of ours together, we will show no mercy!"

"The Infinite Six are powerful, yes, but I fear that once those meddlesome heroes find out what happened to them, they will surely take them back from us." Heihachi Mishima noted.

"Besides, we have no idea where they are right now." Shang Tsung added. "And even if we did, they're too powerful for mortals to wield."

"That is why I'm choosing a select few to wield the Stones." Sigma suggests. "And how will our dimensions be converged, you ask? My Unity Engine will see to that."

"Very well, Sigma. Prepare the machine." Shinnok said before turning to Quan Chi. "Quan Chi, you will track down the Stones and bring them to Abel City."

"Yes, Lord Shinnok." Quan Chi bows in respect. The villains disperse to gather the Infinity Stones.

Abel City – Sigma's Laboratory
3 Days before the Dimensional Convergence

All of the villains of the dimensions have gathered at Sigma's lab. They managed to gather the Infinity Stones with Ultron's guidance.

"You have arrived at last." Sigma reported.

"So this is the machine that merged your worlds." Shinnok deduced.

"Correct." Sigma theorized. "I shall appoint the Infinity Stones to their trusted bearers." The six Infinity Stones are given to them as follows: Kano is given the Power Stone, Nikolai the Soul Stone, Darkseid the Time Stone, Le Paradox the Reality Stone, Bellwether the Mind Stone and Mayor Muldoon the Space Stone. Sigma prepares the machine and it begins to charge.

"Why is the machine charging?" Deadshot asked.

"Give it time, Lawton. I will inform you once it's ready." Sigma states.

Earthrealm – Sky Temple
2 Days before the Dimensional Convergence

In the Sky Temple, Raiden gasps in horror, snapping out of his meditation. Bo' Rai Cho, who meditates nearby notices him.

"Lord Raiden, what is wrong?" Bo' Rai Cho asked with concern.

"It's Shinnok… He's resurfaced." Raiden said.

"Shinnok? How can that be?" Bo' Rai Cho asked in surprise.

"It appears that… he is merging realms, much different from our own." The Thunder God states.

"I was told you have experienced this matter in the past, Raiden." Bo' Rai Cho noted.

"Not like this, Bo' Rai Cho." Raiden replies before standing up. "I must go. I will return with the others." With that said, he teleports out of the temple and returns with the kombatants that stood against Shinnok.

"Why did you bring us here?" Takahashi Takeda, Kenshi's son, asked.

"A grave crisis looms, Takahashi Takeda, one that affects our realm among many others." Raiden told him.

"What are you on about?" Jackson Briggs aka Jax asked.

"Shinnok has resurfaced and has enlisted the help of villains from different realms. He is merging those realms into one single united realm." Raiden explains.

"How do we stop him?" Kung Jin, the younger cousin of Kung Lao, asked.

"The power he has obtained prior to the unification of these realms makes him far too strong for any of us to face alone. For now, we must enlist the assistance of the heroes of these merging realms." Raiden notes.

"But where do we start?" Cassandra "Cassie" Cage, the daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, asked.

"That is for you to decide, Cassandra Cage." Raiden replies. "There are many realms that will soon be affected by this Dimensional Convergence. I fear that if we fail to stop Shinnok and his allies, all is lost. Now go. Find anyone that can help us in this fight." With that said, all the kombatants left the Sky Temple and begin their search for worthy allies. He turns to Bo' Rai Cho. "Watch over the Jinsei in my stead, Bo' Rai Cho."

"Where will you be going?" Bo' Rai Cho asked.

"To the Netherrealm. I know that Liu Kang does not forgive me for what I did during Shao Kahn's invasion, but if we're to stop Shinnok and his allies, Earthrealm needs its champion." Raiden states before teleporting out of the Sky Temple.

(After Marshall brings the other pups, Sora, Cole and the Guardians of the Galaxy to the observation deck, I explain to Ryder what happened)

Ryder: Chase and Skye are missing?

Rocky: Yes, and I believe someone took them hostage for a reason.

(My Bluetooth goes off)

Me: Archer here.

Dojo: (On speaker) Dude, you got to come to the Temple right away! A new Shen Gong Wu's been revealed!

Me: We're on our way. (I hang up) That was my friend from the Temple. A new Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself.

Marshall: What's a… Shen Gong Wu?

Rocket: We'll explain it on the way.

Me: We better take the Quadrant. Better safe than sorry. You readers may leave a review. Happy Thanksgiving!