Disclaimer: I don't own CG

It was a usual evening for the residence of Britannia palace... Or as usual as it can get with the demon emperor and his undead knight around anyways. It was several days set before zero requiem was set to take place. Lelouch and Suzaku were for once not contemplating Lelouch's death and Suzaku's newfound identity. What were they doing, drinking as any normal young men were.

"Lelouch, do ya know what I'll miss by being you?" Suzaku questioned while on his fifth beer.

"What?" Asked Lelouch half dazed on his seventh, while he looked very fragile, he was somewhat able to hold his liquor.

"I'll become a hermit, a crab, I'll never experience sex, love..." Suzaku rambling on unknowingly plotting his own misfortune.

"..." Lelouch was in a scheming mode... Which isn't usually a good thing considering the many schemes he'd came up with as Zero, this time involving Suzaku and partly inhibited.

A few days later, the boys were out drinking again. The only normal thing they did together anymore. Unfortunately the post drinking session was quite traumatic for one Suzaku Kururugi.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Suzaku screeched as he woke up in a tangle of bodies with pink hair. What happened last night? Who were these people? Did he? Did they? Let see, he went out drinking his sorrows away with Lulu last night, Lulu then pushed him into a room, locked him in there and he couldn't remember much else. Lelouch?! That scheming bastard! What came over him to plan this! He fumed considering his options.

Day of reckoning. Lelouch was on his float, preparing for zero requiem, Suzaku should come any minute now. The final phase is set. Ah, he sees him.

Suzaku charged, he wanted revenge. Oh no, Lelouch already had his way once, he is not going to have his way again! He charged pass the guards, Orange, unto the float and to Lelouch. He disarmed him... Then nothing.

What was that idiot doing! Why wasn't zero requiem being completed.

"You're not getting your way again!" Suzaku shouted as he threw away the sword and took off his mask. The masses, black knights, royalty were dumbfounded. Wasn't he dead? How was he Zero?

"... My way?!" Lulu was confused and dumbfounded at zero requiem being ruined.

"You took away my virginity!" Suzaku cried.

"What?!" Lulu and the rest of the world wondered and in turned replied. The black knights and royalty were confused, Kallen was very angry, she kissed the man.

"You have very... Interesting tastes brother, I now finally know why you decided to chain people up in such fashion" The chained up Schneizel remarked.

"..." Lelouch didn't know what to make of the situation or those remarks.

"When exactly did this happen? And you're ruining zero requiem." Lelouch finally replied while hissing the last part.

"Like hell I care about that you pervert! What made you think I'd want an orgy?!" Suzaku fumed while the world and Lulu was even more dumbfounded.

"My my, never knew that my little brother is that... Kinky. But do keep the details to yourself Kururugi, I don't need to know how my brother is between the sheets." Only Schneizel was able to give a reply.

"Not with him! He set me up with random people! Your brother isn't normal, why would he do that?" Suzaku directed his question to the chained brother while Lelouch was still confused.

"He was always oddly exception." Schneizel reminisced.

"When did this happen?" Lelouch finally replied.

"You set me up, don't play dumb!"

"... I'm not."

"You are."

"Am not."

"Kids, kids why don't we get to how this occurred". Surprisingly, it was Schneizel who was the adult in the room. Suzaku went on to ranting about his ordeal and how Lelouch really was the devil reincarnated.

Lelouch was speechless... When did he... Oh wait, it was during that night, Suzaku was ranting about the woes of being Zero. He came up with a plan... And apparently carried it through. Oh, so that's why Suzaku was angry. Oh, that's why he thought that Lelouch was a devil. Oh...

Lelouch promptly fainted after knowing what he unintentionally did to his former best friend. There was no feasible way of solving this. Suzaku glared, the black knights, royals and masses were just flabbergasted at the odd situation.

Needless to say, zero requiem never came to be. It wasn't revenge enough for Suzaku who vowed to get Lelouch back, he'd rather him be alive for that.

Author's notes: I'm sure you can guess what Zaku finally lost, mainly due to a drunk Lulu. Anyhow years after and I'm back with more ways to ruin zero requiem. Needless to say quite a lot had happened during this time, including family member passing away... But this year have been quite unusual so getting back on here again. =D

Suzaku: You... you... you...

Lelouch:... I can't believe she found away to take away everything. You lost almost everything in the first series... This woman is more insane than CC!