DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the franchises I mention and reference in the entirety of this fan fiction, and this goes for every other fan fiction I have on this profile as well. I'm doing this merely for entertainment purposes, and because I adore the series that I am writing a fanfiction for. All franchises/series that are stated in this fan fiction belong to their respective companies and well...someone like me would never own these great franchises.

Basically a filler chapter (sorta.) until the main event happens next chapter. Don't worry it's not One Piece filler bad...I can be certain of that.

"You want to play a game?" The three female members of Kazuma's party had asked him. After he was able to find a cartridge of Mario Party 2 inside the package, he had suggested to them that they play it.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since I've actually played a video game, I thought it could be fun." Kazuma told his party.

Aqua moved her hands in defiance. "No no no no no no! I'm not playing that game! I rather play a more fun game-like Super Mario 64! That game is totally fun, although I could never get past the part of where you have to go through the world of all the bomb things."

"That's literally the first level of the game! How could you be that incompetent!?" Kazuma yelled.

"S-Shut up! I'm not a game loving shut-in NEET like you are!"

Kazuma snickered and looked the other way. "Don't get mad at me because you're gaming skills are just as bad as your validity as a Goddess."

Kazuma's harsh insult ended up making Aqua cry-which at this point Kazuma felt no emotion towards, neither did anyone else, as they had all been through this song and dance before.

"Wahh! Why does Kazuma keep being mean to me!?" Aqua cried. Megumin and Darkness looked at her, both concerned and annoyed. Although, Darkness's reasoning for being annoyed was that Kazuma wasn't saying harsh things to her, which we all know why that's the case.

"S-So lucky...if only I was just as incompetent as her…" Darkness murmured, with a blush on her face, biting her thumb.

"Yeah, if only." Kazuma spouted in his head.

"A-Aqua, it's okay." Megumin said rubbing her back.

"Kazuma, you should really take it easy on the verbal lashings, otherwise she isn't going to stop crying." Megumin suggested.

Kazuma crossed his arms, clearly irritated. "Alright fine…" He went to pick up the package that contained the Nintendo 64, its controllers, and the memory paks, and he walked over to a runny nose Aqua and forced the package into her hands.

"I'll explain how the game works to them - meanwhile, you go and hook this up, and in exchange, I'll let you have the last wine bottle that's in the fridge."

Aqua instantaneously gave the young brown-haired man a salute. "Leave it to me Kazuma-san!" With newly found motivation, she hurried over to the television, dropped the N64 like a brick, and began to get to work.

"Holy shit...why did she drop it down so hard? I'm sorry Nintendo 64 - no one deserves to be handled by some stupid Goddess."

Kazuma had initially declared that the wine bottle he bribed to Aqua would be his this morning, after Aqua had used his tracksuit as a tissue while watching Pokemon: The First Movie, due to her crying at the sad moments of the was especially during the scene of which Ash Ketchum had been turned into stone by Mewtwo and Mew. This resulted in Kazuma giving Aqua a red bump on her forehead, and her reasoning for using the tracksuit was that it was 'urgentbusiness for a Goddess in need of coping', of which in response, Kazuma had almost choked her to death, if Darkness hadn't intervened and stopped him from doing so.

To check and make sure nothing was going wrong, Kazuma went and looked over her shoulder to see how she was doing. For some reason, it looked as though Aqua was plugging in the controller ports first, instead of plugging in the cords. Kazuma found it odd that she would start with that first-in fact it made no sense to him at all.

"S-She does know how to set it up right…? Please tell me she does…" Kazuma hoped in his head.

"Kazuma, Kazuma!" Megumin chimed.

"I'm Kazuma."

"So how does this Mario Party 2 game play? Is it fun?" Megumin wondered.

"I'm also curious!" Darkness interjected.

"Well, you two have played board-games before right? I'm positive I've seen you two play chess together once in the mansion - with Megumin totally cheating by the way…" Kazuma taunted.

"I-I did not cheat! I simply used my amazing chess skills and claimed victory. So what if I had given myself multiple turns…" Megumin admitted while messing with her index fingers.

"That's totally cheating." Kazuma and Darkness told her.

"B-B-B-But, Darkness kept beating me...it wasn't fair…it's like she knew every move I would make." Megumin complained.

"M-Megumin, your strategy of playing the game was announcing every move you made...it was kind of difficult to not plan in advance." Darkness informed.

It was quite surprising to Kazuma that Darkness was adept at playing board games at all. Then again, she was playing against Megumin, so even Aqua would somehow beat her.


"Darkness, I didn't know you were good at board-games."

"Well, I wouldn't say I was good, more so I played them frequently ever since I was a child. To be honest, it was the only thing I ever did for fun." Darkness acknowledged.

"I guess when you are the noble of a royal family, you don't really get to do much for fun. Makes me wonder the upbringing of her masochism..." Kazuma thought to himself.

"So, these board-games you played, can you name one of them?"

"Of course! One of them I used to play with my family was a board-game called Monetary!"

"Oh, me and my family played that before too!" Megumin added.

"Monetary? What's that?" Kazuma asked. With a name like that, it almost reminded him of the family board-game Monopoly, which was a very popular board-game from the world he was from.

"Well, in-short, the premise of the game was that each player had their own piece, and they would use a die to move around the board, and throughout the game you would purchase and trade property. It's been years since I've played, but the way to win was to be the only one left with money?" Darkness smiled.

"Monetary? That's exactly like Monopoly! I thought this world would have some unique board-games, but they are literally just copy and pasted from my world!" Kazuma yelled in his head.

"Well, that's perfect. Since you two have played that game, then just use that as a basis for Mario Party 2. Basically it plays similarly to that - you pick a character, and you play on a board, and the goal of the game is to get the highest currency by the end of the last turn, which would be either by having more coins or stars than the other players." Kazuma explained.

"Which is the better currency? Stars or coins?" Darkness asked.

"Stars would be the higher currency. While collecting coins is also important - the main objective would be to have the most stars by the end of the game. The only way to obtain stars however would be to have 20 coins by the time you reach the star space. The thing is though, there can only be one star on the board at a time - and until someone takes it, another star won't appear on the board."

"Uh huh...and how do you collect coins?" Darkness implored.

"On the board, there are blue spaces that give you at least three coins if you land on them and red spaces that do the exact opposite. There are also numerous other spaces that will either give or subtract your coin total as well depending on the circumstances or gimmicks of the board. Lastly, throughout the game, there are minigames, and how you perform during them will determine how many coins you are rewarded." Kazuma explained.

"Ah I see, I get it. So basically winning these mini-games is basically the way to stay on top during the game." Darkness was starting to get how this game worked.

"So how long does a game of Mario Party 2 last anyway?" Megumin asked, curious as to how long they would play.

"Well actually you could set the amount of turns a game lasts. A game of Mario Party could last 20, 35, or even 50 turns." Kazuma informed.

"So, we're definitely playing a game that lasts 50 turns right?!" Megumin said happily.

"Of course not! We are not playing for that long-by the time it reaches the 39th turn, we would be exhausted, and the game would get repetitive by then. I say a game that's either 35 or 20 turns long, is good enough for me."

"There's no way I'm playing a game with these idiots for that long...that could go on for hours." Kazuma muttered internally.

"Well anyway, I hoped that helped explain the game a bit - if not then the game has it's own tutorial mode that we could easily breeze through that goes a bit more in-depth about the rules. But don't worry, once you start playing, you'll get the hang of it." Kazuma reassured.

"So how good is Kazuma when it comes to video-games?" Megumin asked.

Kazuma gave his two friends a smug and confident look. "Heh, back in my country, I was known as 'Satou Kazuma, The King Of Games'. I was unstoppable, cunning and had always come on top." He thought it was important to give his voice a much more triumphant pitch.

Aqua, with a smirk on her face, put her hand to her mouth, and tried not to laugh. "Not only that - but he was also known as 'Satou Kazuma, The King Of Peeing Himself'."

Kazuma closed his eyes, and silently walked over to where Aqua had been for the past five minutes. Quietly, as Aqua was facing the other way, plugging in the A/V cords to the television, he sent his right hand he labeled as 'The Aqua Punisher', towards the sky, and just like anything that falls due to the force to gravity…


...he hammered Aqua's head with so much force, she was rendered unconscious immediately, before she even knew what had happened. It would seem all the times Kazuma had let Aqua off the hook today, had been building up, and her latest comment had definitely destroyed the stack of cards that had been piled on the table.

"That's what she gets...wait, hold on…" Now that Kazuma had knocked out Aqua, there was no other person to set up the N64 except for himself.

Maybe he should've waited to knock her out, until she had finished doing what he had instructed her to do.

"D-Dammit, so much for not having to do it." Kazuma moved Aqua out the way, and proceeded to pick up from where she had left off. He checked the A/V cords she had inputted into the TV, and came to see that she had plugged them all in the wrong ports.

"How the hell do you get that mixed up!? The ports even have specific colors - for specific cords to go in! I can't believe it…" Frustratingly, he fixed, and put the cords in the correct ports, and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Dealing with Aqua was something that made Kazuma get tired, both physically and mentally.

He examined the rest of the area, and saw that everything else was set up correctly. It was incredible to Kazuma how Aqua would mess up with inputting the wrong A/V cords, but could set up everything else right.

He was really starting to wonder if she was actually doing this on purpose.

"Alright guys, everything has been set up, now it's time to p-" Kazuma looked at the magic user and crusader with confusion. They were staring at him with eyes filled with pity. Well, only Megumin was - Darkness was upset for an entirely different reason.

"Why the hell are two looking at me like that?"

"T-That was quite the punch Kazuma...so relentless...just like that man from the television show...what a brute…no wonder you like him..." Darkness said, her hands clasped together and red faced.

"It's okay to have bladder control problems." Megumin comforted, although she was trying hard to not let out a laugh.

Kazuma clenched his fists in anger. "I-I-I do not have bladder control problems!"

"Everyone has a problem they have to deal with...no need to beat y-yourself up o-o-over it!" Megumin was trying to say that with a straight face, but she couldn't help but laugh halfway through.

Kazuma snickered. "Pfft...this coming from the little loli girl?"

Megumin dropped her staff, and her eyes looked very intense, as if she was about to commit a murder.

"What was that?! How dare you call me a child, I happen to be quite the young woman, you know. You wanna go big guy? Then let's go!" Megumin cracked her knuckles.

"Look at this girl, calling herself a woman - your body says otherwise though. After all, we all have problems we have to deal with." Kazuma insulted, with a mocking tone.

"This guy, he's really showing no restraint this time…!"

"You bet your ass I'm not showing any restraint - the other two lost causes are one thing, but don't think you haven't been on my radar! You think I forgot about yesterday? You and Yunyun using my underwear to play your dumb game of 'who can rubber-band his underwear the farthest!"

"We couldn't find anything else…" Megumin looked the other way, and tried to make it sound as believable as she could - but she forgot that Kazuma wasn't an idiot.

"That's a lie! Use your own damn underwear - don't get mine involved! And why would someone as shy as Yunyun want to do something like that anyway!"

"I lied and told her it was mine...I'm surprised she bought it…" It wasn't that she necessarily bought it, Yunyun is not a complete idiot, it was more so that Megumin had forced her friend to undergo the competition.

And Kazuma understood that very well.

"That poor girl...to think she sees you as your only friend, and you call me a pervert..."

It had actually come to Kazuma's knowledge if he himself was even friends with Yunyun. Despite the fact that Yunyun was a close friend of Megumin, Kazuma and Yunyun rarely interact with each-other on a regular basis. He actually felt rather bad about that, and considered maybe paying her a visit either tomorrow or sometime this week, to check up on her. To him, Yunyun was probably one of the most normal girls he's actually interacted with.

"What's that supposed to mean? If you wanna fight punk, then stop standing around and show that you aren't all bark and no bite." Megumin challenged, as she attempted to get into a fighting stance.

Attempted. Her idea of a fighting stance, was her squatting, and doing weird hand motions.

Kazuma smirked. "Heh, what the hell is that? You have to go to the bathroom or something? I thought crimson demons didn't have to go to the bathroom."

Or so they claimed.

"We don't! And don't make fun of my fighting stance! You won't be laughing once I show you my physical prowess!"

"Heh, as if this magic brat is any good at hand to hand combat. Once my fist lands on that cheek of yours, don't go crying out 'Oh forgive me Kazuma! I was just making a joke!' Nope, I'm not letting that past this time! I'm doing this for my underwear, and for myself!" Kazuma insulted, while getting into a fighting pose.

Kazuma was willing to treat insults from Aqua as simple background noise - sometimes (hardly ever.) However if one of the other two were to send insults his way, he would most certainly hold his ground, considering they were much smarter during an argument.

Especially Megumin.

"Come and face me you coward!" Megumin said, and went flying towards Kazuma.

"Bring it on!" Kazuma ran full speed as well. Once they reached close proximity of each-other, Kazuma cocked his left fist back-as did Megumin, and once they released…


They smashed each-other's faces with all their might, like a predator facing off against another predator. They rubbed their fists into each-other's faces in order to get the other to back off. As they did that, they could've swore they heard a moan…

A moan…

They had looked the other way and had closed their eyes when they had punched each-other's faces, (yeah, the definition of brave they are.) so they weren't aware that their punches didn't even connect with each-other. No, they instead had crashed into Darkness, who at the last moment decided to jump into their scuffle.

"D-Darkness!?" Megumin and Kazuma cried out in surprise.

"A-As...the crusader of the party, it is my duty to stop...insignificant...f-fights…f-friends shouldn't fight amongst each-other...it is-"

She gulped mid-sentence, despite the fact that she had fists attached to her face.

"-incredibly unforgivable..." She was trying to sound serious and had a face of resolve, but it was quickly followed by a face of raging hormones and breathing oddly.

Kazuma and Megumin were incredibly concerned…

"T-That felt good Kazuma...s-so good…who knew you could pound me so hard..." She moaned.

"What happened to stopping our insignificant fight!? Also, context! Context!" Kazuma shouted internally in his head.

"S-So this is what Aqua felt...h-how amazing…is this what Kazuma was actually trying to do as my punishment? Was he baiting me to come and stop their petty fight, and Megumin was on board with it too? All so that he could plant that firm and hard fist to impact my face! How c-cruel..."

"S-She's including me too?" Megumin anxiously wondered in her head.

And thus, after taking two really hard punches to the face, she had fallen to the floor - unconscious for the second time of the day. She passed out with a smile on her face, clearly satisfied of what had happened to her in the past couple of seconds.

"S-Sorry…" Kazuma and Megumin both patted Darkness' head.

And to think, this all started because of harmless jokes. The four inhabitants of this mansion, obviously do not take such things lightly around here…


It was now 9:30 p.m. It's been an hour and thirty minutes since Kazuma and his friends had opened the package that had revealed the Nintendo 64. Fortunately throughout that time, both Aqua and Darkness had gotten up from their knocked out states. The three of them: Aqua, Darkness and Megumin were all sitting on the couch, in that order. Aqua was still upset at what Kazuma had done to her, and had rested her elbow on the couch's arm-rest; planted her face on her hand, and was pouting.

"I'm back." Kazuma called out, after coming back from the kitchen.

"Hey, Kazuma." Megumin greeted. It amazed Darkness on how fast Megumin and Kazuma had made up with each-other. Perhaps her theory was right on how with her out of the picture, apparently her party members can easily make up with each-other.

Her very existence must be the cause of these fights - or so she thought, which was a really out-there theory, but Darkness will be Darkness. She clasped her hands again, causing Megumin to scoot over a littler bit.

"Oh, look who's back." Aqua spat, evidently not happy about him being here.

Kazuma walked over to her, and practically threw her the wine bottle he had promised her earlier. Luckily, she was able to catch it.

"Here, I did promise after all…so stop being upset." Kazuma said.

"Hmph." Was all Aqua had said to him.

"Can't make this easy can you…" Kazuma sighed, and took the wine bottle away, and proceeded to hand it to her again.

"Here, I did promise after all...so stop being upset you 'amazing' goddess." Kazuma made sure to sound as monotone as possible when saying the 'amazing' part.

"I knew you would come to your senses Kazuma! You should praise me more often!" Aqua quickly took the wine-bottle from Kazuma, and proceeded to hug it with an excited blush on her face.

"Do more impressive things like a Goddess should do, and then I'll be bowing to you." Kazuma walked in front of the television and sent a fist into the air.

"Alright! Now that we finally have the damn console setup, let's now talk about what the winner gains in winning this game of Mario Party!" Kazuma sneered.

Aqua stood up and went from being happy about her wine bottle to quickly being angry.

"See! I knew it! You don't want to have fun, you just want an excuse to have us do whatever you want, like the pervert you are!" Aqua claimed.

"I-I would never do that! I am a man who treats his fellow female companions with the utmost respect."

"Pfft...yeah right. That would go against everything I stand for."

Aqua, Megumin and Darkness all looked at him with disdain. Apparently they could somehow read his mind.

"W-What, how could you all think that way of me!" Kazuma sniffled.

"How could we not think that way about you Crapuma. Weren't you an advocate of true gender equality?" They all responded. None of them were going to defend him on that one - they all have experienced certain events involving him and the question of whether or not he was a pervert.

Plus he has admitted to being an advocate numerous times.

"It's Kazuma! Don't call me Crapuma!" He was quite impressed with their coordinated response, but that didn't cease his rage.


"Shut up Aqua!" It was apparent that none of this was going the way he had intended.

"Ahem, fine, since you all want to be babies about it, then how about you guys pick something outrageous for me to do if you win." Kazuma said.

"Well, you're already standing up, just say whatever you want us to do if you win." Aqua said.

"Ahem...well if I were to win, then..." Kazuma trailed off. He was actually not too sure of what he wanted them to do exactly. Some suggestive things had come to his mind, but he decided to let them off easy this time, and think of something else.

Yes, Satou Kazuma had a better plan...

"Let me guess...you want us to be your slaves or something for a month." Aqua complained, looking the other way, clearly not interested.

"Not quite." Kazuma said in a low voice.

"What?" Aqua blurted out, a bit surprised.

"If I win...then I'm going to order you guys to be better!"

"...what?" They were all perplexed.

"What the hell does that mean!?" Aqua snapped.

"Yeah, I don't understand…" Megumin said.

He pointed to all of the girls in the order he had said this information. "Aqua! I will make you get rid of your stupid party tricks and have you learn actual useful skills! Megumin! I will force you to learn other magic skills! And Darkness-"

"Yes! Yes Kazuma!? What will you order me to do!? Act as your meat-shield!? Become your slave in the bedroom!? Make me wear embarrassing outfits!? Become your slave in the bedroom!?" Darkness got up from her seat, and had clasped her hands excitedly.

"-I will call you Lalatina for a whole month."

As if her entire world had been shattered, Darkness dropped down from her excited state, and plopped back onto the couch-as if what he had said was like a bullet straight to her heart.

"Y-You wouldn't…" Darkness murmured with a flustered face.

"Hehehe...don't underestimate me, I've done it before! Well, those are my demands, what does everyone think?" Kazuma said, with his arms crossed.

"Those demands are outrageous! I can't get rid of my party tricks! They are very important to me!" Aqua argued.

"Unless you give me actual concrete reasoning as to why party tricks our useful to our team's dynamic, then there is absolutely no way you are keeping them! I don't even know if it's possible to get rid of skills, but I will find a way!"

Aqua started to cry. "K-Kazuma-san, you can't do this...I love my party tricks..."

"Aqua's right! How dare you make me learn other magic tricks, 'Explosion' magic is the only one for me. It is the pinnacle of any type of magic spell!" Megumin proclaimed.

"It's useless if you can only use it one time! Granted, the spell is exceptionally powerful, but it should only be used for last resorts! If you had other skills, then you wouldn't be tired just after one shot!" Kazuma argued.

Megumin pouted. "I can't believe this..."

As well as Aqua. "Stupid Crapuma..."

Kazuma, still with his arms crossed, got really close to his party member's faces and gave them a sadistic and smug look.

"If you don't want to suffer the consequences, then you better pull out all the luck and skill that you could possibly have and try to beat me - if you can that is!" He said, and then started to laugh maniacally. Initially, he was just going to make them all wear bikini costumes for an entire month - but he was getting a much better result here.

"B-But why do you have to call me Lalatina! How does that help me get better?" Darkness asked.

"It'll help you get better at being called that…" Kazuma said. In actuality, he couldn't really think of a way for Darkness to be a better party member, without it taking a long time. After all asking Darkness to stop being...Darkness was easier said than done. And helping her accuracy get better would take a long time as well.

"You should be glad - I would say between the three of them you have to suffer the least. Your punishment is practically temporary." Said Kazuma.

"That doesn't make me feel better! Oooh...Kazuma, I'll get you for this…" Darkness angrily declared.

"Heh...then win…" Kazuma walked over to to the other side of the couch, and sat down next to Megumin.

"Alright, who's next?" Kazuma asked, and automatically, Megumin had shot her hand upward, accidentally hitting Kazuma in the process.

"Oww, oi, calm down!"

"Oooh! Kazuma! Kazuma! Can I go? Me!? Me!?"

"Ugh...go ahead…" Kazuma allowed.

He sighed, it was literally like dealing with a child, who would sometimes surprise him on how weirdly smart and composed she can be at times.

Megumin walked over to the center of the room, and struck a pose.

"I am Megumin! And as for my fellow party members, I will demand something so amazing, that it'll leave you all stunned. Whatever I demand, will make you all feel sorry for your existences, and make you question whether or not playing this game was even a good idea-"

Megumin brought her cape close to her face. Yes, it was important for her to stop mid-sentence in order for her to pose again.

"-once I've given you the conditions I have set for this event, you will be crying for mercy once I'm done with explaining my dem-"

"Hurry up already!" The party members yelled.

"U-Umm right. So uh, if I win then uh…"

It would seem as though Megumin was at a lost of what to say. She was so caught up on her 'grand' speech, that she never considered what she wanted these people to do.

"Huh, actually I don't know what...I guess maybe...you guys can make me food everyday for a month…?" Megumin guessed.

The three of them looked a bit confused at what she had said.

"Huh...I was expecting more..." Kazuma thought to himself.

"Umm, I don't mind that actually." Darkness said.

"Hmm...if she were to win...it wouldn't actually be that bad." Considerably, he knew Aqua and Darkness would have very intense demands. So, if he perhaps were to ally with Megumin during the game, then the odds were definitely in his favor.

However, as if she knew what he had been planning, she just had to open her mouth.

"What? That's it? Think of something better than just that." Aqua urged.

"Are you an idiot? You must be! If you feed her that information, then she's just going to make us do something even worse! Keep your mouth shut!"

"I agree with Kazuma, it's not like she'll think of something in the next couple of seconds that'll make her demands even more unbearable." Darkness smiled.

"Oi! You're really pushing it with that one! That'll definitely trigger a flag!"

Megumin snapped her fingers. "I just thought of something!"

Kazuma crossed his arms and slid farther in his seat. "Ugh...we were so close..."

"If I win then...I want to go to the Magic Film Arena!" Megumin announced.

"The what?" Kazuma asked. He glanced over to Darkness and Aqua who looked like they were going to be sick.

"Eww, you wanna go to that dumb show!? We have a television now, there's no need to do such a thing, besides, that show sucks anyway." Aqua explained.

"It's not dumb! It's my favorite play of all time, and it's very nostalgic. I've always wanted to go and see the show with friends!" Megumin gushed.

"Is it really that bad?" Kazuma questioned.

"Well, the premise of the whole Magic Film Arena, is that it's basically a play that is shown in an arena, and it's essentially just an all out brawl between all types of magic users, in the form of a story." Darkness answered.

"Wow, that does sound...wait...that actually sounds really awesome!" Kazuma beamed.

"See! Kazuma understands!" Megumin pointed to him in agreement.

"Well, what he doesn't know is that, it's filled to the brim with terrible one-liners, and over the top and cliched characters, that you'll hear talk for almost five whole hours. It's a terrible, terrible experience for almost anyone." Aqua explained.

Kazuma grimaced. "C-Crap, I take that back. Hyperbolic lines for five whole hours? You gotta be kidding me with that...no wonder she of all people wants to see it so badly…how scary..."

Flustered, Megumin moved her hands frantically. "S-Scary? So what? I-I see it as a guilty pleasure."

"To make matters worse Kazuma, there are numerous childish puns that characters will say throughout the entire narrative. It's honestly very...tiresome." Darkness whispered, while sweating.

If Darkness was not for this show at all, then clearly it was something really bad.

"Ugh…how awful...I guess it is aimed at children after all...and here I was actually excited for it." Kazuma grunted.

"Stop calling me a child! Fine then, since Kazuma wants to be like that, then while Aqua and Darkness will take me to see the Magic Film Arena, I'll have something special for you!"

"Whatever, as long as I don't have to go see that dumb show...then I'll do anything else."

"I can't believe we have to go to that stupid show! This is all your fault Kazuma!" Aqua blamed.

"Me!? You're the one who was like "That's it? Think of something better than just that." You're the one who asked for it, don't put it on me!" Kazuma shouted back.

"If I win, then Kazuma is going to have to become my pupil, and follow in the arts of 'Explosion' magic!" Megumin declared.

"W-What!? How are you going to single me out like that!? And why would I want to be your dumb pupil. I'm the one who essentially trains you in your 'Explosion' magic!"

"Well, you've heard of the saying. The student will eventually surpass the master! Plus it'll be fun! With two 'Explosion' magic users on the same team, we can be known as the 'Explosion Busters!' What do you think? Cool huh?" Megumin nodded, as she had her eyes closed.

"About as cool as your name…" Kazuma muttered.

"Urgh...ah whatever..." Megumin went back and sat back down on the couch, clearly disgusted with Kazuma.

"Be glad…since you didn't want to see the movie...I-I would think you at least prefer that. I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do." She had said, flustered.

Kazuma had blushed in response. "W-What the hell? Now you want to say such lines!?" He was actually feeling guilty about what he had said he would have Megumin do, if he were to win.

"Kazuma! Kazuma!" Darkness cheered.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if I could go next."

"Hey! That's not fair! That would mean I would go last, and I'm a Goddess! I'm going next! I have to go next!" Aqua fumed.

"Aqua shut up. Darkness go ahead." Kazuma said, as if he was dealing with three-year olds.

It was now Aqua's turn to cross her arms, and slide down her seat. "Tch...stupid Kazuma. When it's my turn, I'll show him the true wrath of my omniscient powers."

"I can hear you."

"Shut up!"

Just as Kazuma had instructed, Darkness got up from her seat, and stood in front of her party-members.

"Well...what do you got for us?" Kazuma asked.

Silence was his answer, as Darkness just stood there and did not respond at all.

"Hello...Darkness…?" Kazuma perplexed.

"Are you okay, Darkness?" Megumin asked.

Then suddenly, while no one else was expecting it, Darkness had pointed towards them and had made a triumphant stance.

"I declare that we all...go on quests every single day! Oh even better! Let's get up at 7 in the morning! Then we'll really feel the rush!" Darkness announced, in a very excited manner.

No one said anything for about a few minutes.

"Umm...well okay-" Before Megumin could finish her sentence, Kazuma had sat up from his seat immediately.

"Well, let's cancel this whole wager thing. I suddenly have lost interest so…"

"Don't be like that Kazuma! That's incredibly unfair!" Darkness cried.

"He's not wrong! I need my beauty sleep! And it's always cold in the morning!"

"For once...I agree with Aqua! I refuse to do any more quests! Not after dying from the last two we did! If you think I'm going to deal with this routine if you win, then you are sorely mistaken!"

Darkness suddenly got herself into a proper posture, representing her position as noble.

"But Kazuma...I'm doing this for the sake of the party. You are all weak physically, in comparison to me. I think it's very important for us to start training ourselves, in case we get into some real danger. Don't you think so? What if some unknown force were to come to the mansion, and we struggled against that foe? Our lives are at risk here if we don't prepare ourselves for the inevitable, and I believe it is imperative that we make sure we are ready for anything that comes our way."

Darkness place her delicate hand on her chest, and had an earnest smile.

"By winning...I want to make sure my beloved friends are able to defend themselves."

"Darkness…" Kazuma and Aqua said. Maybe they were going a little too far in just denying Darkness's wishes. Perhaps she really was all for their safety…

"...also...we get to face monsters! Monsters! Slimes! Dragons! Who knows!? Kazuma! If we get to go on quests every single day, then we'll be in quite the spectacular situations! I'm just getting excited just thinking about it! I can't wait to see the monsters will we encounter, and -"

As she went on, all Kazuma and Aqua could do was just stare at her...completely dumbfounded.

"How did we fall for that so easily!?" They thought to themselves.

Darkness hummed to herself and plopped back into her seat.

Megumin glanced at her with a nervous smile. "H-Heh...I mean, this doesn't really affect me in the slightest, considering I like going on quests."

And with that, almost all of Kazuma's party had announced their demands for winning (thank god…). All that was left was...

"Alright Aqua...finally you can…"

Before Kazuma could even finish his statement, Aqua was already putting her wine bottle aside gently, and had skipped to the center of the room, and had a face of delight.

"I just thought of something really amazing for you guys to do if I win! Wanna hear it? Wanna hear it?"

"Yes." They all replied in monotone.

"Okay! If I win…"

"What...you want us to praise you more?" They all had said in unison.

"I want everyone to join my cult!" Aqua smiled.

Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness all gasped at what she was about to say.

Kazuma even laughed out of denial. "Y-You don't mean…really...you don't mean..." His voice was drastically changing into a tone of sadness over the course of that sentence.

"Yeah! The Axis Cult!"

Everyone, albeit Aqua, had a face of sheer terror. They all remember the nightmare they had to go through during their vacation to Alcanretia's hot springs. They thought the trip would last forever, if they had to go through dealing with the people of that Hell city.

Kazuma and Megumin, upon reflex, hugged each-other out of the horror of what would happen if Aqua were to win the game of Mario Party.

"A-Are you nuts!? How could you say such a thing!? I hate those people! They are literally the worst!" Kazuma croaked.

"Not the detergent...not the detergent…" Megumin was still traumatized of the detergent they were selling there. She was literally shaking in Kazuma's arms.

"It's okay, Megumin. There are three of us, and one of her…there is no way she can win easily. Don't worry, we'll get through this tough time in our lives." Kazuma consoled, as he ruffled her hair.

"But to suggest something so scary…I thought we finally got away from those people..." Megumin quavered.

"Only someone as stupid as Aqua would declare something so horrible!" Kazuma accused.

"Kazuma is right! That is horrible!" Darkness confessed.

"Yeah! You tell her Darkness!" Kazuma ordered.

"If I joined the Axis Cult, then I wouldn't be able to endure their abusive ways of me belonging to the Eris Cult! How cruel…"

"Is that really all you are concerned about…?" Kazuma and Megumin thought to themselves.

"C'mon guys! My followers can't be that bad!"

Kazuma and Megumin looked like they wanted to die inside.

"C'mon...you guys can't be serious…" Aqua said.

"That's because they are! And you want us to join and socialize in their hell community!? I am not going to be apart of it!" He argued. As for as he's concerned, the citizens of that city are just personified Aquas, with a lack of self control. Thanks to them, he could no longer trust little girls anymore.

"He's right! The deterge-I mean people of Alcanretia aren't sane at all!"

Aqua, in a mocking manner, crossed her arms and looked at the two with a highly confident and smug look.

"If you don't want to suffer the consequences, then you better pull out all the luck and skill that you could possibly have and try to beat me-if you can that is! Isn't' that right Kazuma?"

Kazuma and Megumin understood her message very clearly. If they didn't want to face the hellish consequences that were displayed on the table, then they were going to have to give it absolutely everything they had in order to make sure she is never in first place.

"Oi, Megumin. We cannot under any circumstances let her win, is that clear?" Kazuma whispered.

"O-Of course, if Aqua were to win...then it would surely be a p-problem." Megumin said giving him a thumbs up, still shaking.

"Hey, let me in on this too! We can't let her win! It would be a great disaster..." Darkness chimed in.

"I'm sure if the three of us band together when she is in first place, then are chances of winning go up to 75%, it's foolproof!" Kazuma assured.

"Hey! What the hell are you guys talking about!? If you are thinking about teaming up against me, then don't bother. As a Goddess, no matter what you do, I'll be the one to win." Aqua said, as she snatched a controller.

"For someone who can't even get past the Bob Omb Battlefield, then I highly doubt it." Kazuma said as he picked up his controller.

"Did you say bombs!?" Darkness said, excitingly picking up her controller.

"A battle between friends in a game filled with hectic mini games! What more can someone ask for?" Megumin said, as she picked up her controller.

And so, here begins the game of Mario Party 2, between the four individuals of this household. Satou Kazuma, Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua will all go through the craziest, most hectic, insane, and jaw-dropping game of Mario Party ever. There will be betrayals, alliances, and straight up pure luck madness...

...if one of them would get up and turn on the damn console.

"I-I'll go turn it on…" Darkness sheepishly said.

Whew, I was actually trying to make this shorter and get this out quicker, but it ended up being relatively the same length as the first chapter. Well whatever that's...cool I guess. Well stay tuned for the next chapter...which might take a while...but hey...it'll be worth it right? No? Well I guess so…whatever, I don't care...lol…

...okay maybe I do...but let me know what silly adventures these guys should do once this Mario Party business is over. I wouldn't mind having some ideas…

Anyway...am I going to pair anyone up? I mean...canon-wise I feel like Kazuma should get with Megumin, but I don't know, I didn't really intend to have any actual romantic development in this fanfic. That might change though.

Also, just want to thank you guys for all the reviews, favorites and follows, for my recent fanfictions, like this one and my "Simple Game" fanfiction. Really makes me feel 'the' good inside. Sorry that was bad...didn't mean to add that 'the', I thought it would be funny...