Author's note: Hello guys! DarkNoct93 here with a brand new fanfic, The legend of The True King featuring Noctis from FFXV enter the world of kuroinu. This idea of mine came after I finish the game of ffxv and I just discover this anime of kuroinu and after I watch the anime, I thought that someone should come to save them and then I thought about Noctis which I have warn to you all for those who doesn't play the game yet the spoiler alert that Noctis died at the end of the game.
So why Kuroinu? I don't know about you guys but this anime are really bad for my taste and the ending was so bad that I wish that some dude just show up and save the day but no one show up so I decided to put someone and that is Noctis. This fanfic of mine should have 10 or less chapter because of the lack of information I have on this world of anime so if you guys find an interest of this fic and want to help me to provide some ideas to improve this story, pm me.
Oh! And one information and another spoiler from ffxv, Noctis has absorbed the crystal so he will be op in this fic and with the power of the crystal, he will have godlike powers but he still can suffer from mortal wounds although it will take more than normal attack to actually hurt him. With the blessings of the six and ring of lucii, he will rock this world of kuroinu so without waste any more time, please enjoy.
Act 1: The Arrival of The True King
Once a prince and now a king. His duty as the True King was to vanquish the darkness that plagued the world of Eos. In his last battle with the False King, he eradicated the darkness from the world of Eos but at a cost - his life. By using the Providence, he managed to defeat the False King who was also the embodiment of darkness itself. And as the Chosen Light, the False King died along with him, he vanished eternally from his world. The True King thought that his job was finally done and he'd walked tall just like his late father wished of him and now he can be reunited with his beloved Oracle.
But fate could be cruel.
When the King thought that he could embrace an eternal sleep, he heard a voice. A voice calling for help. He thought that he was just hearing things. And that his mind was just playing tricks due to the emptiness. But the voice became more and more pronounced and it became clearer as it kept echoing inside
his head.
" must..."
The True King now realised that the voice was actually seeking for help and he was the only one who had heard the plea. He knew at once the reason why he could hear it and he knew what he was going to do.
Slowly the scene before him changed as he was slowly consumed by the blinding light before he himself vanished along with the light.
The True King once again had a duty to do.
The first thing he saw was the blinding ray of light that woke him up. For a King who greatly enjoyed sleeping, it was always a pain in the ass to wake up early in the morning. Nonetheless, he still rose from his sleep. He was stretching when he noticed that he wasn't in a hotel room nor at a camp. He was in a forest. Slowly he stood up and examined his surroundings. He noticed that he wasn't familiar with the forest. It was nothing like the one back home. Then he examined himself and he noticed that his once torn King Raiment outfit was back in good shape. At first, the King was so confused upon seeing his newly mended outfit. The last time he remembered the outfit was torn everywhere after his last battle with the False King. He re-examined his outfit once more and this time he was certain that his outfit was back to its former glory. Gone was the slashes and burn marks. Figuring that it was pointless to ponder over how his outfit repaired itself, he decided to venture into the forest to figure out where he was.
After a few minutes of him venturing, he found a river flowing. Thanks to the survival skills he'd learnt from his friend, it didn't take much to find it. He had followed the low rumbling of water and the scent of wet soil which led him to the swollen river. Deciding to quench his thirst after the long walk, he crouched before the water and cupped his hands and submerged them in the river. Water filled into his palms and as his lips touched, he had noticed something different.
Due to the clear water that was flowing, he could see his reflection clearly on the surface of the water. His face no longer had a beard and moustache and instead, he was aged back to when he was first imprisoned in the crystal. Which was a decade ago to be exact. So what in the name of Eos was going on? It looked like he had never aged. Like he was back in his 20's with his messy spiky black locks appearing in his reflection. He was so shocked that his thirst was long forgotten, he touched his face while his eyes still lingered on his reflection to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. After a few tentative touches here and there, he was now absolutely sure that he was back in his 20's again.
He looked stunned for a moment before he recovered and figured that he would think about this matter after he quenched his thirst first. After that, he decided to rest under the nearby trees. After settling down beneath one of the trees, his mind began to replay the events that took place before he came here.
The last thing he remembered was the last battle with the False King in which he succeeded in defeating him. After which, all went blank for the True King. The true King struggled to recollect but he failed to remember what happened.
He knew that there was a reason why he was still alive but he couldn't find the answer. Then something clicked after he remembered something. Slowly he raised his right hand to confirm it. He wished he was wrong because he would hate it if he was right but he was relieved that he was wrong. There it was, stuck in his middle finger was his heritage, that proved that he was the King among Kings. It also proved that the line of Lucis was still alive within him. The Ring Of Lucii stuck on his middle finger gave him great comfort.
Slowly he stood up as he took the chance to test if his powers were still present within him. He extended his right hand forward and as fast as his head could comprehend it, his signature weapon, the Engine Blade materialised before him, floating in the air before he grabbed it with his hands. Slowly he took the chance to examine every inch of his blade. Satisfied that his blade was in a good condition, he decided to test it. When he tried to find something to test his sword on a heavy wind blew upon his face so hard that he had to cover his face. After a while, the wind slowly ceased and the King blinked a few times to remove the dust in his eyes.
Now that he had a clear view, a small smirk graced his lips. He found the perfect target to test his skills on. Few leaves fell from the tree he was standing under due to wind earlier and with his quick assessment, he could see that there were seven of them. Knowing what to do, the King drew his Engine Blade at once and with his battle stance ready, he waited for the perfect moment to strike. Time seemed to slow down before him and when all the leaves were within his range, with a quick swing, he slashed all of the leaves with one strike. All the leaves were perfectly cut but he remained unsatisfied with the result. He needed to test his skill further. And nature only seemed to be more than willing to help him out as yet another gust of wind blew towards him. This time more leaves fell from the tree and this spurred him on as he lunged into the air and with a skilful air maneuver, he spun around, slashing each leaf that fell. All the leaves were perfectly cut except for one that was far from the King's range. Seeing this, the King threw his signature weapon towards the leaf and with his sharp throw, the leaf was perfectly cut in half as the King vanished from sight, leaving an afterimage of himself only to appear where his signature weapon landed.
Now satisfied that his skills weren't rusty, his stomach decided to make itself known with a loud grumble. He was starving right now. He had not eaten any food since he woke up. He was relieved that no one was around to hear that. That would've been embarrassing.
Conveniently enough, he was near the river and what better time to do what he did best. There was bound to be plenty of fish. 'Time to fish,' he thought as he materialised his fishing rod.
After catching enough fish he proceeded to cook. Thanks to his magic, he easily ignited the dry leaves and root he'd gathered.
When the quick meal was done, Noctis decided it was better to leave the forest before nightfall. After long hours of trekking, he still couldn't find any signs of an opening in the forest. It was getting late and he knew staying any longer in the wild at night was a dangerous endeavour.
Maybe he was wrong. After all, he had yet to see any daemons. He did kill every last one of them didn't he? But the reason for him to be still alive bothered him greatly.
According to Bahamut the Draconian, he should've been dead after he using the Providence, the only magic that was able to vanquish the darkness once and for all. But why was he still here? The true King felt so conflicted. His mind in a turmoil when suddenly the moon decided to show itself and illuminated the forest.
He raised his head to look at the full moon shining brightly in the quiet night. He stood there, silently watching the beautiful scenery before him. The moon reminded him of his beloved Oracle, his friend and bride to be.
He wished that he could be with her right now. But there had to be a reason for him to be still alive. It didn't make sense otherwise. For a moment he stayed like that until the moon slowly disappeared behind the clouds casting darkness once again as the forest was engulfed in blackness. He regained his composure again now that the light was gone and he was left in the dark. After letting out a loud sigh, the King returned to the task at hand but before he could resume his search, he heard a noise. Initially brushing it aside as his imagination, the sound became much more pronounced to him. He knew what it was at once. It was the sound of a man yelling.
Not just one but a bunch of them to be specific. This made the King curious.
What was a bunch of men doing at night in the middle of the forest?
Deciding to go an investigate, he proceeded to walk in the direction of the source of ruckus. After a few minutes of searching, he found the source of the voices as he came into view of a few torches burning.
Without wasting any more time, he showed up in front of the people. The King thought that maybe he could ask them the direction to get out of the forest. Considering that these guys were still in the forest late into the night, he assumed they were hunters. Before he could proceed, he finally heard the conversation among them that made him take a pause.
"There's nowhere to run now bitch!"
"Yeah, just give up and surrender to us".
"Yeah. You'd make good money. After all, you've got a cute face and a great body, hahahahaha!"
The chosen King was taken aback by what he had just heard. Slavery had long since been abolished in Lucis and he was absolutely sure that his late father had completely repelled the notion of slavery in the kingdom so why was it happening now. Completely confused with what just happened the King"s thoughts came to an abrupt stop when the aforementioned young woman started screaming.
Deciding to put a stop to these men' actions the King stepped into the fray. His sudden arrival ceased the group's actions as they turned to the intruder. The sight before him made the king's eyes widen. The group of men was half-naked, their male genitals out on in the open. His flushed red at this.
No. He wasn't red because of embarrassment. Far from it actually.
He was red because he was livid.
He was witnessing something he had never seen before in his entire life. Before him, the group of men was surrounding a young woman, who was being forcefully pinned down on the ground. Two burly men were holding her arms and legs wide apart.
Her clothes were torn everywhere and one of the men was positioning himself to thrust his member into her. Her mouth was being covered by a hand, muffling her cries. She desperately struggled to break free from the men but it was pointless.
The woman was beyond terrified as she knew what was going happen to her. Her fear fuelled her as she once more began thrashing against her restraints. If it weren't for the king who appeared in time.
The king shook in rage as his temper flared. Not realising that he was facing death himself, the man who was preparing to thrust into the young woman suddenly rose and stepped up to his face. Without an ounce of shame, he faced the king, his dangling bits out on display.
"Hey! The hell you doin' here?" The men asked, spittle flying everywhere.
The King didn't answer him as he bowed his head down, desperately trying to contain his anger. The man smirked smugly as he thought that he managed to scare the shit out of him with how the king stood shaking. The man continued to provoke the King more as he tried to grab at the king's collar wanting to give him a piece of his mind.
But he was dead wrong.
A dagger, that came out from nowhere, was seen impaling into the man's arm just as he was going to grab his collar. The man let out a bellowing scream in pain at having his arm stabbed. But that was just the beginning, his suffering didn't end there. The King made his next move as he grabbed the man's head with a single hand and smash it into the ground. A small crater formed on the spot. The King wasn't sure if he was dead but he knew for a fact that the man wasn't going to get up any time soon. Completely shocked by the unexpected event, the rest of the men abandoned what they were doing earlier and quickly grabbed their weapons lying nearby, and approached the King cautiously.
With one down, he quickly analysed the situation and with his quick observation, he calculated there to be ten men in total, including the one he'd just pinned down. The rest quickly surrounded him but he was far from being intimidated despite the fact that they clearly outnumbered him. They were being foolish if they honestly thought that having more people was going to stop the king. With a single wave of his right hand, nine weapons crystallised above them. Yet they knew no better as they tried to ambush him, thinking that they already got him.
But they were dead wrong.
On cue, the King let his right hand slowly fall, with all of the weapons soon following his gesture. Each of them cleaving through them, killing them near instantaneously. One by one, they fall to the ground. Their last breath was wasted on trying to comprehend what had just happened.
Now that the deed was done, the king took a second glance, looking at the bodies scattered around him. The right punishment for these animals. They didn't deserve to live once they tried to harm that woman tried to sell her. They forfeited their right to live and the chosen king had made sure to see to it.
'So these were what people called sex trafficker. More like animals,' he thought.
Then, he turned his head to look at the young woman, checking to see if she was fine. There she was, still lying on the same spot where she was pinned down before. He felt so relieved after finding out that she was fine and decided to help her up. But when he took the first step towards her, she hurriedly crawled away backing up to the tree behind her.
Initially, he was confused at seeing her reaction but when he noticed how much she was trembling, almost resembling a leaf during an especially strong gale, he understood why.
She was still terrified.
She almost got raped by these animals and it was only by coincidence he had arrived just in time to stop them and deliver a swift punishment upon them. She must've thought that he was just like them and only that he'd didn't like to share so instead he killed them. That idea disgusted him to the core but he could never blame her though.
She almost got raped in the first place.
Slowly, the king walked nearer with a reasonable distance between them to make sure that she wouldn't freak out. Now that she was close enough for him to look at, he started examining her. Like he thought, there were visible bruises on her wrists and her ankles, possibly due to the men holding her down hard so as not to let her go. Slowly he reached for a potion inside his coat pocket and tried to give it to her but he stopped himself when he noticed something.
The woman had pointy ears.
'An elf?' The King thought. This confused him more than ever. He had once read about their race and it was said that they lived long before the Kingdom of Lucis was found and that the entire elven race was extinct due to the war among the gods.
'Now why were they here in the first place?' The King mused. Maybe their race revived and repopulated again now that The Usurper was dead and the light was restored in the world. That was the only reasonable conclusion he could come up with.
The real question though, was if she could understand the human language. Now that he knew the woman was an elf, he could understand why those rotten scums desperately wanted her. The Elven race was known to be beautiful creatures, that included both women and men. They were gifted with a much longer lifespan than the average human. He could've bet that this woman would have fetched a high price in the black market if he hadn't shown up.
Putting his thoughts aside, the King slowly approached the woman with great caution, afraid that he would freak her out. Maybe because she could sense him, her body shook terribly, assuming that he might do something to her. Noticing this, the King tried to comfort her.
"I'm just here to help. I did what I had to do and now those rotten scums are gone forever," the King tried to reassure her. The shaking slowly subsided and the woman though still slightly scared turned her head to him to make sure that this man meant well. What she saw before her eyes now was a man, who looked so majestic, offering her two things.
A black coat and a bottle of green water.
At first, the woman hesitated to take it thinking that this was all maybe a cruel trick. But when she looked him in the eyes, she found no ill intentions. Hesitantly, she reached out her hand to take the items but pulled back, still afraid of him. The man did not budge from his position, waiting for her to take her time.
After a while, the elf finally took the items offered to her and the first thing she did was to drape herself in the long black coat the King had just given. She embraced the warmth still lingering in the coat as she almost froze in he frigid cold night of the forest. The warmth must've come from the man she mused. Now that he was not wearing his coat she could see that he was only clad in a black shirt and a cape was strapped to his
left shoulder. Then the elf looked at the second item given to her. She wasn't quite sure what it was so she thought it was poisonous but the man saw right through her.
"Don't worry, I assure you that it is not poisonous. It's a potion to cure the injuries you had from before".
With a little bit of hesitation and deliberation, she finally took a sip of the potion and magically all of her injuries and pain she'd felt before disappeared. Her face showed nothing but shock and confusion upon witnessing the miracle right before her eyes. Seeing the effectiveness of the potion, the King let out a sigh of relief as a small smile adorned his face, satisfied now that the elf lady was alright. Then he remembered that both of them were still in the middle of the forest and it already very late into the night. The King figured that it would be better if they could spend the night under a shelter, preferably with the company of other people, rather than out in the open wilderness.
Now that he had made up his mind, he cleared his throat to gain that elf woman's attention. She looked up at him after his second attempt.
"Umm... miss, if you wouldn't mind, can you guide us to your place so we could spend the night there instead? I mean it's getting pretty late and I'm sure you wouldn't want to spend a night here," the King suggested. Trying his best not sound like a pervert, he hoped that she could understand.
At first, the woman looked astounded. He briefly wondered why before she all but started crying. Due to the unexpected spectacle before him, the king hadn't a clue about what to do. His right hand instinctively tried to reach out for her shoulder to comfort her. But before he could do that, she suddenly grasped his hand with both of hers as her teary eyes fixed on his face.
"Please..," she said between sobs, "you must saveā¦us".
He gasped lightly, taking in a sharp breath, as surprise showed on his face upon hearing the words that left between quivering lips. He wasn't shocked at her sudden display nor at the fact that she spoke the human tongue.
He was shocked because now he remembered why he was there.
Okay. Another fixed chapter thanks to WagnerFlin. I hope you enjoy it until then. please leave a review.