I do not own Danny Phantom in anyway it's all owned by Butch Hartman and Nickelodeon!

Chapter 14:

One week later, December 30th

Danny's Christmas break might have been the best one of his entire life.

Not only did he get pretty much everything he wanted for Christmas, there had barely been any ghost incidents for the whole week.

And to top it off, he was on his way to Nasty Burger to meet with Tucker so the two could catch up on the past week since it had been so busy.

He still hadn't told him about what transpired on Christmas Eve and what happened on that Christmas morning at 3 am.

He was absolutely dreading Sam finding out about all this, he knew how jealous she can get. Plus he wasn't sure how well she would take hearing that he was kissing one of his enemies.

When Danny arrived at Nasty Burger, he walked over to their normal booth and noticed that Tucker hadn't shown up yet. He sat down and waited for his friend and started to check his phone.

After waiting there for a little while, he felt somebody tap his shoulder.

He quickly turned around to find the blonde haired cheerleader Star standing right in front of him.

Rubbing her arm somewhat awkwardly, she asked him if he wanted to talk real quick.

After sitting there for a few awkward moments, Star decided to speak up first.

"Listen Danny I'm so sor..." she began to apologize only for Danny to cut her off.

"Star you don't have to apologize to me," he said making eye contact with her, "I know that you feel bad and I know that it wasn't your idea, so don't beat yourself up about it," he said reassuringly.

Star sat there for another minute thinking of what to say. "Soooooo," she began only to be cut off again.

"Friends?" Danny asked with a smile.

Star looked at him shocked and her shock soon turned to a joyous smile.

"Friends," she said agreeing to staying on good terms.

Hours Later at Fenton Works

Danny felt great to get back to his room. He felt like he had an enournous weight lifted off his shoulders after talking to Star and Tucker once he finally arrived.

Tomorrow was the last day of the year and Danny was glad that his year turned around towards the end.

After lying on his bed for an hour or two listening to Green Day's greatest hits album, danny heard the faint sound of guitar coming from outside.

Danny smirked as he put two and two together and his ghost sense went off.

He quickly turned intangible and flew up through the ceiling onto the roof of Fenton Works and was pleased to find that his theory was correct.

Standing there in front of him, was the blue haired rock star of his dreams.

"Sup Baby-Pop?" Ember said slyly turning around to face Danny.

"Funny, I was just about to ask you the same question," Danny said smirking at the ghost rocker.

Ember returned the ghost boys smirk with one of her own.

"Just wanted to drop by and ask ya somethin," she said playfully.

"And what would that be?" Danny said eagerly.

"So I was thinkin, how bout you and I skip that lame New Year's Eve party in the Ghost Zone and instead hang out at my place?" Ember asked with hope in her voice.

Danny's eyes widened at Ember's proposition. Never in his life did he expect that one of his enemies would be inviting him over to their house for New Year's.

Danny found himself chuckling in spite of himself.

"So what have you got planned for the evening?" Danny asked slyly.

"Shit I hadn't actually thought of that," Ember cursed inside her head.

She decided to play it cool though.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," she said cheekily. "Anyway, my place tomorrow, let's say around sixish?"

"See ya then," Danny said smiling as he watched the ghostly rocker disappear in a whirlwind of baby blue flames.

The Next Day, New Year's Eve, 5:45 pm.

Danny was panicking.

He had no idea what to wear and he was getting super nervous about going to Ember's realm.

He had to be at Ember's in 15 minutes and he was running around his room like a chicken without it's head.

Earlier he went to the local grocery store and bought some blue roses to give to her once he arrived.

With about 5 minutes to go, he finally decided on wearing a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans and a white T-shirt with a light blue flannel shirt over that.

Then he flew down to the Ghost Portal and passed through.

Once inside, he took off towards Ember's realm as quickly as possible.

He knocked on the door of Ember's realm at 5:59. It was purple with light blue flames painted on the front.

The door opened to reveal Ember standing in the doorway wearing a teal dress that complimented both her glowing green eyes, and her flaming blue hair.

Danny stood there for a moment staring at his date.

"Woah.." he said in amazement causing Ember to blush slightly.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she said to Danny bashfully. "So, you plannin on standing there all night or do you wanna come in?" she asked playfully.

Danny followed her inside and felt somewhat happy to be back in her realm once again. Her place had a very nice feel to it and he enjoyed the music and posters she had all over the place.

Once inside, Danny pulled his arm out from behind his back revealing the blue roses he had bought for her.

"Wow they're so beautiful!" Ember said taking them from Danny's hands and smelling them.

"Wanna know why I picked them specifically?" Danny asked with a cheesy smile on his face.

Ember figured that she already knew the answer but decided to humor him anyway, "Sure go ahead," she said stifling her laughter and Danny's cheesiness.

"So I remembered reading somewhere that blue roses symbolize something that is hard to obtain and they're very unique and rare to find in life. Plus they're pretty beautiful if you ask me," Danny said while blushing.

Ember was completely taken aback.

"I just assumed that it was because of the hair," she said sarcastically pointing to her head. Her face had turned completely red by this point and she was impressed by what Danny had just said.

After a moment of staring at each other, Danny broke the silence.

"Soo, what do you have planned for the evening madam?" he said in a faux british accent.

Ember giggled at Danny's corniness and took him by the hand and led him into the other room. On the way, she instructed him to close his eyes since she had a surprise for him.

Once the two had sat down, she told him to open his eyes and Danny was shocked at what he saw.

The two were sat at her dining room table which was lit by a single candle.

"Wow a candle lit dinner, didn't think she'd be this classy?" Danny thought to himself sarcastically.

"Wow Ember this is really nice," he said smiling warmly.

Ember placed the vase with the blue roses in the center of the table as she sat down across from Danny. She was so glad that Danny liked her gesture.

"Thanks Baby-Pop, I try," she said jokingly as she passed Danny some food. Even though it was a candle lit dinner, all she had for the two of them to eat was some plain pizza but the two still enjoyed it together.

"Sooo, I was thinkin, you know about me, but I hardly know anything about you?" she said beckoning him to tell her a little bit about himself.

"Hmmm," Danny said aloud as he put his finger to his chin thinking about interesting things he could tell about himself.

"Well...I really love football, rap and rock 'n roll music, and playing guitar," Danny said truthfully which caused Ember to raise an eyebrow.

"You play?" she asked in amazement. She never took Danny as the rocker type so this news was a shock to her for sure.

"Yeah I play a little bit, but I haven't had that much time to recently with my ghost fighting duties," Danny explained.

Ember's curiosity was peaked. "So can I hear you play?" she asked with hope in her voice.

"Oh uh.. I don't know, I haven't really practiced in awhile and I doubt I could come close to comparing to you," Danny said sheepishly.

Ember blushed at Danny's compliment, and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes which Danny couldn't resist.

"Ugh fine! But after we're done eating," Danny said finally.

Ember simply smiled since she knew that she had won. Noticing a lull, she decided to move the conversation forward.

"So like, what's school like in today's day and age?" Ember asked since she only knew what it was like in her time.

Danny rolled his eyes, "Well to simply put it, it's absolute hell! Everyday is a never ending cycle of tests, annoying jerks, and rejection," Danny said slightly chuckling at how whiny he sounded.

"Oh so nothing's changed in the slightest," Ember exclaimed, "I completely hated school when I was there, everyone was so self centered," she explained.

"Seems like we both had similar experiences in our school lives," Danny noticed chuckling.

Ember giggled, "Yeah seems like we have more in common than we coulda thought."

She never thought in a million years that one of her enemies and her could get along so well and have so much in common.

"Say Danny?"

"Yeah Ember?" Danny responded.

"I'm really glad that we've got to know each other, kinda makes me mad we spent years fighting each other for like no reason," Ember said honestly.

Even though it was extremely cliche, Ember's just couldn't get the thought of, "Where has he been all my life," out of her head.

Danny smiled at what Ember said, "I'm really glad I've gotten to know you too Ember, if I had known you were this cool and kind I woulda stopped fighting you and tried to be friends immediately," Danny explained honestly with a soft smile.

The two finished their meal together, enjoying the company of one another.

Once they were finished, Ember was quick to get back to what they were talking about earlier.

"Soooo guitar time!!" Ember yelped excitingly towards Danny. She wondered if he was actually any good and was excited to find out.

Danny just rolled his eyes as he got up from the table. Knowing that he had no way out of this, he walked over to where Ember kept her guitars.

Ember followed in suit. As Danny reached the area, his eyes fell on a particular guitar.

"That's a really nice acoustic!" Danny exclaimed to Ember as he examined it.

Ember eyed him from the side and slapped his hand, "Nah no way, play the electric," Ember insisted.

"But I've only played electric a couple times," Danny whined.

Ember gave him a look that gave off the impression that she wouldn't budge.

"Fine!" Danny said picking up the guitar. Now to think of what to play.

"Oh and you gotta sing too," Ember added.

Danny's eyes widened.

"Oh that's gonna have to be a no, I can't sing," Danny said trying to get out of embarrassing himself.

Ember wouldn't budge once again.

"Come on you'll do fine, plus it's just me and you, what do you got to lose?" Ember asked raising her eyebrow.

"I guess you're right, here goes nothing," Danny said submissively.

Taking a deep breath, Danny began strumming on the guitar.

Ember instantly recognized the song which brought a smile to her face.

Danny spoke the first words of the song and began to feel more comfortable playing in front of Ember. Still he kept his head down focusing on hitting the right notes.

"She, she screams in silence A sullen riot penetrating through her mind Waiting for a sign To smash the silence with the brick of self-control"

"Wow he's actually got a really great singing voice," Ember thought to herself in amazement as Danny reached the first verse of the chorus.

"Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use? Scream at me until my ears bleed I'm taking heed just for you"

"And his guitar playing is pretty great as well," Ember mentally noted as Danny continued to play his heart out.

"She, she's figured out All her doubts were someone else's point of view. Waking up this time To smash the silence with the brick of self-control."

Ember just stood there staring at Danny as he played. "Wow he really is perfect," she thought to herself softly.

"Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use? Scream at me until my ears bleed I'm taking heed just for you."

As Danny strummed the last note, he finally looked up at Ember who was staring at Danny affectionately.

"Wow Danny that was so amazing! You're such a good singer and you're really good at playing guitar!" Ember explained to Danny.

Danny blushed at her compliments.

"Geez Ember that was really nice of you," he said sheepishly.

"Oh and nice choice of song," Ember added, "I love Green Day!" she yelled.

Danny smirked and got a sly look on his face.

"Well then, how bout you pick a Green Day song and play for me," Danny asked.

Ember looked at Danny's smirk quizzically, "Yeah sure that sounds fun," Ember said shrugging.

As she went to pick up her guitar, Danny slapped her hand away this time.

"Ah ah ah," Danny said tauntingly as he handed Ember the acoustic instead. "Use this," he said sarcastically.

Ember scowled, "But I'm not good at acoustic," Ember whined as Danny rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you made me play the electric, so you gotta play the acoustic!" Danny explained, "And sing!" he added.

Ember growled at Danny as she picked up the acoustic and thought of a good Green Day song.

Suddenly she thought of the perfect song to play.

As she started to strum, Danny smiled at her song choice.

Ember began to sing.

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test, and don't ask why It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time"

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life"

"Wow she sounds great even on acoustic," Danny thought to himself. He had only ever heard her on electric before.

"So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial For what it's worth it was worth all the while"

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life"

"Wow her voice really is beautiful," Danny thought to himself in amazement.

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right I hope you had the time of your life"

Just as Ember finished, Danny began applauding the ghostly rocker.

"That was amazing Ember!" Danny exclaimed, "Your voice really sounds nice with the acoustic," he added smiling warmly.

Ember felt her face getting red once again, "Aw thanks Danny, you're really sweet, you know that?" Ember added smiling sheepishly.

The two stared into each other's eyes and noticed out of the corner of their own, the clock on the wall.

"11:55 already?!" They both yelled surprised.

"Time really does fly doesn't it?" Danny said to Ember chuckling.

"Yeah especially when you're having the time of your life," Ember responded in reference to her song.

The two smiled to each other and shared a laugh as they got ready for the turn of the new year.

They sat down on the couch together a few minutes later and got ready to count down.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," They both counted along.

"Happy New Year!!" They both yelled in excitement as they turned towards each other.

"Hey Ember," Danny said staring into her emerald green eyes.

"Yeah?" Ember responded.

"Happy New Year," he said as he began to lean in and close his eyes.

Ember began to do the same.

"Happy New Year Danny," she whispered as the two's lips met and they shared a passionate kiss to ring in the new year.

And with that, my story has come to a close! Finally I found the time to finish this story and I'm so glad that I did. I'm really glad that I've been able to share this story with you guys and I really hope you've liked it! If you guys have any ideas for future stories I'd love to hear them! I don't know when I'll start a new one but hopefully sooner rather than later! Also I used the songs "She" and "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life" by Green Day in this because I've been on a Green Day kick for some reason XD. But anyway, for one final time, if you enjoyed, leave a review and tell me what you thought! Until next time!