The sun was setting as the blonde and blue haired sixteen year olds walked through the wood. Hinata looked up at the sky and said,"We should probably camp for the night."
Naruto nodded then the two set out their mats.
As the sun started to rise,Naruto nuzzled his head deeper into the cushion he was laying on while a smile formed on his face. "Hmm. My pillow is so soft and fluffy today,I don't wanna get up and make ramen."
He snuggled in some more then stopped himself. "Wait. I'm not at home. I went on that mission with Hinata...So if I'm not hugging my pillow,what am I..." "Naruto-kun."
Naruto tensed up as his eyes shot open. He realized he was nuzzled into Hinata's chest,making his face turn tomato red.
He quickly got up,hands up,and said,"I'm really sorry,Hinata! I didn't mean it!"
After a couple seconds of silence,Naruto opened one of his eyes to see Hinata was still asleep. He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness! I know she's not the mean girl type,but who knows what she would have done to me."
He shivered when he remembered the time he accidentally touched Sakura's chest. She punched him all the way across of the village.
He sighed again then looked down as a slight blush formed on his face. "Hinata's chest was really warm and soft though. It felt nice."
He gave a soft smile,before hearing,"Good morning,Naruto-kun." made him flinch.
He looked back up,his blush was now deeper,as Hinata asked,"How'd you sleep?"
"They were really soft!"
Hinata raised her eyebrow as Naruto,tomato red again,shook his head and panicked. "No! I mean,I s-slept great,Ttebayo!"
Then he turned to his bag and packed his mat,steam coming from the top of his head.
Hinata pushed her hair back as she read her book while Naruto was fast asleep besides her.
Thunder rolled as Naruto flinched.
Hinata looked over from her book to see him flinch again. "Naruto-kun's not scared of thunder,is he? Or maybe the thunder is just too loud?"
She frowned as Naruto flinched again from the thunder before she set her book and pulled Naruto close.
As she rested his head on her chest,Naruto wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled in.
She stroked his hair,a small smile formed on his face. "Sleep tight,Naruto-kun."
Naruto opened his eyes and blushed when he realized he was in Hinata's chest. "W-when did I hug onto her?!"
He looked up to see her smiling in her sleep then looked back down. "I guess it's not bad since we're married now."
He grabbed the back of her shirt and buried his face in her chest as thunder rang around the house. "So loud."
Hinata subconsciouslay pulled his face closer as she felt him flinch.
Naruto smiled then closed his eyes. "It's warm and soft... She makes me feel happy."
"Thank you."