Far away from the Earth lays a world ruled by gems, Diamonds to be exact. Who are these Diamonds you may ask? Well, there are four, at least there was four. A mother, White Diamond, and her daughter, Yellow Diamond. Yet, Blue Diamond originated from a planet conquered by White Diamond. Blue Diamond, originating from a planet rich in Boron, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen, is the lover of the Yellow diamond. But who is Pink Diamond, she was the fruit of Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond's love. Their daughter, gone before her twenty-fifth thousand birthday. As of White Diamond, she disappeared soon after. Leaving Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond to mourn and pick up the pieces. This horrible experience sent Blue Diamond into a crippling depression for millennia and sent Yellow into an angry, vengeful state, both unable to love each other like they used to. But, there is hope. Hope in the future that may bring Pink Diamond's shatterer to light and bring Yellow and Blue Diamond Back together.


Yellow Diamond sat on her throne, often consumed in her work of looking after Homeworld and the Diamonds' courts. Pink Diamond was gone, White Diamond disappeared, and Blue Diamond was off mourning the loss of their daughter, Pink Diamond.

She sighed and said to her Pearl, "Clear my schedule for the next hour and only alert me to a real emergency. I have to speak to Blue Diamond."

Her Pearl replied, "Yes my Diamond."

Yellow Diamond then got up and made her way out of her control room, turning off her screen in the process. She needed to speak to Blue Diamond, make her come to her senses and act like a leader, like a Diamond. Not some depressed piece of organic life like the humans on the planet Earth. Yellow ventured through the hallways and corridors until she reached her and Blue Diamond's private quarters. Before entering, she had to mentally prepare herself for the experience that was about to occur. Yellow knocked on the door and said, "Blue, I am coming in.", to which there was no response, only the sound of sobbing. The room was a blue color similar to the color of Blue Diamond as Yellow Diamond appreciated her color. Around the room, a good amount of furniture was present, chairs, tables and the latter. Blue, hidden by the curtains and canopy of their larger bed, was slouching, sobbing uncontrollably from losing their only child.

Blue said, "What do you want Yellow? Why can't you just let me grieve?"

Yellow responded, "I thought we agreed to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us? Blue, I've been controlling your court, my own court, Pink's, and White's for over millennia now! You've got to be a leader Blue!"

Blue Diamond suddenly stopped crying and stared at Yellow Diamond, menacingly. Her eyes no longer depicted the emotion of sadness, they were murderous and angry.

Blue got up and yelled, "What have you done for me in the past millennia?! You act like you don't even care about our daughter, that she's dead and never coming back! Why did I ever fall in love with you?! You are as heartless as the darkness that surrounds our planet, engulfing each day at sunset!"

Yellow just stood there, stunned at what Blue Diamond had said to her. Tears started to well up in her eyes. She thought to herself, "Of course, I miss her." She looked directly at Blue Diamond who was standing right before her, ready to say more.

Blue said,"Yellow, what happened to you? You've changed, you're not the Diamond I remember."

Yellow responded,"I-I don't know what happened. I j-just couldn't withstand feeling those emotions so I just continued to work harder and wanted to get rid of everything having to do with Pink Diamond. I'm sorry. I screwed up and now I've ruined our relationship." Yellow started to cry uncontrollably, in front of Blue like she had never done before.

"Yellow, it wasn't all your fault. It takes two in a relationship. I'm sorry too. I should have never given you the responsibility of my court. I didn't know that you were under all that stress."

"Blue, I should have helped you when you were grieving but I made myself a shell and shut everyone out. I love you so much and I'm so sorry"

"I love you and I'm so sorry too Yellow."

Blue Diamond pulled Yellow Diamond closer, embracing in a hug. Each of them looking into each other's eyes like there was a rope tugging them closer and closer. An inch apart when Blue Diamond slammed her lips into Yellow's, a ferocious kiss between them. Yellow looked into Blue's eyes, seeing no more sadness but an eagerness. An eagerness that Yellow was very willing to deliver.

Blue Diamond said, "Yellow, Fuck me now!"

Oooooohhhh! What is going to happen now? Next chapter will tell!