Hi. Hello. Other Greetings. So to those of you who might be worried about the updates on my Monster Falls story, Fae and Beasts, don't be. This isn't a replacement for that, well, maybe in the future, and I guess this week, but I decided to write up a chapter of this instead of a chapter for that story for the reason that with this I know what I'm doing. I've got a start, and a finish and the time-range is far shorter than the other, I know entirely what's going on and there shouldn't be any awkward starts and stops, and also I'm writing the beginning, and while starting a beginning is hard, it isn't as hard as middles. Anyway I've got far more ideas for this than my other story at current.

That said, this is a longer story but for now will act as a one-off part one, Pilot-y thing, until I finish one of my other stories or have the time to properly write this one up. So, on that note this first chapter should incorporate the main ideas of my story.

Large influences on this story were, Thaumaturgy by synnworld, and I guess just general urban-fantasy ideas, or... High Fantasy too I guess a bit? Really just general fantasy...

Anyway Random Unnecessary Disclaimer: I do not currently own, nor ever have owned Gravity Falls.

Cool, as I say in every single one of my stories review. Sure it might be like, two months before I get back to you, but what do you have to lose?

The Heroes Return (again):

A small red car pulled up to the old-looking shack in the thick pine tree forest. The sun was high in the sky, and the summer warmth flooded the woods, the shadows were short, and yet so much was hidden in them. A brown haired teenager in a dark-blue vest, grey-jeans, and a red-pink shirt stepped out of the car, placing a brightly-colored hat with a pinetree on his head. His features were round, and his eyes were a muddy brown, that occasionally seemed to light up when a sudden thought struck him.

There was a click, and a girl with the same light brow hair appeared, she was dressed in short-shorts, a loose pink sweater that slipped off her shoulders, and she had a hair clip in her hair which was colored a sparkling pink. Her eyes were the same as the boy's, and they looked extremely similar, both had the same round features.

At the sound of the car the door to the Shack, a dark brown building with two stories and a sloping roof where the words 'Mystery Hack' hung perilously, opened. A large man stepped out, he had a slight stubble, a large round face, front teeth that were somewhat large, and a short sharp nose. His hair was dark brown but was mostly hidden by his hat, a Fez with a strange mark on it. He was dressed in a suit, and had a red bow-tie. He smiled when he saw them, "Woah, dudes what are you doing here, I mean, don't you usually take the bus or something?"

"Well we used to, but one of us, and I'm not going to say who, but it was totally me, can drive now, so we don't have to." The boy replied with a grin.

"Stop bragging Dip-dop, I'll be driving soon as well you know." The girl remarked, grabbing her bags which she swung over her shoulder.

"So, dude you want me to clear out the guest room or are you going to stay in that bunker like you did last year." The man asked.

"I plan to stay in the old lab again, but thanks for the offer Soos." The boy 'Dip-Dop' answered.

Another head appeared through the doorway, a college aged wit vibrant red-orange hair, and dark green eyes, she gave a grin when she saw the pair, "Dipper, Mabel, how's it going?"

"Good. Better for being in Gravity Falls again." Dipper 'Dip-dop' answered.

"Dipper's just saying that because he wants to see his girlfriend." Mabel said, as she walked into the Shack.

"Right, how is Paz by the way?" The red-haired girl asked.

"Good, I mean, I've only talked with her over phone calls and stuff so I don't know exactly. Sorry, by the way you asked how I was I forgot to ask how things have been going for you, you're in college now so how's that been?" Dipper asked.

"Oh you know, good, kind of like high school but I get to choose what I'm doing and when, so I mean, it's better than High School in a lot of ways." the red-haired girl answered.

"So Wendy, you want to hang out later or something, I was planning to go hang out with Candy and Grenda, it'd be great if you joined us, hey Paz could come as well." Mabel commented.

"You know she hates the name Paz right?" Dipper asked walking towards the basement.

"Yes." Both girls replied in unison.

"Yeah, I figured, it just felt like I had to intervene in someway." Dipper chuckled as he disappeared behind a vending machine, as the secret door closed behind him.

The blond haired girl turned to look at her bed where a small flat stone with on a necklace sat, a strange symbol glowed pink on the surface, and the girl smiled, her blue eyes flashing, purple-pink briefly. She moved across to her bed where she picked up the stone and pressed her thumb onto the surface, a moment later Dipper stepped through smiling at her.

"I didn't realize you were back yet." The girl said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's called a surprise Pacifica."

"I've never really liked surprises."

"Well that fits perfectly with everything I know about you."

The two teenagers kissed for a moment, then Pacifica pulled her head back with a smile, "I don't suppose my ever so wonderful Boyfriend could magic us up an actual date somewhere could he?"

"I suppose we'll find out tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow? Wait let me guess you have to go meet up with your nerd friends."

"Yeah that's the one, Mabel and Wendy told me to tell you they were hanging out and you were invited, so you've got stuff you can do, anyway, I'm sure you've got other things you could be doing."

"Sure Dip-dop."

"Right, ignore what I said about hanging out with Mabel, you obviously shouldn't spend anymore time with her."

"Oh no I need to go now, after all ignoring an invitation would be rude."

"You know half of me suspects that you three are conspiring against me."

"Dipper Pines, I can put your mind to rest on that matter, we are most certainly plotting against you." Pacifica replied smirking.

Dipper began walking down the dark stone steps into a dark basement, he held up a small paper note written on a flashcard. Meet at Three. Which wasn't really strange, the fact that it wasn't marked with an initial was a bit odd, but he supposed he could deal with it, as he stepped into a large stone chamber, gothic styled arches rose up from the ground in a circle and met in the center of the room where a low light filtered in. That was strange, the room was usually much brighter. As Dipper's last steps took him to a large stone table at the center of the room there was an explosion of light from off to one side and Dipper leapt to the ground sliding under the table. From the shadows a younger boy, maybe thirteen, appeared, his hair was pale white-blond, and he had light blue eyes. His clothes were baby blue, and they were well fitting nice looking clothes, an almost trenchcoat like Jacket, a dark suit underneath, and a baby blue tie.

"Oh come on Gideon! That's not fair, I mean I don't even have my staff yet!" Dipper yelled at the boy from under the table.

"Come on Pines, you should have thought of that before coming here." The boy, Gideon, yelled back.

"I wasn't really expecting to be attacked!" Dipper yelled back, leaping from under the table to a rack across the room with a single staff in it, the staff was plain and simple, there was a simple dark blue leather grip, but other than that it seemed just like a carved piece of oak wood. As Dipper neared it another blast of energy flew towards him coming from the only other staff in the room, held by Gideon, a piece of straight black wood an orb of glowing blue crystal was attached to the top by a ring of steel, another ring of steel was at the bottom of the staff.

The blast of energy flew in a bright straight beam of green-blue light across the room, where it crashed against Dipper's hand. Dipper's grip fell away to reveal a stone with a simple rune carved onto it, giving a smile he reached out and his staff flew into his hand. He squeezed his staff, and brought it downwards sending an arc of energy across the room towards Gideon where it was blocked by a wall of light. A flurry of attacks were used, each was a simple motion, a small movement, each contained vast amounts of power leaving the walls scorched and burnt. Dipper frowned before eventually crashing his staff down upon the floor, beneath him the stones shifted opening up right under Gideon, who lost his balance falling backwards, at the same time Dipper sent a blast of energy into Gideon knocking him against a wall.

Dipper walked over in long strides, a grin covering his face as he pointed the end of his staff at Gideon, "Yield."

"Fine, you win this time Pines." Gideon said reluctantly.

Dipper's grin spread and he held out his hand, "Honestly though you really did cheat, I was almost one hundred percent sure we dueled with staffs."

"Oh come on Pines you know in a real attack we wouldn't have time to get our staffs first."

"Right, which is why I've got runes on me in the first place, speaking of which I think I'll need to recharge a few."

"Now, Pines, with you back, and Candy missing from our meeting that hints that your darling sister is back in town. Might it be possible for me to-"

"Gideon, we've been over this, you talk to her not to me. As much as you've grown since that first summer, well, it's not my choice what she does, so you want to win over her heart, go win over her heart, but keep me out of it." Dipper replied.

"I see. Still, I think I've got a slight disadvantage winning your sister over seeing as she refuses to even speak to me when I'm in the room."

"Yeah, well that's partially your fault. Other than you being three years younger than her, that one is entirely the fault of time, but hey, it might go not badly."

"Yes Pines it might, but then again you had a crush on a girl three years older than you and look how that went."

"Right that's fair, but I did end up with a beautiful girl my age, so yeah?"

"You gave her hope when she was completely lost and alone, that's a bit unfair."

"Right, then hope that I die some horribly painful death completely unrelated to you so that you can comfort her, and eventually win her heart." Dipper replied with a grin.

Deep in the woods a boy moved through the shadow-y trees, his clothes were black, and green, a dark hood was pulled over his head, and a cloak wrapped around his form, in one hand there was a twisted old staff, at the top sat a single dark green gem that shimmered with a strange glow. As the boy, maybe fifteen or sixteen in age, reached the edge of the clearing he pulled down his hood to reveal his flashing green eyes, and his darkly colored hair. In the center of the clearing sat a single stone statue, a triangle with a single eye, it had arms and legs and a top hat, one hand was outstretched as if offering a deal. The boy smiled, picking up a small chisel and chipping away a piece of stone from the statue. He spoke in a powerful voice, however powerful it was it was soft though, it commanded attention and at the same time was comforting, "Yes, I rather think Bill Cipher, that you'll be rather useful."

Like I said before, this is just a story I'm doing, I'll update and some point in the future because I have some idea what I'm doing. The length however will probably be closer to my Star Wars Crossover than my Monster Fall's story.

Anyway Review because that'll be fun, and by the way this isn't a reviving Bill Cipher story because I'm not a fan of those.