Bit of a break since my last post but here is the next chapter, if you can please review any feedback is really helpful. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I neither own the Harry Potter universe nor the characters they all belong to JK Rowling

Sirius Black had moved into his flat in Hogsmeade, the location was not his first choice, he would of preferred a flat that had a central location, so that it was closer to the castle but also one where he could nosily watch the passer byes. Looking at a cold, damp and grey wall for sixteen years sure made the mundane tasks of every day life interesting.

Sirius knew he could not relax however, the flat was the first stepping stone in a long process, the next port of call was to start gaining contacts into the many factions that now dominated magical Britain, including the Order.

Sirius though lacked any ability to work a room from a political standpoint. His youth was made up of avoiding political diplomacy, to the point he viewed pureblood politics like the plague. While in part this was to spite his mother, it was also because he found the whole ordeal of compromising with others pointless. Now though he had no alternative there was no Regulus he could palm off the work to. Fuck he really wished it would be as easy as charming women at a bar, he certainly could do that.

Yet that's exactly where he started, deciding to play to his strengths he made his way over to the three broomsticks in the aim to at least get acquainted with someone of importance. The bar was just as he had remembered it, warm and friendly. What he didn't expect to see was a fuming McGonagall castrating madam Rosmerta.

"I hope I do not need to inform you again Rosmerta that this is now the third time a pupil has been found with alcohol on the school premises in the last month. The alcohol in question seems to have originally resided in your pub, now if you don't buck up your ideas, you give me no option but to report you, I hope I've made myself clear, now good day"

Sirius was smiling to himself, somethings never changed. The reprimand Rosmerta had just received also gave him an opportune moment to order a drink while Rosmerta was rattled, because despite his excellent disguise, Sirius was still wary in public of being recognised, and his experience in the the three broom sticks over the years had allowed him to identify Rosmerta as a reasonably quick witted barmaid who often looked passed the surface of an individual. He hurried over and immediately ordered a firewhiskey.

Of course there was no reason for panic, he'd been served quickly without any concern, he made his way to the back of the pub, where a raised table was laid out. It gave him the perfect opportunity to view the whole pub yet remain incognito so to speak.

An hour later and the plan was in ruins the only person of note that entered was Amelia Bones, whom was collecting a coat she had left behind from another evening. The rest of the clientele were drunkards and desk jockeys. While never usually needing an excuse to stay in a pub, Sirius was getting impatient.

It seemed nothing fucking happened anymore on a Friday night, the war seemed to have made boozing like most things shit, not caring to stay any longer, Sirius went for a lash. He certainly got an unpleasant sight when he entered, eyeing him from across the bathroom was a mad curly haired women with her wand raised.

While the years in Azkaban had certainly dampened some emotions, his wit seemed to have just about remained untouched from his stay, so in very much typical Sirius fashion he quickly quipped,

"Bella, I'm sure Druella taught you not to enter a male toilet, surely you know that it is unbecoming of a girl of your standing?"

"Be quiet you blood traitor!"

"Oh so I'm a traitor now that we are both out from behind bars, and I thought we had built some bridges between ourselves," mocked Sirius.

"They were never torn down Sirius Black! a Black bond is eternal, sadly that still appertains to our current predicament."

"I'm sorry Bella what is our current situation, one where you're mad?" Replied Sirius dryly.

"Mad? Mad! You're the man that fucking loves muggles!" Growing tired of the conversation Sirius frustratedly asked,

"Why are you here Bella?"

"I'm invoking your services, I will be calling upon you next Thursday evening, I expect you ready for me then."

"I don't recall needing to fulfil any obligation toward you my darling cousin, nor do you know my living accommodation," dismissed Sirius.

"Look you blabbering bastard, I got you through them years in that prison despite being registered as insane and got you out for good measure now be ready to go at 23 Hogs Ginnel at six." Sirius was initially taken aback, he was impressed his cousin had obtained the location of his flat. Yet he tried to keep a calm façade, which was easier said than done, when you had been a jump the gun Gryffindor all your life.

"You have done your due diligence, so what of it, you won't kill me now, not when I know that you're weighted very heavily toward Black family loyalty, you may take your leave Bella, I will not join you on some maniac scheme dreamt up by those brainless followers Voldemort has."

"You dare speak his name! After everything he has done for you!"

"I've been rotting in Azkaban for sixteen years, you can hardly say I have gained from your so called lord, no Bella I'm afraid I will not be joining you."

"Oh I think you will, cousin,"

"Meaning Bellatrix?"

"Well I'm sure Arcturus will have your pretty head on a pike by the end of the week if he sees you have missed out on an opportunity to readably gain intelligence from those on Voldemort's side."

"Er w..what?" Stuttered a surprised Sirius.

"Oh did you think you were special Sirius? You thought you were the only one included in our patriarchs plan?" Cackled an excitable Bellatrix.

"W.w.. why did he tell you? And if he did why does he need me you already have a foot in one camp already!"

"Of course he would tell me! The bastard wanted me to do it, the shit thought I would take his lunatic plan on, but I would never go against my lord!" Screeched an annoyed Bellatrix.

"So our grandfathers plan is doomed to fail before it has even started."

"Don't be naïve! It could gain traction initially, but ultimately when my lord returns it will crumble mightily."

"Wait so you're keeping Arcturus's plan hidden to your comrades?" Asked a confused Sirius.

"Sure," dismissed Bellatrix nonchalantly.

Sirius was about to follow up the response with a question asking why that was the case, but thought better of it, Merlin knew what was going through his crazy cousins mind, she had obviously contradicted herself with regard to never betraying Voldemort's cause yet seemed to fail at grasping that fact herself. Instead he moved on,

"What exactly will be occurring next Thursday?" Asked Sirius anxiously, after knowing from his Order days exactly what usually happened during these outings.

"That will become relevant on the day, now bugger off I need to take a shit!" deemed Bellatrix unceremoniously.

"In the mens room?" Replied Sirius instinctively baffled by Bellatrix less than caring attitude to where she was.

"I'll cruciate anybody that disturbs me including you now leave!"

Not needing a third dismissal, Sirius left the bathroom in haste, wanting to get away from the presences of his cousin pronto. He went straight for the exit not looking back, he pushed through the pub door roughly with one main thought at the forefront of his brain, away from the

jumble of other ideas, he needed a fucking great big lock on his door and some complex wards, he had no desire for Bella to enter as she pleased.

"So are you planning on castrating Malfoy slowly until he is a blubbering mess, and only too willing to open up about the Black heirdom or are you going to just wait it out patiently, until he makes a mistake and needs our help rectifying it?" Asked a dismissive Daphne, whom was curled up on an armchair in Slytherin common room while reading a segment of a sixth year Runes book.

"Because I regularly go around the castle castrating pupils don't I Daphne," quipped Harry.

"No I will let him stew, Malfoy while often acute and quiet, lacks any real clout to get anything done he will be looking for help soon enough, I will deal with him then, when he is in a position of weakness," continued Harry.

"Is that wise? while I think the boy is also inadequate of pulling off such a move under our noses, if he were to succeed it would leave the Malfoys in a great deal of power."

"To do what with Daphne? his father is a puppet to a none existing person currently, his mother is a snooty pureblood wife, whom may carry a tenacious temper but really only cares predominantly about the new fashion trend. Draco himself, well Malfoy is currently a part of the Order, dare I say it he has more business than I in it, the Black title falling into the hands of Malfoy is hardly a risk to myself. The only reason I have any interest in the current situation is not from fear of Malfoy but that I may miss out on such a position for myself."

"I didn't know you had a streak of vanity about you Harry, dare I say it reminds me of Nott."

"Talking of Nott his father is lacking any sort of subtlety these days, I found him torturing a Muggleborn in a back alley near Borkin and Burke's."

"The man is a pest, much like his son, clearly in different ways though I must add."

Harry couldn't hold back a smile, Daphne wasn't a big fan of really many people. Yet if she wanted to Harry had no doubt that she could become one of the most popular girls in the school. She was always near to top of the class, had an obvious ease with wit and was clearly the most attractive girl in the school, if you were into blondes that is.

"You still with us Potter, or are you in transfiguration land again?" Quipped Daphne whom had disturbed Harry previously in the day when he was focusing hard on an advanced transfiguration textbook in the library.

"Either that or he was in Fleur world, sure couldn't get enough of her last night could you Harry?" Laughed Nott whom had entered from across the room. The remark was met by a glare from Daphne whom did not appreciate Nott's comment, Harry oblivious to Daphne, baited Nott further,

"Oh you know what they say Nott, randiest witches in the whole of Europe the French, she was pretty tired last night by the end I have to admit," Smirked Harry.

"Will somebody inform me of what the fuck you two are talking about!" Asked an agitated Daphne, whom failed to hide her reaction behind her usual stoic mask.

"Tut tut tut Greengrass, you would think a heiress of a sacred twenty eight family would be able to speak without the use of profanities, but fear not, you don't need to worry Greengrass, it was only a floo call nothing untoward occurred," grinned Nott.

Daphne payed no heed to Nott's teasing manner, instead she addressed Harry directly, "What was of such importance that required a floo call from France last night?"

"It was not from France Daphne, nor was it late at night, in fact it occurred after dinner yesterday and it was from a place near here in Scotland actually. Fleur has been assigned a case on one Remus Lupin, our third year defence against the dark arts teacher. She was merely asking if I knew any information regarding him."

Harry watched Daphne to see her reaction, the blonde seemed perturbed from the information she had received, the name Lupin would mean very little to most of Hogwarts pupils including Theodore Nott, just another passing Defence against the dark arts teacher, yet the name struck accord with Daphne. The two often confided with another, Remus Lupin being a notable topic, which both had procrastinated over for many hours in the past. She knew like Harry of Remus Lupin's past and his links to Harry's past.

"Just Lupin?" Queried Daphne whom to Harry was clearly asking if he was okay, Harry curtly responded with a smile and a nod to reassure her.

Yet Daphne still seemed unsettled from Harry's recent admission, from powers of elimination Harry assumed it was Fleur's appearance that was agitating her, while the two had a lot in common and always acted civil to one another neither had looked to further their relationship as mere acquaintances, something which Harry always found peculiar.

"Daphne, that was all it was,…promise," smiled Harry gently, trying to instil some contentment back into her, something which Harry himself was puzzled about, unsure as to why he had a desire to reassure Daphne.

"Yeah Queeny I wouldn't worry last time I heard the eldest Weasley was shagging Delacour, I'm sure he has more to offer than our Harry here" winked Nott, the pureblood background in her, seemed to allow Daphne to block out Nott's insinuations and move on,

"What a lovely image to portray Nott, how do you come by this information anyway? You were holed up in that bleak manor of yours all summer, and you're hardly the social pariah to obtain information so quickly while at Hogwarts" asked Daphne.

"Hurtful Queeny,... but I have my methods now despite how enthralling the whole reading club looks, I'm going to find Flint he reckons he can obtain some firewhiskey,…tara."

Harry wasn't too bothered about Nott's departure, the boy more often than not was a hindrance whenever studying was involved. After his interruption the two Slytherins settled back down to reading. The steady trail of pupils making their way to bed from the common room went relatively unnoticed by the two of them. The dying embers of the fire that heated the long dark room, eventually notified the two of how late it had actually become. Harry looking up from the fire saw a focused Daphne, frowning thoroughly at a Runes book.

"Hey Daphne, I think it's time to make a move, it's getting pretty late," spoke Harry softly.

"I just need to finish this chapter Harry and then I will make a move," replied Daphne shivering at the same time.

"Come here then don't want to see you get cold," beckoned Harry over to the other side of the settee innocently. Daphne accepted the invitation readily curling up next to Harry nearer to the fire. The importance of the runes chapter seemed completely forgotten, with the change in seating position, as Daphne launched into a question,

"So did you tell Fleur about Lupin?"

"No I merely just proclaimed to know of him as a decent teacher that had a strange fascination with the moon," smiled Harry.

"Why are they looking for him in the first place," Asked Daphne innocently.

"It seems Dumbledore has hinted to those in the upper echelons of the Order that Remus Lupin maybe of use to our cause. It also came across from the Floo call that it seems he may of also singled him out as a possible threat, depending on his choice obviously to join the cause."

"You mean that they might kill him off?"

Harry just shrugged not looking to concerned for his ex teacher. Daphne not happy with his response continued, "I know you don't owe him anything Harry, but we should at least try and spare him."

"What good would that do Daphne? the man now has a target on his back from both sides, he is burdened by a disease, and he is unwilling to get involved, him being in debt to me, makes little to no difference to my standing."

"Like I always remind you Harry we are on no side, there is no greater good, just our morals and our own aims to follow."

"Well Daphne my aim is to stay well away from Lupin, and my morals say, let the man that turned his back on me when I was a child suffer."


"No Daphne he could of taken me in when I was young, give me a resemblance of a home, or at least some fatherly figure but he hid away from all that."

"Ok, I wasn't insinuating any sort of union, I understand where you are coming from, I just thought I'd put it out there, having favours in our pocket would be always helpful."

"Well you have my answer," the two were enveloped in silence after that, most silence especially after a disagreement would often be uncomfortable or awkward, but it happened with enough regularity that neither were restless. Harry had too much to worry about anyway than worry about small arguments with Daphne. The war had sparked back to life somewhat in recent months, after being dogged by political and economic gestures for a large period.

Harry reckoned the mass breakout of Azkaban, was finally starting to have an effect. The murder of five Muggleborn families in the space of a week had set off a domino effect.

The escalation could be attributed to one man, a man that was not afraid of shifting his weight about that man being Lucius Malfoy. He was a somewhat of a political mastermind, he was very good at manipulating a situation to his favour. The legalisation passed for aurors to kill on sight without prior permission was enacted.

The actual law itself was not a problem in Harry's view, in fact it was moronic that trained aurors couldn't initiate lethal force without a permission slip already, they were in a fucking war for fucks sake. The media's narrative had cast a different sort of message to his though. It portrayed the bills passage in a negative light. Lucius no doubt had friends in the media likely as stake holders. The wireless and papers were awash with exaggerated headlines emphasising it as the ministry losing its grasp on the war. The general wizarding public already on tenterhooks, panicked, it seemed society recently had grind to a standstill, pushing the ministry and the order to take more risks with raids. Just in any case to present some good news to public.

Harry's thoughts were ended when he felt a ache in his back, adjusting slightly to get comfortable he noticed the dead weight that now rested on his chest, he realised that Daphne must of fallen asleep, not wanting to disturb her, he was stuck.

He realised that the position he and Daphne were in could look quite compromising, it was often frowned upon to show any sort of affection in public when in Slytherin, fortunately or unfortunately a brunette popped through the entrance to the common room, Harry saw that she immediately clocked the two on the opposite side of the room. "Oh well this is cosy, if I don't say myself" Smirked Astoria as she strode purposefully across the room toward Harry.

Not in the mood to appease Astoria's likely suggestive questions, Harry deflected, "I certainly hope that you were not anywhere that say resembled cosy, Tori."

"Oh no just talking with Nott, nothing as loving as this scene."

"Theodore Nott is either tucked up in bed or getting drunk with Flint, neither of which would be occurring outside these walls," remarked Harry again showing no signs of being fooled.

"I'm not Daphne Harry, you cannot ask or order me around."

"Daphne does what she wants, I'm not exactly her keeper."

"Fine while it's not really any of your business I will tell you, just so you can sleep at night. I wasn't getting cosy with anybody. I'm fact I was helping Malfoy learn a method of Calligraphy that is deemed to show upper most class"

"Okay I suppose I can let you off, by the way did you see Snape on your travels?"

"Hardly Harry I kept to the more hidden corridors, it is after curfew after all."

"And how exactly did you do that Tori?"

"Oh I forget to mention that you may want this back," responded Astoria while she emptied her pockets with a piece of parchment to which Harry instantly recognised as the marauders map.

"How do you know about this map?"

"Oh I don't know Harry, but I would say it was rather obvious," replied Tori showing no sort of remorse or guilt for taken one of Harry's prized possessions. Harry's brain quickly clicked into gear,


"Got there in the end Harry."

"Was there any particular reason Daphne deemed it necessary to reveal my map to you" in response Astoria just shrugged. While Harry was a little bit bitter from the disloyalty, he decided he would get Daphne's part of the story later. Now he was going to use this little bit of information to his advantage.

Sitting up straight, He pushed Daphne's body up to, away from the leaner position it was originally in, he then began to shake her awake,

"Harry get lost" groaned Daphne

Harry continued shaking her

"Argh!…..What are you doing!" Clamoured Daphne who sat up straight, allowing Harry to detach completely away from her.

"Hey before you go moronic at me, I should show you this" to which point Harry raised the marauders map up to her eye level, Daphne's eyes went wide for a brief second.

"Now I'm sure you have an explanation for why Tori here knows of the map, but I will let you explain that tomorrow, because right now I need to find Snape" added Harry in a authoritative manner, while at the same time getting up from the settee.

"Firstly Harry James Potter, don't speak to me like that, and second there is a reason but clearly that can wait right?" Replied Daphne somewhat surly.

"Yeah…..right" murmured Harry slightly unsure of himself.

"Come on Tori, let's go to sleep" the two sisters walked off toward the stairs,

"So that was cute Daph? A bit unlike you though, I don't think I've seen you show so much affection in public before" gleamed Astoria with a hint of mirth in her eyes.

"Oh shut up Tori, I fell asleep, coincidentally on Harry, and unlike you some of us don't wear our hearts upon our sleeves."

"In other words you still aren't getting anywhere with the boy wonder yet," quipped Astoria.

"Says the girl who wrote him love letters when she was younger."

"Not the only one Daph, just somebody left theirs under her bed rather than actually sending them to him," Laughed Astoria.

"Oh piss off Tori," muttered Daphne while struggling to hide a smidgen of a blush, she wasn't aware anybody knew of those letters.

"Potter, I was not aware you were going to be gracing me with your presence this evening" sneered Snape from behind his desk.

"After fifteen years of growing up and around the Order the cold, callous nature of Snape had no effect of making Harry uneasy. "Sorry Professor, but I assumed that you would be doing something menial anyway."

"Your cheek Potter is getting worse."


"Why are you here Potter? don't you have some drinking game you could be playing, or maybe playing with a girl from my house, or do you not play well with others your age?"

"Did the loneliest, saddest man in the whole of Hogwarts just mock me?...anyway don't worry Snape, I play far better with my peers, than you did at my age."

"Unlike you Potter I was a man of academia, I was happy to stay away from the groups, I excelled there, you of course are just like any other Slytherin, privileged, hidden and safe."

"Don't be so delusional Snape, stop letting your hatred cloud your judgement, especially when I need you in my corner tomorrow at the meeting."

"Not that I would be in your corner anyway Potter, but I will not be attending, the Dark Lord has called for me tomorrow"

"The dark lord might as well be a head on a skew Snape, he has no bodily function nor brain power currently, so stop taking the fucking piss and just say Bellatrix has called for you, only you Snape would make sound somewhat romantic."

"I'am your teacher Potter, show me the respect I deserve."

"Respect is earned, not something given Snape."

"Learnt that from McGonagall have you?" sneered Snape.

"So what if I have?"

"Hmm,…anyway Potter, if I were to be present at the meeting tomorrow, what would be on the agenda? And to what would you be arguing for?"

"Not got any details eh?"

"Objectives of the Order are ultimately confidential Potter, Dumbledore did not see fit to include those away from the meeting, something to which you would not be aware of since the chosen one gains information freely whatever the circumstances."

"If the headmaster does not see fit to include you then why would I indulge in telling you the itinerary for tomorrow?"

"You really are an insufferable little shit now aren't you, but because you're McGonagall's little golden child I will help you."


"Despite what you say Potter I do command respect from many of my peers, which will likely be attending tomorrow, I can certainly guide them toward your corner, if I find your argument compelling."

"And these peers are?"

"That is no concern of yours, now are you going to tell me or are you going to get the fuck out my office?"

"Alright well the first order of business is actually regarding Hogwarts, the headmaster sees it fit to in times such as these remove the historical records of families in Hogwarts notably pureblood histories, which will only further distance the population in general."

"Potter are any of these topics important? Because I have no desire in wasting my time on matters that are merely school rules."

"Sorry Professor, as a teacher I only thought you would have some interest in how the school will be run, anyway my main concern is for raid that is taking place next Thursday. The raids location happens to on an abandoned manor in Cumbria, in my opinion the manor is being used essentially as a trap."

"Your opinion?" Muttered Severus with a raised eyebrow, "tell me Potter why would the Order base their decisions on a schoolboys opinion?"

"I've been around this damn organisation since I was five, I have picked up on enough conversations to allow me to form a decent opinion, now according to the Information I'am privy to, mainly through Nott and Malfoy, I have inferred that the manor is a mere distraction."

"I have heard nothing of this inside the death eater camp?"

"Well maybe you're aren't as close to the pulse as you think you are."

"I would be informed, if such a plan was taking place!" dismissed Snape in confidence.

"so if that is all, please leave I have business to take care of"

"Wonderful, just wonderful, well thank you for your time Professor I know how precious it is, good night" snarked Harry, who turned around and walked briskly out of Snape's office.