Pairing is undecided, that said here are the 5 pairing I won't accept.

1. Harem

2. NaruHina (Hinata)

3. NaruSaku (Sakura)

4. NaruTsu (Tsunade)

5. Anything Yaoi (Includes gender swaps that make no sense)

Ships that are in consideration:

1. NaruFem!Haku

Beta Reader for potential punctuation and grammatical errors that are bound to happen.

"Pathetic." Bjuu thoughs

"Pathetic." Bjuu speaking

"Lame." Person's thoughts

"Lame." Person speaking

Summary: Naruto turned out to have a special bloodline the supposedly extinct 'Ice Release' from the infamous Yuki clan that was driven to near extinction from the Bloodline purge.

The morning before the genin exams..

Cold blue eyes that were closed slowly opened to see the roof of an apartment. Said blue eyes were from Uzumaki Naruto. He rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake up. He was tired and he looked to the side to see his alarm. He had an hour or two before he has to go to the academy. Comforting, he has time.

As much as he would like to stare at rundown wood. He has things to do, he got off the bed, grabbed a pair of clean clothes that consistent of a standard black shinobi pants with the usual attachments and a run-of-the-mill dark blue shirt with the Uzumaki symbol on the back. He headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

A brief ten minutes later.

He walked of the bathroom already changed into his clothes. He had already brushed his teeth and only needed a light to prepare himself for the day ahead.

"No point in wasting my breath..", he quietly muttered to himself and dragged himself to the mess that was his kitchen. Walking past the numerous empty cups of ramen scattered around his kitchen. He opened the fridge and stared at the pitiful display.

A lone carton of milk.

He would laugh if it wasn't so sad. He flipped the carton to the side and noted that it was already past it's due date. A quick sigh escaped his lips as he closed the fridge and grabbed an apple from the counter near the fridge. He quietly snacked on the apple with an empty expression on his face.

He stopped complaining about the state of his apartment long ago. It did nothing but waste his breath. As he took one last bite, he discarded the apple into the trash bin and set off to clean his kitchen. No moment wasted after cup after cup of ramen was thrown to the trash. It only took a measly five minutes to finish cleaning.

"Done, and with a lot of time to spare. Might as well do a quick workout." He positioned himself in the floor and began his morning regiment that consistent of stretches, sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups on the metal bar near the door. More than enough to break a sweat.

1 hour later...

He grunted, beads of sweat falling off his forehead and onto the old floor as he pushed his body upwards for his final pull-up. With a quite thud, he landed on the floor and wiped the sweat of his floor with a towel.

"30 minutes.. huh. Might as well get on with it."

He exited his apartment and set off to the academy. Ignoring the many hateful stares thrown his way. It didn't matter. They could stare all they want. It doesn't bother him whatsoever. He walked in the direction of the academy, the only thing you could hear off the Uzumaki was his faint breathing.

He has arrived.

A/N: One year, almost two. How time flies.. in all seriousness. I'm sorry for no updates. Everytime I looked at this story I couldn't help but shudder at the various probelms I saw with my own writing! Because of that, I'm unsure on whether or not I'll actually continue this story. If I do it'll be scarce. Again, my utmost apologies.

Now for some clarification, Naruto's parents are still Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. How he has it will be explained later on, just know that he has it from a Uzumaki descendant.