A/N: Hello there! I finally felt happy enough to start posting this story. It's my second Obi-Wan fanfic (second of many I hope). Just a quick note to the title; I don't usually do this, but whilst writing this story, I felt that the song "If I Fall" by "Sunrise Avenue" really fit. Hence the title. so if you want to check it out, please do :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

If I Fall

Chapter 1

It had been a long day. The busy city of Coruscant was beaming with its usual light, speeders going in every direction trying to get from one place to another. The sun had long since set leaving the sky a deep black only broken by dots of bright stars. At the temple, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi had just returned to the comfort of their shared apartment from a mission on Dantooine. The mission had been a complete success but the two weeks were tiring and it had been a long trip back to Coruscant. When they finally got back to their apartment they were both worn-out, but still had to prepare their mission report for the council. So, with reluctance they made themselves comfortable in their usual spots on the sofa and began to work.

It took them about an hour to finish. Qui-Gon could tell that Obi-Wan was really fighting to stay awake. So finally, he told his Padawan to get some rest. With a brief nod and "good night Master" Obi-Wan made his way to his room, where he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Qui-Gon watched slightly amused as his Padawan practically sleepwalked to his room. He had noticed that whenever Obi-Wan was tired he looked like a child again. The Jedi Master couldn't help but cherish those rare moments. Obi-Wan was an adult now, Qui-Gon knew that. He knew that Obi-Wan would soon be ready for his trials, and he would lose the boy he had become so accustomed to having around. The boy he was reluctant to take as a Padawan, but the boy he just couldn't imagine his life without anymore. Let the council think what they want, but he loved Obi-Wan like a son and couldn't be prouder of the man he was becoming. One day he would be a great knight, Qui-Gon was sure of it.

Tearing his gaze away from his Padawan's now closed door, Qui-Gon turned to head towards his own room to get ready for bed before peacefully falling asleep.

. . .

Qui-Gon woke with a start as an intense pain flashed through his mind, gone as quickly as it had come. It took him a moment to gather himself. Then he realized that the pain hadn't been his. But where had it come from? Was it maybe just part of a dream? Or had he imagined it? Quickly dismissing those thoughts, he sat up. He tiredly rubbed his forehead trying to get his still sleeping mind to think.

It didn't take him long to notice how tense and distressed the Force felt. Yet he felt no danger. Something wasn't right. He looked around his room. It was still dark, he couldn't have slept for more than 4 hours.

And then without warning it hit him again. It was much stronger this time. He was hit full on by a tidal wave of pain, fear, distress and sorrow. The power of it would have knocked him of his feet if he had been standing. He raised his hands to his head as he tried to put up his strongest possible shields. He let himself fall back as his mind finally started to clear. He lay there breathing deeply as he felt the wave still leaking through his shields. It was strong, he had never felt anything like it before, his shields were barely holding their ground. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to calm down and clear his mind.

His eyes sprung open in alarm as he came to a terrible realisation. "Obi-Wan" he whispered.

Qui-Gon jumped to his feet and stumbled out the door. In a few long strides, he crossed the living room heading straight for Obi-Wan's door. With every step, it became more and more difficult to shield his mind. His shields were cracking and falling apart faster than he could replace them. Nevertheless, he continued. Entering Obi-Wan's room he felt like he was on a ship in an unforgiving storm. The Force surrounding his Padawan was chaotic and wild, it felt heavy and thick, weighing him down as he struggled to stay upright. Qui-Gon could feel it swirling around himself, crashing like waves and pulling him into the depths of an endlessly deep ocean, drowning him. He could barely stand as he staggered on. His vision blurred as he got closer to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was curled up in the furthest corner of the room. His hair was damp and his skin glistened with sweat. He whole body was shaking violently and his hands were tightly grasping each side of his head. His face was contorted with pain, his eyes closed tightly. Thick steams of tears flowing down his cheeks.

Making it to Obi-Wan's side Qui-Gon fell to his knees. He could hear Obi-Wan's agonised breaths and his heart pounding rapidly against the deathly silence. "Obi-Wan?" He shouted as his ears started ringing. He got no reaction at all, so he carefully reached out to grab Obi-Wan's ice-cold shoulder. But as soon as his hand touched him he felt a huge Force wave that sent him flying back across the room. He hardly registered what happened before he hit the wall at the other end of the room full force and sunk to the floor unconscious.

. . .

Mace Windu was running full speed down the halls of the temple, he could see various groups of people gather, asking each other about what Mace assumed everyone in the temple had felt. He was aware of the questioning eyes fixed on him as he continued running towards the Jinn/Kenobi apartment. No one tried to stop him and no one got in his way, because everyone knew that if Master Windu was running through the temple, it must be important.

Mace reached the apartment and immediately knew that it was where he was meant to be. The strong feelings of pain and distress were coming from inside the apartment. He dreaded to think about what he would find when he opened the door. He stepped inside and was greeted by complete silence. "Qui-Gon?" he called out when there was no reply he followed with "Obi-Wan?" but still no reply. Cautiously he stepped further into the apartment. His attention was immediately drawn to Obi-Wan's room. He quickened his pace, however when he got to the room he stopped dead. It took him a moment to take in the sight before him. In the furthest corner of the room Obi-Wan was curled up, there were tear tracks on each side of his face, and he was shivering. Mace knew that this was most likely the aftermath of what he had felt before, and it didn't look good. He grabbed the duvet of Obi-Wan's bed and carefully lay it over him. It was then that he became aware of Qui-Gon. He was slumped against the wall at the other end of the room next to the door. Mace ran over to check on his friend. He found a nasty bump on the back of his head, from which he deduced that Qui-Gon had been thrown against the wall and knocked unconscious. But by whom? Obi-Wan? Mace glanced back towards the still shaking form of Obi-Wan Kenobi. "What happened here?" he asked out loud.

Mace stood up alert as he heard someone else enter the apartment. He was relieved to see two healers enter the room. "Master Windu" one of them greeted, they both bowed briefly, taking in the sight before them. One of them hurried towards Obi-Wan, the other to Qui-Gon and they both started their examinations. The young female healer next to Qui-Gon spoke first. "He hit the wall with quite some force, he definitely has a concussion. It's not too bad though, he needs to…" "Chiara!" the other healer cut in and the one who had just spoken turned to face her worried colleague. "We need to get him to the healer's wing now!" Chiara rushed to her colleague's side. "I can't get any kind of response from him at all, I can't even reach him through the Force. He's ice-cold and his heartrate is dangerously low…" "What do you mean, you can't reach him through the Force?" Mace asked. Chiara gave him a solemn look "He's in a coma"

Mace just kept out of the way as the healers carefully lifted Obi-Wan. Chiara threw Mace a last glance. "We'll send for another healer to tend to Master Jinn, could you stay with him until someone arrives?" Mace nodded and the healers left.

. . .

Qui-Gon was out cold for about 20 minutes. When he finally came to, he found himself still sitting on the floor of his Padawan's room. His long-time friend Mace Windu was kneeling next to him looking uncharacteristically worried. Qui-Gon immediately scrambled to his feet, leaning against the wall to stop himself from falling over. The room was spinning but he could tell that Mace was the only other person in the room. "Obi-Wan?" he scanned the room again and then turned to look at Mace who was slowly standing up. "Where is he?" "Take it easy Qui-Gon. You hit your head pretty hard. Just take a seat, a healer is on their way" Qui-Gon shook his head which made him aware of the dull pain at the back of his head. "Where is he?" Qui-Gon repeated. Mace sighed "He's at the healer's wing. Qui-Gon please just sit down, you have a concussion" Qui-Gon didn't listen, he was already making his way towards the door. Mace however stepped to the side to block Qui-Gon's path. "Where do you think you're going?" He said sternly, arms folded across his chest.

Qui-Gon gave him an irritated look. "I'm going to see Obi-Wan, he needs me" Mace shook his head "I need you to sit down, can you tell me what happened?" Qui-Gon thought about it for a moment "I don't know… Just come to the healer's wing with me and ask Obi-Wan" Mace's stern look softened "I can't" He could immediately see trepidation rise in his friend's eyes, and he regretted having to say his next words "Qui-Gon" he said softly, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder "Obi-Wan is in a coma…" Before Mace could say anything else, Qui-Gon pushed past him and ran out the door. "Dammit" Mace breathed before turning to run after him.

. . .

Qui-Gon reached the healer's wing feeling dizzy and sick but he didn't care. He made his way to the closest door, he could sense Obi-Wan's force signature coming from the room. When he entered, he froze at the sight of his Padawan. For the second time in less than an hour, he was shocked by Obi-Wan's appearance. He wasn't sure which one scared him more... The white sheets of the bed highlighted how pale Obi-Wan suddenly was. He looked completely relaxed and calm which was an unnervingly strong contrast to before. If it weren't for the steady beeping of the machine keeping track of Obi-Wan's heartbeat, Qui-Gon could've thought he was dead. The sound of Mace arriving behind him tore Qui-Gon from his thoughts.

Mace followed Qui-Gon into one of the rooms at the healer's wing, when his friend turned to face him he felt nothing but sympathy for him. Qui-Gon looked terrible, most likely due to the fact that he just ran through the temple despite having a concussion. But seeing Obi-Wan probably didn't help.

When they heard the distinct tap of a cane on the floor, Mace and Qui-Gon looked down at the small green Jedi Master. Yoda's ears drooped as he caught sight of Obi-Wan. He looked up at the two Masters looking down at him. He knew what both of them wanted to ask.

"a vision young Kenobi had"