A/N: I'm back with another story and it's different from my usual present day AU. Hopefully you will enjoy it just as much. Pirates of the Carribean was my favourite film when I was 12 and it definitely inspired some of the scenes in this story. I've had fun writing a more adventure type story, but don't worry. There is plenty fluff and romance too!

Chapter 1

I straighten my freshly pressed naval uniform as I ascend the stone steps of the impressive Caribbean mansion. Although it is early evening the air is still muggy and beads of sweat gather on my brow. Hundreds of other people swamp the large veranda dressed in their finest. Precious jewels twinkle in the candlelight and the chirping of crickets can just be heard above the soft music of the string quartet hidden within. It seems the whole of the island has come to see off the royal princess and her husband.

I tip my head towards acquaintances and feel the stare of young ladies appraising me in my uniform. I humour them with a warm smile and most of them giggle before hiding behind their fans. I laugh as I leave them behind and move deeper into the building.

Tonight is the biggest event in Port Capital this year. Our little island has played host to the king's sister, Her Royal Highness, Princess Cashmere, for the last four weeks. Her husband, Seneca Crane, owns several sugar plantations in the Caribbean and has spent the last couple of months touring each with his beautiful princess. Tomorrow they will set sail for their last stop on the tour. But before they go they are throwing an extravagant ball to say goodbye. As a member of the royal navy, and part of the crew that will escort them to their next stop, I am lucky enough to secure an invite.

It's well known that the princess is fond of flowers. Back in England she is said to own the largest and finest rose garden in the country and she has brought that love to this ball tonight. I have never seen so many beautiful and vibrant flowers displayed in each room. All the flowers are native to this idyllic island I have called home for the last ten years and their natural scent tickles my nostrils. It helps drown out the smell of sweat that seems to be rising in the room.

The royal guests haven't arrived yet but I still have to squeeze past bodies to find a familiar and friendly face. The music follows me from room to room and I eventually find my best friend hiding in some corner. Thresh is a big man, both broad and tall, with skin the colour of the darkest cocoa bean. He is probably one of the few people here tonight that was actually born on this island but has been raised by one of the rich English gentlemen since he was four years old. His mother died of typhoid and the old man took pity on him, raising him just like an English boy. Many of the people here tonight stay away from him because of the colour of skin but he has been my best friend since we both started as crew on The Victory.

Thresh grins at me broadly and shoves a glass of rum in my hand as soon as I approach.

"I thought you had been devoured by all the eager young ladies. I heard one pretty little thing exclaim you were the most eligible bachelor in Port Capital," he says as I gratefully accept the drink.

"I'm still just a lowly lieutenant," I say with a grin.

Thresh laughs and shakes his head.

"Ah, but Commodore Snow has already earmarked you as his successor. The young girls, and more importantly their mothers, know you are a catch," he says.

I casually shrug my shoulder. It's no secret that Snow is fond of me and has helped me rise through the naval ranks quickly. But that responsibility is far from my mind at the moment.

Thresh smiles at me again and takes another sip of his drink.

"I don't really care. I've spotted Rue Andrews here tonight. I might finally get that kiss," he says.

"We're about to go out to sea for six weeks. Surely it's not the right time to get a kiss," I reply.

"It's the best time for a kiss! Then it means she will spend six weeks pining for me!" he exclaims.

"You are really confident that your kisses are that good?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I have been told by various young ladies, in various ports in the Caribbean, that I am an excellent kisser. Though I will keep things chaste. Rue is the daughter of the richest Port Capitol native. I have too much respect for her," he says.

I smile and clap my friend on the shoulder.

"I wish you luck. You have been chasing the poor girl for months," I reply.

"She is worth the chase. I think I may love her more than the sea," he says.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"And I thought you were desperate to get back out on the ocean tomorrow?" I say.

Thresh shrugs his shoulders.

"There is nothing quite like the smell of a sea breeze and the adventure of exploring the unknown but Rue is something special and there are no words to do her justice," he replies.

I nod my head but cannot really relate to what he is feeling. I've had my fair share of female admirers but have yet to find one that has captured my attention.

Thresh drifts off for a moment, as I presume he thinks about Rue, but he soon snaps back and gives me a cheeky grin.

"But I am excited about getting back out on the sea. I wonder if we will come across the notorious Captain Firebird and his misfit crew of The Mockingjay. They have been attacking more naval ships in recent months. There are reports of The Merchant being burned and sunk only a couple of weeks ago," he says.

Pirate ships have been rife in these waters for years but there seems to be one ship that wreaks havoc more than others. Not much is known about The Mockingjay ship and its crew but it has a reputation of burning every ship and port it attacks. Its captain, the mysterious Captain Firebird, is one of the most feared people on the seas.

"The news of these pirate attacks are concerning. They seem to be targeting only royal ports and ships and the people of these islands are getting scared," I reply.

"Then it will be our job to send that barbaric ship to the bottom of Davey Jones' Locker," Thresh replies with a cheeky grin.

I laugh but our attention is soon turned by the sounds of trumpets announcing the arrival of the royal guests. The room immediately falls silent and everyone turns towards the door. The princess and her husband come through the doors arm in arm and with beaming smiles across their faces.

Princess Cashmere looks radiant in a royal blue dress that nips in at the waist and falls spectacularly around her hips. The dainty tiara sparkles but is not too extravagant. The same cannot be said for the enormous heart shaped sapphire around her neck while Crane's oddly sculpted beard may be the most bizarre thing I have seen in Port Capitol.

The handsome couple make their way slowly to the front. They smile and tip their heads towards everyone they pass. Crane puts out his hand to help his wife climb the steps and then they turn to stand in front of the ornate chairs on the stage. Princess Cashmere smiles warmly out to the crowd.

Thresh leans in to whisper in my ear.

"I propose a drinking game. Every time Seneca Crane says the word beautiful, we take a drink," he suggests.

I turn to him with a grin. It is well known that the princess' husband likes to overuse that word when describing anything.

"Careful. You don't want to be drunk when you try to woo Rue," I reply.

"I'm drunk already. Another cup of rum isn't going to change that," he says.

I chuckle lightly and agree to play the game. We both turn back to the royal couple and wait for Seneca Crane to make his speech.

"Thank you all for coming on this beautiful night," he starts.

Thresh and I turn to each other with a grin before taking our first drink.

"My wife and I have truly enjoyed our stay in this beautiful port. There are so many beautiful places here on this island and it is filled with the most beautiful flowers and beautiful smells. We have received so much warmth and kindness during our stay. The people of Port Capital are both beautiful inside and out," he continues.

Thresh and I take several more drinks.

"The British Empire is flourishing and it is partly down to all the hard work you do out here in the colonies. You are all helping us become the major trading force in the world," he says.

I'm almost disappointed that I don't get to take another drink.

"I could not do this tour without my beautiful wife, Cashmere. She is my support as I tour my plantations and I am so lucky to have the love of this beautiful woman. She has given me two beautiful daughters and continues to enrich my life every day. She is the one that picked all these beautiful flowers that you are enjoying today and is responsible for you all liking me more," he adds.

Most of the crowd laugh while Thresh and I struggle to keep up with our drinking. In my rush to drink some of the rum dribbles down my chin and Thresh laughs as he sees me hastily wipe it off my chin.

"Let's not waste any more time with speeches. I declare that the dancing officially begins and I hope you all enjoy this beautiful occasion!" he declares.

Thresh and I take one last sip of our drink and when I bring the glass back down I realise it is empty. I smile and show Thresh.

"I was wrong. Crane could get me more drunk," Thresh grins back at me. "I may need to drink a glass of water before I go and seek out Rue."

"You and I both know that won't happen," I reply.

Thresh laughs and nods his head.

"You know me too well," he says. "And right now Miss Andrews seems much better company than you. I will see you after my kiss."

I grin back at him and Thresh claps me on the shoulder before going off in search for his lovely young lady.

I decide to pass the time by asking some pretty girls to dance. The quality of company and dancing varies from girl to girl. One poor red head keeps stepping on my toes and at one point actually headbutts me in a spin. Another girl only answers my questions in squeaks and one makes me laugh with tales of her pet monkey.

I slide from dance to dance and grow hotter as the night progresses. I break away to find some rum to quench my parched throat. I gulp a glass down greedily but my arm is soon yanked away from my mouth, causing the drink to spill all over my uniform. I turn to find a frantic Madge Undersee looking at me.

"You are dancing with me. Now," she demands as she tugs me back towards the dancefloor.

"Who has your father tried to set you up with tonight?" I ask.

I have known Madge Undersee for most of my life. Our families were close in England and it was her father that suggested I come out here when he was made governor of Port Capital. Madge is the prettiest girl on the island. She is a true English rose with porcelain skin and golden blond hair. Her features are delicate and her lips are rosy. Her slender form is highlighted in the gold dress she wears tonight.

But it is not just her beauty that sets her apart from the rest of the women here. Madge is extremely strong minded and has a thirst for knowledge. She reads all the latest scientific diaries and her strong opinions have often gotten her into trouble.

Her father is desperate for her to marry. He even tried to pair me off with her a couple of years ago but Madge and I have always had a more sibling like relationship. He is concerned that at nineteen she is getting past her peak and tries to marry her off to a different suitor every night.

"Cato Fitzgerald! He may be the worst yet. He spent our entire conversation staring at my chest and actually slapped me on the behind after my father walked away!" she replies.

"He sounds so chivalrous," I say sarcastically.

Madge huffs and shakes her head as she plants my arms on her waist.

"It frustrates me how little choice I have as a woman. I feel like a trapped canary that is never allowed to spread its wings," she rants.

"Be careful what you wish for. You could end up on a ship eating nothing but ship biscuits and having rats nibbling at your toes," I reply with a grin.

Madge laughs as I twirl her around the floor but she then sighs.

"But at least it would be an adventure. Something different to talk about apart from the piano forte and needlework," she says.

"We look kind of alike. You could cut your hair and we could switch places for a month. Fine needlework has always been an interest of mine," I reply.

Madge laughs again and we break away briefly to walk round another couple. Madge smiles fondly at me when we re-join.

"Maybe one day I will run away from it all. Would you cover for me?" she asks.

I sense that she is only half joking but I still humour her. I spin her out and bring her back in before answering her.

"Just tell me the day and I'll smuggle you aboard," I reply.

Madge smiles back at me and the conversation soon drops so Madge can fill me in on her latest readings. She may talk about wanting adventure but I think she would find the reality less appealing.

The remainder of the ball goes by without any notable event and the next morning comes quickly. I meet with Captain Boggs at the docks and help him oversee the cargo being loaded onto the ship. I shake my head at the sheer volume of crates loaded, filled with the finest silks, wine and perfume.

"Are you sure all this extra weight isn't going to sink us, captain?" I joke.

Boggs chuckles as he watches the ship's crew struggle under the weight of the crates.

"I was terrified that Princess Cashmere was going to send me to the gallows when I suggested she leave some of her possessions behind. With all this extra weight we are not going to break any sea speed records. I think it is going to add an additional week to our travels," he replies.

"We better pray for a favourable wind. I heard the princess' husband is not a good seaman. Apparently, he spent most of the last voyage looking green and with his head over the edge of the ship," I say.

"My niece's husband has a weak stomach to go with his weak mind," a commanding voice suddenly interrupts.

Both I and the captain snap to attention and salute Commodore Snow who has just approached behind us.

"Beg your pardon, commodore. We did not hear you approach," Boggs replies.

Commodore Snow is an imposing man. He must be nearing seventy years and has hair as white as his name but he is still tall and strong. His eyes are almost black and I do not think I have ever seen the man smile. He is the king's uncle and was the youngest of five brothers but is now the only one of his siblings remaining. Many people gossip about how it irked him to be so far down the line of succession to the throne but he was given the highest role in the British navy. He commands all the ships in the Caribbean and many say he is the finest sailor to sail these waters. He's been ruthless in his pursuit to wipe out piracy and is feared by enemies and his own crew. His mere presence has been enough to silence the whole ship deck.

"At ease, men," he commands. Both Boggs and I relax. "I have come to make sure my niece sets off safely on her final voyage."

"Of course, commodore. Every member of the crew is dedicated towards the safe passage of the princess and her husband," Boggs replies.

The commodore does not speak but nods his head before walking around to inspect the ship. The crew all stop and bow their heads as he passes but he does not acknowledge them in return. Everyone seems to hold their breath as we wait to hear his approval.

"There are only half a dozen cases of gunpowder on board," he comments.

Boggs turns to face him.

"The princess has a lot of cargo, commodore, and we had to remove some cases to make room for her possessions," Boggs replies.

Commodore Snow does not turn to look at Boggs but nods his head. I step in to add further thought.

"I am a bit concerned, sir, that we will be underprepared for a pirate attack should it occur. The reports of The Mockingjay pirate ship are getting more frightening," I state.

Boggs clenches his jaw beside me, unhappy that I am questioning his decision, but there is a smile in Snow's eyes as he turns to face me straight on.

"I would agree with you, lieutenant, but my latest sources tell me that The Mockingjay is on course for the Americas. But I am glad you voiced your concerns. With men like you on board I can guarantee my niece's safe passage," he replies.

I smile, relieved that he has not chastised me for speaking out. I know Boggs will probably have some sharp words for me later but if I ever want to captain my own ship one day I need to impress the commodore.

"Thank you, sir. It is my honour to help transport your niece," I say, bowing my head.

Snow nods his head again and then sweeps past us.

"I will hold you personally responsible, captain, if anything happens to my niece," the commodore states.

Boggs gulps and nods his head before Commodore Snow marches off the ship.

It takes a moment for everyone to unfreeze after the commodore's departure but the deck is soon buzzing again with chatter and the sounds of crates rolling. I turn to find Boggs giving me an emotionless look.

"Get back to work, lieutenant. Princess Cashmere and her husband arrive within the hour," he commands.

I nod my head and Boggs turns without looking back. I take a moment to survey what is happening around me and then go off to ensure all the correct ship checks have been made.

I find Thresh shouting instructions to get the main sail up. He gives me a broad grin as he sees me approach.

"I hear you spoke out against the captain. Didn't have you down for a mutineer," he says.

I gently nudge him and Thresh chuckles.

"I am the most loyal member of this crew. I'm not planning any uprisings," I reply with a grin.

"I'm here for you if you ever change your mind," Thresh jokes.

We both share a laugh and then I turn my head up to inspect the main sail.

"How did your night with Rue Andrews go? I did not see you after you left me," I ask.

Thresh gives me the biggest grin possible.

"She let me kiss her and it felt like I had been struck by lightning. I can still taste the champagne on her lips and smell the roses in her hair. It was the best moment of my life," he replies dreamily.

"You sound like a young girl in love," I say.

"But I am in love!" Thresh exclaims. "There is no greater feeling on this earth. It makes you feel giddy and euphoric. One day you will feel the same away about someone, Peeta, and realise I was right all along!"

I laugh and shake my head.

"So will you propose once we return?" I ask.

"I need her father's permission but I want nothing more than for her to be my wife. Until then, I have this handkerchief to remind me of her," he replies.

Thresh pulls out a delicate white handkerchief from his breast pocket. It has native flowers embroidered around the edges and the initials R.A stitched in the corner.

"Rue gave this to you last night?" I ask.

Thresh nods as he brings it up to his nose to sniff its floral scent.

"She told me to keep it safe and return it when I get back. I can only hope she loves me as much as I love her," he says.

I smile and then clap him on the back.

"I look forward to the wedding," I reply.

Thresh gives me one last grin before we both turn to get back to our jobs.

The final checks to the ship are finalised and the entire crew stands in lines, waiting for the princess and her husband to arrive. We all stand to attention as the carriage appears and stops in the docks. A footman scuttles around to open the door and Seneca Crane appears first as he steps down. Once he has disembarked he turns and offers a hand for his wife. Princess Cashmere appears moments later and smiles fondly at her husband as he helps her down.

They walk arm in arm as they climb onto the ship and we all bow as they walk past. In contrast to her uncle earlier, the princess smiles and stops to chat to several members of the crew. She even makes some of them laugh. I understand better why they call her the people's princess.

Once they reach the end of the line, they turn to speak to the whole crew.

"Thank you all for being so accommodating. I am very much looking forward to this voyage and sailing with the finest men in the Royal Navy. May the voyage be swift and pleasant," she announces.

The crew murmur their agreement and the princess smiles one last time before being led to her quarters by the captain.

The first week of the voyage goes by smoothly. There is a strong wind and we make good time even with our heavy cargo. It turns out the rumours about Seneca Crane are true and he never leaves his cabin, too busy throwing up inside it. The princess does venture outside though and acquaints herself with the crew. She becomes popular among the men, asking them to dance at every opportunity. It's been a while since there was such a good mood on The Victory.

I don't properly meet the princess until the seventh day. I am overseeing some of the younger members of the crew when she approaches me with a warm smile. I immediately bow but she just chuckles and shakes her head.

"At ease, Lieutenant Mellark. Out here you are more important," she says.

"I can never be as important as royalty, your highness," I reply.

"Royalty is just an illusion. I do nothing every day except read and do what everyone tells me. It is people like you that protect this country and make sure it runs. The country could survive without a king or queen but it couldn't survive without its citizens," she replies.

"Be careful what you say, your highness. Those sound like treasonous thoughts," I reply with a grin.

Princess Cashmere laughs and looks out at the sea.

"My uncle speaks very highly of you. And I've seen the way you are with the crew. They all love you. I assume you want to captain your own ship one day," she says.

"It would be an honour to captain a ship in the Royal Navy," I reply.

The princess smiles again before turning away from the sea to look at me.

"You take your duty very seriously. But what do you do when you're not on this ship?" she asks.

I take a long time to answer. It's difficult to know how honest I should be with royalty.

"I bake bread. Fresh bread is the thing I miss most when I am sea. There's nothing more comforting than feeling still warm bread in your hands. It helps anchor me back to land. It's always the first thing I do when I get home," I eventually reply.

Princess Cashmere smiles at me again.

"I've asked many of the crew the same question. I think that is one of my favourite answers," she replies.

I smile back at her but we are interrupted by the lookout shouting down from the crow's nest.

"Ship off the starboard side!" he yells.

I snap my head in that direction and can just make out billowing sails on the horizon.

"Beg your pardon, your highness. I am needed on the top deck," I say.

Princess Cashmere nods her head and I dash up the steps to meet with the captain. Boggs looks concerned as I grab a telescope and press it to my eye.

"Have its colours been identified?" I ask.

"We haven't caught a glimpse of them yet but it seems to be heading our way," he replies.

I nod my head and peer through the telescope. The ship is still far enough away to make identification difficult but I scan its features, looking for clues. It seems to be a reasonably large ship but old. The once white sails are now grey and frayed. The wood of the ship is dark and there seems to be some sort of bird on the masthead. A sense of foreboding comes over my body before I finally catch sight of a flag fluttering in the wind.

"It's a black flag with a golden mockingjay…" I say as I bring the telescope away from my eye.

Boggs tenses as we come eye to eye.

"The Mockingjay," he confirms.

The whole deck goes silent as we let this revelation sink in.

"With all this extra cargo we can't out run it," Boggs' second in command says. "And we don't have enough gunpowder on board to fight them."

Boggs turns away from us and stares out towards the horizon. He does not speak for a long time and I become nervous. Every second we waste brings the pirate ship nearer us.

"Port Nut is nearby. We only need to out run them long enough to get there," Boggs eventually states.

"Aye, captain. It sounds like our only option," the commander agrees.

Boggs nods his head before turning back to face us.

"All hands-on deck. Mellark, tell the sailing master to change course. Commander, order the crew to lighten the load. Anything that can go overboard does. I will speak with the princess myself. I'll try to convince her to lose her cargo," he orders.

"Aye, Captain," we all reply.

"Get to work," Boggs demands.

We all scuttle off, not wasting a minute before we start barking orders. The captain strides towards the princess and her ushers back into her cabin, looking terrified.

Controlled chaos soon arises on the ship and people rush about everywhere, shaking contents of drawers and trunks into the water. The entire crew is thrown across to the other side of the ship as I order the sailing master to abruptly change course. The ship lurches in the water as it turns but then holds steady as we try to race towards safety.

The captain and I soon stand next to each other, staring as The Mockingjay approaches. Boggs curses as he yanks the telescope away from his eye.

"It shouldn't be gaining on us this quickly. We need to prepare the cannons for the worst," he states.

I nod my head before jumping down from the deck and racing below it.

"Get the cannons in place! Prepare the gunpowder! We'll need it if they get too close," I order.

The gunners spring into action and floorboards creak as the cannons are pushed forward. I bump into Thresh as he comes up the stairs carrying the silverware to be thrown overboard.

"What are the chances of them catching us?" he asks.

"It's the fastest non-navy ship I've seen," I reply.

For once Thresh doesn't have a grin on his face and he looks serious as he grips the silverware tightly.

"I better get my sword," he replies.

I nod my head grimly and then turn back to shout orders at the gunners.

Once the cannons are all in place I run up the stairs, two at a time, to get back to the captain. He hasn't moved from his spot and no longer needs the telescope to see The Mockingjay. Its flag can be seen flying proudly within normal eyesight. I turn around to see if the tall mountains of Port Nut can be seen in the other direction. But all I see is endless blue.

"We are going to have to take a stand, captain. They are too fast," I say.

Boggs can only nod his head.

"I've been sailing the seas for twenty years and never felt this unprepared to fight," he replies.

"We are the best men in the Royal Navy. Maybe we should trust that, sir. No one on this ship will let them take Princess Cashmere," I reply, passionately.

"And what if their plan is not to kidnap her?" he replies, turning to face me.

I gulp at the implication that The Mockingjay crew want her dead.

"We have to try, captain," I reply.

Boggs takes a deep breath before turning to look back at The Mockingjay one last time. When he turns back around there is a determination in his eye.

"Get us as close to Port Nut as possible! We might be able to employ the lifeboats then. Until then, everyone arm yourself!" he orders.

There is a momentary pause as the crew realises the inevitable. It is unlikely that we will not have any casualties. People stare at each other wondering who will see the next sunrise.

We continue to lighten the load and The Victory does pick up speed. I even smile when I see the tip of Nut Mountain appear on the horizon. However, my smiles disappears as soon as I turn back around and notice the close proximity of The Mockingjay. I can now make out the angry figures prowling the deck.

The captain notices this too and turns to face the crew.

"Drop the anchor! Load the cannons! Remember we are part of the King's Royal Navy. We will not be beaten by a bunch of fucking pirates!" Boggs bellows.

Cheers erupt on the deck and many people raise their swords in the air. The ship comes to a shuddering stop as the anchor is dropped and matches are struck, ready to ignite the cannons on the first orders.

I find Thresh in the crowd and we stand side by side, clutching our swords tightly in our hands. Thresh turns to me with a grin.

"Want to bet on who kills Captain Firebird?" he says.

"I'm more concerned about staying alive," I reply.

Thresh shrugs his shoulder.

"We've got each other's back. We'll be fine," he says.

We share a smile but the first thundering bang of a cannon forces our attention back to The Mockingjay. They've fired first but the cannonball misses us. There is barely any time before the next is fired and this one lands closer to The Victory. Soon the air is filled with the symphony of cannon fire. Sailors jump and duck out the way as cannonballs come thundering onto the ship.

The Mockingjay continues to get closer and their cannons fly over our heads. It doesn't take long for one cannon to rip through the mast of the main sail and it comes crashing down, pinning members of the crew underneath it. I'm knocked off my feet as the ship is hit just below me. Thresh gives me his hand as I scramble to get upright but the bombardment doesn't let up.

They seem to be targeting our own cannons, and we lose two before we've even had a chance to fire back. Boggs holds the order to start fire as we have so few to retaliate with and we can't afford to waste one. But when we do, our cannons barely seem to dent their ship and The Mockingjay crew jeer at us.

I narrow my eyes at the opposing crew and raise my sword as their ship comes close enough for them to swing on board. The cannon fire falls silent as the first members of The Mockingjay crew climb ropes and then swing onto The Victory.

I look up as I track them in flight and some members of our crew start firing guns at them. But the bullets just fly through the air and The Mockingjay crew start flooding our ship.

Two of the pirates catch my eye instantly. Both are tall and handsome in their tattered clothes but deadly with their chosen weapons. One has bronze hair that glints in the sun as he fights off the Royal Navy, without a shirt and a trident in his hands. Fighting is effortless for him and he practically dances between the soldiers as he swipes at them all with a smile on his face.

The second has dark hair and a steely determination. His face is set in a frown and he's uses more brute strength than fancy footwork to quickly dispose of the unlucky sailors.

Thresh and I share a look and nod our heads in agreement. We set off for these two deadly assassins. But we are quickly intercepted by two other pirates and we raise our swords to meet them. The clang of metal rings in my ear and I move my sword down to try and cut the pirate at his knees, but he reads my move and our swords clang again.

We keep up this dance for a while, each of us taking turns to make the first move but the other always there to block it. I rein in my frustration and begin pushing the man back. He continues to block my moves but I become more relentless, not giving him a rest and backing my stamina to pull me through. It begins to work and with each clash of swords I can feel his arms weakening. They begin to tremble a little under the force of my hits and I push him further to the floor each time. My hits come faster and faster, his movements getting sloppier and sloppier until I get my opening. He drops his arms just enough for me to slice the upper part of his arm.

The pirate lets out a loud scream and his sword clatters to the floor. His hand flies to his wound to try and stem the bleeding. I don't look back as I shake his blood off my sword and I turn to find my next target. But as I do so I hear Thresh call my name.

"Peeta! Duck!" he shouts.

I don't even think as I drop to my knees and feel the sword brush the top of my head. Another pirate charged and now turns to me, enraged that's he's missed me. I jump back to my feet and while he's still figuring out how I got away, I run at him and thump him over the head with the handle of my sword. He tumbles to the ground like a sack of potatoes and I turn to give Thresh a grateful smile.

He is occupied with another pirate and pushes him back against the ship's side and then kicks the man overboard. He turns to me and we share grin but suddenly a tip of a sword bursts through the centre of his stomach and Thresh falls to his knees. I can only scream as the pirate removes the sword from my friend's lifeless body and smirks at me.

Pure rage bubbles up inside of me and I raise my sword above my head as I charge, screaming, at the pirate. I have to jump over Thresh's body to reach him and bring the sword down on the pirate's head. He blocks me at first but the adrenaline in my body is pumping faster than ever and I knock the sword out of his hand. He tries to grapple with a knife in his belt and I surge forward stabbing him straight through the heart. I remove my sword and spit at him as I continue my prowl around the deck.

I don't have time to grieve Thresh or mull over the fact I didn't warn him like he warned me. There is still a fight to be won and I vow to kill as many pirates as I can to seek vengeance. I've lost sight of the two handsome pirates from earlier and go off in search of them. I wade through blood and severed limbs as the smell of gunpowder fills my nostrils. I have to step over dozens of my own crew mates and wonder how many of us there are left.

As I move round I step on the hand of someone who I thought was dead but he lets out a yelp of pain as I do so. I twist and drop to my knees quickly, hoping I can maybe save this one.

I'm shocked to find Seneca Crane and I quickly realise that there is no hope. There is a large gash in his leg that no number of bandages is going to mend. He looks relived to see a man in a navy coat though and grabs hold of my waistcoat to tug me harshly down towards him.

"You need to get Cashmere off this boat. She needs to live. She needs to get back to our daughters. Please. Save her," he gasps.

I am reminded of our mission in the first place. We were to get the princess to safety. I might want to stay on this boat and get revenge for the death of Thresh and the many other crew members killed but there is something more important. I grip onto Seneca Crane's hand tightly as I look deep into his eyes.

"I will save her," I state.

"Good. Go. Don't waste another second," he says.

I nod my head and pry his hand off mine. He starts to choke as I stand up but I don't look back to see him die.

I burst into the princess' chambers and find her cowering under the bed. I reach my hand underneath to help her get out and she trembles as I pull her up to her feet. Her hair has fallen out of its intricate design and her eyes are frantic with worry. She clasps onto my hand tightly.

"Seneca? Where is he?" she asks, the terror barely concealed in her voice.

I can't look at her as I shake my head.

"He told me to save you," I reply.

Princess Cashmere lets out a choked sob and I have to grab onto her tightly so that she doesn't fall down.

"We need to go now. There is a lifeboat out the back. We need to get on it and row to Port Nut," I say urgently.

The princess nods but I don't think she really heard what I said. I drag her to the window and yank it open. Once I've done that I grip the tops of her shoulders.

"You need to climb into the lifeboat. I will follow and cut the ropes," I say.

She continues to whimper and doesn't say anything so I gently shake her shoulders.

"You will die if you don't get into that boat. Do you understand me?" I say more forcefully.

"Yes. Yes, I'll get in the boat," she snivels.

I let out a sigh of relief and help her out the window. I keep a lookout as she climbs down but the fighting still seems to be contained to the lower deck. I turn towards the almost deserted Mockingjay ship and experience a hatred I have never known before. They had no intention of leaving any alive on this ship. We were doomed from the moment her sails appeared on the horizon.

The smoke swirls around the ship and wraps around the sails of The Mockingjay. But then, through the smoke, I see a figure. A female figure in a man's clothing. She stands stoically looking out as a bird flies around her head. Her long dark braid flutters in the wind and for some reason the sight of her causes goose flesh to rise my arms.

I shiver before turning away from the mysterious female figure and start my descent to the lifeboat. My heart beats that little bit faster when I reach Princess Cashmere.

She sits with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. She doesn't look at me and continues to sniff loudly as I cut the ropes. I settle quickly and grab the oars, rowing fast towards Port Nut. I watch as The Mockingjay pirates all climb back aboard their ship, carrying their spoils and cheering at their triumph. Not long after a flaming arrow is fired into the sky and lands on The Victory. Princess Cashmere and I watch on helpless as the ship we were on goes up in flames.