A year has now passed since Team Satomi won the GP1 for the second time, and right now they are preparing for the members party.

"What do you think, Takeshi?" asked Liz who was wearing a dark red dress, with her hair done up in a bun, and a pearl necklace.

"I think it looks good on you, but I'm not used to wearing suits," said Takeshi who had on a black tux.

"Don't worry, Takeshi, everyone's dressing fancy for the party," said Amy as she held Luca while wearing a baby blue dress. Luca even had a tiny tux on. Later, at the party, the teams were being announced.

"Alright everyone, as you know I'm Benjamin Bright, and it's time to introduce the teams that have made it into the GP1," said Benjamin.

"Here they go," said Ms. Satomi as she stood by a table.

"First up are the two-time champions, Team Satomi," said Benjamin as a light lit up their part of the stage.

"Second is Team Skylark," said Benjamin.

"Wonder if we will go up against them again this year," thought Takeshi.

"Third is the team that comes down hard on their opponents, Team Sledge Mamma," said Benjamin. When the light shined on them, everyone noticed that Yamma was not in front, but River was.

"River did take the Forward position on their team," said Andrei.

"Fourth is Team Satomi's number one opponent, Team Velshtein," said Benjamin.

"I can already tell that Cunningham's stronger than last year," thought Takeshi.

"Fifth place goes to the team that fought Team Satomi for the championship last year, Team White Snow," said Benjamin.

"Max is looking more cheerful now," thought Amy while looking at the smile on Max's face.

"And the last and final team is the new comers of Team Rose," said Benjamin. The light then shined on a girl and two guys. The girl had blond hair along with the man to her left, and the other guy had brown hair and glasses.

"So, they're the new team," said Johnny as he stood with Ms. Satomi.