Lucy found herself being dragged into her little bathroom, surrounded by a chorus of giggles as her friends poked and prodded at her until she looked in the mirror and couldn't help the beaming smile that split her face almost in half at the results of spending an hour in the cramped space. Her golden curls were tangled in a messy high bun with wisps falling to frame her primped face. Her eyes were done in a sultry dark smokey eye and her thick lashes kissed her finely arched eyebrows, her lips a deep matte burgundy, the exact color of her favorite wine. "Holy shit girls, I might get laid tonight thanks to you." She turned to pull Mira, Cana and Lisanna into a tight hug.

The brunette dressed in her usual bikini top and low-slung pants and sandals, pulled away to drag Lucy into her bedroom, tossing her onto her bed before disappearing into the blonde's closet, "Don't worry about that Lulu, we'll have those boys falling at your feet before you even get onto the dance floor."

After a rough string of particularly bad jobs with Team Natsu, Lucy was ready for a night out with the girls. Mira had overheard Laxus and Bickslow talking about a new nightclub that had opened a few blocks from the guild and she was dying to check it out, so she rounded up Cana and Lisanna and barged into the quiet of Lucy's apartment to strip her out of her ratty sweats and get her ready to spend the night dancing her problems away, the other three having already gotten ready at the Strauss' before heading here. Mira had put on a tight purple cocktail dress and thigh-high black boots while Lis had on a pair high-waisted short-shorts and a loose cropped off-the-shoulder baby-blue cotton shirt and low-heeled white sneakers.

After a few minutes of rummaging Cana emerged from the closet waving a piece of black cloth victoriously, "Hah! I found it! You hid it well my little golden minx." Her eyebrows wiggled at Lucy's horror-filled wide eyes.

She knew exactly which dress Cana had in her clutches. The skintight fabric barely covered her ass and her boobs were the main attraction when she wore it. "NO! How did you even find that in there? I thought I did a pretty solid job at burying that sad excuse for a dress last time you dragged me out on one of your club-hopping binges."

Before Lucy could even react, Cana had tackled her to the ground and tugged the dress over her naked body. Her hands groped her as she fixed her friends bountiful chest to fill the top of the dress. "There." Clearly satisfied with her work, "Now where are those strappy heels that match your lips..." she mused before diving back into the closet.

Looking in the floor-length mirror, she adjusted the the straps that ran from just below her armpits up the a choker-like strip of fabric that buttoned at the nape of her neck, framing her generous cleavage from where a plunging 'v' barely kept her nipples contained. After picking out a black lacy thong and pulling them up her creamy legs, she heard another victorious shout leave the drunks mouth at her success at finding the aforementioned heels.

Wolf-whistling lowly at Lucy, Cana tossed the shoes at her chest, "Come on Lu-chan, let's fucking party!"

The four girls made the short walk to the side entrance of a warehouse-looking building, before Mira pulled ahead to whisper something to the overly-buff bouncer at the door. The hulking man gave each woman a solid once-over before nodding his head and gesturing them through the door, earning a chorus of disgruntled shouts from the people standing in the line that wrapped around the back corner of the building.

The heavy base of the music from the speakers had Lucy's chest pounding in anticipation. She couldn't wait to get out on the already packed dance floor. Taking in the huge open space, she smirked at the clear industrial vibes the club was putting off with its exposed steel beams and stylized unfinished decor. Before she had a chance to make her way into the smokey writhing mass, her giggling friends pulled her towards the bar, each finding themselves a leather bar-stool to sit on.

Cana waved down the gorgeous tanned bartender before pulling the collar of his shirt to whisper something in his ear. His emerald eyes swam with hunger before nodding and pouring the four of them four tequila shots each, and placing a bowl of limes and a salt shaker on the bar.

"Alright ladies, I want to see these shots disappear before I decide to order another round while we are at it!" Cana laughed as the three swallowed the amber liquid shots before she could follow up on her threat.

Feeling her head start to swim deliciously as the liquor of the last shot burned a trail down her throat, Lucy slid off the stool and yelled to the girls still seated at the bar, "I'll be somewhere in the crowd. Meet me out there when you're ready."

Both Mira and Lis smiled and nodded to the blonde, having lost Cana already, the bartender suspiciously nowhere to be seen. Lucy turned to weave her way into the sea of bodies, hoping to get lost in the sweet scent of sweat and smoke.

Lucy wasn't paying attention to who she was pressing into or who was pressed to her back as she ground her hips to the heady beat. She was, however, paying attention the way whoever had moved an arm around her tiny waist had a perfectly toned body that moved with hers seamlessly. As her hips dipped with his to the music filling her flushed ears, she relished the feeling of being anonymous, one body lost in a sea of unfamiliar bodies. His large hands were gripping her hips tightly, still letting her move the way she wanted but not allowing any space between their bodies. Running her hands up the silky fabric of her dress before giving her sensitive mounds a light squeeze, she felt a rock-hard bulge press into her ass. Letting out a moan, lost to everyone in the mass of bodies save the mystery man with the impressive bulge and intoxicating hips.


Bickslow had been on the dance floor for the better part of evening in search of a partner that did more than just dry hump his leg to the beat. He had been trying his best to get away from the redhead who had been shamelessly feeling him up all night when his eyes landed on the perfect hips of a curvy blonde sensually moving to the beat. Totally uncaring of the sweaty bodies pulsing around her, the skin of her exposed back was glistening from the thin layer of sweat she had worked up, drawing him to her. When he finally made it behind her plump ass, he felt her hips instantly grind into his. Pushing himself into her perfect hourglass figure before snaking his hands, he pulled her closer to fill the space hanging between them.

He watched as she traced the curves of her body, igniting a fire within his chest at her wanton moan from playing with herself in the middle of the crowd. The Seith Mage had never been more turned on his life.

The two stayed tangled in each other for hours, never facing the other. Just relishing in the way their bodies seem to mold together as if they were made to be pressed together in an embrace.

At the brief pause before a slower song filled the room, the little blonde had ducked back into the crowd, the bob of her golden hair was lost in a sea of melding bodies, indistinguishable to the already intoxicated man. Trying his best to follow her, he spent the next few songs trying to find the blonde vixen. It was significantly harder for his bulky frame to move through the mass of people, utterly defeated he decided to give up and head back to the table where he started the night.


The alcohol had started wearing off, leaving Lucy ready to find her girlfriends for another round of shots. She made her way back the edge of the dance floor, scanning the room for the mages she came with. Finally catching the eye of Cana as the brunette waved her over to where she was perched at the bar. Before Lucy could get a word out, the brunette was whisper-yelling into her ear, "Lu, I'm going to head out with Tony but Mira and Lis are sitting up at Laxus' table in the VIP section if you weren't ready to head home." The drunk pointed up to the balcony where Lucy could see the two silver-haired heads of Mira and Lisanna.

Just as quickly as she found Cana, the drunk was gone. Not giving up on the evening yet, she shrugged and made her way up the spiraled metal staircase to where the Strauss sisters were waiting.

Without noticing or really caring about the man seated at the table, Lucy sat in the booth next to Mira, who was sipping at a bright pink martini. The honey-eyed beauty waved a passing waiter down and ordered a strawberry daiquiri to which the handsome man shot a wink at her before heading to the bar to grab her drink.

Mira's sweet voice, dripping with something Lucy couldn't place, mused from beside her, "Oh Lu-chan, did you have a good time on the floor? We have a great view from up here and looked like you were having a really good time."

The waiter came back to the table, tall frozen pink drink in one hand and a shot glass that held some dark liquid in the other before setting both in front of the blonde and disappearing to help another table. "Wait, I didn't order-" Realizing she wasn't going to get his attention, she turned back to the table, "Oh well." She tilted her head back to down the shot, something she couldn't name, before chasing the bitter liquor with the sweet taste of her daiquiri.

Laxus' booming laugh filled the space, "Jesus Blondie, I didn't know Cana rubbed off on you that much."

Lucy smiled at her fellow blonde mage before saucily winking, "I can drink you under the table any day Sparky, just name the time and place," her own melodic laughter answered his.

Some time during the exchange, Bickslow had plopped down directly across the table from her. His eyes were closed he leaned his head on the back of the booth, very visibly upset. Lucy having always thought the Seith Mage attractive, was stunned at the lack of playful demeanor and at just how good he looked out of his usual get-up. His body was the perfect balance between too-bulky and too-lean and she loved the way he towered over her.

Feeling the alcohol take effect, she all but cooed at the tanned mage, "Hey, Bickslow, did you just get here? You look really upset."

Taking the time to finally look around the table he flopped himself at, he was stunned to find the perfect halo of golden locks he had just spent the better part of twenty minutes trying to find, directly across from him and belonging to the beautiful Celestial Mage and Light of Fairy Tail.

Mira was watching the exchange very closely, knowing full-well the two had been practically doing the dirty dead on the dance floor all night. Her twinkling sapphire eyes watched the spark of recognition light behind Bickslows deep red orbs, and she smiled like the Cheshire cat. Turning back to the blonde beside her, back to her usual bubbly self, she answered the question for the stunned Seith Mage, "Oh no, he's been here since before we came in, isn't that right Bickslow?"

He stuttered a minute, mouth opening and closing much akin to the way a goldfish does, before gathering himself enough to respond to the demon barmaid, "Uhm...yeah. I've just been on the floor."

Lucy's face lit up at his words, "Oh, me too! I'm surprised I didn't run into you out there." She tilted her head cutely before taking a sip of her drink.

"Actually Lu-chan-" a boot connected with Mira's shin under the table before she could finish her sentence. Sending the Seith Mage a murderous glare, she continued, "What would you have to say if I told you had?"

Lucy was pretty tipsy at that point and before she could filter what she was saying she sighed out, "That would make perfect sense actually." She turned to meet the eyes she absolutely adored, "Were you my mystery man?"

Bickslow was shocked at the blonde's easy acceptance of their previous intimate activities. Trying to quickly move passed it before she came to her senses, he let his tongue loll from his mouth, showing off his guild mark and winking at the Celestial Mage, earning him a giggle from the little woman.

Mira elbowed her little sister, who was trying her best to flirt with Laxus unsuccessfully, grabbing her elbow as she all but shoved Lucy off of the bench, "Well Lis and I are tired so we are going to head home," the silver-haired beauty hugged her friend before pinning Bickslow with another glare, "Bickslow will make sure you make it home safely tonight, okay Lucy?"

Blushing at the older mages forwardness, she sputtered, "I-I'm sure he's got better things to do, I can just call a cab," placing a hand on Bickslow's arm, she reassured the man, "really, it's fine."

Bickslow's deep voice answered easily, "No problem, Cosplayer."

Mira was beaming, "See? No problem. Goodnight! We'll see you tomorrow!"

Lucy watched the two silver-haired beauties disappear into the crowd before she could say goodbye. When she turned back around Bickslow had pulled on a worn leather jacket. The material was doing a great job at hiding the way his black t-shirt pulled over his muscled chest, causing a sad whimper to leave the blonde before he put a hand on her waist effectively brightening her mood. He ducked his head to ask if she was ready to head out, which she responded to with her brightest smile and quick nod. She barely registered Laxus' goodbye.