I don't own RWBY I wish I did but sadly no.

12.00 pm Classified

"Ruby Rose… you have silver eyes" the man said as he observed Ruby. The man of course was Professor Ozpin of Beacon academy.

"Uh huh" Ruby replied as she ate several cookies at once, "t's t oo you?"

Ozpin raised an eyebrow, Ruby swallowed the probably hundreds of cookies she was eating, "Sorry I said; what's it to you?"

"Oh nothing merely just an observation, now where did you learn those skills" Ozpin answered firing off his question.

"A dusty old crow taught me and a little dragon with a raven" She replied eyes darting around to see an escape route.

"How do you and the 'little dragon' feel about going to Beacon Academy this year and help continue your parent's legacy" He asked already knowing the answer.

"We'll pass the Beacon offer and can't you see that we are"

"Let me rephrase that if you don't go the Atlesian Military will destroy that bandit camp you call home and if you're not a huntress's you're not continuing the legacy" Ozpin smirked she couldn't argue with this she had to go.

Slouching in her chair "Fine, now can I go?"

"Of course you can"

"And Oz, tell uncle Tai I said hi…. If he ever wakes up that is" She said over her shoulder with obvious malice in her voice.

"You are one strange child Miss Rose; I look forward to seeing you and Miss Xiao Long at Beacon. It's going to be an interesting year" he mused.

5.00 pm Branwen Tent

"HE WHAT!" Raven screamed making Ruby Shrink.

"I said he said if Yang and I didn't go to Beacon he'd use the Atlesian Military to destroy the camp".

Qrow walked in and spat out his drink, "What"

"Dad I'm not repeating and he said something about continuing our parent's legacy, I of course said that we were and he threatened the camp" Ruby said shortening the spaces between words.

Qrow shared a look at Raven, then looked back at Ruby, than back at his sister and back at his daughter, "Well damn" he said wanting a way to say his tribe and family, "Tell Yang that the two of you are leaving for Vale tomorrow"

"Ok" Ruby said a smirk growing on her face as a plan was created to make Ozpins life irritating. Ruby went over to the stairs and climbed them to reach her cousins room. Standing at the door made her question everything, it had YANGS ROOM KEEP OUT written on it at the top then and then below that it said, UNLESS YOU'RE A HOT BOY AND IN THAT CASE COME RIGHT IN, below that it read, it you're a cute boy wait a couple of seconds I obviously haven't met you yet… Yang's Mum Raven. Ruby opened the door, "Hey Yang we're going to Beacon tomorrow."

"Why?" Yang asked

"Ozpin threatened to destroy the camp" Ruby said uncaringly

"Ok, what's the plan?"

"Don't do anything that he wants us to do and destroy as much as possible"

"Sounds fun, and we start tomorrow?" Yang said with fire in her eyes

"Yeah" Ruby nodded eagerly

"Let's burn the place to the ground" Yang said with Ruby cheering in the background.

"Oh yeah all out that includes Punisher" Ruby grins like a maniac.

"You cousin are devious"

"OI DINNER'S READY!" Raven yelled from downstairs.

7.00 am in front of the Branwen tent

"Got everything?" Raven asked, "Weapons?"

"Check" The cousins said in unison


"Check" Yang said as Ruby felt her pockets.

"No…wait, I think I found it… I FOUND IT" Ruby cheered at the end causing the family to grown.

"Yen that may, may not have been stolen?"

"Check" the cousins chorused.

"Now remember if you don't have anything it's your own fault you should have already packed it" Raven reminded.

"Now remember my favourite daughter and niece I will be watching you so don't make a fool of yourself, make others look like fools for you, got it" Qrow said taking what was probably his thousandth drink today.

"Ok dad" Ruby said and rushed up and hugged the half-drunk man.

"See yah kiddos watch out for crows"

"Bye Dad"

"Catch yah round old man"

A bullhead landed next to the large tent "MISS ROSE AND XIAO LONG PLEASE BOARD THE BULLHEAD" Sounded out of its speakers and the girls walked towards it waving back at their parents.

7.30 am Bullhead

"So Rubes what do you think will happen this year" Yang asked her cousin.

"Anything Yang anything but I think it will be fun." Ruby replied with a smirk.

Hello people so new story eh sorry it's so short but the initiation and first night has to be next chapter why because it ended nicely here that's why.