Author: Jen
Author's Note: Fun teenage story. Only Joey and Chandler are in this story so the characters' stories alter from the show. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own anything or any of the characters
A/N: Joey and Chandler are high school sweethearts. It's tough finding any privacy when you're only a teenager. A story full of fluff and disruptions.
The bell rings and I scramble to grab my books and rush out to the hallway. I shove my books into my locker, grab my backpack and hurry out to the courtyard.
I see him sitting on top of one of the lunch tables, his feet resting on the bench that's actually meant for sitting.
I sneak behind him so he won't see me, then I spring up to his lips and catch him off guard. He takes this surprise well and his hand immediately finds the back of my neck and he's returning my kiss fervently. I shift my body in front of him so it's easier to make out with him. We finally pull back and smile at each other. I jump up on the bench and sit down next to him on top of the table.
I'm sitting next to my boyfriend, Joey, who is so hot. He's Italian with dark hair and dimples and he's dating me - I want to make this clear - he's on the football team and he's in with the cool crowd and he is dating me! I can't believe it sometimes either.
"So, you have practice today?" I ask him.
"Yeah, probably gonna be another long one," he sighs.
"You behind on your homework again?"
"Yeah, I have football everyday," he says.
"Well, when I come over tonight I can help you," I offer.
"You mean do it for me?" he grins widely at me.
"No, but it'll be much easier with me helping," I correct him.
"Alright fine," he gives in.
We hear the buses starting up so he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back, running my hand through his hair before pulling away.
"See you tonight," I smile.
"Yeah," he smiles and then I hop off the table to run and catch the bus.
Around 7 pm I head over to Joey's house. I ring the doorbell and as always it's a bit of a zoo. He has seven sisters so there's always a lot of commotion. I always spend about twenty minutes talking to his mom – she loves me. His dad is bit tougher to get approval from. Joey and I been dating for months now and the most I get from his dad is a nod and half a smile.
His mom finally lets me head up to Joey's room. Joey lets me in and closes the door; it's funny how comfortable his parents are with letting us be alone in his room all the time. Honestly, I think it's just because Joey's the only boy and they let a lot of things slide for him. They freak out if one of his sisters try to bring a boy to their room, but Joey and I hang out alone in his room all the time.
We immediately make our way to his bed; it's instinct by this point. He starts kissing me before I even put my books down. I let my books drop on the floor and climb over him as he lies back on his bed, letting me take over. I'm not letting up on his lips for a second and I feel his hands starting to sneak under my shirt until a loud knocking makes both of us jolt.
"Joey! Open the damn door, you need to clean up your gross mess in the bathroom!" one of his sisters yells behind the closed door.
Joey rolls his eyes.
"I'll do it later, we're studying!" he calls back.
"Yeah right, do it now - I want to shower and I'm not showering in a pile of pubes!" she shouts back.
I raise my eyebrows and give Joey a look.
"Joey!" she screams again and bangs on the door.
"Okay one second!" he yells and we hear her grunt and stomp off down the hall.
"You doing some shaving?" I tease him instantly.
"Of course, I gotta clean up for my man," he tells me.
I lick my lips into a smile; I love hearing him call me his man.
"Well, maybe you should go cle-" I start saying, while getting off him, but he stops me by lunging forward and grabbing my face back down to his. His lips stop all my movement and I'm falling back onto him. I let myself enjoy his lips for a few moments.
"Your sister's gonna be back," I remind him in between kisses, but he doesn't let up. He keeps grazing his lips over every inch of mine. His fingers are now traveling through the back of my hair, making a tingle run over my scalp.
I slip my tongue into his mouth and — another loud bang on the door throws me back and I jump off him.
Joey grunts loudly and gets off the bed. He stomps to the door and swings it open.
"Fine, I'm going!" he yells in his sister Tina's face and they both storm off to the bathroom.
I wait awkwardly on his bed as I hear them yelling back and forth about how gross Joey is and how annoying Tina is. I hear some supplies hit against the tub and after a few minutes Joey comes back in and slams the door shut, locking it again.
I'm sitting on the edge of his bed now.
He hurries back over and kisses me lightly before sitting back down next to me.
"Sorry," he breathes and kisses me again. His hand travels up my back to my neck, but I pull away.
"Maybe we should start on your homework," I suggest.
"Ten minutes," he counters and goes to lean back in for my lips, but I interrupt his advance.
"You really are behind, we're just gonna keep getting distracted being in your room," I point out.
"Come on, five more minutes," he pushes.
"Joey, what's your grade in English now a D?"
He sighs instantly, clearing not thrilled to talk about his grades.
"You know I want the best for you," I remind him.
"I know," he sighs.
I lean down to grab one of the textbooks and Joey looks disheartened already.
"But you know what's also best for me right now is a little more making out," he tries once more.
I shake my head and can't help, but smile at him.
"When I offered to help you, were you planning on us doing any homework at all tonight?"
He holds back a smile.
"How can I concentrate when your cute face is sitting on my bed," he argues with an adorable smirk.
As much as I love that answer, I try to stay serious.
"Exactly why I said we would get distracted. Why don't we work downstairs?" I suggest.
I stand up with the book in my hand, but Joey grabs my arm.
"No, come on we'll never get a minute of quiet down there," he says, pulling me so I sit again.
"Okay, but-" I start again, but Joey leans in and presses his lips back to mine, cutting me off.
"Joey, we really-" I try, but he keeps kissing me.
"You see, I knew-" another useless attempt from me as Joey's lips are weakening my words.
"Joey-" I breathe out in a faded tone because now I'm in too deep. His lips are so soft and of course I want to kiss him all night. My words break off and Joey starts leaning his weight over me so I fall back onto his bed. The heavy textbook falls out of my hands and next thing I know Joey's on top of me.
A few minutes later we're breathing heavily in his bed, our clothes half off and half tangled under his covers. I'm resting on his chest; feeling so relaxed and satisfied.
I yawn over his chest. His fingers are playing with my hair and I wish this could be every moment of everyday. Unfortunately, we're only seventeen and we have school and college to think about. We're in his parent's house and I have to go home in a few hours to my own parent-run house. Reality hits me and I finally get back to the issue at hand.
"Alright, we really need to get your homework done now," I state firmly.
Another tired sigh from Joey makes me sit up from his comfy chest.
"No more sighs mister, I'm not letting you flunk out of high school," I demand.
Joey finally allows us to start on his homework, but I gotta say he's right. Sitting on a bed with Joey, it's hard to focus on much else, but we get through his homework and I finally head home for the night.