Chapter Twenty Five

To Hermione, the summer wind could have been uncomfortably sticky, but it did nothing to abate the numbing chill that bit to her bone. She paused at the foot of the steps that led to her childhood home … except she didn't really belong there anymore did she? Monica and Wendell Wilkins lived here. There would be no indication that they had a daughter. Hermione had seen to it.

The powerful grief wallowing beneath the surface was matched in intensity only by the anger from her mates. Their combined fury kept her grounded and greedily, she latched onto it.

Where she might have collapsed to her knees, seeking to bury her grief in a pillow, their strength kept her fixated.


There was no time for solace. The brief kiss from Draco and a strong hug from Harry were all she could get right now. Following her lead, the group doubled-back towards the rear of the house, where the wolf had been blasted out of the window.

Except the lone wolf wasn't there anymore. Shards of bloody glass and fur littered the wet grass around the window, but the wolf was gone.

More howls erupted to the south and the pack followed its call into the deep wood in the distance. Hermione was the first to take off and revenge kept her feet light. The rushing wind dried her tears where they fell on her cheeks. Draco and Harry ran alongside her, but her mind narrowed to a dangerous focus. She stumbled the further she ran from her former home; the thought that she would never return to its' warmth and familiarity made her lose her footing. Quickly, the pack reached the edge of the wood.

As they neared the edge, the quaint rows of houses were now small lights in the distance. "We have to split up," Hermione quickly announced, swallowing mouthfuls of air. "They'll take us out in one swoop if we stay together."

Harry shook his head, ebony locks flying across his forehead. "Nuh-uh. We're stronger together," he rasped, recovering faster. "If we split up, they'll pick us off easily."

"Then I'd suggest we'd take up positions, now," Draco interrupted them both. "Because we have incoming."

A jet of inky black struck the tree closest to Draco's head and he reared back, growling at the close call. The blonde swore loudly as the group broke for cover.

The forest was young, and the tree roots were thin. The branches, not thick enough to withstand the magical assault, snapped mercilessly at the onslaught leveled upon them. Out of time, the pack dove behind a scattered outcropping of rocks, trees, or whatever shrubbery they could find. Now separated, they struggled to keep track of one another and Fenrir's approaching wolves.

The howls morphed into cackles and taunts as the group of werewolves let loose through the woods. The attack seemed to be closing in from all sides.

"Blaise, on your right!" Draco roared at the Italian as a skinny wolf rushed in from the right. Blaise had to shout Stupefy twice at the animal before it collapsed to the ground. The rangy wolf skidded, unconscious, into Blaise' trainers, its' jaw wide and ready to tear into him.

The normally cool Italian looked in alarm to Harry, and exclaimed, "They have bloody real wolves fighting for them as well?!"

"It wasn't like I knew!" Harry shot back in frustration.

Luna hid behind the rock cover she shared with Daphne, chips of rock falling on her head in a near miss. "Some magical spells won't carry the same potency when dealing with creatures. I'd suggest the slicing curse or something stronger," Luna shouted as pieces of rocks spilled into their hair as a strong spell blasted apart their cover.

"Luna!" Hermione cried into the night starting towards them, but Harry quickly grabbed her arm, halting her movements. He spun her back to the tree. Hermione could feel the pinches of tree bark prick her spine.

You'll give our location away! Harry barked in her mind. He jerked his head towards the others. I'll see if I can draw them out. You and Draco pick them off, yeah?

Hermione immediately disagreed with the idea and shook her head fiercely. But Harry would hear no further suggestions. You have to stay safe, Hermione! Promise me! With a quick kiss to the lips, he snuck off into the night.

Fenrir's werewolves were quick. Now that they had experienced the ame de loups, they weren't caught off guard this time around. Hermione couldn't sense their burly Alpha among the wolves, but she wasn't surprised that Fenrir would not show himself tonight. A gangly man Hermione recognized to be his second-in-command, Ballard, led the charge against them.

Frowning, she turned and fired in concert with Draco, providing Harry cover as he ran and jumped over colorful jets of light. It wasn't graceful and she held her breath the entire way, but when at last Harry slid towards Daphne and Luna, she sighed a breath of relief. Harry fired on the advancing line, helping their pack to retaliate against the oncoming fire.

Now that one mate was safe, Hermione turned towards the other to find Draco and Blaise battling two werewolves. For the time they were evenly matched, but Fenrir's pack kept the reinforcement coming. As Blaise stunned one werewolf, one of his comrades came from behind and revived him. Thus, the battle would continue. At this rate, they would find themselves soon outnumbered and magically drained. Where are you, Remus? Hermione pleaded in her mind across the distance. Pushing the hair back from her eyes, Hermione couldn't believe what she was seeing. After stupefying a wolf, Harry shoved the hand that held the Rune of Power to the ground. The earth bubbled beneath his palm. It swelled and grew, then fanned out like a mighty wave. The werewolves couldn't block against a wave of pure earth and rock and it grew in size the further it traveled away from the epicenter. Thrown off their feet as the wave barreled them over, Daphne and Luna ran to disarm and bind the disabled werewolves in the resulting chaos. Rather than be captured, some ran in the opposite direction out of fear.

But there was no time to take in the sight.

Dodging the volley, Hermione fired twice as heat built behind her Rune of Wisdom. The warmth traveled outwards from her palm and encompassed her fist. She expertly hit a werewolf squarely in the chest and when the time came to a release a deadly wave from her hands, she sprayed it in a beautiful arc. This time, she did not shudder as animals and wizards alike screeched in agony. Their fur, skin, and meat fell to the ground in a bloody mess of flesh and bone.

Her movements were quick and calculated. The hesitation she felt at Grimmauld Place during Christmas was now a distant memory. Hermione ducked around a tree, a wayward spell sending chips of bark past her ear. It was a paralyzing thought to think she had gotten used to this. Had killing left her desensitized? Before tonight, she would have never viciously sought out revenge. Her sense of justice was too strong, but all around her, evidence to the contrary presented itself.

To her left, Harry tore down werewolves one by one, even as more materialized from the darkness. Daphne and Luna provided backup, but even from her vantage point, Hermione could see the fear clear on their faces. Behind and to her right, Draco had slipped in the mud as spellfire made their battleground a muddled mess. Blaise helped his housemate from the ground as the two fought back to back.

A bunch of teenagers was going against the entirety of Fenrir's pack. And no matter how strong they were, or how fabled the ame de loups was, Hermione could see the odds stacked against them. Tightening her wand in front of her chest, her eyes analyzed the board before them and formulated a plan.

Draco! Hermione shouted aloud in her mate's mind. She prayed this would work.

A little preoccupied at the moment, Granger, the blond quipped, his back to Blaise' as he blasted a rogue wizard down.

Hermione ignored the sarcasm and as she nimbly leaped over a fallen tree. She ducked and weaved through spellfire, her shield saving her not a second too late. Toss me one of your icicles! Hermione ordered. Quickly stunning a werewolf approaching her from the left, she hoped he would comply.

Draco spun around in alarm, utterly confused. What!? But another wizard advancing from the left drew his attention away.

Just do it! she pleaded, the desperation clear.

Dropping to his knees to allow Blaise to cover for him, Draco pulled his hands into fists. And like at Howell House, everything he touched began to freeze over. Even his wand had begun to freeze, although it did not affect his use. If it was draining his magical capabilities, Hermione couldn't tell. Lining herself up just right, she stepped onto the field drawing the attention of Blaise and Draco's opposition like she'd planned.

Purposefully holding her fire, she stepped back, feigning fear at their numbers, and hoped to draw more her way. It worked. As soon as they noticed she was not fighting back, they began to run after her. She jumped and dodged red streams of light meant to render her unconscious.

Draco — Now! Hermione shouted.

The blond wasted no time and shot bolts of ice at his mate. Hermione waited, trusting and praying this would work before she dropped to her knees and wordlessly conjured a shield charm. Staring through the haze of her shield, Hermione watched as tiny fragments of frozen death struck her shield and reversed course. She tilted her shield at the point of impact and watched with a triumphant smirk as the shards reversed and hit the men who had been tailing her. One-by-one they dropped to the ground. Impaled fragments of ice froze them over completely. Bodies hit the ground and their clothes and limbs shattered like glass upon stone.

Hermione stood as Blaise and Draco stared at her in awe. Nearly half the forces they had been fighting were eliminated. Smiling grimly in the night, Hermione waited for Blaise and Draco to rejoin her.

"Brilliant, Granger," Blaise huffed as he jogged over to her, crouching low for cover.

"Thanks," she replied wearily. Since when was it appropriate to be applauded for mercilessly killing others? It was yet another thought she would save for later as the three ran to their pack's defense. It certainly wasn't the time to ponder such ideas.

Draco smirked down at her, specs of dirt and girt marring his handsome face. "You know, I could have done that myself." Trust him to have his own way of saying thanks.

"You're welcome," she replied instead.

"The curly brunette! The curly brunette!" Ballard shouted as he fired from behind enemy lines. The ame de loups had drawn the battle from the woods to a nearby countryside away from civilization. Ballard was pinned behind the corner of an empty barn, his numbers dwindling but still strong. Most had run out of fear, but the remaining forces he commanded to advance upon Hermione Granger.

On the opposite side of the large barn, the White Tie's strength was fading. Hermione could tell. She could feel the exertion streaming down their faces. They remained determined, but near misses and hits had taken its toll.

Draco's hand twitched from the Crucio he took earlier, but his eyes burned with winter's fury. "Where the hell is Lupin?" he grated. "Shouldn't back-up have arrived by now?"

Hermione answered as she inspected Harry's wounds. "I've reached out to him. He's having difficulty assembling a team. We just have to hold until then." She frowned as Harry cradled his right arm, and leaned against the barn for support. It was stiff and he experimentally switched his wand between both hands.

"But we're barely holding them now," Daphne nearly squeaked as Luna blasted a werewolf trying to sneak up on them from their right side.

"We don't have all night," Blaise quietly assessed, his strength fading as he rested his hands on his knees.

"Trust me, we know!" Harry sighed a weary thing, before rolling his shoulders and pushed away from the barn wall. "Blaise, you and I will take the left. Draco, Luna, Daph, can you hold the right-?"

Immediately, Hermione interjected herself in between the boys as they made plans and moved away from her. "I know you're not putting together a plan without me?!"

Harry roughly pushed his glasses up his nose as he regarded her. "Hermione, did you hear Ballard shouting just now? They're after you. I mean, it makes sense. The attack on your parents. This far out. They'd knew you'd come to protect to them. They're here for you."

She tried to find fault with Harry's argument, but it rang true. However, it did not stop her from pulling on Harry's jumper in an effort to slow him. "Even still, it's my father they murdered. You can't take me out of this fight!" she argued.

Harry answered on near-growl, "You're mental if you think I'd let them get to you," he challenged her.

"Granger. We're not changing our minds." Draco crossed his arms defiantly across his chest. His sweater had ripped from a near-miss slicing curse. Thankfully, it had cut the expensive fabric, but hints of red peeked from beneath.

"And if he kills you both, what then? What good would you be to me then?" she shot back through the emotion logged in her throat. The grief from losing her father threatened to break the surface because she could not lose her mates as well.

Harry growled at her stubbornness. "If that happens, so be it. Just promise me you'll Apparate somewhere safe before they get here. Go back to Cardiff. Just promise me, you'll go somewhere safe."

"Like to my parents', right?!" Hermione shouted, the tears finally breaking free. "You mean how they were safe there?" She swallowed back a sob, hating that her pack witnessed her weakness in the midst of battle. Get it together, she chided herself. How are you to lead them if you cannot control your emotions? She pinched her eyes closed to staunch the tears. "Don't you see? We're never going to be safe, no matter where we go or where we hide." She opened her eyes, as golden embers whirred with anger and she donned the power of a Lupa. "I'm not hiding from them, do you hear me? I refuse to. This is my fight as much as it is ours!" Hermione threw a hand out to their broken pack. Battle-weary, their dirt-stained faces stared back at her, resolved.

"Harry, Hermione has a point," Luna put forth between the arguing trio.

Harry closed his eyes in agitation, rubbing a weary hand over half his face. But when he opened them, more than just anger swirled beneath the depths of his dual-colored eyes. "Don't ask me to send you straight into their arms, because that's what you're asking me to do. If it comes down to risking your life or keeping you alive, I'll choose the same every time."

Hermione opened her mouth to respond when an ear-ringing blast sent pieces of the barn side in every direction. Pieces of old wood converted into dangerous spears and for a moment, splintered fragments of wood lined her vision. Then there was darkness as a large piece of wood nearly knocked her unconscious. The blowback had lifted her off her feet and Hermione sailed through the bushes. Branches scratched at her arms and face, but the sting was nothing compared to the pain in her back as she slammed into the hard earth.

Hermione's head rang with their impact and white light blurred her vision. Her world muted; all she could see was the night sky above her. Rubble and smoke made it hard to discern much of anything, but she knew her pack had been separated by force. Panicking, Hermione couldn't tell where the others had landed in the blast.

Too weak to reach out mentally through their link, she gathered from the silence in her head that they were injured as well. She refused to think of the alternative. Her world titled as she groaned and rolled to her side and slowly, the sounds of battle filtered back to her. No one was around her, but she could hear the calls from Ballard edging closer. She had to find cover. Laying out here like this would allow them to easily find her.

Dragging herself by her elbows, Hermione pulled her lower half along the ground towards a body nearby.

Please let them be alive, she prayed. She could not stand the thought of another death tonight. The wolves would be onto their scent now that they were scattered and the thought pushed her closer to a prone body now a yard away.

Reaching out to roll the person off of their stomach, the long blonde ponytail clued her into who she'd had found. There was blood smeared over Daphne's face and her eyes were shut behind off-center glasses. Shakily, Hermione pushed two dirty fingers into the pale flesh of Daphne's neck, as prayers feverishly ran high to a God she hoped was listening.

But as soon as her fingers made contact with Daphne's neck, the girl's bright blue eyes snapped open. In shock and momentarily thinking Hermione an enemy, the witch began to struggle. Instead, Hermione clapped her hand over the girl's mouth, muffling any shouts that would give away their location. She shook her head fiercely, sweat making her curls stick to her neck. She could feel the heat pouring from her eyes as she mentally pleaded with Daphne not to scream.

While the werewolves shouted back and forth to each other, Hermione opened their link and asked, Are good are you with glamour charms?

The blonde witch's eyes widened as she pulled back. Hermione's hand still covered the girl's mouth, but she loosened her grip over the girl's mouth. Slowly, Daphne nodded. Crouched between the shrubbery, Hermione checked Daphne for any serious injury. Her heart pounding and back wet with sweat and something else she would not think on, Hermione peeked about, looking for any sign of her mates.

"Follow my lead," Hermione whispered, her voice shaking with each word. "We'll only have one chance at this before they discover us," she pressed through the fear. Before Hermione could turn the wand on herself to begin the required spellwork, she felt a tiny wrist grab her hand. Despite how petite the Slytherin witch looked, the girl's grip was strong. Daphne held Hermione's gaze, a meaningful look behind her silver frames.

"They're over here!" Someone shouted from somewhere behind them. It wasn't a voice they recognized.

Their time had run out.

Biting her bottom lip, Hermione nodded, blinking the tears away from her eyes. "I know," Hermione answered the unspoken girl's promise. "I will," she vowed.

Quickly cleaning the girl's cut above her brow, Hermione adeptly waved her wand in front of her face, magicking her supernatural eyes back to a placid brown. She saw Daphne doing the same with her own wand. The glasses vanished, the ponytail dropped and grew into riotous curls. The two witches had transfigured themselves to match each other and within seconds, the differences between the two witches lessened and ceased. There wasn't time to spot check each other for giveaways as they were both lifted viciously from the ground.

"Oi! 'e didn't say that there be two of them with curly hair! 'ow we supposed to know which is which?" A large man single-handedly held Hermione against him. She struggled against the large arm tight about her waist and tried to pull her wand towards the brute's gut, but the man laughed and swatted her wand away.

With every roll and click of her wand disappearing into the night, Hermione saw her chance of escape diminish. Looking towards her doppelganger in the other werewolf's arms, she noticed the other had already been stunned into unconsciousness.

Great, how was this supposed to work now? She thought bitterly to herself. No matter what happened, she couldn't let them kill the other witch. She would die before that happened. The pair of werewolves were soon joined by Ballard. He moved through the night draped in a pungent fur cloak made of matted furs.

"Fenrir wants the curly-haired bitch, the rest you can kill or do with what you will," he ordered.

"But they're twins?" the one holding the unconscious 'Hermione' asked. He sniffed the stunned witch's hair, but not previously exposed to Hermione's scent, he could only shrug in response. None of them had Hermione's scent.

Ballard sneered as he started towards the unconscious girl, but Hermione shouted from the man's grasp, aiming for distraction.

"She's not who you're looking for, you big oaf! Don't hurt her," she nearly growled, desperate to veer his attention away from her.

Ballard paused before he could inspect the glamoured witch and tilted his head towards her instead. The werewolf holding her snapped her arms at an unnatural angle and Hermione grimaced with pain. But she kept her eyes locked on Ballard as he stalked towards her like a death sentence.

"And you are?" Ballard cruelly lifted her chin once he reached her. Sharp claws pierced the skin around her jaw, but she would not give him the satisfaction of crying out.

The corner of Hermione's mouth dropped into a fierce frown and determination filled her eyes with malice. "The one with a dead father, you bastard!" And she struggled mightily to get to him, even without a wand. She wanted to inflict damage upon him and make him hurt as the gruesome scene replayed in her mind's eye.

Ballard chuckled bemusedly. "Ah yes, a welcoming present from Fenrir since you'll be joining our fold soon." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Beats me why he'd want to anger you beforehand, but our Alpha's known to like them … feisty."

Hermione's face dropped into one of disgust before she replied with deadly promise, "Your Alpha will never have me."

Ballard laughed again and signaled the subordinate to release her.

"Quit your struggling girl!" Ballard fought against the witch as he attempted to contain her. She may have been shorter than him, but she would put up a fight. He grabbed a handful of brown curls and roughly yanked her hair back. He smiled wickedly and taunted, "Time to go home."

Her eyes widened as he Apparated them away from the countryside. Away from safety.

They landed in the dead of night somewhere she did not recognize and she took the last chance she had before whatever awaited her arrived. Clawing at his eyes, she chose to keep him close instead of pushing him away. They fell to the ground entangled with the other and she fought for the upper position.

Struggling to mount Ballard, Hermione pushed her thumbnails into his eyes, not satisfied with the man's inhuman screams as blunt nails tore through sensitive irises, nerves, and flesh. Blinded, Ballard punched at her side, fumbling for her wrists, but she pushed deeper as blood splattered onto her hands and face. She kept her mouth closed to keep bits from flying inside.

"Gods," she swore beneath her breath at the unholy feeling of squishy flesh against her hands.

The wand. The wand!

Find the wand, a mantra beat in her head.

Distant sounds roared to life behind her. Hermione didn't need to look to see who was coming. It wouldn't be anyone who could help her. She was all alone now.

Find the wand!

Her knees pressed into his large waist, Hermione kept one hand on his head, while a bloody hand searched within his cloak. Her fingers slipped and she cursed aloud. "Damn it!" A scent carrying wolves she did not know drew near.

An eternity passed in a second, and then her fingers ran against a small piece of wood. With a murmured blessing to the Gods, she pushed all of her magical prowess into her destination. Ballard's hands held tight about her throat and hair, threatening to cut off her air supply. Secured together, the two of them Apparated back to the war-torn countryside.

The loud crack signaled she had successfully Apparated, but she refused to look up once they had landed. Still crouched over Ballard's body, her left thumb was surrounded by brain matter. It was a feeling she was positive she would never forget. Hermione pulled the wand out of Ballard's cloak and pushed it into the underside of his jaw.

His grip slipped, but the fight had not yet left him.

"Avada Kedavra," she whispered and in a flash of green, the man dropped. His hands fell, but they did not disentangle from her hair.

Bitterly, she grated, "If Fenrir wants the curly-haired witch so much …" And with sharp jerks of his wand, Hermione shorn her curly hair from his now-dead grip. Using the borrowed wand, she cut her hair at the neck. "Tell him he can have it!" Her head was finally free and the werewolf's hands fell away, his grip lost on the hair he had been holding onto. A handful of auburn curls fell meaninglessly from his grip as his slack arms hit the ground.

Hermione stood on shaky legs and wiped blood and flesh onto her pants. Maybe now, she would be granted a reprieve. But she still in shock and too slow to see the avenging werewolf running for her. He had just witnessed the murder of Alpha's second-in-command and leaped to attack in revenge.

But a brilliant bit of gold made her turn at the last moment. The golden wolf knocked the charging wolf out of the air and with a snap of its jaws, the wolf's neck snapped in two.

The witch's shoulders sagged as the wolf trotted to where she stood over Ballard's prone and bloody body. Gradually, the charm faded and Hermione's short curls reverted back to short, blonde tresses hanging in awkward angles from the rushed hack job.

Daphne swished Ballard's wand across her face and magicked her eyes back to their natural blue. Looking down to the wolf as it sat on its' haunches, Daphne regarded the golden wolf with a stiff nod, her face tight. Easily, the wolf shifted back to her human state and her Lupa appeared before her once more. Taking her glasses out of her jacket, Daphne sat the frames on the brim of her nose. Bloody fingerprints marred her lenses as Hermione stood from her crouched position.

Hermione Granger, the real Hermione Granger, looked down upon the fallen werewolf with scorn. He would never follow a command or do anything ever again. Neither would her father. It wasn't the revenge she sought, but it numbed the pain temporarily. It would do for now.

Hermione and Daphne shared a grim glance as silent understanding passed between the pair. Suddenly, a stream of light struck the ground by her feet and Hermione jumped in the air. She turned around wand at the ready to defend herself and Daphne, who stood in shock at what she'd just done. Hermione doubted the witch could do much else this night, but it did not matter. Fenrir's wolves knew they had lost and had scattered in retreat. It didn't mean they wouldn't be stragglers, such as the one that had tried to attack Daphne. But Hermione was ready to defend her now.

But instead of firing the hex at the tip of her tongue, Hermione's glowing eyes nearly bulged from her head. "Ronald?!" Hermione gasped in shock, her wand arm falling slowly.

"I thought … I thought you were one of them," Ron replied hoarsely, blinking at the sight of his old friend shifting from wolf to human form, his wand falling dumbly against his leg.

Soon, Ron Weasley was joined by Remus, Narcissa, Kingsley, and the twins. Back-up had arrived after all. The red-head did not move from his spot. His surprised expression at seeing Hermione shift from her wolf-form so effortlessly remained, even as Hermione reunited with her pack. There wasn't time to greet one another and she answered their hurried questions as fast as she could.

"There wasn't much time to act. You would have done the same," Hermione argued to Harry.

"I'm fine, I swear," she promised to Draco. In fact, she was more worried about Daphne at the moment, but her mates would hardly let her leave their side. She did manage to glimpse Blaise gathering the mute witch into his arms before Draco and Harry blocked her sight again. They stood like sentinels at her side.

In short order, the group got to work, binding most of the werewolves who were too injured to escape. Kingsley ran interference with the Ministry officials who had arrived to investigate the disturbance so close to a Muggle neighborhood and no doubt, the use of magic by underage wizards. The howling in the distance promised that some wolves had escaped and would have vengeance, but that was for another time.

Ballard was dead.

And while it wasn't the Alpha that sent the deadly detail in the first place, it was enough for the night. Reunited with Draco and Harry, who persistently refused to leave her side, Hermione was filled with part comfort and part annoyance. Daphne was the one who needed to be comforted, not her. But they kept watch over her, even as Remus addressed them on the destroyed countryside. It was hard to keep track of the conversation as she felt parts of her mind begin to shut down. Hermione perked up slightly as Draco recounted the events that happened at her parents' house to Remus and Narcissa. She turned away at the part where she Obliviate'd her mother.

Even as Ronald awkwardly spoke with Harry and Draco for the first time since finding out about the ame de loups, Harry did not let go of her hand. Draco did not stop caressing her neck.

Through it all, her eyes burned from hot tears she insisted were from anger. Grief made her denial strong. From the several close calls she had faced tonight, from the sacrifice Daphne had been willing to give for her, however strong she was, Hermione could not deny that she squeezed Harry's hand back. That she leaned into Draco's side a bit more.

As the trio stood opposite of Ron and the twins, Ronald gave an awkward glance to the front they presented and raised a brow, but she did not have the strength to argue about it now. That conversation would have to be postponed for the moment.

And because she demanded it, she grabbed their hands and Apparated them all away from it: the disbelieving stares from the Weasleys; the numbing pain etched all over Daphne's face; and the grief that came with the knowledge that a woman named Monica Wilkins had probably reached the local constables claiming her husband had been murdered, completely ignorant that the young girl who urged her away had been her daughter.

Hermione dared the ugly emotions to follow.

an: Thank you all so much for your continued support. I love each and every one of you!