Hey guys Nightmare here, and I'd just like to thank all of you for the support and the first couple of reviews. I have decided on a rough schedule but it is subject to change as I have to use a school provided laptop due to my own computer not having Microsoft word. I may have to take a particularly long break come the summer but I will try to find a way around it before then.
In other news, I have begun work on my DLOMG harem fic so, yes, I have conformed to the meta. Expect it sometime soon (probably), though I have no solid release date as of now. Also, I have started to translate the story into a Spanish edition so if anybody could please check it over and let me know if it's legible it would be greatly appreciated.
Now on with the show!
Pyro's P.O.V.
After the meeting to decide upon the fresh meat's training we had all left to further investigate our new living quarters and working conditions. Medic had gone to prepare his lab err…. Med bay for his new test subjects… patients, I mean patients. Engie had gotten a rather large garage full of tools and machinery for him to work with, he was very pleased when he learned he would have a collection of liminal technology for him to experiment with as well. The rest of us on the other hand?
We had been stuck into default rooms with next to nothing meant to accommodate us, so two days later I threw a shopping list together of the various things we would be needing and prepared to leave but was stopped by Medic out of his lab coat as always when we aren't on the clock.
"Slow yourself my friend, I will be coming with you. Ms. Tio will be meeting me there for our little shopping venture." The doctor said "You appear as though you could stand for a change of wardrobe as well, that color doesn't fit you."
I look over my new uniform and scoff a little at the yellow-orange that had taken the place of my red, the girls had pulled it off but on my suit, it was hideous. My weapons had had the same change of hue, I hated the colors but I could get over it. Though a change in wardrobe did include hats… fuck it. I then mumbled for the man to lead the way as I had no god damn clue where the mall or supermarket or whatever the hell there is here was.
"Very well, come along than, it is not very far of a walk." He said and turned down the hall, me right behind
Zombina's P.O.V.
"Thanks for letting me come along with you Tio, I've been running low on clothes that aren't full of holes." I say to the ogress walking to my left
"I'm just happy to have somebody here to make sure I don't say or do something stupid, I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of Doctor." She said
"Oh, he's coming with us?" when she nods I laugh "What are ya into him or something."
"What? No." She says waving her hands and blushing lightly "It's just that I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my new friend, he's really nice and stuff but I don't want him thinking I'm a idiot."
"Ha-ha! So, how'd you two wind up friends anyway? I though you two only saw each other a couple of days ago." I ask
"Oh, I went for my check-up yesterday afternoon, he put a lot of little gadgets and gizmos in me. I don't know what they do though." She replies "Have you checked in with him yet?"
"…Yeah… I did…" I reply thinking back to yesterday morning
I kick the door open and step into the Med bay and shout "Hey doc! I'm here for that check-up!"
"Very good!" the British accent calls back "Just take a seat on the table my undead friend, I will be with you in just a moment!"
I sit on the stretcher waiting for him to finish whatever it was he was doing, looking around at the mess of papers, sharp things, and… blood? Before I could check it out Medic came into the room, his white labcoat was MON yellow and had some blood on it and his red gloves were now black.
"Zombina is your name, right?" He asked with a smile
"Yeah, and what about you? I know your name can't be 'Medic'." I ask jokingly
"Well that is the only name you need to know, so please just Medic or Doctor or anything really but my name is something that will not be known." He said and continued "Now on with the appointment. I know little of how the undead function so this is just going to be a little touch and go."
"Okay, so what are we gonna do first?" I ask leaning back and resting my leg across the other
"To begin let's just do the usual check-up things and then we'll go from there. Is that good?" he asks with an air of strange glee "I'm very excited to see how it is you function and your anatomy as well! So, if you could remove your clothing please?"
End of flashback
"After that he was really… handsy. And the weird part was he really just seemed fascinated in how I work and stuff. The last part though was what freaked me out." I continue
"Now, as you are by all means indestructible, an ubercharge unit and a resurrection device would be of no real value for you so we will be skipping over them. So, instead let's just test and see if the Medigun even works on you so I can at least find out what alterations I'll need to make to the formula so I can heal you the same as the others." He said while collecting one of the strange devices from the table and hooking it up to a cable above me
"So, what does this thing do anyhow?" I ask studying the odd contraption
"You see I flick this switch and train the beam on you like so…" He flipped the switch in question and a red beam came out and stuck onto me, it was weird how much it… stung? Wait that can't be right… "And any wounds inflicted that have not begun to heal naturally, will be sealed up very quickly. It is a wonderful way to keep the chaps in a fight when we're outmatched and outnumbered. Though to make sure it works on you I will need to inflict a wound or two, is that alright?"
"Yeah sure, I'm a zombie remember? I can't feel pain." I reply with a grin
"I know but I just wanted to make certain. Now hold still, I don't wish to damage you to badly." He said and picked up his bonesaw, reeling back his arm and plunging it into my stomach
There was a really weird sound that came after it, I had heard it before but I couldn't remember. There was a feeling where he had stabbed me to, it was such an awful feeling yet so familiar. What the hell was the sound and what was that feeling? I couldn't figure it out until a voice and a pair of gloved hands on my shoulders shaking me brought me back to reality.
"Ms. Zombina? Ms. Zombina? Zombina! Are you alright?!" Medic was asking frantically "I thought you can't feel pain, why did you scream?"
Scream? The sound… it had been me screaming and that feeling, was pain? No that can't be right, I haven't felt pain since I was alive so how the hell was that possible?
"What the hell happened? What did that thing do?" I ask frantically
"Interesting, it would appear that while the formula does heal you it also takes away your inability to feel pain, it is likely due to your undead nature. At least while in contact with the beam." The young British man says a little to excitedly "I will get to work on an alteration of the formula for you, though I may have to make a separate chamber in my Medigun to store it. I will have to inform the Engineer as well so he can make another separate compartment inside of his dispenser, though I do wonder how he would transition between the two…"
All the while as he went on about how interesting the whole debacle was I just sat there thinking about what the machine had just done. It really was amazing, there was no doubt there, and I really wouldn't mind not having to do any more patchwork but I just couldn't get over it. Though it had taken a minute for me to figure out the sound had been me screaming there had been a second, much smaller sound. I knew this one though, it was one I heard from Manako, Tio, Doppel, Smith, Loverboy, even Medic. A heartbeat. My heart had beat, it had beat just once.
End of flashback
"It was like I was alive, even if it was just for a minute. The fact that he knows a way to actually hurt me, it kinda freaks me out. I'm not used to being vulnerable like this and I'm hating it, but part of me wants to see if he can help me y'know remember who I was before I died." I say kind of to myself and kind of to Tio
"Maybe, but I don't think that memories are much of a medical thing. That's more in the mind, isn't it?" Tio said with a finger on her chin "Maybe you should ask him anyways, I mean he might have a way to do it."
Time skip transition screen of a chibi Heavy with a much smaller chibi Medic in a pocket on his chest
Pyro's P.O.V.
I walk next to my team's resident mad scientist as he leads me toward the shopping center, while constantly talking about the ogre and how interesting her anatomy was and how he she was going to make such an amazing pocket as like heavy, she would completely block any oncoming damage with her sheer size. As annoying as it was when he would go into these longwinded rants about how much he liked or hated something and why he felt so, I couldn't help but feel a little happy that he had actually taken a liking to her. Though what made me even happier was the fact he had evidently not gone too far and gotten himself fired, always a good thing.
I was taking a quick last rundown of my list as we walked just to make sure I hadn't forgotten to wright anything down. For Scout, there were various expensive golden chains and rings I had no intention of buying, for Soldier there were several books including a copy of 'The art of war' as his old one had stopped a bullet meant for his heart. For me there was just a few propane tanks and gas cans, for Demo there were various cigar brands and ingredients for explosives, for Heavy there was the newest copy of a weapon magazine and a book on Norwegian culture as he had recently taken an interest in the place. For my best buddy Engie was a few tools you can only get here in Japan, Medic could get his own shit now because if he was gonna be here then I'll be damned if I get the looks for buying all of those chemicals. Crosshairs just wanted some sake and our resident backstabber didn't want anything.
My back began to hurt as I we came up to the store and I thought of how much the supplies I would be buying were going to weigh as I carry them back to base. I was snapped from my self-loathing by a familiar voice belonging to a certain ogress and standing next to her was that awesome zombie girl we had met a couple of days prior.
Medic returned the ogre's wave and spoke "Hello Tio, how are you today? And I see you've brought miss Zombina with you?"
"Yeah, she has to get some things for her apartment. Oh, and you brought Pyro, it's good to see you." Tio said
"H-hi Doc…" Zombina said
"Mmph hmm mph?" I mumble to Zombina
She looks at me a with confusion "Huh?"
I repeat myself but know it probably won't work any better this time so, I pop Medic in the back of the head and tell him what I asked Zombina but before he could Tio spoke.
"He asked if you were okay." She said causing all of us to stare at her "What?"
"How did you understand what Pyro said?" Medic asks "It has taken us three years to be able to understand him this well."
"It's not that hard, all that you really have to do is listen." She says nonchalantly as I leap up and down clapping my hands at the knowledge there's another person who can understand me now, and so soon after meeting me at that
"Oh, um yeah. I'm fine." She says and quickly lets out a laugh, a shark-like grin to accompany it "So are we just gonna stand around talking all day or are we gonna get this over with?"
"Okay, me and Medic are going to a few of my favorite clothing stores so we probably won't be back for a while." Tio said with a smile
"Wait so you're just gonna ditch me? I wouldn't have bothered to come with you if I knew I'd just be on my own anyway." Zombina practically shouted
"Miss Zombina, you will not be alone. Pyro will be with you, he has to do some shopping as well and I'm sure he wouldn't mind keeping you company." Medic assured her
I nod and give a thumbs up "hudda"
"Wait does he not come out of that thing?" she asks gesturing to my suit
"No, I usually have to get him drunk just to give him a check-up." Medic replied
"I don't wanna get seen with somebody in a gasmask, okay? The last thing I need are people thinking they'll get sick just by being around me." Zombina complains and turn to Tio to plead "C'mon Tio, you know what I mean right?"
"Look Zombina I know what you mean but get over it, it's not like we don't get looks anyways. So, Pyro make sure she doesn't get herself into any trouble okay?" Tio said, receiving a nod from myself
She was about to protest but by the time she opened her mouth the ogre and the madman had vanished and I could have sworn I saw a pair of dotted outlines where they had been standing. I turned to Zombina and held up my list before mumbling for her to follow. Though much to her dismay she let out a loud groan and was soon walking to my left.
Time skip transition screen of chibi spy standing next to a level 3 sentry with a sapper on it
Zombina's P.O.V.
We had been walking around in silence for some thirty minutes with the exception of the thing I was with occasionally mumbling something as it looked over different things, when it looked away I would try look over its body, trying to find any sign of gender. But the suit it wore was way to baggy for me to clearly make out anything that revealed just what it was, though I was starting to wonder if it was human at all. I'd have to figure it out at some point, this thing was a mystery and it needed to be solved.
It picked up one propane tank and then another, seemingly studying them, weighing them, bringing them up to its mask to… smell them? The thing was looking through these things like it was looking through produce, that was a little confusing but then again so was everything else about this strange creature. Out of all the aspects of the thing though, was the gasmask it constantly wore, the lack of emotion, how not even Doppel had been able to read it like she could the other mercenaries. It was… unsettling to say the least.
"So, how did you guys manage to beat those giants anyway? Me and my team would have had trouble handling three of them, I'm surprised all of you made it out okay." I inquire to lift the awkward mood
He turned to me and audibly sighed before sitting his basket and the propane tank on the bench we were next to, pulled out a pen and paper and scribbled on it for a couple of minutes before handing it to me. The writing was in… charcoal, though it was pretty neat and fancy but got erratic and harder to read as it went on.
It read 'Sniper got one, me and a couple others knocked one off of a cliff and we all butchered the last. It was a bit of a challenge but we've handled worse. As for the all of us getting out alright part… almost all of B.L.U. was wiped out, this wouldn't be a problem if they had gotten themselves into the system but it looks like the bastards got to them during the window after they were removed from Turbine's spawn and before they could put themselves into Suijin's. Two of them made it out alive, it almost one and even though they didn't die on the outside, that doesn't mean that he hasn't croaked on the inside. They lost their team, their friends, people who called them brother. I'd be shocked if they did come back and take this job after that, though I'd be shocked if they didn't sign into a mental institution after these past few years.'
After reading that I looked him in the cold glassy eyes of his mask, I couldn't see his face but it's like I can still feel how he hurt as he recalled what had occurred. Though I had to ask it.
"Wait wasn't B.L.U. like, your enemy or something? Why do you care, didn't they shoot at you?"
The thing began to right again, shaking its head a little before handing the note to me.
It read 'In a place where you die a few dozen times a day, eight hours a day, every day of the year except on weekends, you get over it. Grudges aren't professional, we may not look it but we are professionals. Now while I may not have hung around most of them I still didn't hate them, no, I never would have wished this on them.'
The creature picked up its things and nodded forward for us to continue, clearly trying to get off of the topic. I wasn't about to argue, things were getting way to gloomy for my taste. Though with just hose two notes the thing walking in front of me was staring to seem a lot more human, even with the mask.
Tio's P.O.V.
Me and Medic had been to a lot of shops today and he was practically hidden behind all of the bags he'd insisted on carrying. I had to say though he had amazing taste in fashion but I couldn't get him very far away from red, he wouldn't even touch anything blue. Though I guess red's more his color anyway, so why bother myself over it.
The British doctor was such a gentleman and he was genuinely interested in Ogre culture, that was something I hadn't expected, since not even snookums had even asked about it. So, while we were eating I told him about our food, our holidays, even our insecurity about our height. He sat there listening quietly as I rambled on until I got to the part about our coming of age celebration and how I hadn't been able to have mine.
"What?! Why not?" the smaller man asked with some concern
"Oh, you see we just didn't have the right stuff to work with. The celebration needs really specific things that can't be swapped out." I told him shrugging my shoulders "But oh well, why dwell on the past?"
"I couldn't say it better myself." The doctor said
"So, what did you guys do before this anyways? I know it had to do with fighting but not much else." I ask him
He holds his chin for a moment, thinking before he answers "Well, I suppose it's not quite confidential anymore, at least not confidential enough for a man no longer on their payroll to care. You see Miss Tio, we worked for Mango Mann, the son of Redmond Mann. We were tasked with defending his half of the company from his cousin Violeta Mann, the daughter of Blutarch Mann, as well as try to seize her share to add to Mango's."
"We fought in their own personal war for three years and barely ever made real progress toward victory, though I will admit when we would get on to long of a winning streak we would throw a few matches just to make sure not to win the war. Wouldn't want to lose our jobs, now would we? No war meant no money and for what they paid us, we were more than happy to suffer a few humiliation rounds." He finished
"Wait so, you're mercenaries, right? Aren't those like, killers or something?" I asked
"Correct Miss Tio, and yes all of us are killers, myself included. Though I am not the worst person among us, neither am I of the best morality." Medic confirms a little too nonchalantly for what he had just admitted to
"Wait so you're not going to kill anyone, now are you?" I ask starting to get a little nervous and my opinion of the doctor gaining a darker light
"No, no, no, I would not jeopardize this new arrangement with such foolishness." He shook his head before continuing "The only reason I will kill now is to protect those I care for, Heavy, The other R.E.D.'s, myself, and you."
I look at him a little shocked, we had only known each other a couple of days and he was willing to kill for my sake? As flattering as that is, it's still kind of alarming.
"The reason being, you have shown no visible fear of me or the others. Few have done so, especially after they learn what I've told you. So, thank you." He said rising and pulling out his pocket watch "Well as much as I would love to sit and share stories for a while longer I do believe we should be meeting up with the others about now."
I looked at the time on my phone and saw he was right "Yeah, I guess it is." I said before standing up and walking with him to the front of the center getting the pep back in my step, I mean the past is the past and just because it was his job doesn't mean that he's still a killer, right?
Demoman's P.O.V.
I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling, my white kakis loose on my skin. This had been one hell of a few days, hadn't it? My enemies for three years are gone, I lose my job as a mercenary, and I get put on with what are essentially liminal cops.
Yeah it had been an eventful few day, but I would forget the same way all Demomen forget. With one bottle of aged scrumpy at a time, I had almost given the stuff up but with all that's happened recently, I think that I'm justified in a drink or two.
I was about to bring the bottle back to my lips when my phone began to ring with the sound of explosives I loved so much. I picked it up to see who was calling me, probably my papa calling to make sure I'm alright, he had a good sense for these things. When I picked it up though I saw it was a text from Medic.
It read 'Would you mind helping me prepare something for Tio? It's essentially a quinceañera for the ogre culture and she never had the chance to have hers so, I would like you and the others (Tio's friends as well) to help make it happen for her. She is such a nice girl, she deserves this, yes?'
When I finished reading it I immediately put down my bottle and practically shouted "The chica was never given her coming of age celebration?!" I quickly typed I would help before running out of my room to get the others, this had to be perfect and I would make certain of it
Well guys that's the end of chapter three and I would just like to say thank you for all the reads this story has gotten. All of the love and support is greatly appreciated.
I don't really have much else to say apart from giving the heads up on some stories I have heard about a season two of the anime will be coming out next year, so be on the lookout for that.
Steam: kaiser5578
Twitter: Nightmareslurk
e-mail: kaiser5578
Anyways until next time remember