Inko first found out that the baby did have a quirk after a week of him living with her. Izuku- as she had decided to call him- and her were walking home from the park, well, more like Izuku was being strolled while Inko walked. When Inko decided to take a shortcut to get home. It would have taken ten minutes if she had gone her regular route, but only three if she took the shortcut.
Wanting to get home a bit earlier, as the sun was already starting to set, Inko took the shortcut, and that's when trouble struck.
"Give me your money, hag!" A voice said behind her, and Inko turned around slowly. There stood a short scruffy man, holding his hands out as a weapon. If the man had a quirk, it was obvious it could be used for harm. Inko gulped nervously, before letting go of the stroller, and holding her hands in a "I surrender" pose.
"I-I don't have any money on me." Which was the truth, she didn't bring any money with her.
"Liar!" Said the man angrily, walking closer to Inko. Inko took a step back. Izuku gurgled something, perhaps trying to comfort his adopted mother.
"No-no! It's true! Search me, if you like!" Inko still held her hands up, while the man let out a small 'hm'. Hesitantly, he placed a hand on Inko's side, where her pockets would be, and found nothing. He checked the other side, and found nothing as well. Growling in frustration, the man looked to the stroller.
"Give me your baby, he could make a quick buck on the black market." Inko was horrified, this man wanted her child!
"No!" Inko said fiercely, placing her hands at her side.
"Listen lady, just give me the child, and you get to walk away." The man was walking closer to the stroller, and Inko blocked him. The man growled, and moved his hand closer to Inko. Lights flickered from his hand, before a flame came alive. "I could burn you alive, lady. Just give me the child and no one gets hurt."
"No!" She said fiercely again, glaring.
"You asked for it!" With that, the man attempted to grab Inko's hair, as it would burn quickly, but was pushed back by a glowing pink bubble. Inko stood in shock at the bubbled that contained her and her child, but somehow managed to push the villain back.
She looked to Izuku, whose face was scrunched up- as if he was using all his willpower. Amd just like that, Inko knew the baby must have done it.
The man, who had been knocked back ever so slightly, came charging again, hands blazing. He placed both hands next to each other, and allowed a stream of fire to come forth, encasing the bubble, and making the inside hotter and hotter.
The baby let out a small gasp, but kept the bubble in tact. Inko moved closer to her child, and gave him a hug, so that if the bubble fell, Izuku wouldn't receive most of the burns. Then, a smaller bubble, which was still pretty big to encase both Izuku and Inko, appeared, and the baby lifted a hand, and just like that, they were gone from that alleyway.
They were home, inside the house and in the living room. The bubble popped, and the baby was panting heavily, Inko stared at the child in shock, and in return, she just got a small smile. It was obvious that the baby had a quirk. She had to keep this a secret- he was just a baby, who knows what people may do to him!
-Line break-
When Izuku was four, the family of two went to the hospital, to get a quirk evaluation. Izuku was well behaved, letting the professionals do their work as they took X-rays, and blood tests. It took a small while, but eventually the X-rays were completed, and Inko and Izuku was called into the room.
"Your son does not have a quirk," The doctor said bluntly, before pointing at the X-rays. "He has a double joint, he should not be able to develop a quirk." True to his word, the X-rays showed a two jointed pinky toe. Inko frowned, before turning to look at Izuku, who didn't seem fazed. Inko let out a small sigh, before turning to look back at the doctor.
"But he does." Inko said, and the doctor raised an eyebrow.
Turning to look back at Izuku, who was staring at his feet, Inko smiled lightly. "Izuku, honey, mind showing the doctor your quirk?" Inko asked, and Izuku looked up before nodding.
Standing up, Izuku patted his pants, before outstretching his arm. He summoned his shield, much to the shock of the doctor. Izuku let the shield disintegrate, before summoning a small bubble around him. He also let it disintegrate.
To say the doctor was shocked was an understatement. He looked at Izuku in awe, while the small boy blushed baffully. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck before muttering a small;
"It's not a quirk, but it's something." Which made the two adults confused.
"Honey, what do you mean?" Inko asked, and Izuku looked away.
"Midoriya-kun, what do you mean?" The doctor asked, and the Izuku looked back to the duo.
"It's not a quirk, because I was born with it," Izuku said, shrugging. "It's a gem-I'm a gem. It's just one of the abilities that we have."
"And what are gems?" The doctor asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Aliens." Izuku said simply.
"Allright…" The doctor began, clearing his throat. "Midoriya-kun, why don't you wait in the hall for abit, I need to speak with your mother." Izuku nodded, before leaving the room. Inko turned her attention to the doctor.
"It's definitely a quirk," The man started "There is no such things as aliens."
"This is the first time Izuku has ever mentioned gems- although he always did have a gem on his stomach." Inko explained. The doctor raised an eyebrow.
"A gem?"
"Yes, he told me a few months ago that it was a Rose Quartz."
"It's a new quirk, is it not? We could call it that." The doctor hummed gently, before speaking again, "Midoriya-san, what is your quirk again?"
"Oh," Inko levitated a thermometer closer to her from a table across the room, "It's attraction to small objects."
"And his fathers?"
"Fire breath, but, Izuku isn't my birth son."
"Hm." The doctor leaned back in his chair, hand on chin. The doctor waited for her to continue, and so she did.
"I found him one day, on the beach. It was raining, and I took him in."
"So, it's not a mutation, then." The doctor concluded, before leaning forward. "Unless, his birth parents have a quirk of a similar caliber. "
"But we don't know that"
"That's the problem." The doctor sighed. He shook his head before smiling. "I'll register your sons quirk as 'Rose Quartz' and he'll be set to go."
Inko smiled and stood from her chair. "Thank you, doctor." She walked out of the room, to see Izuku leaning on the wall. He pushed himself off the wall, and smiled at Inko, before walking over and grabbing her hand.
Together, the two walked out of the hospital.
After awhile, Steven got used to being Izuku. He got used to his green hair, Inko as his mother, walking with Kacchan to school, and quirks.
What Steven couldn't get used to, however, was the sinking feeling in his chest. It was heavy, and swallowing him up slowly. The cause; The Crystal Gems.
He missed them dearly, and it had been years since he had last seen them. Steven couldn't help but feel empty without them, and without his dad as well. It wasn't their fault, Steven knew, he shouldn't have been on the Inter dimensional warp pad. But he couldn't help but feel as though they have given up on him. It had been years, and there is hundreds, thousands, millions of different dimensions. Perhaps they just grabbed another Steven and just replaced him.
Maybe they were glad to be rid of him.
Steven let out a small noise as he laid his head on his desk. Kacchan looked over at him curiously, and began poking him with a pencil.
"Hey, Izu, wake up."
Steven didn't even lift his head, and attempted to bury himself further in his desk. His other seatmates, as they were in school and the small tables held four children, looked over at in duo, before shrugging and going back to their own conversations.
"Leave me alone, Kacchan." Steven replied sadly. His eyes felt itchy, and his voice felt weak.
"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked, stopping with the assault of pokes.
"Yes, just...tired." Steven lifted his head enough to wipe any incoming tears, but was looking in the opposite direction of Kacchan, so as to not worry the young blonde.
"Oh, well… nap-time is in a little while."
Steven laid his head back on his desk. Kacchan is a good friend, and Steven will be sad when he has to leave for his own dimension.
If he could leave.
End of chapter. I hope you all enjoyed, but it seems Steven is sad! Oh no.