(AN) Hello there TimeLordMaster108 here with a new Family Guy Story, I know I promised that I'd do The Simpsons next but I just managed to plan out all my Family Guy ideas out so much that I decided just to go for it and do all of them first.

Anyway this story will be differant as it will instead be an anthology consisting of six mini stories all focusing on one of the Griffins going through a traumatic experiance and having to recover from them and also this chapter won't feature Brian due to the fact it takes place just a few days after the events of The D In Apartment 23.

anyway I don't own Family Guy all characters belong to 20TH Century Fox.

Family Guy: Road To Recovery

Chapter 1


It started out as a normal Monday Morning for Peter who was just waking up to the sound of his alarm clock, the obese man then stretched and started getting ready for work after getting ready he then ran downstairs and found Lois making breakfast.

"Oh good Peter you're awake." Stated Lois as she smiled at her husband, "I'm making bacon and Eggs just in case you're intarested."

"Aww sweet!" Replied Peter.

Soon enough everyone was sitting down and eating breakfast except for Brian who no longer lived at the house due to a stupid joke he posted on Twitter which caused the family to be harassed.

"Mom do you think Brian will ever come home?" Asked Meg in concern while looking at Brian's dog collar which was lying on the counter.

"Well unfortunately Meg I don't think he's coming back." Replied Lois, "Besides it's stopped those people terrorising us and throwing things at our house, how long do you think it would've been before someone decided to break in and attack us?"

Peter decided not to argue, the Family continued to chat until Peter went to work and the kids went to school and preschool respectively, Peter's day continued to be uneventful as he worked at his Office computer with Stella, later on Angela came in to check on Peter's progress.

"Well Griffin I'm impressed, you're actualy not behind on your work for once." Remarked Angela in her usual stern tone, "Besides I couldn't yell at you even if I wannted to, my Doctor told me my stress is causing heart problems, I wouldn't want to wind up dead like poor Carrie Fisher, but hay maybe you'd like to come and cheer me up."

"Um no thanks Angela." Said Peter nervously. "I have a wife anyway."

Peter's day continued to go uneventfully, after work he went home for a while before heading to the Drunken Clam with his friends who were discussing the Football match between the Patriots and The Silly Nanny's.

"So let's make a bet, who do you think would win the Patriots or Silly Nanny's?" Asked Cleveland in a slightly slurred voice.

"Patriots." Everyone cried out before laughing hysterically.

"Yeah those Silly Nanny's wouldn't know how to play football if you hit them with one." Remarked Joe, "Anyway Peter you thinking about letting Brian Back yet everyone's stopped whining about the joke and people have stopped attacking you."

"No way Joe, people may have stopped attacking us but that's only because Brian's not here." Replied Peter, "Besides what would be next if I did let Brian Back in, Meg and Chris being stabbed, Stewie being abducted again, Lois being attacked by some violent thugs breaking into our home, no Joe it's better that Brian stays away."

After this small dispute Peter left and decided to get some rolls from the small corner shop not buying any groceries due to the fact that Lois loved doing that job and beat him up when he tried to do it, After this Peter began to head towards his car, however just as the dim witted man passed an alleyway a gloved hand reached out and grabbed Peter by the shoulder, Peter's eyes widened in horror as he was dragged into the alleyway and slammed into a wall.

the obese man groaned in pain while clutching his broken nose and looked up to see an old man with fingerless gloves, a scruffy beard and hair and baggy scruffy clothes pointing a gun at him.

"Freeze Man And give me your wallet." Demanded The Mugger in a threatening tone.

"Holy crap!" Exclaimed Peter in terror as he fished out his wallet and gave it to the guy, "Here take it just don't hurt me."

And before the man could stop him, Peter grabbed a bin and threw it at him, the obese man then ran from the alleyway while crying hysterically with his trousers falling down.

Peter then got into the station wagon and put his foot down on the accelerator which caused the car to knock over bins, lampposts and people and didn't stop until he was safely in his driveway, Peter then threw himself through the front door and onto the couch before sobbing loudly.

"Peter is that you?" Asked Lois as she walked through from the kitchen.

Lois then saw Peter sobbing on the couch with a broken nose and dropped trousers. she then ran over to her husband and started comforting him.

"Oh my God! Peter what happened?" Asked Lois in a concerned and horrified voice.

"I-I was walking down the road when somebody pulled me into an Alleyway and I was mugged." Wailed Peter in despair.

"Oh my God!" Lois cried out in horror.

Suddenly Meg and Chris walked through the door and were arguing about the new Star Wars film.

"I'm telling you Meg Carrie Fisher will be in Episode 9." Chris was saying in a bewildered tone.

"Don't be silly Chris, how could they possibly film anything for Episode 9 unless your seriously suggesting that they invented time travel." Retorted Meg.

"Ummmmm maybe." Chris said while drooling.

The pair then looked over and saw Peter sitting on the couch with his trousers down and Lois using the First Aid Kit on his nose.

"What happened to Dad?" Asked Meg in a shocked voice.

"Oh Meg quick call the Police Peter's been Mugged." Explained Lois in a panicky voice.

Meg not hesitating for a moment dashed to the phone and called 999, in a few minutes Joe was at the house with two Police Officers.

"Ok Peter could you please tell me what this Mugger looked like?" Asked Joe after Peter had explained what had happened.

"Well he was old and wore baggy clothes." Explained Peter in a shaky voice with Lois holding his hand and wearing a concerned face.

"Hmm that's not to much to go on." Explained Joe, "But don't worry Peter my men are on the case and will catch this man I promise."

Later on Peter and Lois went to bed, the redhead was cuddling up to Peter who was still in shock over his ordeal.

"You know Peter what happened to you wasn't that awful." Remarked Lois, "But I can understand you're upset and it's lucky he didn't do anything worse."

"Yeah." Pouted Peter, "It was so scary Lois I thought he was going to shoot me."

Lois just kissed Peter softly on the forehead and after a few moments they both fell asleep.

Peter suddenly opened his eyes and found himself in a labyrinth of alleyways, the obese man wandered around for a bit and was startled when he heard Evil laughter.

"Who's there?" Asked Peter in a voice quivering with fear.

"You know who I am." Said The voice, "You can't escape from me Peter I'll find you and I'll kill you."

The dim witted man began to run while screaming in terror, suddenly the Mugger jumped on Peter and pinned him to the floor.

"You ain't getting away from me Fatty." Said The older man as he pulled a gun out.

Peter's eyes widened in horror as the man put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger causing Peter to be blinded by a bright white flash.

The obese man bolted up in bed while screaming in terror, his heart was racing and sweat was dripping down his face.

"Oh phew it was just a Nightmare." Peter replied as Lois woke up.

"Ugh Peter what's wrong?" Asked Lois as she gave her husband a hug.

"Nothing Lois just a bad dream." Stated Peter as he got out of bed, "I'm going for a drink of water."

The next day Peter was at work trying to take his mind off the incident when Angela walked in.

"Hay Griffin I heard about you being mugged." Stated Angela, "And if you want help I know a great therapist clinic that might make you feel better."

She then handed her employee a piece of paper with an address on it.

"Aww jee thanks Angela." Peter cried out in delight."

"Alright don't get sappy, now get back to work Griffin." Barked Angela.

Later on Peter was sat on a Theropist couch talking with a board looking theropist.

"So Mr Griffin, you say you felt powerless against this Mugger." Said The theropist in a bemused voice.

"Yeah I just felt so scared." Replied Peter in his usual nervous voice."

"Well Mr Griffin all I can suggest is that you try to find somthing to get your mind off it." Suggested the Theropist.

"So does that mean I'm not insane?" Questioned Peter in a delighted voice.

"Mr Griffin being traumatised and being insane are two completley different- the man tried to explain.

"Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyy." Cheered Peter in childish delight while running out of the room and flapping his arms, "I'm not insane hehehehehehehehehehehehehe."

"Why do I even bother." Groaned The theropist.

Later on Peter was driving home when suddenly someone jumped in front of the Car, Peter imediatly slammed his foot down on the brake and looked up to see Ernie The Giant Chicken narrowing his eyes, The obese man also narrowed his eyes.

he then launched himself through the windscreen and smashed into Ernie, before long the two had entered a massive brawl through the street punching, kicking and pecking while also knocking people, property and vehicles out of the way and causing damage.

The pair then made their way to the Quahog Docks, Peter noticed that he was near the edge of the docks and got an idea, when Earnie came flying at Peter with a karate kick the obese man dodged and delivered a roundhouse kick to Ernie's face sending him into the water.

"Roadhouse." Declared Peter in an Australian accent. "Hay wait a minute I've got an idea on how to get over my fear."

Peter then ran off while Ernie climbed out of the water.

"Hay get back here you fat bastard." Panted The Chicken.

Peter later arrived home to see the others sitting on the couch.

"Hay Family geuss what I decided to do." Declared Peter in a overly happy voice.

"Buy me that diamond ring I've always wanted?" Asked Lois in an excited voice.

"Nope." Replied Peter.

"Get me a boyfriend." Suggested Meg.

"What am I your Fairy Godmother." He retorted.

"Bring Brian Back?" Asked Stewie.

"Definatly not." Peter stated, "That Psychiatrist was right I do need to take my mind off it, so I'm going to find that guy and beat the living crap out of him."

"Oh for God's sakes Peter." Replied Lois in annoyance as she approached her husband, "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say, you just need to let the Police catch this guy."

"Says the woman who ran off with the Police to help rescue Stewie from a crazy fat Psychopath." Argued Peter.

"Hay don't call my sister crazy or fat." Barked Lois. "Besides we're now on very good speaking terms and I've visited her a few times."

"Trust me Lois what that guy needs is a good beating." Said Peter.

After this Peter began wandering around the town until he saw a familiar man with scruffy clothes.

"Hay you're that lowlife Mugger That Stole my Wallet." Yelled The obese man in anger.

"And you're that Whimpy fat idiot who threw a bin at me." Yelled The man.

Peter then narrowed his eyes at the man followed by the other man narrowing his eyes at Peter.

the two men then flew at each other and entered a fist fight, the pair punched and kicked each other as they made their way down the street which caused several cars to swerv and crash into buildings and water hydrants causing massive destruction, the pair then flew through the windscreen of a car, The Mugger then began to drive the car while still fighting with Peter causing it to spin wildly out of control, knocking people down.

The car then flew through the doors of an abandoned Office Building leading to Peter and the Mugger rolling out the door and continuing the fight, as they made their way through the Office building Peter and the Mugger knocked desks, cabinets and chairs over and throwing pens.

"Here have some Coffee." Suggested The Mugger as he smashed the Coffee machine over Peter's head.

"Oh yeah well try this." Retorted Peter as he wrapped the hoover tube around the man's throat.

The Mugger gagged for a few moments before getting loose and punching Peter in the jaw, he then ran to the lift and was about to close the doors when Peter forced his way in and punched him in the nose.

Eventualy the pair reached the roof where they continued to brawl even as they plummeted off the roof, the two then altered their flight pattern and soared through the front window of the Channel 5 News Station, they continued to fight through the Station knocking objects over and sending staff and Security flying.

"Well that concludes the latest reports on dumb politics." Said Tom, "And remember kids Donald Trump is an absolute baboon."

Tom and Joyce were then startled as Peter and the Mugger continued their path of mayhem, knocking lights over and starting a fire which sent the sprinklers off.

Meanwhile over at the Griffins house Lois and Stewie were sitting on the couch watching TV and looking pretty shocked.

"Well there's no surprise the fatman's done it again." Remarked The young infant in a deadpan tone.

"Nothing about your father surprises me anymore Stewie." Replied Lois, "Typical, absolutely typical never listens to a word I tell him."

Meanwhile Peter and The Mugger had made it into the launch room where they kept the helicopter, The Mugger seizing his chance dashed for the vechial and got inside, he then fiddled with the controls and got the hovercraft in motion, Peter however wasn't going to let him get away, he imediatly leapt onto the bottom of the Helicopter and managed to climb inside where he punched the Mugger in the face before slamming it into the windscreen.

"Oh just give up." Groaned The Mugger.

"Never." Declared Peter.

They then continued to fight and flew the Helicopter through the roof causing it to crash into the control room.

Back at the house Lois was sitting on the couch wth Stewie on her lap, she then became startled when she heard the sound of Helicopter blades.

"Now What On earth is that?" Lois asked herself as she walked outside while holding Stewie.

Meg and Chris then followed, the redhead's eyes widened in horror as she saw the Quahog Channel 5 News Copter flying right towards them, this caused Lois to scream in terror as she and the others ducked to avoid the vechial.

"Hay that's my Wife you nearly hit there." Growled Peter in anger before launching at the Man."

"You have a Wife?" The man cried out in surprise.

Over at Cleveland's house Rallo ran into the living room with a panicked look on his face.

"Quick everyone RUN." Yelled The young boy, "THERE'S A GIANT FREAKIN' HELICOPTER ABOUT TO HIT US."

Donna got up and looked outside before screaming in terror and grabbing Rallo, she then told everyone to run and they all ran outside.

"Wait a minute where's Cleveland?" Asked Roberta in a shocked voice.

Cleveland was upstairs taking a relaxing bath when suddenly the News Copter came crashing through destroying the entire front of his house.

"What the Hell!" Exclaimed Cleveland in horror before he felt the all to familiar feeling of the bath sliding towards the edge.

"No! No! No! No! No! NO!" Screamed Cleveland in horror.

Unfortunatly for Cleveland the bath went sliding over the edge and smashed to the ground along with Cleveland and the water.

"Well that hasn't happened in a while." Remarked Cleveland.

Peter and the Mugger continued to fight sending the hovercraft spinning out of control and into the mountains, it then finnaly plummeted before crashing into the cliff face and exploding sending both Peter and the Mugger flying out, Peter lay on the ground with his clothes torn and covered with bruises and scratches.

"Now it's time to put you out of your misery." Said The Mugger in an evil manner as he lifted a stone high into the air.

Peter's eyes widened in horror as the man tried to bring the rock down onto Peter's Face, thinking quickly the obese man put his arms out and began pushing against the rock, this caused the Mugger to loose his balance and drop the rock allowing Peter to give him a roundhouse kick to the face, the man toppled and bashed his head against the cliff face before sliding down unconscious.

"Roadhouse." Stated Peter in his Australian accent before fishing his wallet out of the man's pocket.

Suddenly the sound of Police Sirens reached Peter's ears and before long a Police Car along with the Station Wagon pulled up, two Officers got out of the Car and imediatly grabbed the Mugger and threw him into the Car before driving off.

Lois and the others ran up to Peter and hugged him which was followed by Lois slapping Peter in the face.

"Oh Peter thank god!, you're alright." Lois cried out in relief, "Don't ever scare me like that again do you here me?"

"Don't worry Lois I promise I won't." Answered Peter.

"Don't try promising me Peter I know you never listen." Stated Lois, "But you know that was a very brave thing to do, what do you say when we get home you show me some of your moves in bed."

"Aww come here you." Said Peter teasingly as he giggled and lifted Lois into his arms.

After that they all went home.

(AN Well that was the first chapter in this anthology so remember to read and Review and let me know what you think.

anyway this chapter was intentionally lighthearted and silly for two reasons,

1. You can't take the whole concept of Peter getting mugged seriously

2. the next Chapter which will focus on Lois is where things start getting more dark and serious so it felt wise to start with somthing light and ridicules before getting into the more mature stuff.)