Chapter 01 The Family Feud
Quanktumspirit: "Here is my part 2 to the tale: Mr Fox Cooperation. Oh and I know actually that Gabriella in the tale isn't pregnant, but I want her and Lila's children to be the same age, so she gets a kid as well."
Its been several years since the Mr Fox cooperation has been dissolved. All the family members of the Platypus family are living happy and in harmony. Perry with his mate Rosetta, Alexander with his mate Gabriella and their son David a male kid platypus, and Leonardo with his mate Lila and daughter Tina a fox kid. And Shenme is living also in harmony with his own brother.
However, the family is soon going to learn about a dark past in Perry and Shenme's family. Can they get both of their parents to calm down and talk things out? Despite it being over 20 years since they saw each other last?
Gabriella belongs to Nightflame203, all the other characters belong to me.
Its been several weeks since the Mr Fox Cooperation had been dissolved and Dr Diminutive arrested.
We are in a hospital ward where Alexander the Platypus was with his mate Gabriella the Rag doll cat, now using the surname Platypus for family reasons.
She has just given birth to hers and Alex's son. It was a baby Rag doll cat with the same teal coloured fur like Alexander. Both parents smiled as Gabriella cleaned her son up.
"He's so beautiful Alexander." Gabriella smiled at her mate as she was feeding her kid.
Alexander whipped a tear from his face, "He sure is. Have you already thought of a name for him?"
Gabriella nodded her head, "Sure have dear, his name is David."
"David? Very sweet darling. Welcome to the Platypus and cat family David." Alexander smiled stroking over his sons head.
Gabriella smiled, after hugging her son to herself she let him have something to drink.
Next door
Lila the Fox was also giving birth. Leonardo smiled at his mate, and after several hours Lila gave birth to a baby girl.
Despite carrying the baby for 9 months inside of her she found out Lila gave birth to a female platypus. Leonardo smiled and hugged his mate to his chest and cleaned his child up.
"We have a daughter darling." Leonardo smiled kissing his mate.
Lila smiled back, collapsing on the bed. "That... that is good news. And she's healthy?"
Leonardo nodded. He handed their daughter to Lila and she smiled at the orange furred baby platypus. Taking her child carefully she placed her daughters mouth over one of her teats and let her drink up. It felt good that after 9 months her daughter was healthy.
Leonardo chuckled and hugged Lila to himself, "Do you want some peace and quiet dear?"
Lila nodded and kissed her mate again, "Please. Oh and her name is Tina, ok dear?"
Leonardo smiled, he closed the curtains and watched his mate hug his daughter before nodding his head. Lila beamed back at him and held her daughter in an embrace before falling asleep also.
Leonardo and Alexander left their mates to sleep with their children in peace and quiet. They headed to their parents home and knocked against the door.
Perry and Rosetta blinked and looked at the time, it was just 9 PM, their usual bed time. Perry looked over to the calender and realised today might be the day his 'grandchildren' were born.
Rosetta opened the door and saw her two beaming twin boys. Perry also smiled and let them in.
"So guys, has it happened today?" Rosetta asked excited.
Leonardo and Alexander smiled wider and gave their parents a thumbs up.
"Dad, mum you two are now grandparents of a healthy baby girl Platypus. Lila has already named her as Tina. Ok?" Leonardo explained.
Perry and Rosetta smiled and nodded their heads. They then turned to Alexander who was also happy.
"And Gabriella has given birth to a male Rag doll kitten. Teal coloured fur though. But still healthy none the less. And she's calling him David." Alexander explained.
Perry and Rosetta beamed, they felt very pleased that their children have now a growing family of their own. Perry texted his brother of the good news and Shenme sent him all the best wishes, and that he might visit them in a few weeks time, once the nephews have settled down with their new families.
Leonardo and Alexander left their parents home then and headed to their own homes. They lived next door to each other inside the OWCA. And each of their mates and new children were already in bed.
They climbed next to their mates, hugged them a bit before resuming with their own sleep.
A few weeks later Shenme flew over to the OWCA himself.
He checked himself in before walking along the OWCA to reach his nephews homes. He found them to be out and about, which was confirmed as he tracked his family down at the children's park.
Leonardo and Lila were playing with their daughter in the sand, building small sand castles and laughing.
Alexander and Gabriella were with David on some swings, swinging back and forth whiles also smiling at their offspring.
As Leonardo heard some one approaching his family he looked up and his face beamed.
"Shenme, hi long time no see uncle." Leonardo smiled.
Alexander halted in the swinging way and looked over at the teal coloured Platypus. Leonardo turned to his brother and the girls.
"You are mine and Leonardo's uncle?" Alexander asked surprised.
"Yes Alexander, that's our uncle and Perry's brother." Leonardo explained smiling.
Shenme smiled and hugged Leonardo and then hugged Alexander, "Its good to see things worked out alrighedLeonardo and Hi Alexander. And Leonardo, was I right with my guess?"
Leonardo smiled and blushed madly, "Yes you were uncle, and this is Lila I've told you so much about, and our daughter Tina."
"Hi." Tina and Lila smiled.
Shenme smiled and shook both girls hands, "Please to meet you."
"Why are you here uncle? Has something happened?" Leonardo asked worried.
Shenme flinched a bit, "No... but Leonardo, I gave it some thought over what you told me... you were right, me and Perry have some talking out to do."
Shenme turned to his brother who didn't look the least bit impressed, but he sighed and nodded his head motioning to the living room. Both brothers sat next to each other and began their 'heart to heart'.
"So I see you've taken the same route as our mother Perry, becoming a OWCA Agent and one of the best Agents in the entire OWCA." Shenme said smiling a bit.
Perry smiled and nodded his head, "And Leonardo and Alexander are training to become their own individual OWCA personnels as well, as well as their own mates. I'm very pleased with both of them. Especially as Leonardo save d the entire OWCA from Dr Diminuative's captivity."
"Really? Wow that is impressive, how did he do that?" Shenme asked.
Perry quickly explained the adventure and Shenme had to hold the urge out to burst out with laughter, Leonardo rolled his eyes as he was reminded that he dressed up as a beaver to work the plan out.
Shenme reported to Perry how he trained Leonardo, with the natural fighting way and protection of the family. Perry was impressed that Shenme managed to trick Leonardo by using his feelings for Lila to his fighting advantage. But Leonardo thought it was no big thing.
"One has to prepare the young ones with whatever one throws in their way after all." Shenme pointed out.
Perry agreed with his brother there. As well as the others, after a few hours, and having dinner together Shenme left back home, but invited the family to come and visit him some time as well, which they promised him.
And for a time being that's where the Platypus family spent their vacations.
2 years later.
On one fine morning David the Ragdoll cat and Tina the Platypus were both training against and alongside each other very well.
They practised climbing, running, stealth mode, jumping, swimming and many others. They wanted to become just as good as their own parents.
Inside the training gym Alexander, Gabriella, Leonardo and Lila were sitting back watching their offspring train with prestige, accuracy and excitement.
Once in a while Leonardo and Alexander would give their kids a few tips, but the two fathers hardly had to say anything, seeing as the kids had their own fighting techniques.
Just then the 6 heard the OWCA alarm ring, it normally would only ring if a huge mission has just been delivered into the OWCA itself.
As quickly as the 'Platypus team' could they scooped their kids up and shot towards the meeting room. Perry and Rosetta heard it as well and arrived at their seats in the OWCA itself.
All the animal Agents looked towards Major Monogram, who looked half way freaked out. Perry also noticed an elderly female Platypus standing next to him and holding a file in her hand.
Leonardo and Alexander looked at her and then to each other, she looked just like Perry, only she was female and at least 9 years older, by the indication of her Gray fur.
"Agents, I'm sorry to have to call all of you out at this late hour, but a huge mission has just come in. This is Agent Jasmine the Platypus, Perry and Shenme the Platypuses mother and the last top OWCA female Agent in the olden OWCA days. She has a huge mission to hand out and needs volunteers for it. Madame." Major Monogram said and stepped down.
The elderly female climbed up onto the podium and opened a slide show.
"Thank you Major Monogram, its true what he says. I've recently come out of retirement because, a area I hold very dear to myself has just been reported of sightings of the LOVEMUFFIN members. They have been scaring the local animals, begin digging the burrows out and tearing families apart as well as driving all the animals out of there. Whatever is in that forest that LOVEMUFFIN need it is endangering the normals life style. I need a few volunteers to help me put a stop to them as soon as possible please." Jasmine explained. "Best would be at least 9 OWCA Agents if possible."
All of the OWCA Agents looked very unsure, most of them had LOVEMUFFIN members to take care of, and no one had free time. Perry looked to his family and everyone nodded their heads.
All 6 Platypuses and the Ragdoll cats and one fox stepped forward raising their hands.
"Hi Perry and Shenme, and thanks guys." Jasmine smiled shaking her sons hands.
Perry and Shenme nodded their heads, they were given instructions to head back home, leave their OWCA hats behind and then to meet at evening back at the exit to get to the forest.
As the instructions were carried out Jasmine nodded her head, she lead the Platypus family out of the OWCA and all 10 animals walked one team behind the other away from the OWCA and towards this endangered forest Jasmine has talked about.
During the very long walk no one spoke much, Perry wanted to ask his mother why the forest was so dear too her, but he assumed this wasn't the right time or place to ask.
After about a 4 day walk, and half way threw the night Jasmine stopped the Platypus team. Its true they were now at the edge of a huge forest, the Platypus family heard various animals running around the forest quite fast.
Jasmine turned to the others, "Ok, from here we have about another 2 hour walk until we reach my burrow I've set up. Do not try to talk to the locals yet until we've settled down."
"Um... not to be ungrateful for your works Agent Jasmine," Gabriella went, "But can we each have our own homes? It might be a bit crowded inside a small burrow with 9 animals squashed into it."
Jasmine nodded her head, the others agreed and continued following. They came across hundreds of forest animals, owls, foxes, deer, hedgehogs, birds of all kind, etc.
But what Perry didn't understand is why this forest was so dear too his mother, she seemed to be well acquainted with the forest animals themselves, addressing some animals by name, and others her, but nothing really stuck out.
That was just how it seemed to be, as the family all had some dinner together a Porcupine spotted them and stood still opposite of the Platypuses.
Jasmine looked up and stared at the Porcupine, "Um hello."
"Y... you are Jasmine the Platypus, right?" The Porcupine asked.
"Sure, hi who are you?" Jasmine asked smiling at her, no need to attack.
The Porcupine just shook her head, "My name is Patrician the Porcupine."
"Hi." Perry said.
But just before the Platypus team and their mates could introduce themselves the Porcupine has already stopped listening.
She turned round to Jasmine and glared at her, "I can't believe that after 17 years you dare to return, you've already broken his heart as you betrayed him. I hope you will have a darn good explanation for his once you find him again!"
"Wait, he? He who?" Tina asked confused.
But the Porcupine already turned on her heals and fled. Jasmine hung her head, she had a sinking feeling she knew who the Porcupine was talking about.
Exactly as Jasmine has stated she reached her home, Perry and his family nodded and they each build 3 more burrows not too far from his mother in a clearing. Trying to get the sinking feeling out that something was up.
After the burrows were built the animals all left them, they meet up in the centre ring surrounding the 3 burrows and looked to each other.
"I'd suggest we look around the forest, try and see if we can find any LOVEMUFFIN traps and deactivate them. Before the LOVEMUFFINs have the forest harmed for whatever reason." Jasmine suggested.
The animals all nodded their heads and they began their walk, just as they left their clearing where their homes were built, some one stopped them.
"So, the porcupine was right. How dare you return to the forest Jasmine?" Some one suddenly spoke up.
All the animals stopped and turned round, Perry raised a confused eye brow as they came across a teal coloured male Platypus, he has quite a few Gray and white stripping his fur a bit, and he was holding a ice cold attack death glare towards the entire Platypus family.
Perry's mother looked just as surprised, quickly she went on all 4's and bowed her head to him.
"Its nice too see you are still alive, Herbert the Platypus." Jasmine spoke out, addressing the male platypus.
Herbert didn't let her talk confuse him, he growled lowly and was ready to attack, Perry, Rosetta and Shenme quickly stood in front of her.
"Leave her alone!" They spoke out at the same time.
Herbert snapped at all of them and glared at Jasmine mad. "I can't believe you Jasmine have the nerve to ever show yourself here again. Why have you returned? To break another Platypus heart you bitch?"
Jasmine shook on the spot, "No Herbert I am not. Your forest is under attack by the OWCA's biggest enemy. We are here to keep an eye on the forest until they leave again. Please allow us to build our shelters and scout around the area."
"Ok, you all may. Just leave the remaining animals alone. None of us are interested in your idiocy of OWCA crap you've been living in. And don't disturb the forest peace." Herbert snapped again.
Jasmine nodded her head, Herbert hissed at them again and he left them alone, on a hunt after his own meal. Jasmine suggested they should get their own dinners before heading to bed as well.
Quanktumspirit: "Please review."